Stand with your NFL team or stand with Trump?

Are you going to stand with your NFL team or stand with Trump?

  • My NFL team

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Trump

    Votes: 31 68.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

Guess what that doesn't say you illiterate jackass? Go ahead, corporate cock sucking company man, I'll wait. Take a wild fucking guess.
The players have every right to take knee Trump and anyone else who thinks it's disrespectful has every right criticize them over it. Anyone who has a problem with either side using their right to freedom of speech and or expression kiss off.

Not a freedom of speech issue. Employees are bound to workplace rules. If the employer stipulates no political demonstrations or otherwise rules out protests of that type, there's no expectation of 1st Amendment. It's a PRIVATE VENUE. Not a public one.
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

Guess what that doesn't say you illiterate jackass? Go ahead, corporate cock sucking company man, I'll wait. Take a wild fucking guess.

I don't like suspense and I'm working 2 jobs here. Just spit it out. I'm sure it just blows away the VERY SPECIFIC "work rule" that I posted.
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

Guess what that doesn't say you illiterate jackass? Go ahead, corporate cock sucking company man, I'll wait. Take a wild fucking guess.

I don't like suspense and I'm working 2 jobs here. Just spit it out. I'm sure it just blows away the VERY SPECIFIC "work rule" that I posted.

Here, I'll help you out you stupid company man -- it doesn't say anything about taking a knee being against the rules. Do you understand that, company man?
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

"It's important to note the use of the word "may" here. The NFL is not considering punishing fines on players or teams who choose to kneel or stay in the locker room during the national anthem, the spokesperson says."
The players have every right to take knee Trump and anyone else who thinks it's disrespectful has every right criticize them over it. Anyone who has a problem with either side using their right to freedom of speech and or expression kiss off.

Not a freedom of speech issue. Employees are bound to workplace rules. If the employer stipulates no political demonstrations or otherwise rules out protests of that type, there's no expectation of 1st Amendment. It's a PRIVATE VENUE. Not a public one.
As far as I know there is no NFL rule that says players have to stand for the national anthem. I suppose the NFL could install one or team owners could make it one which the players union would challenge if they did seems like a lot of effort over something that in my opinion is just the fad of the moment.
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

"It's important to note the use of the word "may" here. The NFL is not considering punishing fines on players or teams who choose to kneel or stay in the locker room during the national anthem, the spokesperson says."

Yeah -- that's true. So we will see what the NFL does --- won't we? Not a Federal issue. Not a Constitutional issue. The NFL has to figure out how "politically aligned and active" it wants to be.
The players have every right to take knee Trump and anyone else who thinks it's disrespectful has every right criticize them over it. Anyone who has a problem with either side using their right to freedom of speech and or expression kiss off.

Not a freedom of speech issue. Employees are bound to workplace rules. If the employer stipulates no political demonstrations or otherwise rules out protests of that type, there's no expectation of 1st Amendment. It's a PRIVATE VENUE. Not a public one.
As far as I know there is no NFL rule that says players have to stand for the national anthem. I suppose the NFL could install one or team owners could make it one which the players union would challenge if they did seems like a lot of effort over something that in my opinion is just the fad of the moment.

I just posted the NFL RULE in post #44.. You not reading the thread or what?
This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

Guess what that doesn't say you illiterate jackass? Go ahead, corporate cock sucking company man, I'll wait. Take a wild fucking guess.

I don't like suspense and I'm working 2 jobs here. Just spit it out. I'm sure it just blows away the VERY SPECIFIC "work rule" that I posted.

Here, I'll help you out you stupid company man -- it doesn't say anything about taking a knee being against the rules. Do you understand that, company man?

You're kidding right? You don't know that "standing at attention" is different from taking a knee?

NEXT PLAYER please..
This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

Guess what that doesn't say you illiterate jackass? Go ahead, corporate cock sucking company man, I'll wait. Take a wild fucking guess.

I don't like suspense and I'm working 2 jobs here. Just spit it out. I'm sure it just blows away the VERY SPECIFIC "work rule" that I posted.

Here, I'll help you out you stupid company man -- it doesn't say anything about taking a knee being against the rules. Do you understand that, company man?

If you don't understand the exclusivity of doing both physical actions at the same time -- I'll wager you flunked most every P.E. class you were in.. .
The players have every right to take knee Trump and anyone else who thinks it's disrespectful has every right criticize them over it. Anyone who has a problem with either side using their right to freedom of speech and or expression kiss off.

Not a freedom of speech issue. Employees are bound to workplace rules. If the employer stipulates no political demonstrations or otherwise rules out protests of that type, there's no expectation of 1st Amendment. It's a PRIVATE VENUE. Not a public one.
As far as I know there is no NFL rule that says players have to stand for the national anthem. I suppose the NFL could install one or team owners could make it one which the players union would challenge if they did seems like a lot of effort over something that in my opinion is just the fad of the moment.

I just posted the NFL RULE in post #44.. You not reading the thread or what?
As threads on here tend to have an above average amount of partisan bullshit, name calling, and general stupidity no I don't read every post on a thread. Sorry but I don't have the time to sort through multiple post of garbage to find one useful one.
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

"It's important to note the use of the word "may" here. The NFL is not considering punishing fines on players or teams who choose to kneel or stay in the locker room during the national anthem, the spokesperson says."

Here is the line from the rule that's under assault..

It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country.

That's the IMPORTANT NFL policy statement in that rule. The NFL has to decide if that's STILL their position. There's a whole lot of anarchist/HateAmericaFirst public sentiment attempting to UNDO that CORPORATE "priority"..
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

"It's important to note the use of the word "may" here. The NFL is not considering punishing fines on players or teams who choose to kneel or stay in the locker room during the national anthem, the spokesperson says."

Yeah -- that's true. So we will see what the NFL does --- won't we? Not a Federal issue. Not a Constitutional issue. The NFL has to figure out how "politically aligned and active" it wants to be.

According to your article they already have. The question is, will they change their mind in the face of the verbal assaults and tweeter onslaughts on their patriotism by Deferment Donnie?
This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.

Taking a knee is "against the rules" of a workplace? Get the fuck over yourself, and stop sucking corporate cock you muppet.

I'm gonna buy this shirt for you. DONT SUCK CORPORATE COCK T-shirt

You're proving my theory that leftists have NO CONCEPTS of how shit works.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Yes moron. It's a WORKPLACE RULES issue. Not a 1st Amendment issue. Contracts and rules for PRIVATE events and workplaces.

"It's important to note the use of the word "may" here. The NFL is not considering punishing fines on players or teams who choose to kneel or stay in the locker room during the national anthem, the spokesperson says."

Yeah -- that's true. So we will see what the NFL does --- won't we? Not a Federal issue. Not a Constitutional issue. The NFL has to figure out how "politically aligned and active" it wants to be.

According to your article they already have. The question is, will they change their mind in the face of the verbal assaults and tweeter onslaughts on their patriotism by Deferment Donnie?

Appears to me, they are just frozen in fear and refuse to uphold their stated policy.
There's no decision to allow any protests to fester in their "product".. It would bring on a whole lot of future grief for them.. They WILL BE JUDGED by the public and they know it and fear it.

That's why corporations are FAR MORE responsive to public opinion than the anti-business anti-capitalist will ever understand.

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