State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

Your claim is bogus, Zionist propaganda.

AND early 1900s , population was 80% Muslim and 10% Christian and 10% Jew. And in 1947, the population had grown to 30% Jewish, as a result of Zionists coming to the land mostly from Europe. Then, the ethnic cleansing started and between 1947 and 1949 Zionists ethnically cleansed 750, 000 Palestinians from their lands. The land Israel declared herself a nation on was substantially ethnically cleansed of its Palestinian Muslim and Christian inhabitants.

Where did I say the Jews were the majority? What about the 1929 real ethnic cleansing perpetrated on the Jews in Palestine. And your take on what constitutes ethnic cleansing is is not only ludicrous, it's patently dishonest. You may not be a Hamas mole but you truly aren't a real Christian. Let me guess the Phineas Priesthood?

Historian Ilan Pappe documents the ethnic cleansing of Palestine .

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Ilan Pappé(149) Pappe summarises, "When it created its nation-state, the Zionist movement did not wage a war that `tragically but inevitably' led to the expulsion of `parts of' the indigenous population, but the other way round: the main goal was the ethnic cleansing of all of Palestine, which the movement coveted for its new state. A few weeks after the ethnic cleansing operations began, the neighbouring Arab states sent a small army - small in comparison to their overall military might - to try, in vain, to prevent the ethnic cleansing. The war with the regular Arab armies did not bring the ethnic cleansing operations to a halt until their successful completion in the autumn of 1948."Overall, the Zionist forces uprooted more than half Palestine's population, 800,000 people, destroyed 531 villages and emptied eleven urban neighbourhoods of their inhabitants. Pappe concludes that this was "a clear-cut case of an ethnic cleansing operation, regarded under international law today as a crime against humanity."

[ame=]Amazon:Customer reviews[/ame]
Then international law was redefined what ethnic cleansing means, probably to fit this specific situation.
Never mind, you're mind is closed like a steel trap, there's no trying to get you to see outside of your narrow and biased paradigm. You're not worth anything but the rebuke and derision you receive here. Say hello to your fellow Phynians.......... :cuckoo:
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Your claim is bogus, Zionist propaganda.

AND early 1900s , population was 80% Muslim and 10% Christian and 10% Jew. And in 1947, the population had grown to 30% Jewish, as a result of Zionists coming to the land mostly from Europe. Then, the ethnic cleansing started and between 1947 and 1949 Zionists ethnically cleansed 750, 000 Palestinians from their lands. The land Israel declared herself a nation on was substantially ethnically cleansed of its Palestinian Muslim and Christian inhabitants.

Where did I say the Jews were the majority? What about the 1929 real ethnic cleansing perpetrated on the Jews in Palestine. And your take on what constitutes ethnic cleansing is is not only ludicrous, it's patently dishonest. You may not be a Hamas mole but you truly aren't a real Christian. Let me guess the Phineas Priesthood?

The Zionists were the ethnic cleansers.

:eusa_eh: That's why the Brits came to the defense of the Jews.... right? You are a complete nutjob. Westboro Baptists got nothing on you........... :cuckoo:
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Now, Josephus was a historian.

He writes of the Revolt in 70 AD, which he blames on uncompromising and hot tempered and extremist religious zealots.

He attributes their acts to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple.

He nowhere writes of Land of Israel.

He speaks of three distinct lands, the Galilee, Samaria and Judea.

He did not live in Jerusalem. HE lived in Rome.

The Jews were not forcibly exiled from Judea after the destruction of the Temple.

IT Follows there was no effort to return.

By 70 AD, Jews had already multiplied and spread across the Hellenistic and Mesopotamian world.
Now, Josephus was a historian.

He writes of the Revolt in 70 AD, which he blames on uncompromising and hot tempered and extremist religious zealots.

He attributes their acts to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple.

He nowhere writes of Land of Israel.

He speaks of three distinct lands, the Galilee, Samaria and Judea.

He did not live in Jerusalem. HE lived in Rome.

The Jews were not forcibly exiled from Judea after the destruction of the Temple.

IT Follows there was no effort to return.

By 70 AD, Jews had already multiplied and spread across the Hellenistic and Mesopotamian world.

Keep grasping at straws Gaza Sherri.......... :lmao:
Now, Josephus was a historian.

He writes of the Revolt in 70 AD, which he blames on uncompromising and hot tempered and extremist religious zealots.

He attributes their acts to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple.

He nowhere writes of Land of Israel.

He speaks of three distinct lands, the Galilee, Samaria and Judea.

He did not live in Jerusalem. HE lived in Rome.

The Jews were not forcibly exiled from Judea after the destruction of the Temple.

IT Follows there was no effort to return.

By 70 AD, Jews had already multiplied and spread across the Hellenistic and Mesopotamian world.

Keep grasping at straws Gaza Sherri.......... :lmao:

lol, you do not cite a source for a word that comes out of your mouth.

Now, comes the typical Zionist personal insults and attacks.
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Even though the term "ethnic cleansing" has not been codified into international law as the terms Apartheid and Genocide have been, the term has become a commonly used term in international legal writings and discussion such as in UN resolutions and the official papers of international organizations.In his excellent article on the subject, Drazen Petrovic listed a range of definitions given by accepted experts in the field of international law:For example, he quotes United Nations Special Rapporteur Mazowiecki as defining ethnic cleansing in his report of 17 November 1992 as:"The term ethnic cleansing refers to the elimination by the ethnic group exerting control over a given territory of members of other ethnic groups."and,"...ethnic cleansing may be equated with the systematic purge of the civilian population based on ethnic criteria, with the view to forcing it to abandon the territories where it lives."He quotes the U.N. Commission of Experts, in their first Interim Report of 10 February 1993:"... considered in the context of the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, ethnic cleansing means rendering an area ethnically homogenous by using force and intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area."And he quotes Andrew Bell-Fialkoff in his excellent article, "A Brief History of Ethnic Cleansing" as defining the term as:"... ethnic cleansing can be understood as the expulsion of an `undesirable' population from a given territory due to religious or ethnic discrimination, political, strategic or ideological considerations, or a combination of these."

ETHNIC CLEANSING: Israeli Practices
Oh and when I referred to "Whos ancestors were driven out by some of the indigenous peoples of the Palestinian region", you are familiar with biblical history....... right? Or is that Zionist propaganda also?

I AM sorry, but I am not a believer in Jewish Mythology.
Apparently you dismiss the Old Testament but is there anything in the New Testament you think is false?
Aha! Sherri, are you gonna answer my question about the NT or did you realize it's a trap?
Oh and when I referred to "Whos ancestors were driven out by some of the indigenous peoples of the Palestinian region", you are familiar with biblical history....... right? Or is that Zionist propaganda also?

I AM sorry, but I am not a believer in Jewish Mythology.
Apparently you dismiss the Old Testament but is there anything in the New Testament you think is false?

I just do not read The Old Testament as a history book.
Where did I say the Jews were the majority? What about the 1929 real ethnic cleansing perpetrated on the Jews in Palestine. And your take on what constitutes ethnic cleansing is is not only ludicrous, it's patently dishonest. You may not be a Hamas mole but you truly aren't a real Christian. Let me guess the Phineas Priesthood?

The Zionists were the ethnic cleansers.

:eusa_eh: That's why the Brits came to the defense of the Jews.... right? You are a complete nutjob. Westboro Baptists got nothing on you........... :cuckoo:

You are a denier of history.

ZIONISM was a colonial undertaking byJewish Zionists in Palestine .
Apparently you dismiss the Old Testament but is there anything in the New Testament you think is false?

I just do not read The Old Testament as a history book.
That was not the question, Sherri. Tell me about the New Testament and if you believe it to be the Gospel truth?

I believe in Jesus , that is what being a Christian is.

It is not worship of a book.

The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is the picture of God.

And I am not saying anything is false, there is simply a way to read what is written, all that comes before and after Jesus, keeping in mind always Jesus is at the center of everything and any understanding cannot be inconsistent with who Jesus says God is.

There is a reason for red letter bibles
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I accept the history Historians set forth and document with facts and sources.

That is what Historian Ilan Pappe does and others like Israeli Historian Tom Segev and Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand whose book I have open in front of me right now.

And what they write is consistent with historical facts documented in UN Reports, as well.
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I accept the history Historians set forth and document with facts and sources.

That is what Historian Ilan Pappe does and others like Israeli Historian Tom Segev and Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand whose book I have open in front of me right now.

I accept historians that are confirmed and vetted by fellow reputable historians who are not trying to be revisionist due to some agenda. The 1929 Arab uprising against the Jews is well documented by reputable historians and it was the turning point in terms of the world starting to lean towards the Jewish desire for a separate state. The vast majority of Arabs killed were at the hands of the Brits who were attempting to quell the uprising. All the Jews killed were killed by Arabs spurred by the false claims of their leaders.
But keep spinning, you've got to be horrendously dizzy by now.
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I just do not read The Old Testament as a history book.
That was not the question, Sherri. Tell me about the New Testament and if you believe it to be the Gospel truth?

I believe in Jesus , that is what being a Christian is.

It is not worship of a book.

The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is the picture of God.

And I am not saying anything is false, there is simply a way to read what is written, all that comes before and after Jesus, keeping in mind always Jesus is at the center of everything and any understanding cannot be inconsistent with who Jesus says God is.

There is a reason for red letter bibles
You stepped in it and the answer I was looking for is there but in a roundabout way. Just like a Liberal Democrat. You said "The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus."

Jesus taught from his studies of the Septuagint which makes it impossible for you to deny a single word of the Old Testament and profess to be a Christian. Also, you must be in favor of Zionism and forget about that "Palestine" jabberwocky. And remember, Jesus has an eye on you. Go take your Prozac and get a good nights sleep. That's a good girl!
You cannot cite a single source for anything you have said, that is a Zionist for you.

You are one disturbed bitch. Here ya go Gaza Sherri.

During the first half of 1929, conflict erupted between Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem. Huseini accused the Jews of having seized Muslim holy places in Jerusalem – Al Aqsa and Al-Haram – atop the Jewish holy place called the Temple Mount. In response, enraged Arab mobs attacked Jews in Jerusalem and looted their homes, and the attacks and looting spread to other cities.

The Jews in Hebron suffered the most. There, sixty-seven Jews were killed and others injured. The attackers did not spare women, children and the aged. Hebron was a holy city for the Jews, but its settlement of 700 people came to an end. Survivors fled to Jerusalem.

At Tel Aviv, armed Jews counterattacked and killed six Arabs. A British force rushed from bases elsewhere in the Mediterranean and ended the violence, the British killing 87 Arabs and wounding many more. The total Jewish dead from the disturbances was 133. [note]

The uprising against the Jews proved counter productive for the Arabs, not only in Arab deaths but in the attitudes of Jews. Muslims had been arguing that it had been the Zionists who had been stirring up trouble, that the Jews they had been living alongside for centuries had wanted no separate state for Jews. Now, with the uprising against Jews, the Zionists and recent immigrants were winning the argument for a separate state.

The 1929 Rising against Jews
That was not the question, Sherri. Tell me about the New Testament and if you believe it to be the Gospel truth?

I believe in Jesus , that is what being a Christian is.

It is not worship of a book.

The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is the picture of God.

And I am not saying anything is false, there is simply a way to read what is written, all that comes before and after Jesus, keeping in mind always Jesus is at the center of everything and any understanding cannot be inconsistent with who Jesus says God is.

There is a reason for red letter bibles
You stepped in it and the answer I was looking for is there but in a roundabout way. Just like a Liberal Democrat. You said "The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus."

Jesus taught from his studies of the Septuagint which makes it impossible for you to deny a single word of the Old Testament and profess to be a Christian. Also, you must be in favor of Zionism and forget about that "Palestine" jabberwocky. And remember, Jesus has an eye on you. Go take your Prozac and get a good nights sleep. That's a good girl!

Jesus taught what His Father told Him to teach.

Your ideas sound like Idolatry. You put what is written in The Old Testament above Jesus teachings ; which are from God.

Read the book of John.

I believe in Jesus, and that is not a belief in The Old Testament.

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