Stand with your NFL team or stand with Trump?

Are you going to stand with your NFL team or stand with Trump?

  • My NFL team

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Trump

    Votes: 31 68.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Kneeling isnt disrespectful

The whole reason the players are doing it, is to show disrespect.

Ate you as obtuse as your statement indicates?

They are bringing attention to an ongoing problem that continually gets swept under the rug in a peaceful, open way.
Giving the finger, burning the flag, destruction of property, a comedians display of Trumps bloody head. Those are disrespectful.
This is only disrespectful for those who want it to be.

Very True

How does anyone expect any AMERICAN to respect a man that has never exhibited an ounce of honor, respect, dignity, humility, decency, and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin. Trump--who wrote in his book--that his "personal Viet Nam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. Trump who is currently under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice, regarding colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election---really is not going to command a lot of RESPECT from many Americans.

In fact, Trump is last person in this country that should be talking about Patiotism, let alone his regard for others lack of it.

Here is a comment from a VIET NAM veteran, who is a sports announcer ouf of Dallas, Texas, and hopefully it reminds people on this board what the flag is really all about.

There is an icon on the video for volumne in case you can't hear it.

... and yet you have full respect and admiration for B.J. Bill and Hillary... interesting

View attachment 152054

You presume way too much. I was a life-long Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, and changed my party status to Independent.

I followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the Party of Trump--stuffed full of ignorance, hate, anger, bigotry & misogyny. The Republican party is no longer recognizable to me.

Here is the correct Lincoln icon.

I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


My team stood tall for the anthem. Poor libtards, thought you were going to be able to bully everyone into kneeling for the anthem. President Trump wins again.
Trump had no reason to attack the NFL.

He had every reason to attack the NFL. We've got war ramping up with North Korea because he can't control that situation peacefully. We are sending more troops to the middle east instead of less. We are failing at getting any meaningful healthcare reform after his promise. Almost all of his other meaningful promised legislation is dead in the water currently. We've got a White House being investigated for using personal email for government business. We've got a White House being investigated for stealing taxpayer money to send millionaires on gov't funded vacations. We've got a White House being investigated for using a foreign government to get elected. WH leadership is dropping quicker than the cast of Walking Dead. Puerto Rico all but being ignored at first.

Of course a distraction like this is needed. One where he can be his divisive self and try and make the American Flag his personal symbol and then take over the news with it. Really this one doesn't affect anyone. My life is EXACTLY the same as it was before they were kneeling. I disagree with them kneeling, but on the list of important stuff happening this is miles down it. But he knows the media will run with it. It's like how he uses his twitter account. Something meaningful happens that should be a focus, lets send an off the wall tweet that has no real life impact but will divert attention.
The orange pedophile succeeded in distracting people from his healthcare failure. And he won't lose a single vote from his braindead base over it, because he insulted a sports league. So many dumb people in this country.
Pedophile ?
I don't think so. the only recent pedophile is a Liberal Dick wad named Wiener!
Kneeling isnt disrespectful

The whole reason the players are doing it, is to show disrespect.

Ate you as obtuse as your statement indicates?

They are bringing attention to an ongoing problem that continually gets swept under the rug in a peaceful, open way.
Giving the finger, burning the flag, destruction of property, a comedians display of Trumps bloody head. Those are disrespectful.
This is only disrespectful for those who want it to be.

Very True

How does anyone expect any AMERICAN to respect a man that has never exhibited an ounce of honor, respect, dignity, humility, decency, and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin. Trump--who wrote in his book--that his "personal Viet Nam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. Trump who is currently under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice, regarding colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election---really is not going to command a lot of RESPECT from many Americans.

In fact, Trump is last person in this country that should be talking about Patiotism, let alone his regard for others lack of it.

Here is a comment from a VIET NAM veteran, who is a sports announcer ouf of Dallas, Texas, and hopefully it reminds people on this board what the flag is really all about.

There is an icon on the video for volumne in case you can't hear it.

... and yet you have full respect and admiration for B.J. Bill and Hillary... interesting

View attachment 152054

You presume way too much. I was a life-long Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, and changed my party status to Independent.

I followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the Party of Trump--stuffed full of ignorance, hate, anger, bigotry & misogyny. The Republican party is no longer recognizable to me.

Here is the correct Lincoln icon.


Soooo now you'd rather be recognizable as a schmuck for the left wing extremists/anti-American crowd and call yourself Independent.

This isn't exactly a surprise... It's the intolerance , emotional judgements and foamy delivery that gives it away...

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