Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

I agree. Special consideration is needed to address those inequalities much like whites needed special consideration during slavery and Jim Crow.

What inequality are you suffering today?
Are you addressing my personal situation again even though I told you this is about race in general?

Both. You're a black American. What specific inequality are you or any other suffering?

Its only the 4th time Ive asked.
I've told you my situation has nothing to do with general race discussions. This is like the 3rd time.

Yep 3rd time you wont answer. You face no racial inequality. Period.
Of course not. However, we arent talking about me. Whites cant stop me.
Hahahaha!!!! This has worked out So Well for Star*cks:

Starbucks is in hot water after launching a campaign that encourages baristas to talk about race relations with customers.

Critics have been lashing out at the company on social media, saying Starbucks is trying to capitalize on racial tension in the US.

Following the backlash, Starbucks' senior vice president of communications, Corey duBrowa, deleted his Twitter account, which added to critics' outrage....

Read more: Starbucks race together campaign - Business Insider
Did he try to compare Jews in the 30's to blacks in 2015?

No I didnt "try"....I did it. If being oppressed as an entire race is the justification then Jews suffered it on a far greater scale.

LOL!!! I guess you would think so. It seems the smallest thing done for blacks is equal to the largest done for Jews. So they went thru Nazis for 10 years and to you thats more than 400 black years of slavery.

Fuzzy math
If you need special consideration you're not equal. You understand that concept?
I agree. Special consideration is needed to address those inequalities much like whites needed special consideration during slavery and Jim Crow.
So you're saying blacks are inferior and can't get by on an even playing field. And at the same time saying whites were inferior and needed the Jim Crow laws to keep blacks down. How can both of those statements be true?
Would you say a lower income is inferior to a higher income?

If whites couldn't make it without Blacks doing the work for them then you would have to say they possessed inferior working ability. in order to compensate for that they need Blacks. Once the Blacks were freed their superior working ability necessitated Jim Crow so whites would not be outworked.

By that logic...Africa should've long surpassed Europe and the Soveit nations in prosperity. Why hasn't that happened?
White people invaded. Prior to that a Black man was the wealthiest human in the world. Matter of fact he is still the wealthiest human to have ever walked the planet. Dont you hate when your deflections come back to bite you in the ass? :laugh:

OHHH...what a surprise. So Africa Iis generally a shit hole of violence, disease and poverty today because....whites invaded...when?

Whites also invaded Japan. And nuked Japan. Yet...they somehow rebuilt into a powerful economy.

A pretty evil white army invaded most of Europe and destroyed it 70 years ago. They recovered.

Enough with excuses blaming whitey. Its pathetic.
I can't drink their charcoal milk drinks anyway but I tell tell you from first hand experience Starbucks is a corrupt company. I've done work for them and needed their help getting payed but got nothing but the run around. They simply didn't care if I ever got paid or not. Maybe if I had told them I was a black homosexual transvestite they would have helped.
Did he try to compare Jews in the 30's to blacks in 2015?

No I didnt "try"....I did it. If being oppressed as an entire race is the justification then Jews suffered it on a far greater scale.

LOL!!! I guess you would think so. It seems the smallest thing done for blacks is equal to the largest done for Jews. So they went thru Nazis for 10 years and to you thats more than 400 black years of slavery.

Fuzzy math think violence and oppression of Jews is limited to 1935-1945?

Wow. I have about 3000 years of stories to tell you....
Hahahaha!!!! This has worked out So Well for Star*cks:

Starbucks is in hot water after launching a campaign that encourages baristas to talk about race relations with customers.

Critics have been lashing out at the company on social media, saying Starbucks is trying to capitalize on racial tension in the US.

Following the backlash, Starbucks' senior vice president of communications, Corey duBrowa, deleted his Twitter account, which added to critics' outrage....

Read more: Starbucks race together campaign - Business Insider

LMAO Well I didn't see this one coming....yeah I did
Did he try to compare Jews in the 30's to blacks in 2015?

No I didnt "try"....I did it. If being oppressed as an entire race is the justification then Jews suffered it on a far greater scale.

LOL!!! I guess you would think so. It seems the smallest thing done for blacks is equal to the largest done for Jews. So they went thru Nazis for 10 years and to you thats more than 400 black years of slavery.

Fuzzy math think violence and oppression of Jews is limited to 1935-1945?

Wow. I have about 3000 years of stories to tell you....

Uh is this where I'm supposed to say "stop whining"? Or is this where you tell me what 3000 years has to do with the Welfare state of Israel we created?
I agree. Special consideration is needed to address those inequalities much like whites needed special consideration during slavery and Jim Crow.
So you're saying blacks are inferior and can't get by on an even playing field. And at the same time saying whites were inferior and needed the Jim Crow laws to keep blacks down. How can both of those statements be true?
Would you say a lower income is inferior to a higher income?

If whites couldn't make it without Blacks doing the work for them then you would have to say they possessed inferior working ability. in order to compensate for that they need Blacks. Once the Blacks were freed their superior working ability necessitated Jim Crow so whites would not be outworked.

By that logic...Africa should've long surpassed Europe and the Soveit nations in prosperity. Why hasn't that happened?
White people invaded. Prior to that a Black man was the wealthiest human in the world. Matter of fact he is still the wealthiest human to have ever walked the planet. Dont you hate when your deflections come back to bite you in the ass? :laugh:

OHHH...what a surprise. So Africa Iis generally a shit hole of violence, disease and poverty today because....whites invaded...when?

Whites also invaded Japan. And nuked Japan. Yet...they somehow rebuilt into a powerful economy.

A pretty evil white army invaded most of Europe and destroyed it 70 years ago. They recovered.

Enough with excuses blaming whitey. Its pathetic.
Who told you Africa was a shit hole of violence? You must have never been there so its typical white boy chatter. Japan was rebuilt by America stupid.
Did he try to compare Jews in the 30's to blacks in 2015?

No I didnt "try"....I did it. If being oppressed as an entire race is the justification then Jews suffered it on a far greater scale.

LOL!!! I guess you would think so. It seems the smallest thing done for blacks is equal to the largest done for Jews. So they went thru Nazis for 10 years and to you thats more than 400 black years of slavery.

Fuzzy math think violence and oppression of Jews is limited to 1935-1945?

Wow. I have about 3000 years of stories to tell you....

Uh is this where I'm supposed to say "stop whining"? Or is this where you tell me what 3000 years has to do with the Welfare state of Israel we created?

We sure did. We've created several welfare states, based on past ooppression. Look around America.
LOL It's bad when you can't even get Think Progress behind your cockeyed idea.

The campaign has predictably elicited strong reactions. Here are a few we found interesting.

Over at Medium, Tressie McMillan Cottom wonders who the audience is, to begin with.

It is unclear who Starbucks is aiming for with this campaign. If you are a colorblind ideologue, just mentioning race is racism. If you are racist, being confronted with "perspectives" on race will piss you off. If you know the difference between race and racism, race stickers will confuse you. If you would rather talk about your feelings about that thing that was about race that one time rather than talk about racism, you're really going to slow down the latte line.

Think Progress says a company that already "manipulates language" has no business talking about race.

The branding of places like Starbucks are particularly obnoxious: the operation requires you to adopt a nonsensical lexicon that elevates the ordinary (calling a cashier a barista is the equivalent of calling an Apple employee, a.k.a., a glorified RadioShack worker, a "genius"). Even a small is "tall" at Starbucks. A place that manipulates language in this way should not be responsible for "starting a conversation" about anything, least of all an issue as fraught, complex and sensitive as race.

Entrepreneur says the campaign is unfair to the people who have to dish it out.

Putting this immense task on workers, even if it is voluntary, is taxing and unfair. Customers sue restaurants and attack employees over problems as inconsequential as order mix-ups. With hundreds of customers served at a single Starbucks every day, it's easy to imagine employees suddenly dealing with a slew of ignorant, racist or violent reactions — or individual baristas making ignorant or racist comments themselves.

Danielle Henderson at Fusion was more blunt with the headline, "The Starbucks 'Race Together' campaign sounds like a terrible idea."

It's the height of liberal American idealism and a staggering act of hubris to think we can solve our systemic addiction to racism over a Frappucino.

Over at The Daily Telegraph, Rosa Silverman is concerned about the language used in the campaign.

If Starbucks wants to tackle this, then all the better (even if it has precious little to do with the serving of coffee).

But the language with which we discuss the topic is too important to use carelessly. Unwittingly legitimizing the view that humans can be divided into separate races risks doing more harm than good in the long run.

Staying silent, as Schultz says, may be wrong, but let's make sure that if we're going to speak up, we think hard about the words we're using to do so.

Here s What People Are Saying About Starbucks Race Together Campaign Code Switch NPR
So you're saying blacks are inferior and can't get by on an even playing field. And at the same time saying whites were inferior and needed the Jim Crow laws to keep blacks down. How can both of those statements be true?
Would you say a lower income is inferior to a higher income?

If whites couldn't make it without Blacks doing the work for them then you would have to say they possessed inferior working ability. in order to compensate for that they need Blacks. Once the Blacks were freed their superior working ability necessitated Jim Crow so whites would not be outworked.

By that logic...Africa should've long surpassed Europe and the Soveit nations in prosperity. Why hasn't that happened?
White people invaded. Prior to that a Black man was the wealthiest human in the world. Matter of fact he is still the wealthiest human to have ever walked the planet. Dont you hate when your deflections come back to bite you in the ass? :laugh:

OHHH...what a surprise. So Africa Iis generally a shit hole of violence, disease and poverty today because....whites invaded...when?

Whites also invaded Japan. And nuked Japan. Yet...they somehow rebuilt into a powerful economy.

A pretty evil white army invaded most of Europe and destroyed it 70 years ago. They recovered.

Enough with excuses blaming whitey. Its pathetic.
Who told you Africa was a shit hole of violence? You must have never been there so its typical white boy chatter. Japan was rebuilt by America stupid.

Um...are we talking the same Africa where tribal wars wage daily and dictators in North Africa slaughter their own people and they mutilate female genitalia and...well...Boko Harram and Somalia sum it up well.

Forgive me. Africa is as peaceful as Mayberry. Who was I fooling
Did he try to compare Jews in the 30's to blacks in 2015?

No I didnt "try"....I did it. If being oppressed as an entire race is the justification then Jews suffered it on a far greater scale.

LOL!!! I guess you would think so. It seems the smallest thing done for blacks is equal to the largest done for Jews. So they went thru Nazis for 10 years and to you thats more than 400 black years of slavery.

Fuzzy math think violence and oppression of Jews is limited to 1935-1945?

Wow. I have about 3000 years of stories to tell you....

Uh is this where I'm supposed to say "stop whining"? Or is this where you tell me what 3000 years has to do with the Welfare state of Israel we created?

We sure did. We've created several welfare states, based on past ooppression. Look around America.

And that is exactly the reason for Affirmative Action. Game, set match
Would you say a lower income is inferior to a higher income?

If whites couldn't make it without Blacks doing the work for them then you would have to say they possessed inferior working ability. in order to compensate for that they need Blacks. Once the Blacks were freed their superior working ability necessitated Jim Crow so whites would not be outworked.

By that logic...Africa should've long surpassed Europe and the Soveit nations in prosperity. Why hasn't that happened?
White people invaded. Prior to that a Black man was the wealthiest human in the world. Matter of fact he is still the wealthiest human to have ever walked the planet. Dont you hate when your deflections come back to bite you in the ass? :laugh:

OHHH...what a surprise. So Africa Iis generally a shit hole of violence, disease and poverty today because....whites invaded...when?

Whites also invaded Japan. And nuked Japan. Yet...they somehow rebuilt into a powerful economy.

A pretty evil white army invaded most of Europe and destroyed it 70 years ago. They recovered.

Enough with excuses blaming whitey. Its pathetic.
Who told you Africa was a shit hole of violence? You must have never been there so its typical white boy chatter. Japan was rebuilt by America stupid.

Um...are we talking the same Africa where tribal wars wage daily and dictators in North Africa slaughter their own people and they mutilate female genitalia and...well...Boko Harram and Somalia sum it up well.

Forgive me. Africa is as peaceful as Mayberry. Who was I fooling
Africa is a continent dummy. There are violent parts still suffering from white colonization and then other parts that have excelled. Youre a typical low intellect white boy so I shouldnt be surprised you didnt know this.
Would you say a lower income is inferior to a higher income?

If whites couldn't make it without Blacks doing the work for them then you would have to say they possessed inferior working ability. in order to compensate for that they need Blacks. Once the Blacks were freed their superior working ability necessitated Jim Crow so whites would not be outworked.

By that logic...Africa should've long surpassed Europe and the Soveit nations in prosperity. Why hasn't that happened?
White people invaded. Prior to that a Black man was the wealthiest human in the world. Matter of fact he is still the wealthiest human to have ever walked the planet. Dont you hate when your deflections come back to bite you in the ass? :laugh:

OHHH...what a surprise. So Africa Iis generally a shit hole of violence, disease and poverty today because....whites invaded...when?

Whites also invaded Japan. And nuked Japan. Yet...they somehow rebuilt into a powerful economy.

A pretty evil white army invaded most of Europe and destroyed it 70 years ago. They recovered.

Enough with excuses blaming whitey. Its pathetic.
Who told you Africa was a shit hole of violence? You must have never been there so its typical white boy chatter. Japan was rebuilt by America stupid.

Um...are we talking the same Africa where tribal wars wage daily and dictators in North Africa slaughter their own people and they mutilate female genitalia and...well...Boko Harram and Somalia sum it up well.

Forgive me. Africa is as peaceful as Mayberry. Who was I fooling

This is like saying America is bad because Catholic priests fucked kids

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