Stand your ground: Shoot people without masks?

The day that starts it's another shot heard 'round the world. Bring it, leftist fucktards! Grr!
I can knock your gun away and beat you half to death with my bare hands, and in no way are any of you fucks as proficient with a firearm as I am.

12-4 is just dialing in. The rest are after dialing in.

Really? How fast was the plate running when you shot it?
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

Lord the stupid is strong in this one.
Can you point out the flaw in my argument?
so if a black woman walks up to you without a mask you would shoot her ??

No the OP is a Leftist and possibly a SJW and so if a black woman walks up to him not wearing a mask he would PREFER to get COVID-19 rather than shooting that black wimmens and getting called a RACIST. You know what Leftists and SJWs are like, they would PREFER to DIE than to be called Racist :rolleyes-41:

But but but IF a WHITE woman and/or a WHITE man walks up to him and is not wearing a mask he would yes probably attempt to shoot them but as he's a Leftist and possibly a SJW he would get shot first by them because Leftists and SJWs are Beta Cuck Faggots who would be adjusting their underwear or whatever and in that time the White woman and/or White man would have already shot the Beta Cuck Faggot in self-defence :smoke:
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

No to shooting peoples without a mask on, instead I say just shoot ALL the fat peoples instead. IF you see ANY fat bastard just get the gun out and shoot that fat POS who is using up PRECIOUS oxygen. If we eliminate ALL fat bastards, then we can save this PRECIOUS oxygen and in turn Save The Planet :smoke:




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^^^^ This is what I get with that link:

Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

You would shoot at fellow Americans for realizing COVID-19 does not exist as anything more than the common cold? Alright, Jack . . . welcome to the Wild West . . . we hope your man bun is tied tight. You'll get what you give, aces high.
Does not exist as more than the common cold? How big of an idiot are you?

My newspaper today told the story of my county's only COVID-19 death. He was a 66-year old retired truck driver who was otherwise in perfect health. He got sick and brought it home from a temporary truck driving job and both he and his wife got sick. They put her in the hospital and she eventually required a respirator. He continued to be sick and his wife was taken off the respirator. He had to be hospitalized and was put on a respirator and died a few days later. She recovered completely.

Common cold? You are full of shit!
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

No to shooting peoples without a mask on, instead I say just shoot ALL the fat peoples instead. IF you see ANY fat bastard just get the gun out and shoot that fat POS who is using up PRECIOUS oxygen. If we eliminate ALL fat bastards, then we can save this PRECIOUS oxygen and in turn Save The Planet :smoke:




You need to give us a sarcasm alert when you are using it.
The fat asses suffer from heart disease and diabetes by their own gluttony, but if they have a heart attack and just happen to test positive for covid, it's no longer their fault they can't control their behavior.

You are a moron. I thought I would let you know in case no one else has told you that people get heart disease and diabetes other than gluttony. I suffer both and they are hereditary.
The fat asses suffer from heart disease and diabetes by their own gluttony, but if they have a heart attack and just happen to test positive for covid, it's no longer their fault they can't control their behavior.

You are a moron. I thought I would let you know in case no one else has told you that people get heart disease and diabetes other than gluttony. I suffer both and they are hereditary.
So sorry for your sucky chromosomes.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.
You really need to dial back the hallucinogenics.
The fat asses suffer from heart disease and diabetes by their own gluttony, but if they have a heart attack and just happen to test positive for covid, it's no longer their fault they can't control their behavior.

You are a moron. I thought I would let you know in case no one else has told you that people get heart disease and diabetes other than gluttony. I suffer both and they are hereditary.
So sorry for your sucky chromosomes.

My cardiologist PA told me about a guy who ran triathlons. He had a perfect bill of health. One day he crossed the finish line of a triathlon and dropped dead. No family history of heart disease in his records. After he was revived and recovered, he discovered he was adopted and both of his natural parents died of heart attacks in their youth.

I had no heart issues my entire life, yet a CAT scan showed severe blockages in my coronary arteries, I required 5 stents. They were amazed that I had never had any heart issues and have had lower than normal cholesterol my entire life.

I am so sorry for your lack of intelligence.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Since you could face serious harm or death by a katana wielding Samurai, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Yes, actually. Someone waving a sword absolutely is serious threat. Aim at center mass and fire until the threat is neutralized.
The fat asses suffer from heart disease and diabetes by their own gluttony, but if they have a heart attack and just happen to test positive for covid, it's no longer their fault they can't control their behavior.

You are a moron. I thought I would let you know in case no one else has told you that people get heart disease and diabetes other than gluttony. I suffer both and they are hereditary.
So sorry for your sucky chromosomes.

My cardiologist PA told me about a guy who ran triathlons. He had a perfect bill of health. One day he crossed the finish line of a triathlon and dropped dead. No family history of heart disease in his records. After he was revived and recovered, he discovered he was adopted and both of his natural parents died of heart attacks in their youth.

I had no heart issues my entire life, yet a CAT scan showed severe blockages in my coronary arteries, I required 5 stents. They were amazed that I had never had any heart issues and have had lower than normal cholesterol my entire life.

I am so sorry for your lack of intelligence.
Coming from you, who really doesn't understand sarcasm. Your apologies mean nothing.
I really don't care about your health problems granny.
Interesting thought. I've been wondering whether this "stand your ground"/self-defense stuff will work for all Americans. Maybe all of us should carry guns in public to defend ourselves if approached. There have been so many cases of women, people of both sexes who are members of minority groups, and LGBTs being accosted on the street and even in their homes when they were unarmed. Are guns the answer?
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

Lord the stupid is strong in this one.
Can you point out the flaw in my argument?
so if a black woman walks up to you without a mask you would shoot her ??

No the OP is a Leftist and possibly a SJW and so if a black woman walks up to him not wearing a mask he would PREFER to get COVID-19 rather than shooting that black wimmens and getting called a RACIST. You know what Leftists and SJWs are like, they would PREFER to DIE than to be called Racist :rolleyes-41:

But but but IF a WHITE woman and/or a WHITE man walks up to him and is not wearing a mask he would yes probably attempt to shoot them but as he's a Leftist and possibly a SJW he would get shot first by them because Leftists and SJWs are Beta Cuck Faggots who would be adjusting their underwear or whatever and in that time the White woman and/or White man would have already shot the Beta Cuck Faggot in self-defence :smoke:
Beta cuck faggot??? Didn't your parents teach you anything? Did you have any upbringing at all? Did any adult ever take you to any house ofworship to teach you basic ethics?
The fat asses suffer from heart disease and diabetes by their own gluttony, but if they have a heart attack and just happen to test positive for covid, it's no longer their fault they can't control their behavior.

You are a moron. I thought I would let you know in case no one else has told you that people get heart disease and diabetes other than gluttony. I suffer both and they are hereditary.
So sorry for your sucky chromosomes.

My cardiologist PA told me about a guy who ran triathlons. He had a perfect bill of health. One day he crossed the finish line of a triathlon and dropped dead. No family history of heart disease in his records. After he was revived and recovered, he discovered he was adopted and both of his natural parents died of heart attacks in their youth.

I had no heart issues my entire life, yet a CAT scan showed severe blockages in my coronary arteries, I required 5 stents. They were amazed that I had never had any heart issues and have had lower than normal cholesterol my entire life.

I am so sorry for your lack of intelligence.
Coming from you, who really doesn't understand sarcasm. Your apologies mean nothing.
I really don't care about your health problems granny.

Sarcasm is a lost art these days due to some of the conservative bent from grandiose stupidity. I've got your granny right here! Suck on it a while!
Even allowing a distance of six feet may be too close for defensive action as infected blood splatter may get on your face or into your eyes. We need to think of the maskless crazies as fast-moving zombies. Culture predicts reality. All those zombie films and TV shows have prepared us for this moment.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

No to shooting peoples without a mask on, instead I say just shoot ALL the fat peoples instead. IF you see ANY fat bastard just get the gun out and shoot that fat POS who is using up PRECIOUS oxygen. If we eliminate ALL fat bastards, then we can save this PRECIOUS oxygen and in turn Save The Planet :smoke:




You need to give us a sarcasm alert when you are using it.

I have often used the :smoke: as the sarcasm alert unofficial NOT ALWAYS though but in the above situation the :smoke: was the sarcasm alert. We need a sarcasm thing in the emoticons.
Even allowing a distance of six feet may be too close for defensive action as infected blood splatter may get on your face or into your eyes. We need to think of the maskless crazies as fast-moving zombies. Culture predicts reality. All those zombie films and TV shows have prepared us for this moment.

If you just wear a full on hazmat suit 24/7 then you can avoid blood splatter hitting you or someone coughing at a distance of less than six feet.

Here just wear one of these, I hear they are all the fashion now in Wyoming, California, Ecuador, Fiji, Outer Mongolia, Puerto Rico and Timbuktu! The below full on hazmat suit was designed by that FAMOUS North Korean Communist Fashion Designing team the WORLD renowned Cho Myong Kim-Jong Goo-Koo Dongpang-Yo Yum :smoke:

Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.
I'd be more than happy to blow the stupid fucking head off of any stupid asshole that even gets close enough to try.

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