State Department Apologizing To China For A Bill None Of Them Have Read

Waterboarding used to be the favorite topic of discussion.

Now they're using catch-phrases like racial-profiling in movies.

It's basically become the latest soup dejior.

The insidious nature of these people is amazing.
...and they do not care. They are members of the ruling elite and will remain so regardless of what happens to the voting public. Their main goal is to obtain more any means.

We need to get rid of the whole bunch, cut off their lifetime pensions and tell them to pound sand.
Waterboarding used to be the favorite topic of discussion.

Now they're using catch-phrases like racial-profiling in movies.

It's basically become the latest soup dejior.

The insidious nature of these people is amazing.
...and they do not care. They are members of the ruling elite and will remain so regardless of what happens to the voting public. Their main goal is to obtain more any means.

We need to get rid of the whole bunch, cut off their lifetime pensions and tell them to pound sand.

What we really need to do is let their foreign supporters know that they are on notice.

Campaign contributions from outside this country should be strictly prohibited. It's a national security issue.

As far as the Hollywood elite, we need to boycott their work.

I noticed that Sigorney Weaver is sitting on the board of one of George Soros's groups. I say boycott any picture she has anything to do with.
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I can only pray that "We the People" Wake up this November. This entire administration needs to go away.
May 18, 2010
Woody Allen pines for Obama 'dictatorship'

Phil Boehmke

I never cease to marvel at the political brilliance of the Hollywood crowd. The greatest beneficiaries of free market capitalism seem to have an unnatural attraction to leftist dictators. Jean-Bertrand Aristide (even in exile) can always count on his dear comrade Danny Glover, Hugo Chavez can rely on the propaganda efforts of his amigo Sean Penn (recently sentenced to Anger Management therapy) and there have been a plethora of Hollywood's fellow travelers in the embrace of Fidel Castro over the years.

Not to be outdone in the category of audacious hopes for dictatorial governance, Woody Allen has shared his political fantasy with us. Our friends at Fox, report that.

In an interview published by Spanish language newspaper La Vanguardia (that we translated), Allen says "I am pleased with Obama. I think he's brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him."

But wait-there's more.

The director said "it would be good...if he could be dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly."

This is the sort of brilliant political insight that one would expect from a man who.

...took nude photos of his lover Mia Farrow's teen-age adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn, and then ended up marrying her after separating from Farrow.

Gee if only Obama could be dictator, would he have a place for Woody in his regime? Perhaps as "safe schools czar." And if only Woody Allen had studied history, then he would have learned what sort of things a dictator usually does quickly.

American Thinker Blog: Woody Allen pines for Obama 'dictatorship'
I noticed the Libs aren't touching this thread with a ten meter cattle-prod.

The truth really hurts when it's unavoidable.
This administration and the Democrats in general don't read these bills.They tried to insert 300+ pages
in the last hrs before the cap and trade bill came up for a vote.Boy they were plenty pissed when the Republican minority leader was trying to get the extra pages read before the vote.The President admitted he did not read the bill.Nancy Pelosi said that the Health Care Bill needed to be passed so we can find out what's in it.The head of Homeland security hasn't read the Arizona bill yet.The Attorney General hasn't read the bill yet he was condemning it.
I noticed the Libs aren't touching this thread with a ten meter cattle-prod.

The truth really hurts when it's unavoidable.

Of course the cowards are not gonna try and debate this. They would get humiliated. I am sure that there are plenty of the mental cases here who actually support this way of thinking though. ~BH
This administration and the Democrats in general don't read these bills.They tried to insert 300+ pages
in the last hrs before the cap and trade bill came up for a vote.Boy they were plenty pissed when the Republican minority leader was trying to get the extra pages read before the vote.The President admitted he did not read the bill.Nancy Pelosi said that the Health Care Bill needed to be passed so we can find out what's in it.The head of Homeland security hasn't read the Arizona bill yet.The Attorney General hasn't read the bill yet he was condemning it.

I kind of understand that when the bill is 2500 pages.

When the bill is 10 pages and you're building an entire race-baiting campaign against the State of Arizona...I really think you should take the time to know what you're bitching about....or in the real lose credibility.
Even the libs here know this.

Course it doesn't stop them from talking smack about racial profiling on other threads.

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