State Democrats Borrow GOP Playbook, Score Fast Wins on Guns, Abortion, Lawmakers in Michigan, Minnesota taking advantage of their newly won power

They would fail, like they do everywhere else. Equity is a lie. Equality is what you should be shooting for, equity NEVER works as intended.

We've had equality for the last couple of generations so there is nothing for him to shoot for. Equity is outcome based. To achieve that they need reverse equality.
Spoken like a true house servant.

What I am talking about is solidarity among Black and Brown that rebalances bargaining power such that those who have historically actually worked the land, own the land, as opposed to the people who have titles and protection from the historically racist legal system. Change the legal system so that the rebalance is made.

No, spoken like someone who has read history.

Idiots like you think that taking from other's is so easy. Guess what, people don't like it when leeches steal.

But hey, you will no doubt fuck around and find out for yourself.
“Colorado Democrats announced Thursday that they will introduce a trio of bills that would build upon last year’s legislation that enshrines the right to abortion into state law.

The bills would prohibit deceptive advertising for anti-abortion centers, increase insurance access for abortion coverage, and ensure that patients and providers for abortion and gender-affirming care would be protected from legal action in other states.”

A self-serving history.

When forces join to fight their oppressors, that is a different outcome.


Peasants revolt. And then they starve to death. Have fun starving.
“Colorado Democrats announced Thursday that they will introduce a trio of bills that would build upon last year’s legislation that enshrines the right to abortion into state law.

The bills would prohibit deceptive advertising for anti-abortion centers, increase insurance access for abortion coverage, and ensure that patients and providers for abortion and gender-affirming care would be protected from legal action in other states.”

Even better news yet, at least for me.

The left has gone so far left it's impossible to be the UNITED states any longer. Two different groups of people that will never see eye to eye on virtually anything. So it's been my contention that we divide this country into two countries instead.

While that will never be reality in my time, these leftist states showing their true colors might inspire people of different political backgrounds to migrate themselves. It would be one step closer to my dream which is never having to put up with leftists ever again. Again, I won't be there when it finally happens, but like my parents and grandparents before me, will make a better life for those I leave behind. So I say go Colorado and Michigan. Put the pedal to the metal.
Even better news yet, at least for me.

The left has gone so far left it's impossible to be the UNITED states any longer. Two different groups of people that will never see eye to eye on virtually anything. So it's been my contention that we divide this country into two countries instead.

While that will never be reality in my time, these leftist states showing their true colors might inspire people of different political backgrounds to migrate themselves. It would be one step closer to my dream which is never having to put up with leftists ever again. Again, I won't be there when it finally happens, but like my parents and grandparents before me, will make a better life to those I leave behind. So I say go Colorado and Michigan. Put the pedal to the metal.

I used to think a civil war was coming. Now I think it is going to be much worse.
I used to think a civil war was coming. Now I think it is going to be much worse.

Nah, we don't need a civil war. Just a friendly agreement to part ways and live our own lives as we wish to live it. Years ago my former karate teacher told me of an old Asian saying: Only use violence for self defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.
Nah, we don't need a civil war. Just a friendly agreement to part ways and live our own lives as we wish to live it. Years ago my former karate teacher told me of an old Asian saying: Only use violence for self defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

The progressives play dirty, and for keeps. There is no negotiation with them. They are all or nothing.
Indeed. Equity is the opposite of equal rights.

We don't need equal rights in this country; we need equal justice. Relying on an ethnic majority to manufacture "equality" is a fool's game, which those who are interested in justice are no longer interested in playing. Equity ensures that the scales of historical justice are actually balanced.
We don't need equal rights in this country; we need equal justice. Relying on an ethnic majority to manufacture "equality" is a fool's game, which those who are interested in justice are no longer interested in playing. Equity ensures that the scales of historical justice are actually balanced.

No, equity silliness ensures that a lot of people get killed in a very short time.

And then, if it is successful, which is unlikely, it gets a lot more dead through starvation.
We don't need equal rights in this country; we need equal justice.
That may be what you want - but it's poison. You're arguing for totalitarian government where every decision we make is subject to state interference.
Equity ensures that the scales of historical justice are actually balanced.
"Equity" ensures that you have no rights, that your freedom, your "everything", is decided by the state.

A key component of the delusion of modern liberals is their blind conviction that the state - as long as it's guided by majority rule - can do no wrong. Dispelling that myth, among the ranks of progressives, is what you need.
That may be what you want - but it's poison. You're arguing for totalitarian government where every decision we make is subject to state interference.

As opposed to what - human bondage, where every decision a black slave makes....wait, come to think of it, they had no decisions to make. Never mind.

"Equity" ensures that you have no rights, that your freedom, your "everything", is decided by the state.

Nah, it just means acknowledging that the ethnic majority used its economic, social, political, and legal power to keep certain people "in their place". The scales were tilted intentionally; they have to be intentionally un-tilted.

A key component of the delusion of modern liberals is their blind conviction that the state - as long as it's guided by majority rule - can do no wrong. Dispelling that myth, among the ranks of progressives, is what you need.

Majority rule, for all its faults, is better than being guided by minority rule.
No, equity silliness ensures that a lot of people get killed in a very short time.

And then, if it is successful, which is unlikely, it gets a lot more dead through starvation.

We don't need white people to farm - the Latinos already know how to farm. We just need white capital. We get that through public funding and legislative mandate, and we're good.
We don't need white people to farm - the Latinos already know how to farm. We just need white capital. We get that through public funding and legislative mandate, and we're good.

Good at what?
We don't need equal rights in this country; we need equal justice. Relying on an ethnic majority to manufacture "equality" is a fool's game, which those who are interested in justice are no longer interested in playing. Equity ensures that the scales of historical justice are actually balanced.

We have equal justice and had it for decades.

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