State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

Another lie from the " christian". The Arabs rejected the idea of a Jewish Homeland from the start and the " two State Solution". This was proven May 15, 1948. Like it or not, the U.N. did approve Israel as the JEWISH HOMELAND. :eek:

There was a declaration of a state, no declaration of borders, and ethnic cleansing and occupations that continue through today.

We all see exactly all Zionism and Israel are and stand for, that is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Occupation.

Sorry, but there were initial " borders" that were immediately rejected by the Arabs. " Ethnic cleaning?" Is that why there are no Arabs inside Israel? :cuckoo: " Occupations" You mean the " occupations" that occured after the Arabs initiated the 67 War because they refused to accept Israel's " borders?" :lol: :cuckoo: Just more proof they haven't been accepted by the Arabs since May 14, 1948.

We all see what Zionism and Israel stand for; a State with a JEWISH MAJORITY, and holding on to some land that they aquired in a War the Arabs initiated especially E. Jerusalem which have their HOLY SITES!

Acquisition of land by military conquest is unlawful under the UN Charter.

Any land Israel has acquired by military conquest is Occupied and she has no sovereignty rights in any such lands.
Fellows posters (including sherri) below is a statement made by sherri on this thread.

"What would we do if outsiders came into America and started seizing and/or destroying our churches? According to your source, this uprising started when Jews seized Muslim Holy Places in Jerusalem. Its only natural people will resist their lands being stolen.

Can anyone (or sherri) tell me when and WHAT "holy muslim places" were seized
by jews in ---what seems to be the early 20th century? I simply do not understand
her reference which she presents of if it is obvious and GLARING that jews newly
migrating from "europe" seized and even "DESTROYED" muslim holy places.
Also---I am assuming she refers to the violence in Jerusalem ---circa 1920----to what '
"stolen" lands is she referring?
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast

It's so cute when ignorant non-Jews pretend they understand what 'Pharisee' meant and still does mean to Jews: it is, after all, a Jewish description of Jews-practicing-Judaism.

That of course doesn't cover anything by Paul after Paul decided that Jesus was divine......
I could care less what a Jew living in 2013 who rejects Jesus as Messiah says about words of Jesus. No expectations at all for you to see the Truth of who Jesus is or the Truth in His words.

" jesus" is her deity? We all know that's a bunch of BULL -S**T. Reading the above you can just sense the hate she has. Would " jesus" approve of hating those who don't believe in " him"? :eusa_angel: After all , as I have previously listed there are MANY NON CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. Apparently " jesus" never taught " tolerance and non bigotry'. :cuckoo:

Veteran----the arguements presented by sherri are VERY CONSISTENT----
but not with the teachings of the JESUS-----they are more in the line of the
teachings of Muhummad who DID insist that anyone who rejects HIS teachings
and HIS divinity -----should be slaughtered Pharasaical Judaism never denied
the fact that other "creeds" exist-----and are part of the landscape of the planet---
As you know---the issues that pharasaical judaism rejects for ALL PEOPLE ----is
THE SACRIFICE OF CHILDREN TO THEIR "god" " I have never come across
an actual comment which can be credibly attributed to Jesus ---that contradicts
the standard PHARISEE POV
Jesus taught what His Father told Him to teach.

Your ideas sound like Idolatry. You put what is written in The Old Testament above Jesus teachings ; which are from God.

Read the book of John.

I believe in Jesus, and that is not a belief in The Old Testament.
Matthew 5:17
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:18
For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Matthew 22:29
You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.

Nothing here inconsistent with anything I have said.

Jesus is Himself the fulfillment of The Old Testament. Read about the fullness that is Jesus in the book of John. Read how the Law will be fulfilled, through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Read about Salvation through faith in Jesus. Read about Jesus last words, It is finished,

John 1: 14-17

This was he of whom I said He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me. And from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God; the only God, who was at the Father's side, he has made him known.

John 1:28

The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

John 3:16-21

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.

John 19:28-30

After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now bfinished, said (vto fulfill the Scripture), c“I thirst.” 29 A jar full of sour wine stood there, dso they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. 30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, e“It is finished,” and he bowed his head and fgave up his spirit.

The Law has been fulfilled in Jesus.

Fulfilled, not erased but that's besides the point. You, obviously in need of having your meds refilled, claimed the Old Testament was a Jewish myth.
What does the Koran say about it, eh Gaza Sherri?
Matthew 5:17
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:18
For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Matthew 22:29
You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.

Nothing here inconsistent with anything I have said.

Jesus is Himself the fulfillment of The Old Testament. Read about the fullness that is Jesus in the book of John. Read how the Law will be fulfilled, through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Read about Salvation through faith in Jesus. Read about Jesus last words, It is finished,

John 1: 14-17

This was he of whom I said He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me. And from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God; the only God, who was at the Father's side, he has made him known.

John 1:28

The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

John 3:16-21

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.

John 19:28-30

After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now bfinished, said (vto fulfill the Scripture), c“I thirst.” 29 A jar full of sour wine stood there, dso they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. 30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, e“It is finished,” and he bowed his head and fgave up his spirit.

The Law has been fulfilled in Jesus.

Fulfilled, not erased but that's besides the point. You, obviously in need of having your meds refilled, claimed the Old Testament was a Jewish myth.
What does the Koran say about it, eh Gaza Sherri?

Ezekiel's chariot of fire was factual ?
My question has everything to do with the conflict, It has to do with Israel agreeing to " borders" that up to now the Arabs have never accepted and " Right of Return" which even you conceded would destroy the Jewish State. Try to put aside your " Christian" hate and bigotry that" Jesus " :lol: taught you and answer the question. You can't because you're a " Christian" hypocrite Get this through your " Christian" head; No 67 Borders especially E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are and no "Right of Return" you hateful bigot

If Palestinian's rights are a threat to Israel's existence then why did it create its state on their violation?

Israel has put its people in a bad situation.

" palestine" was not a Country in 1948. The Arabs in fact rejected the Two State Solution. Why wasn't " palestine" created before 1967? Israel has put it's people in a bad situation? How, by being created? Now, that is Pro Palestinian logic. Still doesn't answer my question that no Pro Palestinian even dare to ; Why should Israel agree to terms that would wipe them off the map? Hint..... They aren't. Let the Palestinians keep demanding Borders that even the Arabs wouldn't recognize till recently, demand all of E. Jerusalem which ironically would deprive Jews of their Holy sites, and " Right of Return" which would eventually annex them to the " palestinian state". It's not going to happen

The " christian" calls the above " Zionist Propoganda?" :lol: " jesus" taught her well :eusa_angel:

Before the British left Palestine, the land was British Mandate Palestine. The British held the land in essentially a trust relationship for the indigenous people. The Balfour Declaration, which was arguably not even lawful under intl law, as discussed in UN documents, purported to give Zionist colonists a Jewish homeland there. But, by its very own terms, the BD also provided the Jewish homeland could not violate the indigenous peoples rights in the land, the indigenous people have a right of self determination in the land. Two people given the same rights in the same land. Two solutions, they divide the land in two parts or they share the land in one state with equal rights for all. These are the only two choices that result in a situation where international law is being complied with.

The one state solution is where they are headed.

Whether you like it or not or whether I like it or not, is irrelevant.
Nothing here inconsistent with anything I have said.

Jesus is Himself the fulfillment of The Old Testament. Read about the fullness that is Jesus in the book of John. Read how the Law will be fulfilled, through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Read about Salvation through faith in Jesus. Read about Jesus last words, It is finished,

John 1: 14-17

This was he of whom I said He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me. And from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God; the only God, who was at the Father's side, he has made him known.

John 1:28

The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

John 3:16-21

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.

John 19:28-30

After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now bfinished, said (vto fulfill the Scripture), c“I thirst.” 29 A jar full of sour wine stood there, dso they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. 30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, e“It is finished,” and he bowed his head and fgave up his spirit.

The Law has been fulfilled in Jesus.

Fulfilled, not erased but that's besides the point. You, obviously in need of having your meds refilled, claimed the Old Testament was a Jewish myth.
What does the Koran say about it, eh Gaza Sherri?

Ezekiel's chariot of fire was factual ?

I can't prove it was, you can't prove it wasn't. Kinda makes it a moot point, don'tcha think............
Last edited:
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast

What delusions you live with!

You make up some fictitious person and accuse others of following him.

You really need help, I think about that woman just shot at The White House because of her delusions, it could be you tomorrow.

Please get help.
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast

What delusions you live with!

You make up some fictitious person and accuse others of following him.

You really need help, I think about that woman just shot at The White House because of her delusions, it could be you tomorrow.

Please get help.

Sherri----try again------it is YOU who used the term ISA-----and YOU who claimed
that your "isa" spoke and wrote in arabic (several centuries before arabic had an
alphabet) It is silly of you to talk about "delusions" You have no idea what a '
"DELUSION" is------in fact---in court in order to claim a person is delusional-----you
would have to hire a physician to testify as such-----your opinion would not
be worth the paper on which you scribbled your nonsense. You need a referral?
PS---sherri----what statement in my post do you wish to challenge as "delusional"?
I could teach you something about the subject
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast

What delusions you live with!

You make up some fictitious person and accuse others of following him.

You really need help, I think about that woman just shot at The White House because of her delusions, it could be you tomorrow.

Please get help.

You're telling someone they need professional help??!! :lmao:
The mythology making of the pro-Palestinian crowd amazes and startles the informed mind.

If what we see here is the extent of the intellectual opposition to Israel's continued existence, then the Israeli peoples' futures are bright indeed.
Fulfilled, not erased but that's besides the point. You, obviously in need of having your meds refilled, claimed the Old Testament was a Jewish myth.
What does the Koran say about it, eh Gaza Sherri?

Ezekiel's chariot of fire was factual ?

I can't prove it was, you can't prove it wasn't.

lol, see how literalists are, they cannot simply accept some things written, were not necessarily intended to be read as literally true. There is definitely much Symbolism in The Bible.

Shallow minds miss out on the real meaning of what is written.

Consider Evolution and Creation in the Bible. I believe both are true, so does my 13 year old daughter.

Consider The Life Of PI, two versions of a story were told, both true.

The Apostle Paul and the Apostle James make statements that if you sat them side by side, they contradict each other, both true.

Wicked, I just watched it with my daughters earlier this week. Who is good and who is evil? We all are both. And things are often not what they seem.

Truth is elusive, but always worthwhile to pursue. So many distractions in the world lead us astray from that pursuit of Truth.
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast

What delusions you live with!

You make up some fictitious person and accuse others of following him.

You really need help, I think about that woman just shot at The White House because of her delusions, it could be you tomorrow.

Please get help.

You're telling someone they need professional help??!! :lmao:

Is silence when confronted with others having delusions a better response?
Veteran----her deity is ---- isa ------ not Jesus. Jesus is greek form of the
name YESHUA-----which is an aramaic form of the name YEHOSHUA. Jesus
was a pharisee jew living in Judea----under brutal roman occupatioin

Isa is a mythological being who lived somewhere in the large land mass
that Herodotus described as being mostly part of the Syrian Empire---with
a few smaller areas in which some greek/Aegean people temporarily resided.
The name isa ----has no root or meaning as far as iI know--but my understanding
of arabic is limited to a few dozen vulgarities that arabic speaking people snort
incessantly. Some people have claimed that ISA is a corrupton of the name
ESAF----the brother of Jacob (aka Israel) I could see how the illiterates of
arabia could come up with the error since their leader strained sophistry to create
a family link between himself and ABRAHAM who was the grandfather of
Jacob (aka Israel)----kinda like wishful thinking on their part
Yehoshua was a much used name in Judea and means something like
"G-d saves or rescues or provides salvation" or something like that ----I think

Try not to confuse "isa" with JESUS aka YESHUA aka YEHOSHUA----
Yehoshua was a pharisee with a following-----Ise is a depraved mythological beast

What delusions you live with!

You make up some fictitious person and accuse others of following him.

You really need help, I think about that woman just shot at The White House because of her delusions, it could be you tomorrow.

Please get help.

Sherri----try again------it is YOU who used the term ISA-----and YOU who claimed
that your "isa" spoke and wrote in arabic (several centuries before arabic had an
alphabet) It is silly of you to talk about "delusions" You have no idea what a '
"DELUSION" is------in fact---in court in order to claim a person is delusional-----you
would have to hire a physician to testify as such-----your opinion would not
be worth the paper on which you scribbled your nonsense. You need a referral?

Isa is simply the Arabic word for Jesus, it is the name of Jesus in Arabic.

Arab Christians call Jesus Isa.

The rest of what you wrote are lies and/or delusions.

Jesus wrote and spoke in Aramaic, everyone knows that..
Last edited:
The mythology making of the pro-Palestinian crowd amazes and startles the informed mind.

If what we see here is the extent of the intellectual opposition to Israel's continued existence, then the Israeli peoples' futures are bright indeed.

So many words, to say nothing in them.
What delusions you live with!

You make up some fictitious person and accuse others of following him.

You really need help, I think about that woman just shot at The White House because of her delusions, it could be you tomorrow.

Please get help.

You're telling someone they need professional help??!! :lmao:

Is silence when confronted with others having delusions a better response?

If that were the case I would have never responded to you. :eusa_whistle:
High time the Zionist Parasites stop suckling from the teet anyway. Obama is a piece of garbage, but Israel can kiss my ass too. They are no friend to US.
High time the Zionist Parasites stop suckling from the teet anyway. Obama is a piece of garbage, but Israel can kiss my ass too. They are no friend to US.

Don't you have some robes to launder? Gotta get ready for that cross burning tonight.

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