Starbucks Now In Full Crazy Mode

Guy, people would rather work at a Starbucks than a McD or some other greasy spoon. They lose employees, there's plenty of new ones to take their places. Next lame argument.

More wishful thinking. Actually, this has been litigated, with both Starbucks and the City reaching agreements with the two men who didn't break any laws.

Meh, you know what, went to a Target the other day. Plenty of people there and no one was bitching about the bathroom policy.
1. They won't get new employees when they don't exist (gone out of business)

2. Litigated only is what has happened up to now. Plenty more can happen as time goes by. All depends on how stupid Starbucks is. If they were smart, they never would open a store in a city with a Democrat suck-up mayor, whose biggest talent in life is ass-kissing blacks. Places like that are to be shunned.

3. As for Target, I walked past it the other day. :rolleyes:
What law did they break Ray and what "thuggish" behavior were they engaged in that has you so offended?
Read the thread, lazy bones. Broken laws were already posted.

Hi, I have two gentlemen in my cafe that are refusing to make a purchase or leave,” said the Starbucks employee who called 911.

But when the dispatcher put out the call to the police, he said: “We’ve got a disturbance there. A group of males refusing to leave.”

Philadelphia Starbucks Arrests, Outrageous to Some, Are Everyday Life for Others

Again, what "law" was violated, I'm not talking about any of Starbuck's policies.
1. Checking a few websites, I hears these 2 con artists finagled an "undisclosed amount" from Starbucks, anf 1$ each from the city. you got more info ? I fso, let's hear it (with sources)

Exactly my point, dummy. The settlement was a lot smaller than if they had sued, and gotten an inner city jury of black folks who were also hassled by cops for being black.

2. So you're going to pretend that these race carder jokers are special, because they're black, and that's why the store called the cops on them. LOL Pheeeew! Do you know how imbecile you look ? Whites get busted for all sorts of things - 8 year old kids know that, you dum dum.

So did you find that tape of two white guys being busted for not buying coffee yet? Oh, that's right, you didn't because IT DOESN'T EXIST.

3. You know the law, I posted it right here in this thread. You saw it. You know they're criminals who got busted properly. In time, if all goes right, mayor will be jailed for obstruction of justice, manager will be rehired and given back pay, and CEO will be fired, if for nothing else, being a complete idiot.

Yeah, more disgruntled white fantasies. Getting all angry with black people while the One Percent Screws you in the ass.

4. As for Target, I walked past it the other day.

Then you went to Walmart where the rest of the White Trash goes.

5. All has been NOT well, and I suspect, it has not ended. Time for the DA to step in. He won't if he's a Democrat. that's what all this revolves around. Black players and Democrat politicians - enemies of all Americans.

You are right. Starbucks is going to have it's "Day of retraining" yet, I'm sure that'll make you guys furious all over again.

6. The racists, you and the 2 thugs, look dumb, because you are. I wouldn't care how much these 2 dirtbags cajoled out of the company or city, they're nothing but thieves, and I wouldn't have a dime of it, from the way they got it.

I'm sure you are at home waiting for your disability check because you can't get out the door at 400 lbs.. but that's not my problem.
1. They won't get new employees when they don't exist (gone out of business)

I was in a Starbucks last night meeting a client... the place was packed. People of all races, doing homework, meeting business acquaintances, etc.

2. Litigated only is what has happened up to now. Plenty more can happen as time goes by. All depends on how stupid Starbucks is. If they were smart, they never would open a store in a city with a Democrat suck-up mayor, whose biggest talent in life is ass-kissing blacks. Places like that are to be shunned.

They wouldn't open there if they weren't making money, and they were making money, that's the point.

3. As for Target, I walked past it the other day.

And then you waddled over to the WalMart with the other white trash.


You get paid for your writing. Where ? In USMB ?

I have a very successful resume writing business. a key part of my business model is meeting people at Starbucks to work with them.

Starbucks works well for me because 1) They are everywhere, so I can always find one near where I want to meet someone and 2) They have great WiFi.

The thing about Starbucks is that it is normally a welcoming place. This ditz of a manager who called the cops was an outlier, and now she doesn't have a job.
you CAN"T prove that is was racially motivated or any of these police shootings
the racial aspect is so ridiculous

Um, yeah... okay, guy. Some of these cops are laughing all the way to jail.

piss poor grammar Mr Grammar/Spelling Nazi
got is past tense

My grammar was just fine, thanks...

Unlike you, I get paid for my writing.
hold it--but I thought that was the major issue that the cops are NOT guilty??!!
most are found not guilty--rightfully so per my other thread
got is past tense --sorry
o--if your grammar was fine--it's not now?? hahaha another grammar foul up
you CAN"T prove that is was racially motivated or any of these police shootings
the racial aspect is so ridiculous

Um, yeah... okay, guy. Some of these cops are laughing all the way to jail.

piss poor grammar Mr Grammar/Spelling Nazi
got is past tense

My grammar was just fine, thanks...

Unlike you, I get paid for my writing.
for the last time--this is your last chance before you have to agree that I am right and you are wrong---prove that the Starbucks ''incident'' was racially motivated
I was in a Starbucks last night meeting a client... the place was packed. People of all races, doing homework, meeting business acquaintances, etc.

They wouldn't open there if they weren't making money, and they were making money, that's the point.

And then you waddled over to the WalMart with the other white trash.

I have a very successful resume writing business. a key part of my business model is meeting people at Starbucks to work with them.

Starbucks works well for me because 1) They are everywhere, so I can always find one near where I want to meet someone and 2) They have great WiFi.

The thing about Starbucks is that it is normally a welcoming place. This ditz of a manager who called the cops was an outlier, and now she doesn't have a job.
Last night is irrelevant. It'll take a little time for the neighborhood bums to find out what's happening, but when they do, the place will be like a large trash dumpster.

"Were" is irrelevant. "Will" is what matters.

Soon the only people you'll be meeting will be homeless bums.

Oh "white trash", huh ? Well, Mr. Racist, there's another defame you brought on yourself. And your resume customers. Are they all non-white ? Even if they are, good chance most of them wouldn't approve of your racism against whites.

"Welcoming" ? Oh, it's welcoming all right. And in time, you'll see who it's welcoming >>



for the last time--this is your last chance before you have to agree that I am right and you are wrong---prove that the Starbucks ''incident'' was racially motivated
He knows it wasn't. He's a race carder himself.
Exactly my point, dummy. The settlement was a lot smaller than if they had sued, and gotten an inner city jury of black folks who were also hassled by cops for being black.

So did you find that tape of two white guys being busted for not buying coffee yet? Oh, that's right, you didn't because IT DOESN'T EXIST.

Yeah, more disgruntled white fantasies. Getting all angry with black people while the One Percent Screws you in the ass.

Then you went to Walmart where the rest of the White Trash goes.

You are right. Starbucks is going to have it's "Day of retraining" yet, I'm sure that'll make you guys furious all over again.

I'm sure you are at home waiting for your disability check because you can't get out the door at 400 lbs.. but that's not my problem.

Your "point" LOL. You don't have points. You have ploys.

I don't need to have a tape of 2 white guys getting busted. White guys get busted every hour of every day in America. Get more sleep.

The one % is who contributed to Hillary in 2016. Bernie second. Trump got the least.

I shop in WalMart. So do many other people of all races, including a few warped racists, like you.

Why would Starbucks idiotic suck-up to blacks make me furious. If they want to screw themselves.....not my problem.

I don't get disability checks, and am normal weight, and physically fit. Eat your heart out.
We thought Starbucks had really flipped when their wimpy CEO apologized to two thugs who were occupying seats in a Starbucks café, not buying anything, and making a nuisance by badmouthing the manager. The fools were arrested, but later released after the pandering Democrat mayor of Philadelphia forced the chief of police to change his policy, and let the thugs go.

Starbucks then announced they will have a racial sensitivity class on May 29, closing 8,000 stores that day for the "training". One can only imagine (and cringe) at what might go down there. So, this all brings us to the current lunacy that Starbucks has now descended down to. Their new policy is that people can come into the store, sit down, camp out, stay as long as they like, and not have to buy anything.

Well, that solves the homeless problem. Yup. Every dirty, stinky bum on the street now has a place to go and hang out, to make use of the air conditioning, to get away from the roasting heat outside. They've now got a comfortable seat, and full use of the restroom.

So, might we imagine if Starbucks has 30 seats in a café, and 28 of them were occupied by homeless bums, would you and your spouse or friend be looking to fill those last 2 seats, order coffee and stay a while ?

Here's another example to fulfill Dr. Michael Savage's claim, and name of one of his books >> "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder". Yikes.

Starbucks says you no longer need to buy anything to sit in its stores

View attachment 194675

Starbucks Now In Full Crazy Mode

what leftard is full batshit crazy these days
Again, what "law" was violated, I'm not talking about any of Starbuck's policies.
The 2 thugs REFUSED to leave. That is 1) trespassing and 2) interfering with the operation of a business 3) Pennsylvania Nuisance Law.

The Pennsylvania Legislature has enacted Title 18, section 6504 of the Pennsylvania Statutes to criminalize public nuisances.

"Whoever erects, sets up, establishes, maintains, keeps or continues, or causes to be erected, set up, established, maintained, kept or continued, any public or common nuisance is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree. Where the nuisance is in the existence at the time of the conviction and sentence, the court, in its discretion, may direct either the defendant or the sheriff of the county at the expense of the defendant to abate the same."
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hold it--but I thought that was the major issue that the cops are NOT guilty??!!
most are found not guilty--rightfully so per my other thread
got is past tense --sorry
o--if your grammar was fine--it's not now?? hahaha another grammar foul up

Buddy, you're babbling... I know it's horrible and stuff for you, but the good old days of Cops being able to shoot black children in the back and get away with it are over.

for the last time--this is your last chance before you have to agree that I am right and you are wrong---prove that the Starbucks ''incident'' was racially motivated

I don't have to prove it.

Starbucks fired the racist bitch who called it in.
The city and Starbucks apologized for the incident.
Starbucks is giving racial sensitivity training.

It was another bad day for racists.
Last night is irrelevant. It'll take a little time for the neighborhood bums to find out what's happening, but when they do, the place will be like a large trash dumpster.

"Were" is irrelevant. "Will" is what matters.

Soon the only people you'll be meeting will be homeless bums.

No, guy, I know that this is what they told you on Faux News, but the reality is the Homeless won't all be showing up at Starbucks... they've got shelters and public libraries for that.

Oh "white trash", huh ? Well, Mr. Racist, there's another defame you brought on yourself. And your resume customers. Are they all non-white ? Even if they are, good chance most of them wouldn't approve of your racism against whites.

A lot of them are immigrants. They are usually my best customers, as they have lots of great experience and just need someone to finesse it.

And frankly, nobody likes dumb white trash, not even other white people. You are kind of an embarrassment to the rest of us.
The 2 thugs REFUSED to leave. That is 1) trespassing and 2) interfering with the operation of a business 3) Pennsylvania Nuisance Law.

The Pennsylvania Legislature has enacted Title 18, section 6504 of the Pennsylvania Statutes to criminalize public nuisances.

one more time buddy.

Starbucks Apologized
The Manager was fired
The city Apologized

You lose.
Blah-blah-blah ...
And how the cops handle white suspects is a lot different than how they handle black suspects.

Oh the injustice ... You should call a cop or something.

There's a reason that the cops have never been called to remove me from a Starbucks ...
And it isn't because I am white.


the good old days of Cops being able to shoot black children in the back and get away with it are over.

I don't have to prove it.

Starbucks fired the racist bitch who called it in.
The city and Starbucks apologized for the incident.
Starbucks is giving racial sensitivity training.

It was another bad day for racists.

1. FALSE! When felons are fleeing from cops, they will always be shot in the back. That's the only way they can be shot, and be stopped from escaping. In black communities, though, it might be advisable for cops to not follow the law, or they might wind up like Michael Slager, in prison, because of rogue mayors and judges, who respond to majority black voting districts , instead of following the law (fleeing felon rule) properly.

In such cases, it will fall back hard on those black communities, when that fleeing felon escapes, and goes on to commit more crimes against those people in that community, who vote for these bad judges and mayors. You vote against law enforcement, YOU're going to get the resulting crime.

2. Correct. You don't have to prove it, because he doesn't even need to demand that you do - because we all know Starbucks had no racial motivation, it is the 2 thugs who played the race card, and brought race into it.

3. Yes, Starbucks fired the victimized manager who called it in.
The city and Starbucks apologized for the incident.
Starbucks is giving racial bullshit training, having caved to the race hustlers.

It was another bad day for the American people...of all races.
yeah, but those guys commit actual crimes! That's the point. And how the cops handle white suspects is a lot different than how they handle black suspects.
BULLSHIT! This is the BS line that Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, & co. peddled for 2 years, and incited young blacks to riot all over America. It's old, outdated, and stupid.

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