State department and hillary verify WMDS in syria..

This plans goes WAY before Obama was ever even on the scene. You're missing the big picture if you subscribe to that idea.

We're talking early 90s and perhaps even before that.
This plans goes WAY before Obama was ever even on the scene. You're missing the big picture if you subscribe to that idea.

We're talking early 90s and perhaps even before that.

Pay no attention to the PNAC "drain the swamp" field of literature...............
How anyone could not pay attention seeing the events that have unfolded over the last two decades would be the equivalent of having ones head in the sand (pun intended).
How anyone could not pay attention seeing the events that have unfolded over the last two decades would be the equivalent of having ones head in the sand (pun intended).

There seems to be the germ of a coherent thought buried within the parameters of that would-be sentence.
Gen. Wesley Clark - Exposes US Foreign Policy Coup - YouTube

At any rate, you are caught in one side of a triangle effect. the trifecta. And so, ah...anyway...

One more time, in case it was overlooked.

Here, there is also the neocon thinktank team that designed this gem. Which details the plan (snas the execution tactics and timetables). This is beyond a fabrication. It's literally all part of a much bigger plan.

Welcome to the Project for the New American Century

Click the middle east/Iraq tab and then go to the older documentation. It reveals a lot of reality in script before it ever happened.

Then one has to consider who put Saddam in power, who sold him bio weapons and advocated his nuclear programs...that is, until he invaded Kuwait without the green light from his handlers (or did he??)

Then, there is this guy here, written by a Brookings Int. thinktank.

Of course, it could just be all is on the up and up. But, years of research and historical records would prove the contrary.
Oh well, we better rush off to War i guess. Boy, the Globalist Elite & Military Industrial Complex really want that War with Syria huh? Looks like they're willing to do or say anything to get it. How long before they label Assad 'Hitler?' 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' Isn't it great?

These warmongers are the people you stand side by side with politically. You only differ in that one area.
Oh well, we better rush off to War i guess. Boy, the Globalist Elite & Military Industrial Complex really want that War with Syria huh? Looks like they're willing to do or say anything to get it. How long before they label Assad 'Hitler?' 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' Isn't it great?

These warmongers are the people you stand side by side with politically. You only differ in that one area.

Partisan hackery isn't going to do it. The "liberals" have been taken over in policy and practice by communists. This story isn't about that though. We're talking about the other side of the aisles hijacking.
This plans goes WAY before Obama was ever even on the scene. You're missing the big picture if you subscribe to that idea.

We're talking early 90s and perhaps even before that.
We were attacked by very CONSERVATIVE religious fanatics. Accept that. The question is Syria, hardly a LIBERAL nation. 108 opposition Syrians killed yesterday. The US should sit back and WATCH? But, HAMAS now supports the opposition. A LOSE/LOSE scenario.
Dumbass, Saddam rose to power thanks to his uncle that made the Ba'ath party out of the mold of the Nazis that he supported in WWII to rid the planet of the Jews and then Iraq of the Brits.

But don't let facts get in your way, since you think you are so smart quoting a dumbass like GEN Clark that sucked dicks to get to SACEUR under Clinton. He and Bill might've had a thingy going on...

Gen. Wesley Clark - Exposes US Foreign Policy Coup - YouTube

At any rate, you are caught in one side of a triangle effect. the trifecta. And so, ah...anyway...

One more time, in case it was overlooked.

Here, there is also the neocon thinktank team that designed this gem. Which details the plan (snas the execution tactics and timetables). This is beyond a fabrication. It's literally all part of a much bigger plan.

Welcome to the Project for the New American Century

Click the middle east/Iraq tab and then go to the older documentation. It reveals a lot of reality in script before it ever happened.

Then one has to consider who put Saddam in power, who sold him bio weapons and advocated his nuclear programs...that is, until he invaded Kuwait without the green light from his handlers (or did he??)

Then, there is this guy here, written by a Brookings Int. thinktank.

Of course, it could just be all is on the up and up. But, years of research and historical records would prove the contrary.
Reagan DID support Saddam, reluctantly, as Saddam wasn't a Commie. Irrational fear of a defeated enemy that you seem to share Vampiric. Today's enemies are more akin to old line FASCISTS.
Dumbass, Saddam rose to power thanks to his uncle that made the Ba'ath party out of the mold of the Nazis that he supported in WWII to rid the planet of the Jews and then Iraq of the Brits.

But don't let facts get in your way, since you think you are so smart quoting a dumbass like GEN Clark that sucked dicks to get to SACEUR under Clinton. He and Bill might've had a thingy going on...

Gen. Wesley Clark - Exposes US Foreign Policy Coup - YouTube

At any rate, you are caught in one side of a triangle effect. the trifecta. And so, ah...anyway...

One more time, in case it was overlooked.

Here, there is also the neocon thinktank team that designed this gem. Which details the plan (snas the execution tactics and timetables). This is beyond a fabrication. It's literally all part of a much bigger plan.

Welcome to the Project for the New American Century

Click the middle east/Iraq tab and then go to the older documentation. It reveals a lot of reality in script before it ever happened.

Then one has to consider who put Saddam in power, who sold him bio weapons and advocated his nuclear programs...that is, until he invaded Kuwait without the green light from his handlers (or did he??)

Then, there is this guy here, written by a Brookings Int. thinktank.

Of course, it could just be all is on the up and up. But, years of research and historical records would prove the contrary.


Rumsfeld and Reagan bolstered for Saddam's attack on Iran. They gave him weapons and support for that endeavor.Before that time, the CIA was involved in the coup (1969) that brought the baath party into power and in subsequent years, Saddam in power.


U.S. government authorized the sale of dual use chemicals and biological material to Iraq
A review of thousands of declassified government documents and interviews with former U.S. policymakers shows that U.S. provided intelligence and logistical support, which played a crucial role in arming Iraq. Under the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations, the U.S. authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous dual use items that had both military and civilian applications, including chemicals which can be used in manufacturing of pesticides or chemical weapons and live viruses and bacteria, such as anthrax and bubonic plague used in medicine and the manufacture of vaccines or weaponized for use in biological weapons.
A report of the U.S. Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs concluded that the U.S. under the successive presidential administrations sold materials including anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever and botulism to Iraq right up until March 1992. The chairman of the Senate committee, Don Riegle, said: "The executive branch of our government approved 771 different export licenses for sale of dual-use technology to Iraq. I think its a devastating record."[13] According to several former officials, the State and Commerce departments promoted trade in such items as a way to boost U.S. exports and acquire political leverage over Hussein.[14]

Lastly, disrespecting a 4 star general on unfounded and complete bullshit charges only solidifies that you're a nut. But, if it works for you, go for it.
Oh, well then lets go right to War. I mean if Hillary Clinton said it, than it must be true. It's not like the Clintons ever lie or are corrupt in any way. Seriously people, to Hell with Hillary Clinton. She's full of shite, just like her husband.
I tell ya, this board is riddled with folks that have apparently never read about history.

It is no wonder....

Interesting.....state department verifies bashar assad sitting on a neato arsenal of wmds.
note to libs and independents..

Sarcastic question..gee which middle east political party did assad and saddam belong to?BAATH.

so,now libs,are you going to say yiur old XXXXX hero is a liar?
bush did fuck up. Announcing his intentions so this lot was moved from iraq to syria.

why would anyone trust Hillary anymore than Bush ? they are both corrupt to the core

Interesting.....state department verifies bashar assad sitting on a neato arsenal of wmds.
note to libs and independents..

Sarcastic question..gee which middle east political party did assad and saddam belong to?BAATH.

so,now libs,are you going to say yiur old XXXXX hero is a liar?
bush did fuck up. Announcing his intentions so this lot was moved from iraq to syria.

why would anyone trust Hillary anymore than Bush ? they are both corrupt to the core


Not the bastion of integrity that President Obama represents?

Or is it just that both are human and you are offended by that imperfection?
Hillary may be able to resolve this crisis by using every diplomatic tool available, continuing to isolate the Syrian government diplomatically and working to tighten international sanctions. The Friends of Syria conference in Tunisia was successful and Saudi Arabia is now backing the idea of arming the rebels.

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