Stand your ground: Shoot people without masks?

Pepper spray or Wasp killer should be sufficient.
I've been pepper sprayed numerous times and it not an effective stopper. Now tell us your next useless opinion without any experiance.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a Knight with a lance, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Yesterday I was headed towards my local elderly man was headed to the door in front of me....he stopped and blew his nose into his bare hand and wiped it on his pants and then put his mask on and entered the bakery...I turned around and got bread at the market instead...if we can't be more responsible than that dude we will be in this mess for a long I was pulling away from the bakery I could see him pumping the coffee thermos with the hand he blew his nose into....come on folks....just be thoughtful of your neighbors....
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Since you could face serious harm or death by a katana wielding Samurai, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Since you could face serious harm or death by a katana wielding Samurai, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Since you could face serious harm or death by German Tiger tank, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

No to shooting peoples without a mask on, instead I say just shoot ALL the fat peoples instead. IF you see ANY fat bastard just get the gun out and shoot that fat POS who is using up PRECIOUS oxygen. If we eliminate ALL fat bastards, then we can save this PRECIOUS oxygen and in turn Save The Planet :smoke:




The fat asses suffer from heart disease and diabetes by their own gluttony, but if they have a heart attack and just happen to test positive for covid, it's no longer their fault they can't control their behavior.

Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a Knight with a lance, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Based on the OP's idiotic statement, I should then have the right to shoot a driver that cuts me off by inches, putting my life and others at risk because they must be ahead of everyone on the road. Same goes if I see them on their phone instead of paying attention to the road.

This is a danger that I face daily. Idiots turning our highways into NASCAR for the sake of arriving a full minute early to their destination.
Shoot the bastards.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

No to shooting peoples without a mask on, instead I say just shoot ALL the fat peoples instead. IF you see ANY fat bastard just get the gun out and shoot that fat POS who is using up PRECIOUS oxygen. If we eliminate ALL fat bastards, then we can save this PRECIOUS oxygen and in turn Save The Planet :smoke:




The fat asses suffer from heart disease and diabetes by their own gluttony, but if they have a heart attack and just happen to test positive for covid, it's no longer their fault they can't control their behavior.

Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a Knight with a lance, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?
Based on the OP's idiotic statement, I should then have the right to shoot a driver that cuts me off by inches, putting my life and others at risk because they must be ahead of everyone on the road. Same goes if I see them on their phone instead of paying attention to the road.

This is a danger that I face daily. Idiots turning our highways into NASCAR for the sake of arriving a full minute early to their destination.
Shoot the bastards.
..I was just about to post that.....good call
I'd say you'd have the right to self defense if this is coming at you --AND refused a warning
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

Lord the stupid is strong in this one.
Can you point out the flaw in my argument?

The survival rate is 98% son.
not when a 45 speaks
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

Lord the stupid is strong in this one.
Can you point out the flaw in my argument?

The survival rate is 98% son.
not when a 45 speaks

Of the virus you moron. Go ahead and pull a weapon on me kid.
Mama say that happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you feelin' blue.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

Lord the stupid is strong in this one.
Can you point out the flaw in my argument?

The survival rate is 98% son.
not when a 45 speaks

Of the virus you moron. Go ahead and pull a weapon on me kid.
be careful what you wish for It might come true if you keep mouthing off repub bullshit Some one might get pissed
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

Lord the stupid is strong in this one.
Can you point out the flaw in my argument?

The survival rate is 98% son.
not when a 45 speaks

Of the virus you moron. Go ahead and pull a weapon on me kid.
be careful what you wish for It might come true if you keep mouthing off repub bullshit Some one might get pissed

(LOL) I'll be fine boi.
The day that starts it's another shot heard 'round the world. Bring it, leftist fucktards! Grr!
I can knock your gun away and beat you half to death with my bare hands, and in no way are any of you fucks as proficient with a firearm as I am.

12-4 is just dialing in. The rest are after dialing in.

Do you include me in with the Inept? Such a broad blanket statement, there Rexall Ranger.
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

Lord the stupid is strong in this one.
Can you point out the flaw in my argument?
so if a black woman walks up to you without a mask you would shoot her ??
‘Liberals’ are advocates of the right to carry, and indeed carry guns – unlike conservatives they’re not constantly whining about it and trying to turn it into a political ‘issue.’

Otherwise, the thread premise is ridiculous and doesn’t merit a response.
bullshit !
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

No to shooting peoples without a mask on, instead I say just shoot ALL the fat peoples instead. IF you see ANY fat bastard just get the gun out and shoot that fat POS who is using up PRECIOUS oxygen. If we eliminate ALL fat bastards, then we can save this PRECIOUS oxygen and in turn Save The Planet :smoke:




View attachment 337460
Since you could face serious harm or death by a person without a mask who may have and transmit the coronavirus, should you be able to use deadly force in self-defense if that person approaches you and refuses to back off?

Admittedly, people who adhere to “liberal” government mask guidelines are less likely to be among the “right to carry” crowd, but that may change.

The survival rate is 98% son.

The survival rate of gunshots is over 78%


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