State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

I believe in Jesus , that is what being a Christian is.

It is not worship of a book.

The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is the picture of God.

And I am not saying anything is false, there is simply a way to read what is written, all that comes before and after Jesus, keeping in mind always Jesus is at the center of everything and any understanding cannot be inconsistent with who Jesus says God is.

There is a reason for red letter bibles
You stepped in it and the answer I was looking for is there but in a roundabout way. Just like a Liberal Democrat. You said "The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus."

Jesus taught from his studies of the Septuagint which makes it impossible for you to deny a single word of the Old Testament and profess to be a Christian. Also, you must be in favor of Zionism and forget about that "Palestine" jabberwocky. And remember, Jesus has an eye on you. Go take your Prozac and get a good nights sleep. That's a good girl!

Jesus taught what His Father told Him to teach.

Your ideas sound like Idolatry. You put what is written in The Old Testament above Jesus teachings ; which are from God.

Read the book of John.

I believe in Jesus, and that is not a belief in The Old Testament.
You are a nut job. No hope here. .
I believe in Jesus , that is what being a Christian is.

It is not worship of a book.

The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is the picture of God.

And I am not saying anything is false, there is simply a way to read what is written, all that comes before and after Jesus, keeping in mind always Jesus is at the center of everything and any understanding cannot be inconsistent with who Jesus says God is.

There is a reason for red letter bibles
You stepped in it and the answer I was looking for is there but in a roundabout way. Just like a Liberal Democrat. You said "The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus."

Jesus taught from his studies of the Septuagint which makes it impossible for you to deny a single word of the Old Testament and profess to be a Christian. Also, you must be in favor of Zionism and forget about that "Palestine" jabberwocky. And remember, Jesus has an eye on you. Go take your Prozac and get a good nights sleep. That's a good girl!

Jesus taught what His Father told Him to teach.

Your ideas sound like Idolatry. You put what is written in The Old Testament above Jesus teachings ; which are from God.

Read the book of John.

I believe in Jesus, and that is not a belief in The Old Testament.
Matthew 5:17
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:18
For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Matthew 22:29
You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.
I said no such thing.

IS it possible for you to tell the truth?

I oppose the US sending 3 billion dollars a year to Israel to commit human rights abuses with in Palestine.

And I am happy the partial government shutdown has stopped that funding.

Go get money somewhere else to satisfy your blood lust.

Sherri, don't you have something better to do than spitting
Antisemitic hatred 24/7? Don't you like, HAVE A LIFE??

Those children Zionists so gleefully kill, all 1519 of them killed since 9/30/2000 in Palestine, are all Semitic peoples, every single one of them.

My desiring they and other Palestinians not be targeted and maimed and killed with US money and arms certainly does not make me Anti Semitic.

Looking at all the death and destruction Zionists spread in Palestine, I conclude there are no people more anti Semitic in the entire world than Zionists in Palestine.

You are the anti Semitic one.
Ah SHADAP! You don't care about the Palestinians, you FRAUD, that has been established a long time ago. You just need an excuse to vent your Jew hatred and lies.
You cannot cite a single source for anything you have said, that is a Zionist for you.

You are one disturbed bitch. Here ya go Gaza Sherri.

During the first half of 1929, conflict erupted between Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem. Huseini accused the Jews of having seized Muslim holy places in Jerusalem – Al Aqsa and Al-Haram – atop the Jewish holy place called the Temple Mount. In response, enraged Arab mobs attacked Jews in Jerusalem and looted their homes, and the attacks and looting spread to other cities.

The Jews in Hebron suffered the most. There, sixty-seven Jews were killed and others injured. The attackers did not spare women, children and the aged. Hebron was a holy city for the Jews, but its settlement of 700 people came to an end. Survivors fled to Jerusalem.

At Tel Aviv, armed Jews counterattacked and killed six Arabs. A British force rushed from bases elsewhere in the Mediterranean and ended the violence, the British killing 87 Arabs and wounding many more. The total Jewish dead from the disturbances was 133. [note]

The uprising against the Jews proved counter productive for the Arabs, not only in Arab deaths but in the attitudes of Jews. Muslims had been arguing that it had been the Zionists who had been stirring up trouble, that the Jews they had been living alongside for centuries had wanted no separate state for Jews. Now, with the uprising against Jews, the Zionists and recent immigrants were winning the argument for a separate state.

The 1929 Rising against Jews

What this is is simply a part of the Palestinian struggle against Zionist Colonialism, a struggle by the the indigenous Palestinian people against Zionists who have came into the land and are taking lands from the Palestinians.

What would we do if outsiders came into America and started seizing and/or destroying our churches? According to your source, this uprising started when Jews seized Muslim Holy Places in Jerusalem. Its only natural people will resist their lands being stolen.

You called this Arab ethnic cleansing, but we see from your own source the problems started when Jews seized Muslim lands.

More History:

1914-1918 The Ottomans - who had conquered the eastern Mediterranean in 1516 - sided with Germany during the first world war. Britain supported an Arab revolt against the Ottomans, promising self rule. The British also promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine – the then foreign secretary, Lord Balfour, issuing a declaration in 1917.

1918 The Arabs took over Syria, led by Prince Faysal ibn Huseyn of the Arabian Hashemite dynasty. After the war, the League of Nations granted France and Britain control (‘mandates’) over the former Ottoman territories. France was given Syria, while Britain got a mandate over what became Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Jordan

1921 The British divided their mandate in two. East of the river Jordan became the emirate of Transjordan and was ruled by Faysal’s brother Abdullah. West of the Jordan became the Palestine mandate and remained under British control

1930 Jewish immigration to what was now the Palestine mandate from Europe, which had been going on since the 1880s, increased just before the second world war due to persecution by the Nazis. The local Arabs wanted to limit the numbers arriving. There were clashes between the Jewish immigrants and Palestinians supported by neighbouring Arab states.

1947-49 Britain gave up its mandate and the United Nations took over supervision. The UN suggested two states: one Arab, one Jewish. The Jews accepted; the Arabs rejected the plan. David Ben-Gurion declared the foundation of the state of Israel on 15 May 1948. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan invaded but were beaten back. The 1949 armistice extended the area the UN had proposed for the Jews

1956 Gamal Abdel Nasser came to power in Egypt. He integrated the armies of Egypt and Syria and nationalised the European-owned Suez canal. Israel joined with Britain and France, and on 29 October 1956, invaded the Sinai peninsular in Egypt. International pressure forced the Israelis to give up Sinai and the UK and France to remove their troops from the Suez canal.

1967 Hostilities between Israel and its neighbours continued and both sides built up their military strength. On 5 June 1967, Israel launched a 'pre-emptive strike' against the Arab troops along its borders. In the six-day war, Israel seized the Sinai from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan. Talks have centered around the return to pre-1967 borders ever since

Latest news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian
You cannot cite a single source for anything you have said, that is a Zionist for you.

You are one disturbed bitch. Here ya go Gaza Sherri.

During the first half of 1929, conflict erupted between Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem. Huseini accused the Jews of having seized Muslim holy places in Jerusalem – Al Aqsa and Al-Haram – atop the Jewish holy place called the Temple Mount. In response, enraged Arab mobs attacked Jews in Jerusalem and looted their homes, and the attacks and looting spread to other cities.

The Jews in Hebron suffered the most. There, sixty-seven Jews were killed and others injured. The attackers did not spare women, children and the aged. Hebron was a holy city for the Jews, but its settlement of 700 people came to an end. Survivors fled to Jerusalem.

At Tel Aviv, armed Jews counterattacked and killed six Arabs. A British force rushed from bases elsewhere in the Mediterranean and ended the violence, the British killing 87 Arabs and wounding many more. The total Jewish dead from the disturbances was 133. [note]

The uprising against the Jews proved counter productive for the Arabs, not only in Arab deaths but in the attitudes of Jews. Muslims had been arguing that it had been the Zionists who had been stirring up trouble, that the Jews they had been living alongside for centuries had wanted no separate state for Jews. Now, with the uprising against Jews, the Zionists and recent immigrants were winning the argument for a separate state.

The 1929 Rising against Jews

What this is is simply a part of the Palestinian struggle against Zionist Colonialism, a struggle by the the indigenous Palestinian people against Zionists who have came into the land and are taking lands from the Palestinians.

What would we do if outsiders came into America and started seizing and/or destroying our churches? According to your source, this uprising started when Jews seized Muslim Holy Places in Jerusalem. Its only natural people will resist their lands being stolen.

You called this Arab ethnic cleansing, but we see from your own source the problems started when Jews seized Muslim lands.

More History:

1914-1918 The Ottomans - who had conquered the eastern Mediterranean in 1516 - sided with Germany during the first world war. Britain supported an Arab revolt against the Ottomans, promising self rule. The British also promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine – the then foreign secretary, Lord Balfour, issuing a declaration in 1917.

1918 The Arabs took over Syria, led by Prince Faysal ibn Huseyn of the Arabian Hashemite dynasty. After the war, the League of Nations granted France and Britain control (‘mandates’) over the former Ottoman territories. France was given Syria, while Britain got a mandate over what became Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Jordan

1921 The British divided their mandate in two. East of the river Jordan became the emirate of Transjordan and was ruled by Faysal’s brother Abdullah. West of the Jordan became the Palestine mandate and remained under British control

1930 Jewish immigration to what was now the Palestine mandate from Europe, which had been going on since the 1880s, increased just before the second world war due to persecution by the Nazis. The local Arabs wanted to limit the numbers arriving. There were clashes between the Jewish immigrants and Palestinians supported by neighbouring Arab states.

1947-49 Britain gave up its mandate and the United Nations took over supervision. The UN suggested two states: one Arab, one Jewish. The Jews accepted; the Arabs rejected the plan. David Ben-Gurion declared the foundation of the state of Israel on 15 May 1948. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan invaded but were beaten back. The 1949 armistice extended the area the UN had proposed for the Jews

1956 Gamal Abdel Nasser came to power in Egypt. He integrated the armies of Egypt and Syria and nationalised the European-owned Suez canal. Israel joined with Britain and France, and on 29 October 1956, invaded the Sinai peninsular in Egypt. International pressure forced the Israelis to give up Sinai and the UK and France to remove their troops from the Suez canal.

1967 Hostilities between Israel and its neighbours continued and both sides built up their military strength. On 5 June 1967, Israel launched a 'pre-emptive strike' against the Arab troops along its borders. In the six-day war, Israel seized the Sinai from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan. Talks have centered around the return to pre-1967 borders ever since

Latest news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian
Ya right, you really really care about the "suffering" of the Palestinians.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich
Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection
Arab Nazi political groups [xiv] spring up throughout Middle East:
. Young Egypt. Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President). Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan. . Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Led by Anton Saada [xv] (known as the Syrian Fuhrer)

Amin Al-Husseini: Root of Today’s Iraqi Tragedy
Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini.

While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”. One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.

Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population.

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
. Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed
. Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
. Gypsies: over 40,000 killed
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]
Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.
You are one disturbed bitch. Here ya go Gaza Sherri.

The 1929 Rising against Jews

What this is is simply a part of the Palestinian struggle against Zionist Colonialism, a struggle by the the indigenous Palestinian people against Zionists who have came into the land and are taking lands from the Palestinians.

What would we do if outsiders came into America and started seizing and/or destroying our churches? According to your source, this uprising started when Jews seized Muslim Holy Places in Jerusalem. Its only natural people will resist their lands being stolen.

You called this Arab ethnic cleansing, but we see from your own source the problems started when Jews seized Muslim lands.

More History:

1914-1918 The Ottomans - who had conquered the eastern Mediterranean in 1516 - sided with Germany during the first world war. Britain supported an Arab revolt against the Ottomans, promising self rule. The British also promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine – the then foreign secretary, Lord Balfour, issuing a declaration in 1917.

1918 The Arabs took over Syria, led by Prince Faysal ibn Huseyn of the Arabian Hashemite dynasty. After the war, the League of Nations granted France and Britain control (‘mandates’) over the former Ottoman territories. France was given Syria, while Britain got a mandate over what became Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Jordan

1921 The British divided their mandate in two. East of the river Jordan became the emirate of Transjordan and was ruled by Faysal’s brother Abdullah. West of the Jordan became the Palestine mandate and remained under British control

1930 Jewish immigration to what was now the Palestine mandate from Europe, which had been going on since the 1880s, increased just before the second world war due to persecution by the Nazis. The local Arabs wanted to limit the numbers arriving. There were clashes between the Jewish immigrants and Palestinians supported by neighbouring Arab states.

1947-49 Britain gave up its mandate and the United Nations took over supervision. The UN suggested two states: one Arab, one Jewish. The Jews accepted; the Arabs rejected the plan. David Ben-Gurion declared the foundation of the state of Israel on 15 May 1948. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan invaded but were beaten back. The 1949 armistice extended the area the UN had proposed for the Jews

1956 Gamal Abdel Nasser came to power in Egypt. He integrated the armies of Egypt and Syria and nationalised the European-owned Suez canal. Israel joined with Britain and France, and on 29 October 1956, invaded the Sinai peninsular in Egypt. International pressure forced the Israelis to give up Sinai and the UK and France to remove their troops from the Suez canal.

1967 Hostilities between Israel and its neighbours continued and both sides built up their military strength. On 5 June 1967, Israel launched a 'pre-emptive strike' against the Arab troops along its borders. In the six-day war, Israel seized the Sinai from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan. Talks have centered around the return to pre-1967 borders ever since

Latest news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian
Ya right, you really really care about the "suffering" of the Palestinians.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich
Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection
Arab Nazi political groups [xiv] spring up throughout Middle East:
. Young Egypt. Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President). Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan. . Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Led by Anton Saada [xv] (known as the Syrian Fuhrer)

Amin Al-Husseini: Root of Today’s Iraqi Tragedy
Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini.

While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”. One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.

Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population.

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
. Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed
. Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
. Gypsies: over 40,000 killed
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]
Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.

Don't give Frau Sheri the facts. Ask why Israel should give in to every Arab demand which even she concedes will destroy the Jewish State and there will be no response. There will never be a " Palestinian state" :eusa_boohoo:
You stepped in it and the answer I was looking for is there but in a roundabout way. Just like a Liberal Democrat. You said "The Gospels set forth the teachings of Jesus."

Jesus taught from his studies of the Septuagint which makes it impossible for you to deny a single word of the Old Testament and profess to be a Christian. Also, you must be in favor of Zionism and forget about that "Palestine" jabberwocky. And remember, Jesus has an eye on you. Go take your Prozac and get a good nights sleep. That's a good girl!

Jesus taught what His Father told Him to teach.

Your ideas sound like Idolatry. You put what is written in The Old Testament above Jesus teachings ; which are from God.

Read the book of John.

I believe in Jesus, and that is not a belief in The Old Testament.
Matthew 5:17
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:18
For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Matthew 22:29
You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.

Nothing here inconsistent with anything I have said.

Jesus is Himself the fulfillment of The Old Testament. Read about the fullness that is Jesus in the book of John. Read how the Law will be fulfilled, through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Read about Salvation through faith in Jesus. Read about Jesus last words, It is finished,

John 1: 14-17

This was he of whom I said He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me. And from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God; the only God, who was at the Father's side, he has made him known.

John 1:28

The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

John 3:16-21

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.

John 19:28-30

After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now bfinished, said (vto fulfill the Scripture), c“I thirst.” 29 A jar full of sour wine stood there, dso they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. 30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, e“It is finished,” and he bowed his head and fgave up his spirit.

The Law has been fulfilled in Jesus.
What this is is simply a part of the Palestinian struggle against Zionist Colonialism, a struggle by the the indigenous Palestinian people against Zionists who have came into the land and are taking lands from the Palestinians.

What would we do if outsiders came into America and started seizing and/or destroying our churches? According to your source, this uprising started when Jews seized Muslim Holy Places in Jerusalem. Its only natural people will resist their lands being stolen.

You called this Arab ethnic cleansing, but we see from your own source the problems started when Jews seized Muslim lands.

More History:

1914-1918 The Ottomans - who had conquered the eastern Mediterranean in 1516 - sided with Germany during the first world war. Britain supported an Arab revolt against the Ottomans, promising self rule. The British also promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine – the then foreign secretary, Lord Balfour, issuing a declaration in 1917.

1918 The Arabs took over Syria, led by Prince Faysal ibn Huseyn of the Arabian Hashemite dynasty. After the war, the League of Nations granted France and Britain control (‘mandates’) over the former Ottoman territories. France was given Syria, while Britain got a mandate over what became Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Jordan

1921 The British divided their mandate in two. East of the river Jordan became the emirate of Transjordan and was ruled by Faysal’s brother Abdullah. West of the Jordan became the Palestine mandate and remained under British control

1930 Jewish immigration to what was now the Palestine mandate from Europe, which had been going on since the 1880s, increased just before the second world war due to persecution by the Nazis. The local Arabs wanted to limit the numbers arriving. There were clashes between the Jewish immigrants and Palestinians supported by neighbouring Arab states.

1947-49 Britain gave up its mandate and the United Nations took over supervision. The UN suggested two states: one Arab, one Jewish. The Jews accepted; the Arabs rejected the plan. David Ben-Gurion declared the foundation of the state of Israel on 15 May 1948. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan invaded but were beaten back. The 1949 armistice extended the area the UN had proposed for the Jews

1956 Gamal Abdel Nasser came to power in Egypt. He integrated the armies of Egypt and Syria and nationalised the European-owned Suez canal. Israel joined with Britain and France, and on 29 October 1956, invaded the Sinai peninsular in Egypt. International pressure forced the Israelis to give up Sinai and the UK and France to remove their troops from the Suez canal.

1967 Hostilities between Israel and its neighbours continued and both sides built up their military strength. On 5 June 1967, Israel launched a 'pre-emptive strike' against the Arab troops along its borders. In the six-day war, Israel seized the Sinai from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan. Talks have centered around the return to pre-1967 borders ever since

Latest news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian
Ya right, you really really care about the "suffering" of the Palestinians.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich
Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection
Arab Nazi political groups [xiv] spring up throughout Middle East:
. Young Egypt. Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President). Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan. . Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Led by Anton Saada [xv] (known as the Syrian Fuhrer)

Amin Al-Husseini: Root of Today’s Iraqi Tragedy
Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini.

While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”. One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.

Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population.

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
. Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed
. Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
. Gypsies: over 40,000 killed
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]
Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.

Don't give Frau Sheri the facts. Ask why Israel should give in to every Arab demand which even she concedes will destroy the Jewish State and there will be no response. There will never be a " Palestinian state" :eusa_boohoo:

Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.
Ya right, you really really care about the "suffering" of the Palestinians.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich
Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection
Arab Nazi political groups [xiv] spring up throughout Middle East:
. Young Egypt. Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President). Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan. . Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Led by Anton Saada [xv] (known as the Syrian Fuhrer)

Amin Al-Husseini: Root of Today’s Iraqi Tragedy
Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini.

While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”. One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.

Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population.

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
. Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed
. Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
. Gypsies: over 40,000 killed
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]
Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.

Don't give Frau Sheri the facts. Ask why Israel should give in to every Arab demand which even she concedes will destroy the Jewish State and there will be no response. There will never be a " Palestinian state" :eusa_boohoo:

Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.

My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot
Don't give Frau Sheri the facts. Ask why Israel should give in to every Arab demand which even she concedes will destroy the Jewish State and there will be no response. There will never be a " Palestinian state" :eusa_boohoo:

Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.

My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

If Palestinian's rights are a threat to Israel's existence then why did it create its state on their violation?

Israel has put its people in a bad situation.
Don't give Frau Sheri the facts. Ask why Israel should give in to every Arab demand which even she concedes will destroy the Jewish State and there will be no response. There will never be a " Palestinian state" :eusa_boohoo:

Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.

My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

Israel never agreed to borders.

She declared herself into existence and from the beginning has been violating the rights of the indigenous peoples.

The UN Plan which was never implemented by the Security Council did not envision ethnic cleansing.

I should add that Israel was only admitted into the UN as a member state, after she agreed to abide by the partition resolution (Resolution 181) and the resolution that ordered the refugees to be allowed to return to their homes. That effectively was agreeing to the borders set for Israel in the Partition Plan.

Israel continues to refuse to abide by either Resolution.

Israel would like to sit on the Security Council, no chance in hell of that until Israel abides by the many UN Resolutions she remains in violation of, that go all the way back to when she entered the UN as a member state in 1949.
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Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.

My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

If Palestinian's rights are a threat to Israel's existence then why did it create its state on their violation?

Israel has put its people in a bad situation.

" palestine" was not a Country in 1948. The Arabs in fact rejected the Two State Solution. Why wasn't " palestine" created before 1967? Israel has put it's people in a bad situation? How, by being created? Now, that is Pro Palestinian logic. Still doesn't answer my question that no Pro Palestinian even dare to ; Why should Israel agree to terms that would wipe them off the map? Hint..... They aren't. Let the Palestinians keep demanding Borders that even the Arabs wouldn't recognize till recently, demand all of E. Jerusalem which ironically would deprive Jews of their Holy sites, and " Right of Return" which would eventually annex them to the " palestinian state". It's not going to happen

The " christian" calls the above " Zionist Propoganda?" :lol: " jesus" taught her well :eusa_angel:
Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.

My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

Israel never agreed to borders. She declared herself into existence and from the beginning has been violating the rights of the indigenous peoples. The UN Plan which was never implemented by the Security Council did not envision ethnic cleansing.

With whom did Israel have an opportutnity to "AGREE" on borders? in 1948---the
jihadist baby murderers insisted that their agenda was the total destruction of Israel---

Israel never engaged in "ethnic cleansing" ----Isael fought with those elements
that attacked her and supported the sick detail of their perverse creed "WE WILL

Are you saying that all those leaders wh enunciated the creed of filth ---above
noted in quotations marks----were and are filthy liars? or their words and
actions ,, includintg those obscene mutiations you so enjoy,, were and are

In the US----those who support the violent overthrow of the USA government,
or constitution are deemed criminals. In the land of filth----Iran---those who
deny the "absolute veracity" of the koran are guilty of capital crime. Yet you
deny Israel the right to protect itself from your fellow infant mutilators.
Your comments do not make sense.
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast
Last edited:
Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.

My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

Israel never agreed to borders. She declared herself into existence and from the beginning has been violating the rights of the indigenous peoples. The UN Plan which was never implemented by the Security Council did not envision ethnic cleansing.

Another lie from the " christian". The Arabs rejected the idea of a Jewish Homeland from the start and the " two State Solution". This was proven May 15, 1948. Like it or not, the U.N. did approve Israel as the JEWISH HOMELAND. :eek:
Does anyone know how to say "I AM THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LAW" in aramaic?
The sentence makes no sense in English Sherri seems to believe that the
"FULLFILLMENT OF THE LAW" means that the entire legal code as described
in the Scriptural writings in the first five books of the bible-----has been abolished
by that meaningless statement (at least meaningless in english) No wonder she
adulates people who slit the throats of infants----she thinks that murder has
been rendered "not illegal" It is true that some of the details of the Justinian
code do violate in depraved manner-----that which most people see as the laws
of all decent civilizations. Not I understand why Adolf Hitler was renamed
ADOLF ABU ALI------he abrogated civilized law too The use of the term "abu"
amongst arabic speaking people----is interesting although I do not understand it
all that way-------it means "father of"-----but somehow it also refers to personal
attributes --I think. Ali is the son-in-law of muhummad ---thus rendering
Adolf----"abu ali"---confers on him a relatonship with muhummad------that does make
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast

It's so cute when ignorant non-Jews pretend they understand what 'Pharisee' meant and still does mean to Jews: it is, after all, a Jewish description of Jews-practicing-Judaism.

That of course doesn't cover anything by Paul after Paul decided that Jesus was divine......
I could care less what a Jew living in 2013 who rejects Jesus as Messiah says about words of Jesus. No expectations at all for you to see the Truth of who Jesus is or the Truth in His words.

" jesus" is her deity? We all know that's a bunch of BULL -S**T. Reading the above you can just sense the hate she has. Would " jesus" approve of hating those who don't believe in " him"? :eusa_angel: After all , as I have previously listed there are MANY NON CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. Apparently " jesus" never taught " tolerance and non bigotry'. :cuckoo:
My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

Israel never agreed to borders. She declared herself into existence and from the beginning has been violating the rights of the indigenous peoples. The UN Plan which was never implemented by the Security Council did not envision ethnic cleansing.

Another lie from the " christian". The Arabs rejected the idea of a Jewish Homeland from the start and the " two State Solution". This was proven May 15, 1948. Like it or not, the U.N. did approve Israel as the JEWISH HOMELAND. :eek:

There was a declaration of a state, no declaration of borders, and ethnic cleansing and occupations that continue through today.

We all see exactly all Zionism and Israel are and stand for, that is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Occupation.
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Israel never agreed to borders. She declared herself into existence and from the beginning has been violating the rights of the indigenous peoples. The UN Plan which was never implemented by the Security Council did not envision ethnic cleansing.

Another lie from the " christian". The Arabs rejected the idea of a Jewish Homeland from the start and the " two State Solution". This was proven May 15, 1948. Like it or not, the U.N. did approve Israel as the JEWISH HOMELAND. :eek:

There was a declaration of a state, no declaration of borders, and ethnic cleansing and occupations that continue through today.

We all see exactly all Zionism and Israel are and stand for, that is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Occupation.

Sorry, but there were initial " borders" that were immediately rejected by the Arabs. " Ethnic cleaning?" Is that why there are no Arabs inside Israel? :cuckoo: " Occupations" You mean the " occupations" that occured after the Arabs initiated the 67 War because they refused to accept Israel's " borders?" :lol: :cuckoo: Just more proof they haven't been accepted by the Arabs since May 14, 1948.

We all see what Zionism and Israel stand for; a State with a JEWISH MAJORITY, and holding on to some land that they aquired in a War the Arabs initiated especially E. Jerusalem which have their HOLY SITES!
My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

Israel never agreed to borders. She declared herself into existence and from the beginning has been violating the rights of the indigenous peoples. The UN Plan which was never implemented by the Security Council did not envision ethnic cleansing.

Another lie from the " christian". The Arabs rejected the idea of a Jewish Homeland from the start and the " two State Solution". This was proven May 15, 1948. Like it or not, the U.N. did approve Israel as the JEWISH HOMELAND. :eek:

Identify the lie, Israeli shill.

So far, nothing in my post did you prove was a lie.

But you lied.

The UN Security Council has never implemented the Partition Plan.

The UN has never approved Israel as the jewish homeland.

And they never will, Apartheid is a crime under intl law.

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