State department and hillary verify WMDS in syria..

Translation:" I am not going to find fact...I am more interested in looking as stupid as I am portrayed...and I won't lift a finger to defend it..."

YES you are a fucking idiot. I did correct his link. YOU are too fucking lazy to find it.

The EXIT out of this thread is that way===>

Use it before you hurt yourself.

Look, dipshit:

I don't have the patience to do Eddie Boy's scut work. His sorry ass made the claim, now it's his job to support it.

I can only guess that, since you have been blasted for 10 pages, it didn't say what his dumbass thought it did.

How in the can are you? Because if you are sauced enough to start tossing threats around, I might find this banality entertaining enough to stick around and watch.
You got that exactly right, but I would go farther and say that he deliberately put a bad link up precisely because he KNEW Hillary never verified WMDs in Syria as his lying title says. I actually took the time to find his story and posted what Clinton actually said earlier in this thread. Here it is again from the working link to his source in the OP.

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable

In her prepared remarks in Tunis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she supported more sanctions on the Assad regime but she declined to endorse any direct help to the Syrian opposition without the consent of the Syrian government, saying only, "We all need to look hard at what more we can do."

But FAILED to address that Assad HAS in his possession Saddam's WMD's.

Great JOB.
Look, dipshit:

I don't have the patience to do Eddie Boy's scut work. His sorry ass made the claim, now it's his job to support it.

I can only guess that, since you have been blasted for 10 pages, it didn't say what his dumbass thought it did.

How in the can are you? Because if you are sauced enough to start tossing threats around, I might find this banality entertaining enough to stick around and watch.
You got that exactly right, but I would go farther and say that he deliberately put a bad link up precisely because he KNEW Hillary never verified WMDs in Syria as his lying title says. I actually took the time to find his story and posted what Clinton actually said earlier in this thread. Here it is again from the working link to his source in the OP.

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable

In her prepared remarks in Tunis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she supported more sanctions on the Assad regime but she declined to endorse any direct help to the Syrian opposition without the consent of the Syrian government, saying only, "We all need to look hard at what more we can do."
But FAILED to address that Assad HAS in his possession Saddam's WMD's.

Great JOB.
I had addressed that also earlier in this thread and included the link his source used that provided the countries Syria got its WMDs from. Actually I posted it more than once.

But again, nowhere does the story linked in the OP say that Syria's WMDs came from Iraq!!!!! The lying :asshole: made that up just like the phony claim that Clinton verified WMDs.

Here is yet again the report the Link in the OP cited as the countries that provided Syria with their WMDs. Show me where IRAQ is mentioned. As I pointed out earlier when I posted the link, Syria got their WMD capibility from just about everyone EXCEPT Iraq!!!!!!
You got that exactly right, but I would go farther and say that he deliberately put a bad link up precisely because he KNEW Hillary never verified WMDs in Syria as his lying title says. I actually took the time to find his story and posted what Clinton actually said earlier in this thread. Here it is again from the working link to his source in the OP.

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable

In her prepared remarks in Tunis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she supported more sanctions on the Assad regime but she declined to endorse any direct help to the Syrian opposition without the consent of the Syrian government, saying only, "We all need to look hard at what more we can do."
But FAILED to address that Assad HAS in his possession Saddam's WMD's.

Great JOB.
I had addressed that also earlier in this thread and included the link his source used that provided the countries Syria got its WMDs from. Actually I posted it more than once.

But again, nowhere does the story linked in the OP say that Syria's WMDs came from Iraq!!!!! The lying :asshole: made that up just like the phony claim that Clinton verified WMDs.

Here is yet again the report the Link in the OP cited as the countries that provided Syria with their WMDs. Show me where IRAQ is mentioned. As I pointed out earlier when I posted the link, Syria got their WMD capibility from just about everyone EXCEPT Iraq!!!!!!

No Sale.
But FAILED to address that Assad HAS in his possession Saddam's WMD's.

Great JOB.
I had addressed that also earlier in this thread and included the link his source used that provided the countries Syria got its WMDs from. Actually I posted it more than once.

But again, nowhere does the story linked in the OP say that Syria's WMDs came from Iraq!!!!! The lying :asshole: made that up just like the phony claim that Clinton verified WMDs.

Here is yet again the report the Link in the OP cited as the countries that provided Syria with their WMDs. Show me where IRAQ is mentioned. As I pointed out earlier when I posted the link, Syria got their WMD capibility from just about everyone EXCEPT Iraq!!!!!!

No Sale.
Translation: It is true that there is nothing in the link in the OP that says that Syria's WMD came from Saddam and in fact came from just about everyone except Saddam, but I refuse to believe the truth no matter how obvious it is. :cuckoo:

The bliss of CON$ervative ignorance. :lol:
Knucklehead,i was there. 91. That nutcase was cooking up everything,and anything...had stuff buried in drums..leaking into the sand from iran iraq...satellite video actually shpwed the damn stuff being hauled cross border.
Look, dipshit:

I don't have the patience to do Eddie Boy's scut work. His sorry ass made the claim, now it's his job to support it.

I can only guess that, since you have been blasted for 10 pages, it didn't say what his dumbass thought it did.

How in the can are you? Because if you are sauced enough to start tossing threats around, I might find this banality entertaining enough to stick around and watch.
You got that exactly right, but I would go farther and say that he deliberately put a bad link up precisely because he KNEW Hillary never verified WMDs in Syria as his lying title says. I actually took the time to find his story and posted what Clinton actually said earlier in this thread. Here it is again from the working link to his source in the OP.

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable

In her prepared remarks in Tunis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she supported more sanctions on the Assad regime but she declined to endorse any direct help to the Syrian opposition without the consent of the Syrian government, saying only, "We all need to look hard at what more we can do."

But FAILED to address that Assad HAS in his possession Saddam's WMD's.

Great JOB.

Yeah, look for the "Made in Iraq" label. :):):) Probably Exported with the Oversight of France. :):):)
I had addressed that also earlier in this thread and included the link his source used that provided the countries Syria got its WMDs from. Actually I posted it more than once.

But again, nowhere does the story linked in the OP say that Syria's WMDs came from Iraq!!!!! The lying :asshole: made that up just like the phony claim that Clinton verified WMDs.

Here is yet again the report the Link in the OP cited as the countries that provided Syria with their WMDs. Show me where IRAQ is mentioned. As I pointed out earlier when I posted the link, Syria got their WMD capibility from just about everyone EXCEPT Iraq!!!!!!

No Sale.
Translation: It is true that there is nothing in the link in the OP that says that Syria's WMD came from Saddam and in fact came from just about everyone except Saddam, but I refuse to believe the truth no matter how obvious it is. :cuckoo:

The bliss of CON$ervative ignorance. :lol:

Yeah, like the discovery of that oil pipeline to Syria after the Invasion. :):):)
Son? YOU plod on and do nothing but embarrass yourself.

Please stop. :eusa_hand:

Whatever, statist.

So be honest, you don't really want to lower government spending do you? That's your paycheck!

Your use of the word against me shows that YOU have no earthly idea what it means...

Long of the short of it?

*You Lose* In the venacular,

I used to have some respect for torpedoded it.

Awesome job dimwit.

You have relegated yourself to the stack of forgotten or soon to be idiots...Gee? that's TWO high honors from me that YOU have garnered.

Cool accomplishment.

Your mommy must be so proud. Almost like a gold star to be hung on your icebox...TWIT.

I like most conservative posters on here, but I lost any respect for you a long time ago and you know why.

So your thoughts on me are less then meaningless. Hell, I take it as a badge of honor that you don't like me.

Don't be too hard on the government, that's your bread and butter Statist!
Translation:" I am not going to find fact...I am more interested in looking as stupid as I am portrayed...and I won't lift a finger to defend it..."

YES you are a fucking idiot. I did correct his link. YOU are too fucking lazy to find it.

The EXIT out of this thread is that way===>

Use it before you hurt yourself.

Look, dipshit:

I don't have the patience to do Eddie Boy's scut work. His sorry ass made the claim, now it's his job to support it.

I can only guess that, since you have been blasted for 10 pages, it didn't say what his dumbass thought it did.

How in the can are you? Because if you are sauced enough to start tossing threats around, I might find this banality entertaining enough to stick around and watch.
You got that exactly right, but I would go farther and say that he deliberately put a bad link up precisely because he KNEW Hillary never verified WMDs in Syria as his lying title says. I actually took the time to find his story and posted what Clinton actually said earlier in this thread. Here it is again from the working link to his source in the OP.

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable

In her prepared remarks in Tunis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she supported more sanctions on the Assad regime but she declined to endorse any direct help to the Syrian opposition without the consent of the Syrian government, saying only, "We all need to look hard at what more we can do."

Theses morons pull this crap all the time. They think we are too stupid too see through it.
Look, dipshit:

I don't have the patience to do Eddie Boy's scut work. His sorry ass made the claim, now it's his job to support it.

I can only guess that, since you have been blasted for 10 pages, it didn't say what his dumbass thought it did.

How in the can are you? Because if you are sauced enough to start tossing threats around, I might find this banality entertaining enough to stick around and watch.
You got that exactly right, but I would go farther and say that he deliberately put a bad link up precisely because he KNEW Hillary never verified WMDs in Syria as his lying title says. I actually took the time to find his story and posted what Clinton actually said earlier in this thread. Here it is again from the working link to his source in the OP.

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable

In her prepared remarks in Tunis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she supported more sanctions on the Assad regime but she declined to endorse any direct help to the Syrian opposition without the consent of the Syrian government, saying only, "We all need to look hard at what more we can do."

But FAILED to address that Assad HAS in his possession Saddam's WMD's.

Great JOB.

The report specifically says on page 7 that there the "anecdotal" evidence that Syria has Iraq's WMDs is not credible you dishonest hack.
Knucklehead,i was there. 91. That nutcase was cooking up everything,and anything...had stuff buried in drums..leaking into the sand from iran iraq...satellite video actually shpwed the damn stuff being hauled cross border.

You were on the Syrian border? Tell us another one, Eddie.
Knucklehead,i was there. 91. That nutcase was cooking up everything,and anything...had stuff buried in drums..leaking into the sand from iran iraq...satellite video actually shpwed the damn stuff being hauled cross border.

Nah.... If CNN or the NY Times didn't report it, it couldn't have happened. ;) :lol:
Knucklehead,i was there. 91. That nutcase was cooking up everything,and anything...had stuff buried in drums..leaking into the sand from iran iraq...satellite video actually shpwed the damn stuff being hauled cross border.

Nah.... If CNN or the NY Times didn't report it, it couldn't have happened. ;) :lol:

What about the State Department.

Because they said the opposite of what the OP claims they said.
Knucklehead,i was there. 91. That nutcase was cooking up everything,and anything...had stuff buried in drums..leaking into the sand from iran iraq...satellite video actually shpwed the damn stuff being hauled cross border.

Nah.... If CNN or the NY Times didn't report it, it couldn't have happened. ;) :lol:

What about the State Department.

Because they said the opposite of what the OP claims they said.

The State Department.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'm sorry.... Just the thought of them playing in the "Special Olympics" under Their Own Flag, separate from Us, and I lose control. How effective were they again in Iraq, after the Initial Invasion??? You know, when all civil authority vanished??? Yeah, really credible source. ;) Let me know when you figure out who's interests they serve. I mean, I know we pay them, but who do they really work for???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Oh well, we better rush off to War i guess. Boy, the Globalist Elite & Military Industrial Complex really want that War with Syria huh? Looks like they're willing to do or say anything to get it. How long before they label Assad 'Hitler?' 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' Isn't it great?
Oh well, we better rush off to War i guess. Boy, the Globalist Elite & Military Industrial Complex really want that War with Syria huh? Looks like they're willing to do or say anything to get it. How long before they label Assad 'Hitler?' 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' Isn't it great?

I don't think we are rushing off to War. I think we are elbow deep in it, and in denial. We are fighting the War we think we are in while at the same time refusing to take off the blindfold. :)
Damn! Now we have to spend another trillion and thousands of lives to invade them too?

An Invasion is unlikely. But we will fund and help with the bombing & killing. They should be labelling Assad 'Worse than Hitler' any day now. So stay tuned.

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