Starbucks Now In Full Crazy Mode

Was in a McDonalds in a shady part of town the other day getting a coffee. The place was teeming with meth heads, pimps, crack whores and the like loitering, using the bathroom. The staff said it's a regular thing. I'll NEVER go near that place again.

Looks like Starbucks is committing $uicide... Like Target's mistake. If you have stock, SELL SELL SELL.
If you don’t like it, don’t patronize the store. Pretty simple.
No. Liberlism must be crushed. Don't you jerkoffs think about the consequences of your stupid policies? I guarantee the CEO is going to regret his decision.

Sell your Starbucks stocks folks.

Hey man.... stories like this are a boon to voters not hailing from California New York and a couple of other places. It's exactly shit like this that got Trump elected. Identity politics stuff freaks out regular Americans.... the more of this nutty stuff that is publicized the better.

Sometimes I think if they don't publicize the shit Leftists pull or when a man enters a woman's restroom and gets the shit kicked out of him by a father, this nonsense would go away. It seems to empower the nutcases to act out too.
To be fair to Starbucks, it is very, very, very difficult being in business nowadays.

It is so easy to offend any group nowadays. And lawyers are just waiting to start a lawsuit, and the media are just waiting for a chance to sensationalize it.


In the particular case of Starbucks, it has always had a very "progressive" attitude. A few years ago, it suggested that customers sit around to discuss the racial situation in this country while enjoying their coffee and pastries. The idea was quickly dropped when customers refused to cooperate.
To be fair to Starbucks, it is very, very, very difficult being in business nowadays.

It is so easy to offend any group nowadays. And lawyers are just waiting to start a lawsuit, and the media are just waiting for a chance to sensationalize it.


In the particular case of Starbucks, it has always had a very "progressive" attitude. A few years ago, it suggested that customers sit around to discuss the racial situation in this country while enjoying their coffee and pastries. The idea was quickly dropped when customers refused to cooperate.
If white people would have had the cops called on them at Starbucks then there was no reason for Starbucks caving because two blacks were breaking the rule of the establishment. Doing this just empowers blacks to do more of this nonsense. I doubt any other minority would have done what those two black boys did.
To be fair to Starbucks, it is very, very, very difficult being in business nowadays.

... Blah-Blah-Blah

It's not that difficult to be in business nowadays ...
Unless of course you assign management responsibilities to the general public and replace shareholders with people not invested in your business.

Make the easy decisions necessary to maintain and serve the business, consumers and employment opportunities you want to offer or provide for.
Everyone else can go pound sand ... :thup:

Was in a McDonalds in a shady part of town the other day getting a coffee. The place was teeming with meth heads, pimps, crack whores and the like loitering, using the bathroom. The staff said it's a regular thing. I'll NEVER go near that place again.

Looks like Starbucks is committing $uicide... Like Target's mistake. If you have stock, SELL SELL SELL.
Yup. Target is another head case. Can't do stuff like that when you're in business. Public isn't going to stand for it.
To be fair to Starbucks, it is very, very, very difficult being in business nowadays.

It is so easy to offend any group nowadays. And lawyers are just waiting to start a lawsuit, and the media are just waiting for a chance to sensationalize it.


In the particular case of Starbucks, it has always had a very "progressive" attitude. A few years ago, it suggested that customers sit around to discuss the racial situation in this country while enjoying their coffee and pastries. The idea was quickly dropped when customers refused to cooperate.
Starbucks needs to come down to earth. Just because Philadelphia has a Democrat mayor who panders to black lunacy for its votes, and overrules his sensible (black) police chief, that doesn't mean Starbucks has to agree with the idiocy.

They aren't dependent on votes from the black (racistly deranged) community, as the mayor thinks he is. No reason for them to go along with race card BS, and then have (the CEO) making a clown of himself.
If white people would have had the cops called on them at Starbucks then there was no reason for Starbucks caving because two blacks were breaking the rule of the establishment. Doing this just empowers blacks to do more of this nonsense. I doubt any other minority would have done what those two black boys did.
They know the drill. They know the mayor. They know what they can get away with, and they have a CNN/MSNBC/PBS taught sense of entitlement - ie. entitled to do whatever they want, regardless of who they inconvenience.
I wonder if they’ll be losing a bunch of employees now. Seems like a security guard or two should be hired, barista skills a plus!

Starbucks already tried to jump on the firearms bandwagon when it passed through town.
They didn't ban firearms, but they requested no one bring their firearm on the property.

I guess security guards with pepper spray aren't out of the question though ... :dunno:

I'm very tempted to go to Starbucks and drink a Peets Coffee while eating a McDonalds Egg McMuffin. According to their new policy, everybody is welcome, so why can't I bring my own food and beverages?

Because that would be rude and stupid?

oh, never mind, you are a right winger, upset that they apologized for an overtly bit of racist stupidity.

*sigh* Sarcasm and Humour are So Wasted on Some People.
I wonder if they’ll be losing a bunch of employees now. Seems like a security guard or two should be hired, barista skills a plus!
It's good you brought this up. At the Mc D's I went into for coffee, in the shady part of town, where crack heads, crack whores and druggies were teeming, the employees were clearly extremely tense and worn out looking. The gal waiting on me started shaking at one point when a completely deranged meth head came to the counter wringing his hands uncontrollably and demanded the bathroom key. She had to stop waiting on regular (paying) customers, walk the gauntlet down the hall where a swarm of these malignant beings were seething, twitching and tripping, panhandling normal customers while inside the establishment... One of them had a Burger King bag eating fries and she stammered quietly "sir you can't eat that in a McDonalds". He just looked at her with complete contempt and kept sitting there eating the fries.

I gave her about 3 more days before she quit. Starbucks corporate should take a field trip to this McD's to see where their future is heading.
Wow, its a coffee selling business, not a political org,& those that agree that you have the right to run your business as you see fit, as long as your not breaking any laws, should have no reason to bash a coffee shop.
We thought Starbucks had really flipped when their wimpy CEO apologized to two thugs who were occupying seats in a Starbucks café, not buying anything, and making a nuisance by badmouthing the manager. The fools were arrested, but later released after the pandering Democrat mayor of Philadelphia forced the chief of police to change his policy, and let the thugs go.

Starbucks then announced they will have a racial sensitivity class on May 29, closing 8,000 stores that day for the "training". One can only imagine (and cringe) at what might go down there. So, this all brings us to the current lunacy that Starbucks has now descended down to. Their new policy is that people can come into the store, sit down, camp out, stay as long as they like, and not have to buy anything.

Well, that solves the homeless problem. Yup. Every dirty, stinky bum on the street now has a place to go and hang out, to make use of the air conditioning, to get away from the roasting heat outside. They've now got a comfortable seat, and full use of the restroom.

So, might we imagine if Starbucks has 30 seats in a café, and 28 of them were occupied by homeless bums, would you and your spouse or friend be looking to fill those last 2 seats, order coffee and stay a while ?

Here's another example to fulfill Dr. Michael Savage's claim, and name of one of his books >> "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder". Yikes.

Starbucks says you no longer need to buy anything to sit in its stores

View attachment 194675
Thugs = black?michael savage ?
The guy who doesn't believe we landed on the moon.
Still glorifying our WWII habitual wife cheater I see?
Id drive your jeep down to Starbucks from your doublewide and confront the thugs if I were you.
Looks like you still don't the definition of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college?
Look it up
Wow, its a coffee selling business, not a political org,& those that agree that you have the right to run your business as you see fit, as long as your not breaking any laws, should have no reason to bash a coffee shop.

There is a difference in mocking a business and bashing them.

But you are correct that a business should be run as those who own it desire.
That's not a right though ... And laws do matter.
The business owner should expect the law to be applied and prosecuted in all cases.

If the people were arrested for trespassing ... They should be prosecuted for trespassing.
The District Attorney (or their office) should decide how to prosecute the offenders and to what extent ... That's not the mayor's job ... :thup:

it was never proven to be racially motivated--just like 99% of all these anti-white/white hating stories

Can you show me a tape of white people being arrested for not ordering something?

that means NOTHING...absolutely NOTHING....
prove this was racially motivated.......
I've been asking this many times and no one has answered
please prove the police shooting blacks are racially motivated
I was stalked and stopped by the police for walking to work
I was stopped by the police twice for -------------------------biscycling
I guess they did that because I'm white?
This had nothing to do with race, Mr Race card. It had to do with another Democrat pandering mayor, making a mess out of his police department and laws, just like most of these things do.

Try honesty. All America is laughing at Starbucks, and you.

uh, the mess was made when someone called the police for something as petty as loitering at a place where loitering is part of the business model.

And if he didn't have that tape handy, that's supposed to conclude that white people haven't been arrested for not ordering something? Please show some intelligence.

Everyone's got cell phones with video cameras these days. If there was a case of a white guy getting abused by the police for something as petty as not buying a cup of coffee, I'm sure you could find it.

You are exhibiting racist stupidity right here in this post. (by making something racial which isn't) But then, every time a black thug wants to use race as a shield for his misbehavior (if he has a Democrat mayor to suck up to him), you're going to feel compelled to go along, because that's the liberal code. Pitiful.

Um, guy, these two men did nothing that warranted calling the cops. That's the problem. Racists accept that if the police abuse black folks, they must have done something to deserve it..

Well, here you had a documented case on tape, where they were not doing anything any reasonable person would consider wrong.
Was in a McDonalds in a shady part of town the other day getting a coffee. The place was teeming with meth heads, pimps, crack whores and the like loitering, using the bathroom. The staff said it's a regular thing. I'll NEVER go near that place again.

Looks like Starbucks is committing $uicide... Like Target's mistake. If you have stock, SELL SELL SELL.

Last time I checked, Target was doing just fine...

But it's nice to see you are adding racism to your Homophobia... You really need to diversify your schtick.

Maybe you and Stormy Mac can start a club of liberal bigots.
that means NOTHING...absolutely NOTHING....
prove this was racially motivated.......
I've been asking this many times and no one has answered
please prove the police shooting blacks are racially motivated
I was stalked and stopped by the police for walking to work
I was stopped by the police twice for -------------------------biscycling
I guess they did that because I'm white?

Well, I'm not sure what biscylcling is... but I'm sure it's something serious.

Look, just because you don't want to believe that police abuse of minorities isn't a regular thing in this country doesn't make it so.

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