Starbucks Now In Full Crazy Mode

It's good you brought this up. At the Mc D's I went into for coffee, in the shady part of town, where crack heads, crack whores and druggies were teeming, the employees were clearly extremely tense and worn out looking. The gal waiting on me started shaking at one point when a completely deranged meth head came to the counter wringing his hands uncontrollably and demanded the bathroom key. She had to stop waiting on regular (paying) customers, walk the gauntlet down the hall where a swarm of these malignant beings were seething, twitching and tripping, panhandling normal customers while inside the establishment... One of them had a Burger King bag eating fries and she stammered quietly "sir you can't eat that in a McDonalds". He just looked at her with complete contempt and kept sitting there eating the fries.

I gave her about 3 more days before she quit. Starbucks corporate should take a field trip to this McD's to see where their future is heading.

Wow, you do realize it's the part of town that was the problem here and not McD's business model, right?
Looks like they're already reneging on - er, clarifying - their rules.

Gawd, this has been a hoot. I only wish it had lasted longer.

Lower standards, and you should know what you're going to get.

1) Link?

2) So not hassling black people is "lowering the standards".

I seem to remember it under it's original title, "Not being a racist douchenoodle."
I wonder if they’ll be losing a bunch of employees now. Seems like a security guard or two should be hired, barista skills a plus!
If they don't quickly revise this moronic new policy, they WILL lose employees, and generally they will just essentially come apart at the seams. PC gone mad is bad enough in and of itself, but when applied to a business,....oh boy! :oops8:
Wow, its a coffee selling business, not a political org,& those that agree that you have the right to run your business as you see fit, as long as your not breaking any laws, should have no reason to bash a coffee shop.
This thread is not exactly bashing Starbucks. It is LAUGHING at them. This dopey policy will be THEIR loss, no one else.
The business owner should expect the law to be applied and prosecuted in all cases.

If the people were arrested for trespassing ... They should be prosecuted for trespassing.
The District Attorney (or their office) should decide how to prosecute the offenders and to what extent ... That's not the mayor's job ... :thup:
Great point. When mayors step in, as this one did, and overrule the police, who are enforcing the law properly, they should be held accountable for that. I don't see even a criminal charge of obstruction of justice against that mayor, as being out of bounds here.

Let's name names >> Same thing goes for mayors who order cops to stand down during riots (Stephanie Rawlings in Baltimore), order cops to stand down against thugs attacking Trump rallygoers (Rahm Emanuel in Chicago & Sam Liccardo in San Jose), and mayors who stop cops from arresting traffic blockers (Bob Buckhorn in Tampa)....just to name a few.
that means NOTHING...absolutely NOTHING....
prove this was racially motivated.......
I've been asking this many times and no one has answered
please prove the police shooting blacks are racially motivated
I was stalked and stopped by the police for walking to work
I was stopped by the police twice for -------------------------biscycling
I guess they did that because I'm white?
You don't have to ask that. We all know that race only came into this because the creeps knew they could use it against the store, and hide behind it, with a rogue mayor to defeat the city's entire police dept.
uh, the mess was made when someone called the police for something as petty as loitering at a place where loitering is part of the business model.
Everyone's got cell phones with video cameras these days. If there was a case of a white guy getting abused by the police for something as petty as not buying a cup of coffee, I'm sure you could find it.
Um, guy, these two men did nothing that warranted calling the cops. That's the problem. Racists accept that if the police abuse black folks, they must have done something to deserve it..
Well, here you had a documented case on tape, where they were not doing anything any reasonable person would consider wrong.
1. No, the mess was made when the Democrat pandering mayor, made mess out of his police department and laws, by criminally stopping the cops from enforcing it, as they were properly doing, so he could suck up to the Philadelphia black community for their VOTES.

2. So if you're sure this tape of a white guy "getting abused by the police for something as petty as not buying a cup of coffee" could be found, then you find it, and post it here. We'll be watching for it.

3. FALSE. What you just said has already been refuted repeatedly in this thread, and you are exhibiting irresponsible (if not outright lying) posting. The thugs were not only trespassing, they were also violating Pennsylvania's nuisance law, by their nasty talk at the manager. I posted a copy of the law earlier. What you have "documented on tape" ,
is these guys violating both of those laws, making their guilt 100% sure. And stop race carding.​

4. Can you enter posts with saying >> "uh"...and... "um" Your posts already look dumb enough, as it is.
Last time I checked, Target was doing just fine...

But it's nice to see you are adding racism to your Homophobia... You really need to diversify your schtick.

Maybe you and Stormy Mac can start a club of liberal bigots.
Silouhette said nothing at all about race. You did. That makes YOU the racist, for injecting race into a situation where it didn't exist (except for the thugs playing the race card, like you're doing now).

There's also nothing wrong with his criticism of Target for their imbecile bathroom policies. They are not at all "doing fine" if those dopey policies are still in place. You are who needs to get your head together, not him.
Look, just because you don't want to believe that police abuse of minorities isn't a regular thing in this country doesn't make it so.
Just because you want to believe that ALLEGED police abuse of minorities IS a regular thing in this country, doesn't make it so.
2) So not hassling black people is "lowering the standards".

I seem to remember it under it's original title, "Not being a racist douchenoodle."
Starbuck didn't hassle black people. They reported 2 lawbreaking thugs to the police, as is proper. If the thugs chose to turn it into a race carding event, that's THEIR problem. Hopefully, the DA will go after that mayor, and legally kick his pandering ass.

All this is a good lesson for all voters - to see what you get, when you elect Democrats as mayors.
Wow, its a coffee selling business, not a political org,& those that agree that you have the right to run your business as you see fit, as long as your not breaking any laws, should have no reason to bash a coffee shop.
I think their paying customers have a right to complain about having to sit next to a stinky guy who's mumbling weird shit to himself like a crazy man.
If they don't quickly revise this moronic new policy, they WILL lose employees, and generally they will just essentially come apart at the seams. PC gone mad is bad enough in and of itself, but when applied to a business,....oh boy!

Guy, people would rather work at a Starbucks than a McD or some other greasy spoon.

They lose employees, there's plenty of new ones to take their places.

Next lame argument.

Starbuck didn't hassle black people. They reported 2 lawbreaking thugs to the police, as is proper. If the thugs chose to turn it into a race carding event, that's THEIR problem. Hopefully, the DA will go after that mayor, and legally kick his pandering ass.

More wishful thinking. Actually, this has been litigated, with both Starbucks and the City reaching agreements with the two men who didn't break any laws.

There's also nothing wrong with his criticism of Target for their imbecile bathroom policies. They are not at all "doing fine" if those dopey policies are still in place. You are who needs to get your head together, not him.

Meh, you know what, went to a Target the other day. Plenty of people there and no one was bitching about the bathroom policy.
1. No, the mess was made when the Democrat pandering mayor, made mess out of his police department and laws, by criminally stopping the cops from enforcing it, as they were properly doing, so he could suck up to the Philadelphia black community for their VOTES.

Or he was smart enough to see that when these two guys filed their civil suit, they were going to get big checks with seven zeroes at the end instead of the five zeroes they ended up paying to a charity.

2. So if you're sure this tape of a white guy "getting abused by the police for something as petty as not buying a cup of coffee" could be found, then you find it, and post it here. We'll be watching for it.

that's the point, dummy. That tape doesn't exist because white people aren't subjected to this kind of abuse.

3. FALSE. What you just said has already been refuted repeatedly in this thread, and you are exhibiting irresponsible (if not outright lying) posting. The thugs were not only trespassing, they were also violating Pennsylvania's nuisance law, by their nasty talk at the manager. I posted a copy of the law earlier. What you have "documented on tape" ,is these guys violating both of those laws, making their guilt 100% sure. And stop race carding.

Sorry, man, the cops and Starbucks were out of line, not the two guys. Now, yeah, they probably should have bought something just to be polite. But..

The city apologized, Starbucks apologized and they fired the Manager... Alls well that ends well.

4. Can you enter posts with saying >> "uh"...and... "um" Your posts already look dumb enough, as it is.

Uh, sorry, dude, you really just have to make the racists look dumb by pointing out their irrational anger.
that means NOTHING...absolutely NOTHING....
prove this was racially motivated.......
I've been asking this many times and no one has answered
please prove the police shooting blacks are racially motivated
I was stalked and stopped by the police for walking to work
I was stopped by the police twice for -------------------------biscycling
I guess they did that because I'm white?

Well, I'm not sure what biscylcling is... but I'm sure it's something serious.

Look, just because you don't want to believe that police abuse of minorities isn't a regular thing in this country doesn't make it so.
you CAN"T prove that is was racially motivated or any of these police shootings
the racial aspect is so ridiculous
This had nothing to do with race, Mr Race card. It had to do with another Democrat pandering mayor, making a mess out of his police department and laws, just like most of these things do.

Try honesty. All America is laughing at Starbucks, and you.

uh, the mess was made when someone called the police for something as petty as loitering at a place where loitering is part of the business model.

And if he didn't have that tape handy, that's supposed to conclude that white people haven't been arrested for not ordering something? Please show some intelligence.

Everyone's got cell phones with video cameras these days. If there was a case of a white guy getting abused by the police for something as petty as not buying a cup of coffee, I'm sure you could find it.

You are exhibiting racist stupidity right here in this post. (by making something racial which isn't) But then, every time a black thug wants to use race as a shield for his misbehavior (if he has a Democrat mayor to suck up to him), you're going to feel compelled to go along, because that's the liberal code. Pitiful.

Um, guy, these two men did nothing that warranted calling the cops. That's the problem. Racists accept that if the police abuse black folks, they must have done something to deserve it..

Well, here you had a documented case on tape, where they were not doing anything any reasonable person would consider wrong.
I was harassed by cops just for ---------------walking !!!
Everyone's got cell phones with video cameras these days
piss poor grammar Mr Grammar/Spelling Nazi
got is past tense
I think their paying customers have a right to complain about having to sit next to a stinky guy who's mumbling weird shit to himself like a crazy man.
As do the owners, managers, and any employees.
you CAN"T prove that is was racially motivated or any of these police shootings
the racial aspect is so ridiculous

Um, yeah... okay, guy. Some of these cops are laughing all the way to jail.

piss poor grammar Mr Grammar/Spelling Nazi
got is past tense

My grammar was just fine, thanks...

Unlike you, I get paid for my writing.
Or he was smart enough to see that when these two guys filed their civil suit, they were going to get big checks with seven zeroes at the end instead of the five zeroes they ended up paying to a charity.

that's the point, dummy. That tape doesn't exist because white people aren't subjected to this kind of abuse.

Sorry, man, the cops and Starbucks were out of line, not the two guys. Now, yeah, they probably should have bought something just to be polite. But..

The city apologized, Starbucks apologized and they fired the Manager... Alls well that ends well.

Uh, sorry, dude, you really just have to make the racists look dumb by pointing out their irrational anger.

1. Checking a few websites, I hears these 2 con artists finagled an "undisclosed amount" from Starbucks, anf 1$ each from the city. you got more info ? I fso, let's hear it (with sources)

2. So you're going to pretend that these race carder jokers are special, because they're black, and that's why the store called the cops on them. LOL Pheeeew! Do you know how imbecile you look ? Whites get busted for all sorts of things - 8 year old kids know that, you dum dum.

3. You know the law, I posted it right here in this thread. You saw it. You know they're criminals who got busted properly. In time, if all goes right, mayor will be jailed for obstruction of justice, manager will be rehired and given back pay, and CEO will be fired, if for nothing else, being a complete idiot.

4. As for Target, I walked past it the other day. :rolleyes:

5. All has been NOT well, and I suspect, it has not ended. Time for the DA to step in. He won't if he's a Democrat. that's what all this revolves around. Black players and Democrat politicians - enemies of all Americans.

6. The racists, you and the 2 thugs, look dumb, because you are. I wouldn't care how much these 2 dirtbags cajoled out of the company or city, they're nothing but thieves, and I wouldn't have a dime of it, from the way they got it.

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