Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

If you said Trump sent to Poland a lot of our best Army Tanks, to combat Putin we would agree. Because that is what Trump did to Russia.

This was set in place by Obama not Trump.
Don't try to pull that bullshit on me.
I say this with love in my heart.

MAGA Meda will rot your brain.

Don't let that happen. A brain should never be wasted like that.

We have seniority on almost the entire group. I will admit I was myself a very long term Democrat. I used to suck the same juice you suck today. I gave it up. Stop drinking their kool aid.
Let's use you as an example. A book about just you.

Would you want it to be by an author who came in not liking you or would you want your own words to be included?
Tommy Franks gave an account that is accurate. Why do I trust his book.? Because he used official Government records to back him up.

Same with General Mike DeLong.

Do you know that General Tommy Franks told Bush that if Bush was going to run the war, pick a different General? Bush told Franks, it will be run as you want to run it.

You like books so much, read any of scores of books written by ex Trump people who worked with him.
See if you can find even one that does not say he was out of his fuckin mind, wildly ignorant and severely mentally ill.
A one.

Good God.
This was set in place by Obama not Trump.
Don't try to pull that bullshit on me.
I wish you were honest with the forum. For you to constantly do battle for Biden yet tell us the lie you are a republican is a stupid lie. now you defend Obama.

I doubt Biden has sent any tanks there as of now.

You like books so much, read any of scores of books written by ex Trump people who worked with him.
See if you can find even one that does not say he was out of his fuckin mind, wildly ignorant and severely mentally ill.
A one.

Good God.
I know what sells books. I happen to trust two Generals books because neither of them are political. They stick to the story of both the Taliban and Iraq. Franks even says he told Bush if Bush planned to manage the two wars, Franks would not command Centcom. Franks also says Colin Powell was fully in agreement with how Franks waged both wars.
This was set in place by Obama not Trump.
Don't try to pull that bullshit on me.
Wrong. From the Guardian:

American soldiers during a welcome ceremony at the Polish-German border in Olszyna, Poland. Photograph: Natalia Dobryszycka/AFP/Getty Images
US military

This article is more than 7 years old

Russia says US troops arriving in Poland pose threat to its security​

This article is more than 7 years old
Early deployment of biggest American force in Europe since cold war may be attempt to lock Trump into strategy

Ewen MacAskill Defence correspondent
Thu 12 Jan 2017 13.54 EST

The Kremlin has hit out at the biggest deployment of US troops in Europe since the end of the cold war, branding the arrival of troops and tanks in Poland as a threat to Russia’s national security.
The deployment, intended to counter what Nato portrays as Russian aggression in eastern Europe, will see US troops permanently stationed along Russia’s western border for the first time.

About 1,000 of a promised 4,000 troops arrived in Poland at the start of the week, and a formal ceremony to welcome them is to be held on Saturday. Some people waved and held up American flags as the troops, tanks and heavy armoured vehicles crossed into south-western Poland from Germany, according to Associated Press.

But their arrival was not universally applauded. In Moscow, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “We perceive it as a threat. These actions threaten our interests, our security. Especially as it concerns a third party building up its military presence near our borders. It’s [the US], not even a European state.”
I wish you were honest with the forum. For you to constantly do battle for Biden yet tell us the lie you are a republican is a stupid lie. now you defend Obama.

I doubt Biden has sent any tanks there as of now.

Wtf! You link proves Obama not Trump dispatched the tanks.

Good God.

Look at the date.
Plus this was an Obama initiative.
Please stop the nonsense. Honest
I know what sells books. I happen to trust two Generals books because neither of them are political. They stick to the story of both the Taliban and Iraq. Franks even says he told Bush if Bush planned to manage the two wars, Franks would not command Centcom. Franks also says Colin Powell was fully in agreement with how Franks waged both wars.
You did not speak to my post at all.
Wrong. From the Guardian:

American soldiers during a welcome ceremony at the Polish-German border in Olszyna, Poland. Photograph: Natalia Dobryszycka/AFP/Getty Images
US military

This article is more than 7 years old

Russia says US troops arriving in Poland pose threat to its security​

This article is more than 7 years old
Early deployment of biggest American force in Europe since cold war may be attempt to lock Trump into strategy

Ewen MacAskill Defence correspondent
Thu 12 Jan 2017 13.54 EST

The Kremlin has hit out at the biggest deployment of US troops in Europe since the end of the cold war, branding the arrival of troops and tanks in Poland as a threat to Russia’s national security.
The deployment, intended to counter what Nato portrays as Russian aggression in eastern Europe, will see US troops permanently stationed along Russia’s western border for the first time.

About 1,000 of a promised 4,000 troops arrived in Poland at the start of the week, and a formal ceremony to welcome them is to be held on Saturday. Some people waved and held up American flags as the troops, tanks and heavy armoured vehicles crossed into south-western Poland from Germany, according to Associated Press.

But their arrival was not universally applauded. In Moscow, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “We perceive it as a threat. These actions threaten our interests, our security. Especially as it concerns a third party building up its military presence near our borders. It’s [the US], not even a European state.”

Your are as dishonest as Trump himself or stupid. This was January of 2017. TRUMP had been president a week. Literally. The question at the was if Trump would allow the deployment to continue. Trump knew nothing of the deployment because he did not read any of his briefings.

One more post from you that is purposely full of shit and I am cutting you.

You want to talk or make shit up. Its up to you.
Wtf! You link proves Obama not Trump dispatched the tanks.

Good God.

Look at the date.
Plus this was an Obama initiative.
Please stop the nonsense. Honest
Your eyes. Check them.

Russia says US troops arriving in Poland pose threat to its security​

This article is more than 7 years old
Early deployment of biggest American force in Europe since cold war may be attempt to lock Trump into strategy
Your are as dishonest as Trump himself or stupid. This was January of 2017. TRUMP had been president a week. Literally. The question at the was if Trump would allow the deployment to continue. Trump knew nothing of the deployment because he did not read any of his briefings.

One more post from you that is purposely full of shit and I am cutting you.

You want to talk or make shit up. Its up to you.
The Guardian spoke of Trump. But this was my mistake. I did not realize Obama was the president who did this. Obama was correct. I recall at the time, after Trump was president, he added forces to Poland to stand up to Putin.

Russia says US troops arriving in Poland pose threat to its security​

This article is more than 7 years old
Early deployment of biggest American force in Europe since cold war may be attempt to lock Trump into strategy
Last edited:
Wrong. From the Guardian:

American soldiers during a welcome ceremony at the Polish-German border in Olszyna, Poland. Photograph: Natalia Dobryszycka/AFP/Getty Images
US military

This article is more than 7 years old

Russia says US troops arriving in Poland pose threat to its security​

This article is more than 7 years old
Early deployment of biggest American force in Europe since cold war may be attempt to lock Trump into strategy

Ewen MacAskill Defence correspondent
Thu 12 Jan 2017 13.54 EST

The Kremlin has hit out at the biggest deployment of US troops in Europe since the end of the cold war, branding the arrival of troops and tanks in Poland as a threat to Russia’s national security.
The deployment, intended to counter what Nato portrays as Russian aggression in eastern Europe, will see US troops permanently stationed along Russia’s western border for the first time.

About 1,000 of a promised 4,000 troops arrived in Poland at the start of the week, and a formal ceremony to welcome them is to be held on Saturday. Some people waved and held up American flags as the troops, tanks and heavy armoured vehicles crossed into south-western Poland from Germany, according to Associated Press.

But their arrival was not universally applauded. In Moscow, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “We perceive it as a threat. These actions threaten our interests, our security. Especially as it concerns a third party building up its military presence near our borders. It’s [the US], not even a European state.”
You dumb shit for attention.
when Trump was president, he drastically curtailed that illegal immigration.

2019 was the hottest year in a decade and it was not until Covid that the border eased up.

Where do you get your information from?
Last edited:
Wtf! You link proves Obama not Trump dispatched the tanks.

Good God.

Look at the date.
Plus this was an Obama initiative.
Please stop the nonsense. Honest
He is right readers. I erred in using that particular quote from the Guardian.

I know for a fact that as president Trump also sent tanks to Poland. He has bragged many times he did it.
2019 was the hottest year in a decade and it was not until Covid that the border eased up.

Where do you get your information from?
Changes to legal immigrationThe Trump administration embraced the Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act in August 2017. The RAISE Act seeks to reduce levels of legal immigration to the United States by 50% by halving the number of green cards issued.

People also ask

How has Trump impacted immigration?

Over the course of four years, the Trump administration set an unprecedented pace for executive action on immigration, enacting 472 administrative changes that dismantled and reconstructed many elements of the U.S. immigration system. Humanitarian protections were severely diminished.

Four Years of Profound Change: Immigration Policy during the ...​


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