Starbucks Now In Full Crazy Mode

Starbucks Apologized
The Manager was fired
The city Apologized

You lose.
No, I don't lose. America loses - when politicians, businesses, and judges, defer to misinformed and duped majority black communities, and than idiocy (Starbucks, the city) prevails. And primarily, who loses, is the blacks in the bIack communites. I don't live in a black majority voting district. For me, life is normal.

The people who live in these communities,are the one who will suffer the consequences of all this foolishness. Just like when airhead blacks rioted in Ferguson. What did they burn down ? >> THEIR own community. No one else's.
No, guy, I know that this is what they told you on Faux News, but the reality is the Homeless won't all be showing up at Starbucks... they've got shelters and public libraries for that.

A lot of them are immigrants. They are usually my best customers, as they have lots of great experience and just need someone to finesse it.

And frankly, nobody likes dumb white trash, not even other white people. You are kind of an embarrassment to the rest of us.

1. The homeless WILL indeed fill up those Starbuck's, and you know it. As for Faux News, I don't watch CNN or MSNBC.​

2. Nobody needs anybody to show them how to write a resume. It's the easiest thing in the world. You can even just copy a sample format from a book. Anybody can do it. What I teach is something not anyone can do, without instruction. I teach music on 3 different instruments. This is REAL instruction, not the silly stuff, you're peddling to these these poor duped immigrants.
Here's me playing the baroque tune Rights of Man, from the 1689 coronation of King & Queen Willam & Mary, in England.

Academy Awards Are a Farce (Post # 43)

3. I'm not 100% white. I'm 50% Hispanic (Belize), speak Spanish fluently, and play/sing some Central American songs on the guitar. You are just an anti-white racist, who by that, + your looney liberalism, is an embarrassment to all Americans.
Well if corporations are people, then this "person" named Starbucks just failed Darwin's test. Good riddance to that DNA.
hold it--but I thought that was the major issue that the cops are NOT guilty??!!
most are found not guilty--rightfully so per my other thread
got is past tense --sorry
o--if your grammar was fine--it's not now?? hahaha another grammar foul up

Buddy, you're babbling... I know it's horrible and stuff for you, but the good old days of Cops being able to shoot black children in the back and get away with it are over.

for the last time--this is your last chance before you have to agree that I am right and you are wrong---prove that the Starbucks ''incident'' was racially motivated

I don't have to prove it.

Starbucks fired the racist bitch who called it in.
The city and Starbucks apologized for the incident.
Starbucks is giving racial sensitivity training.

It was another bad day for racists.
...yes you do-you claimed it was
...I really didn't have to ask because I know you can't prove it
...everyone knows the Starbucks and police shootings cannot be proven to be anywhere near racially motivated
...all the fake racism claims BS is one of the reasons Trump was voted in as POTUS--thank you
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The 2 thugs REFUSED to leave. That is 1) trespassing and 2) interfering with the operation of a business 3) Pennsylvania Nuisance Law.

The Pennsylvania Legislature has enacted Title 18, section 6504 of the Pennsylvania Statutes to criminalize public nuisances.

one more time buddy.

Starbucks Apologized
The Manager was fired
The city Apologized

You lose. how does he lose??
you sound like a 12 year old
I can't stand Starbuck's coffee. They buy too much bean globally to get the highest quality sort; hence they mix a small amount of decent quality with dreck bean. When traveling, however, they were a reliable source of caffeine when needed.

But no more. The caffeine loading is not worth the risk of being exposed to the noxious disease stew the homeless will spread via the free restroom policy.
Oh the injustice ... You should call a cop or something.

There's a reason that the cops have never been called to remove me from a Starbucks ...
And it isn't because I am white.

Sure if you need to tell yourself that.

BULLSHIT! This is the BS line that Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, & co. peddled for 2 years, and incited young blacks to riot all over America. It's old, outdated, and stupid.

Dude, we had a Black NBA star tasered because of a parking infraction. Of course, the cops treat black people differently than white folks.
1. FALSE! When felons are fleeing from cops, they will always be shot in the back. That's the only way they can be shot, and be stopped from escaping. In black communities, though, it might be advisable for cops to not follow the law, or they might wind up like Michael Slager, in prison, because of rogue mayors and judges, who respond to majority black voting districts , instead of following the law (fleeing felon rule) properly.

In such cases, it will fall back hard on those black communities, when that fleeing felon escapes, and goes on to commit more crimes against those people in that community, who vote for these bad judges and mayors. You vote against law enforcement, YOU're going to get the resulting crime.

Okay, the guy who fled from Slager wasn't a dangerous criminal who was going to commit more crimes.

Simple enough solution. Dont shoot suspects unless the pose an IMMINENT threat.

2. Correct. You don't have to prove it, because he doesn't even need to demand that you do - because we all know Starbucks had no racial motivation, it is the 2 thugs who played the race card, and brought race into it.

Starbucks had no racial motivation. The racist and now unemployable manager did have one, as the cops who overreacted to the situation.

3. Yes, Starbucks fired the victimized manager who called it in.
The city and Starbucks apologized for the incident.
Starbucks is giving racial bullshit training, having caved to the race hustlers.

It was another bad day for the American people...of all races.

Wow, you mean teaching people to be courteous to the public is a bad thing?
No, I don't lose. America loses - when politicians, businesses, and judges, defer to misinformed and duped majority black communities, and than idiocy (Starbucks, the city) prevails. And primarily, who loses, is the blacks in the bIack communites. I don't live in a black majority voting district. For me, life is normal.

Guy, reading your posts, "Normal" isn't even in the same zip code.

.all the fake racism claims BS is one of the reasons Trump was voted in as POTUS--thank you

Yes, he'll be a last hurrah for the racists that white people will be apologizing for for decades.
1. The homeless WILL indeed fill up those Starbuck's, and you know it. As for Faux News, I don't watch CNN or MSNBC.

Sorry, bud... not really I know you need to believe this, but most starbucks aren't located in places where we have a lot of homeless to start with.

2. Nobody needs anybody to show them how to write a resume. It's the easiest thing in the world. You can even just copy a sample format from a book.

And I'm always amazed when I see people do that. Do you know who else is really amused when they see people do that? HR Managers, right after they throw your resume in the circular file.

3. I'm not 100% white. I'm 50% Hispanic (Belize), speak Spanish fluently, and play/sing some Central American songs on the guitar. You are just an anti-white racist, who by that, + your looney liberalism, is an embarrassment to all Americans.

Sure you are, buddy.
Oh the injustice ... You should call a cop or something.

There's a reason that the cops have never been called to remove me from a Starbucks ...
And it isn't because I am white.

Sure if you need to tell yourself that.

I don't need to tell myself anything ... I know why the staff at Starbucks doesn't call the cops on me.
It doesn't have anything to do with my race, gender, sexual orientation nor religion.

It's mainly because I am there to do business and have no other desires.

Dude, we had a Black NBA star tasered because of a parking infraction. Of course, the cops treat black people differently than white folks.
One cop in one isolated incidents doesn't earn the label >> "cops" Post responsibly.
Okay, the guy who fled from Slager wasn't a dangerous criminal who was going to commit more crimes. Simple enough solution. Dont shoot suspects unless the pose an IMMINENT threat.

Starbucks had no racial motivation. The racist and now unemployable manager did have one, as the cops who overreacted to the situation.

Wow, you mean teaching people to be courteous to the public is a bad thing?
1. Scott WAS a dangerous criminal, easily defined as "going to commit more crimes". Having attacked and fought a cop, he could to to anyone. Immiment threat or no imminent threat, THE LAW allows cops to shoot fleeing felons, and the cop is negligent in his job if he doesn't.

2. Starbucks may have had no racial motivation, but the 2 criminal nuisances sure did. They played the race card to the hilt. Philadelphia needs a mayor like Rudy Guiliani. There'd be no race carding then. Cops would arrest nuisance tresspassers, and they'd STAY arrested.

3. "Teaching people to be courteous to the public" is not at all what Starbucks has in mind. Their "classes" are going to be ass-kissing lessons, designed to instruct employees how to pander to race carding racists. Gonna be a lot of rolling eyeballs. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Guy, reading your posts, "Normal" isn't even in the same zip code.

Yes, he'll be a last hurrah for the racists that white people will be apologizing for for decades.
Not what you ludicrously define as normal, no.

Probably some whites (like the Starbucks idiot) will apologize. That's what happens when you tie yourself to a very high-paying job, load yourself down with high expenses needing to be paid for, and all in a city with a large black population, and a Democrat, pandering, ass-kisser mayor.

Those in normal communites will keep on voting for guys like Rudy Guiliani, Joe Arpaio, and Donald Trump, and wont have this insanity to deal with.
Sorry, bud... not really I know you need to believe this, but most starbucks aren't located in places where we have a lot of homeless to start with.
HA HA. In due time, you'll start finding out how many homeless there are in those places.

And I'm always amazed when I see people do that. Do you know who else is really amused when they see people do that? HR Managers, right after they throw your resume in the circular file.
I posted a video of me playing the mandolin to show you what a REAL skill is.

Sure you are, buddy.
It's been posted here for years. Everybody (but you) knows. :rolleyes:
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I can't stand Starbuck's coffee. They buy too much bean globally to get the highest quality sort; hence they mix a small amount of decent quality with dreck bean. When traveling, however, they were a reliable source of caffeine when needed.

But no more. The caffeine loading is not worth the risk of being exposed to the noxious disease stew the homeless will spread via the free restroom policy.
It's not just a "restroom policy". The bums can occupy seats, fill up the place, and turn it into a homeless shelter >> Starbucks policy.
I can't stand Starbuck's coffee. They buy too much bean globally to get the highest quality sort; hence they mix a small amount of decent quality with dreck bean. When traveling, however, they were a reliable source of caffeine when needed.

But no more. The caffeine loading is not worth the risk of being exposed to the noxious disease stew the homeless will spread via the free restroom policy.
It's not just a "restroom policy". The bums can occupy seats, fill up the place, and turn it into a homeless shelter >> Starbucks policy.

Well, as I don't plan to go into a Starbucks in the future, it really is rather moot AFAIC.
There were five officers involved in that incident. You see, this is why I have lots of business, simple grammar rules are lost on people.
Here's a grammar lesson for you. Your sentence was >> "Of course, the cops treat black people differently than white folks." In this, your mention of "the cops" just as your mention of "white folks", is all inclusive. It is a general description that refers to all cops.

When you want to limit your description to a certain few cops, you have to SAY THAT. We don't read your mind.

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