Stand with your NFL team or stand with Trump?

Are you going to stand with your NFL team or stand with Trump?

  • My NFL team

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Trump

    Votes: 31 68.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I will stand for my flag, my national anthem, and my country. But that does not mean I agree with my President on this matter. However, he is entitled to express his opinion just as much as the NFL players are. It is true that his voice as the POTUS carries a little more weight and I think he oughta be somewhat wiser in his choice of his words and a bit more discretion over when to open his big mouth wouldn't hurt either.
Trump drives yet another wedge issue. And his supporters cheer.

Meanwhile Trump fails on repeal and replace. And his supporters blame congress. Trump's administration becomes yet another season of his reality game show. Senior staff gets fired, chaos reigns. And his supporters cheer.

All that matters to Trump's supporters is his image, a facade. Winning, build the wall, repeal and replace. Trump's image.

I'll watch football. Protests are not grotesque, demeaning, or even disrespectful. And I will continue to see Trump as a charlatan, a huckster, a buffoon who swayed the undereducated into voting for him.

It's the left that is cheering these players for disrespecting the Anthem.
Trump drives yet another wedge issue. And his supporters cheer.

Meanwhile Trump fails on repeal and replace. And his supporters blame congress. Trump's administration becomes yet another season of his reality game show. Senior staff gets fired, chaos reigns. And his supporters cheer.

All that matters to Trump's supporters is his image, a facade. Winning, build the wall, repeal and replace. Trump's image.

I'll watch football. Protests are not grotesque, demeaning, or even disrespectful. And I will continue to see Trump as a charlatan, a huckster, a buffoon who swayed the undereducated into voting for him.

It's the left that is cheering these players for disrespecting the Anthem.
And the Trump supporters for driving the wedge issue.

And since when has kneeling been disrespectful? Are the players burning the flag? Is protesting illegal? Do the players enjoy the same rights as any other American?
Tom Brady: ‘I Certainly Disagree’ With What Trump Said



Trump drives yet another wedge issue. And his supporters cheer.

Meanwhile Trump fails on repeal and replace. And his supporters blame congress. Trump's administration becomes yet another season of his reality game show. Senior staff gets fired, chaos reigns. And his supporters cheer.

All that matters to Trump's supporters is his image, a facade. Winning, build the wall, repeal and replace. Trump's image.

I'll watch football. Protests are not grotesque, demeaning, or even disrespectful. And I will continue to see Trump as a charlatan, a huckster, a buffoon who swayed the undereducated into voting for him.

It's the left that is cheering these players for disrespecting the Anthem.
And the Trump supporters for driving the wedge issue.

And since when has kneeling been disrespectful? Are the players burning the flag? Is protesting illegal? Do the players enjoy the same rights as any other American?

This was an issue before trump. He did exacerbate the problem. There's no question about that. The kneeling is obviously disrespectful to a lot of people. Maybe not to you, but polls have shown most people feel it's offensive.
The orange pedophile succeeded in distracting people from his healthcare failure. And he won't lose a single vote from his braindead base over it, because he insulted a sports league. So many dumb people in this country.
He didn't insult a league. He insulted and called out those that are un-American spoiled brats and thugs. The league insulted itself by its own premeditated actions.

Said the man who had to go to Russia for cash because banks in the West know what a scumbag he is.

He loved Russian backed Wikileaks.

Un-American as it gets.
Trump drives yet another wedge issue. And his supporters cheer.

Meanwhile Trump fails on repeal and replace. And his supporters blame congress. Trump's administration becomes yet another season of his reality game show. Senior staff gets fired, chaos reigns. And his supporters cheer.

All that matters to Trump's supporters is his image, a facade. Winning, build the wall, repeal and replace. Trump's image.

I'll watch football. Protests are not grotesque, demeaning, or even disrespectful. And I will continue to see Trump as a charlatan, a huckster, a buffoon who swayed the undereducated into voting for him.

It's the left that is cheering these players for disrespecting the Anthem.
And the Trump supporters for driving the wedge issue.

And since when has kneeling been disrespectful? Are the players burning the flag? Is protesting illegal? Do the players enjoy the same rights as any other American?

This was an issue before trump. He did exacerbate the problem. There's no question about that. The kneeling is obviously disrespectful to a lot of people. Maybe not to you, but polls have shown most people feel it's offensive.
Since when have you put faith in polls? Since when have you empathized with people who claim something is offensive to them? Don't you usually call such people whiners or snowflakes?
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NFL any day over that pile of dog excrement.
When it was his turn to be patriotic, "the pee meister" took 5 deferments.
The coward.
I stand for reason, rationality and consistent principles, and against the utterly moronic nature of the simple-minded false dichotomy being offered here.
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.


This whole approach -- is just failed on basic facts and won't work out for you.

That stadium packed event might LOOK TO YOU like a public event, but it's not. It's a private event. Furthermore, those players on the field are not just invited people, they are EMPLOYEES and that is THEIR WORKPLACE.

Situation is -- that Trump understands this. Understands it's NOT a 1st Amendment issue, like the clueless left has been trying to assert. He never QUESTIONED their 1st Amendment rights, only suggested that their WORKPLACE RULES be enforced. And there's plenty of Rules and Contractuals about how they appear at their workplace.

So PLEASE -- don't appear clueless about how shit works. These millionaire players are certainly free to organize any event that doesn't conflict with their contracts. And maybe they SHOULD. But they should not be doing that when a PRODUCT/SERVICE is being delivered.
I am getting real tired of the Trump show. So a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is? A man who wrote in his book that his "personal VietNam" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases is going to dictate to the rest what Patriotism is?

Trump had no reason to attack the NFL. The NFL & NBA always have handled their own disgruntled players. So instead of talking about Government issues--as he was elected to do--he decided to make a career move into Sports management. He does it all the time. He goes off rail--and goes out on personal attacks of American Citizens, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Women, other politicians, and even Boening Aircraft (whom I am certain hurt their business)--simply because the CEO of that company criticized one of his policies. Now it's the NFL & the NBA.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments
Golden State Warriors Refuse To Visit White House After Trump Trashes Steph Curry

So Trump stirred the pot and what was one protestor turned into many--whom are simply protesting his disrespect toward them. (not the Flag). In a couple of weeks after everyone has burned their team gear, he'll want more attention and find another victim--another American entity or person or group to attack to keep his supporters in line and their hysteria elevated. This is what a Narcissist does. Government issues are too boring for him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Furthermore, are we to ignore the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that gives everyone the right to protest--anywhere/anytime as long as it's peaceful now? Is this the new Trump country of America? Frankly--I would much prefer that our sports players WANT to stand during the National Anthem rather than being FORCED too. Isn't that really what the flag represents?

I am going to continue to support my team regardless if they're standing or kneeling, because I am a Patriot of this country.

This never belonged on the Football field.

I don't stand with either. The controversy is beyond stupid. I watch football and don't give a fuck about the outside agendas.

Having said that I'm not delusional enough to think that the NFL as a whole and their advertisers won't suffer as a result of this ongoing stupidity.
Half of my friends have ditched the NFL and some have gone so far as to destroy their jerseys.

It's all a bunch of juvenile bullshit and in the end NOTHING will change. The players are as ignorant as Trump. Biting the hand that feeds them.
Trump drives yet another wedge issue. And his supporters cheer.

Meanwhile Trump fails on repeal and replace. And his supporters blame congress. Trump's administration becomes yet another season of his reality game show. Senior staff gets fired, chaos reigns. And his supporters cheer.

All that matters to Trump's supporters is his image, a facade. Winning, build the wall, repeal and replace. Trump's image.

I'll watch football. Protests are not grotesque, demeaning, or even disrespectful. And I will continue to see Trump as a charlatan, a huckster, a buffoon who swayed the undereducated into voting for him.

It's the left that is cheering these players for disrespecting the Anthem.

Kneeling isnt disrespectful and Im sure these players ( as privileged as they are) know this is their livelihood and consequences might follow.
Trump shows over and over, he just doesn't have the integrity to lead a country. Condemning violence when protesting is one thing... This NFL issue didnt need his "intervention" . In a way he brought the recent hoopula on.

Soon this will blow over and the people who burned their jerseys in defiance against their fellow Americans rights.:cuckoo: will be out soon paying money for new team jerseys.:laugh:
Trump meets with the Russians in the Oval office, kicks out American media lets Russian media in, and during this process gives the Russians classified information, that had not gone through the process of be declassified. There were only 3 other Americans in the Oval office at that time. H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaks to the Washington Post?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador


To add insult to injury: U.S. Intelligence agents told Israeli Intelligence not to give classified information to Trump citing he is compromised by the Russians.
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

Is this really who you want for your President? One that cannot be trusted? One that is no icon of Patriotism but will go out on attack of others whom he regards for their lack of it.

Has anybody figured out what this post has to do with NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem?
The players have every right to take knee Trump and anyone else who thinks it's disrespectful has every right criticize them over it. Anyone who has a problem with either side using their right to freedom of speech and or expression kiss off.

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