State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

High time the Zionist Parasites stop suckling from the teet anyway. Obama is a piece of garbage, but Israel can kiss my ass too. They are no friend to US.
This is an example, boys and girls. Here in the Texas prairies, after a good rain, the manure piles will grow a pretty little flower that lasts for a day. We call 'em 'Turd Blossoms'.
What delusions you live with!

You make up some fictitious person and accuse others of following him.

You really need help, I think about that woman just shot at The White House because of her delusions, it could be you tomorrow.

Please get help.

You're telling someone they need professional help??!! :lmao:

Is silence when confronted with others having delusions a better response?

In general ----yes. There are many causes of DELUSIONS----the most important
response is an attempt to DETERMINE if what seems a 'delusion' has an actual
basis. There have been cases of people who expressed ideas of persecution or
outside threats that were considered "delusions"---that turned out to be true.
Next is what real people call a medical history. ---complete. Some delusions are
caused by dysfunction of the brain due to chemical problems----or pathologies like
tumors or long term infections---like syphilis. the HIV virus INVARIABLY invades
the brain too and can cause DELUSIONS ---Just sensory deprivation or lack of
sleep can lead to delusions. Sherri----do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Try not to be so stupid if you ever end up in a courtroom -----most judges tend to have
a brain and are very PICKY about your use of WORDS You can play your idiot games
with your fellow isa-respecters.
Fellows posters (including sherri) below is a statement made by sherri on this thread.

"What would we do if outsiders came into America and started seizing and/or destroying our churches? According to your source, this uprising started when Jews seized Muslim Holy Places in Jerusalem. Its only natural people will resist their lands being stolen.

Can anyone (or sherri) tell me when and WHAT "holy muslim places" were seized
by jews in ---what seems to be the early 20th century? I simply do not understand
her reference which she presents of if it is obvious and GLARING that jews newly
migrating from "europe" seized and even "DESTROYED" muslim holy places.
Also---I am assuming she refers to the violence in Jerusalem ---circa 1920----to what '
"stolen" lands is she referring?

It is clear that sherri is unable to defend her silly lie
Israel never agreed to borders. She declared herself into existence and from the beginning has been violating the rights of the indigenous peoples. The UN Plan which was never implemented by the Security Council did not envision ethnic cleansing.

Another lie from the " christian". The Arabs rejected the idea of a Jewish Homeland from the start and the " two State Solution". This was proven May 15, 1948. Like it or not, the U.N. did approve Israel as the JEWISH HOMELAND. :eek:

from sherri----to veteran
Identify the lie, Israeli shill.

So far, nothing in my post did you prove was a lie.

But you lied.

The UN Security Council has never implemented the Partition Plan.

The UN has never approved Israel as the jewish homeland.

And they never will, Apartheid is a crime under intl law.

I will help you,, Sherri-----jihadist baby throat slitter shill.

Israel presented itself as a JEWISH HOMELAND and in that status
was given membership in the UN by VOTE of its members as the

The fact that Israel characterzes itself as a jewish homeland in no
way defines "apartheid". or as one engaging in an international
crime. Sovereign states actually do have a right to determine their
own policies regarding immigration and that which constitutes treason --
etc etc. If you insist that since Israel characterizes itself as a
Jewish home land----it exists CONTRARY TO INTERNATIONAL LAW----then
all states that characterize themselves as "ISLAMIC" are similarly in
violation In fact any state that controls immigration in any way related
to land of origin --or creed or ideology is ALSO an "APARTHEID" nation.

Your comment is very consistent-----it is consistent with classical islamo nazi
doctrine-------"IN THE NAME OF ISA/ALLA we will not tolerate--a zionist entity"

Shouldn't you be on a FAST and campaign to throw Iran out of the UN?
Oooooh, that stung....... though who it stung is still a mystery. Try something a little more esoteric for you in your responses, nanny-nanny-boo-boo might still be a little out of your reach though.

You don't even know the difference between a Jew and a Zionist. Figure that one out and then maybe you can remove your head from your ass. No move on, Captain Ignorance.

Nope, still pre-school grade comebacks. Come on Sparky, you can do better than that. Try really, really hard and ya might just get a gold star out of it.

Try explaining the difference rather than chumming tripe. If you had any clue, you wouldn't be so bloviatingly inane.

Not one of you kiddies understands anymore than the bill of goods you have been sold through American media and schools. Try expanding your horizons rather than rely on the gospel of Moses, because in your hubris you only come off like idiots or children.

This one is JEWS for Justice, kids- The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

Try educating rather attempting to put people into the neatly designed box of bigotry you have come to cherish.

Your next comeback will be more nothing. Carry on.
You don't even know the difference between a Jew and a Zionist. Figure that one out and then maybe you can remove your head from your ass. No move on, Captain Ignorance.

Nope, still pre-school grade comebacks. Come on Sparky, you can do better than that. Try really, really hard and ya might just get a gold star out of it.

Try explaining the difference rather than chumming tripe. If you had any clue, you wouldn't be so bloviatingly inane.

Not one of you kiddies understands anymore than the bill of goods you have been sold through American media and schools. Try expanding your horizons rather than rely on the gospel of Moses, because in your hubris you only come off like idiots or children.

This one is JEWS for Justice, kids- The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

Try educating rather attempting to put people into the neatly designed box of bigotry you have come to cherish.

Your next comeback will be more nothing. Carry on.
Obviously you're perfected that to an art form......... But you won't get it, your own hubris is in the way.
Ya right, you really really care about the "suffering" of the Palestinians.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich
Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection
Arab Nazi political groups [xiv] spring up throughout Middle East:
. Young Egypt. Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President). Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan. . Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Led by Anton Saada [xv] (known as the Syrian Fuhrer)

Amin Al-Husseini: Root of Today’s Iraqi Tragedy
Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini.

While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”. One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.

Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population.

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
. Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed
. Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
. Gypsies: over 40,000 killed
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]
Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.

Don't give Frau Sheri the facts. Ask why Israel should give in to every Arab demand which even she concedes will destroy the Jewish State and there will be no response. There will never be a " Palestinian state" :eusa_boohoo:

Your Zionist Propaganda is not a part of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Nothing to do with it.
Not to you. But the fact is that Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians - founded the Palestinian (bowel) Movement, aligned themselves with and fought for the Nazis, then pleaded with the Nazis (successfully) to kill as many Jews as possible, as well as non Muslims, and managed to indoctrinate and blend Arab nationalism and Islamic movements like the Muslim brotherhood with Nazism.

This explains why Muslims and specifically Palestinians are intolerant, violent, terroristic savages with no regard for human life, even their own.
Oooooh, that stung....... though who it stung is still a mystery. Try something a little more esoteric for you in your responses, nanny-nanny-boo-boo might still be a little out of your reach though.

You don't even know the difference between a Jew and a Zionist. Figure that one out and then maybe you can remove your head from your ass. No move on, Captain Ignorance.

Nope, still pre-school grade comebacks. Come on Sparky, you can do better than that. Try really, really hard and ya might just get a gold star out of it.
99.9999% of Jews are Zionists. Hence the wise words of Martin Luther King jr. "Anti Zionism is just another name for anti Semetism".
Last edited:
There was a declaration of a state, no declaration of borders, and ethnic cleansing and occupations that continue through today.

We all see exactly all Zionism and Israel are and stand for, that is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Occupation.

Sorry, but there were initial " borders" that were immediately rejected by the Arabs. " Ethnic cleaning?" Is that why there are no Arabs inside Israel? :cuckoo: " Occupations" You mean the " occupations" that occured after the Arabs initiated the 67 War because they refused to accept Israel's " borders?" :lol: :cuckoo: Just more proof they haven't been accepted by the Arabs since May 14, 1948.

We all see what Zionism and Israel stand for; a State with a JEWISH MAJORITY, and holding on to some land that they aquired in a War the Arabs initiated especially E. Jerusalem which have their HOLY SITES!

Acquisition of land by military conquest is unlawful under the UN Charter.

Any land Israel has acquired by military conquest is Occupied and she has no sovereignty rights in any such lands.

Frau Sheri,

We both know that if the Arabs had won the 67 War we would not be talking about " International Law" which is a farce anyway. If Israel had instigated like Iraq did in the Gulf War I would obviously agree. However, that did not happen. The Arabs NEVER accepted the " borders" YOU say never existed, Israel does not have ( and will not) accept them now. They will never give up E. Jerusalem which has their Holy Sites or allow " Right of Return". Deal with it :lol:
With everything that's going on it's good our president is on the job:

Oct 5, 12:48 PM EDT

Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins

AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says he would "think about changing" the Washington Redskins' name if he owned the football team as he waded into the controversy involving a word that many consider offensive to Native Americans.

Obama, in an interview with The Associated Press, said team names such as the Redskins offend "a sizable group of people." He said that while fans get attached to the names, nostalgia may not be a good enough reason to keep them in place.

"I don't know whether our attachment to a particular name should override the real legitimate concerns that people have about these things," he said in the interview, which was conducted Friday.

An avid sports fan who roots for the Chicago Bears, Obama said he doesn't think Washington football fans are purposely trying to offend American Indians. "I don't want to detract from the wonderful Redskins fans that are here. They love their team and rightly so," he said.

But the president appeared to come down on the side of those who have sharply criticized the football team's name, noting that Indians "feel pretty strongly" about mascots and team names that depict negative stereotypes about their heritage.

The team's owner, Dan Snyder has vowed to never abandon the name.​

News from The Associated Press












Wow, you're sewper kewl. I suppose they invest because the mighty Zionist Pigs run US Foreign policy, and we serfs can be counted on at all times to take it up the ass for a country that wouldn't cross the street to take a shit on us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Zion Peon.

Ugh, another piece of stormfront turd landing here, joining dogshit like sherri ****. Yeah, the jews run the US, the world, they created the universe, and right now they are lining up to ass fuck you as well. I couldn't be happier that the israelis are sucking mentally weak trash like you dry of the few pennies you have, I look forward to seeing you soon on the street corner holding a sign "needs food." It will be a very familiar place for you.
Wow, you're sewper kewl. I suppose they invest because the mighty Zionist Pigs run US Foreign policy, and we serfs can be counted on at all times to take it up the ass for a country that wouldn't cross the street to take a shit on us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Zion Peon.

Ugh, another piece of stormfront turd landing here, joining dogshit like sherri ****. Yeah, the jews run the US, the world, they created the universe, and right now they are lining up to ass fuck you as well. I couldn't be happier that the israelis are sucking mentally weak trash like you dry of the few pennies you have, I look forward to seeing you soon on the street corner holding a sign "needs food." It will be a very familiar place for you.

GREAT POST! Sorry to keep repeating myself but keep asking the same question with NO response from the Palestinians. In " negotiating" why would Israel agree to terms that would ultimately destroy her and annex them to " palestine?" There will be no response. Another reason why there will never be a " palestinian state" :lol:
If Palestinian's rights are a threat to Israel's existence then why did it create its state on their violation?

Israel has put its people in a bad situation.

" palestine" was not a Country in 1948. The Arabs in fact rejected the Two State Solution. Why wasn't " palestine" created before 1967? Israel has put it's people in a bad situation? How, by being created? Now, that is Pro Palestinian logic. Still doesn't answer my question that no Pro Palestinian even dare to ; Why should Israel agree to terms that would wipe them off the map? Hint..... They aren't. Let the Palestinians keep demanding Borders that even the Arabs wouldn't recognize till recently, demand all of E. Jerusalem which ironically would deprive Jews of their Holy sites, and " Right of Return" which would eventually annex them to the " palestinian state". It's not going to happen

The " christian" calls the above " Zionist Propoganda?" :lol: " jesus" taught her well :eusa_angel:

Before the British left Palestine, the land was British Mandate Palestine. The British held the land in essentially a trust relationship for the indigenous people. The Balfour Declaration, which was arguably not even lawful under intl law, as discussed in UN documents, purported to give Zionist colonists a Jewish homeland there. But, by its very own terms, the BD also provided the Jewish homeland could not violate the indigenous peoples rights in the land, the indigenous people have a right of self determination in the land. Two people given the same rights in the same land. Two solutions, they divide the land in two parts or they share the land in one state with equal rights for all. These are the only two choices that result in a situation where international law is being complied with.

The one state solution is where they are headed.

Whether you like it or not or whether I like it or not, is irrelevant.

If you and I make a Legal binding agreement and I break it, LEGALLY you do not have to keep your end of the bargain. They can have their " Palestinian State" except they are not going to have the 67 Borders they rejected according to " International Law" which it a joke anyway. The one state solution? lol That is what " Right of Return" is all about. Another reason why it won't happen. The way Abbas rants that Israelis will not be allowed inside the " palestinian state", Palestinians will never be allowed inside the " borders" that the Arabs have always rejected. Deal with it
Wow, you're sewper kewl. I suppose they invest because the mighty Zionist Pigs run US Foreign policy, and we serfs can be counted on at all times to take it up the ass for a country that wouldn't cross the street to take a shit on us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Zion Peon.

Ugh, another piece of stormfront turd landing here, joining dogshit like sherri ****. Yeah, the jews run the US, the world, they created the universe, and right now they are lining up to ass fuck you as well. I couldn't be happier that the israelis are sucking mentally weak trash like you dry of the few pennies you have, I look forward to seeing you soon on the street corner holding a sign "needs food." It will be a very familiar place for you.

Awesome retort. You have nothing but personal attacks like every other asshole stupid enough to bother trying to debate since I made my first comment. Move on, numbnuts.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

I keep posting these links, not for you or your fellow Netenyahu cock suckers, but for people (like myself many years ago), who have begun to wonder just what the fuck we are doing in the shithole ME at all.
Wow, you're sewper kewl. I suppose they invest because the mighty Zionist Pigs run US Foreign policy, and we serfs can be counted on at all times to take it up the ass for a country that wouldn't cross the street to take a shit on us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Zion Peon.

Ugh, another piece of stormfront turd landing here, joining dogshit like sherri ****. Yeah, the jews run the US, the world, they created the universe, and right now they are lining up to ass fuck you as well. I couldn't be happier that the israelis are sucking mentally weak trash like you dry of the few pennies you have, I look forward to seeing you soon on the street corner holding a sign "needs food." It will be a very familiar place for you.

Awesome retort. You have nothing but personal attacks like every other asshole stupid enough to bother trying to debate since I made my first comment. Move on, numbnuts.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

I keep posting these links, not for you or your fellow Netenyahu cock suckers, but for people (like myself many years ago), who have begun to wonder just what the fuck we are doing in the shithole ME at all.
You beaucoup dinky dau. You numba 10 G.I. Why you no love me , I love you too much,numba 10.
Wow, you're sewper kewl. I suppose they invest because the mighty Zionist Pigs run US Foreign policy, and we serfs can be counted on at all times to take it up the ass for a country that wouldn't cross the street to take a shit on us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Zion Peon.

Ugh, another piece of stormfront turd landing here, joining dogshit like sherri ****. Yeah, the jews run the US, the world, they created the universe, and right now they are lining up to ass fuck you as well. I couldn't be happier that the israelis are sucking mentally weak trash like you dry of the few pennies you have, I look forward to seeing you soon on the street corner holding a sign "needs food." It will be a very familiar place for you.

Awesome retort. You have nothing but personal attacks like every other asshole stupid enough to bother trying to debate since I made my first comment. Move on, numbnuts.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

I keep posting these links, not for you or your fellow Netenyahu cock suckers, but for people (like myself many years ago), who have begun to wonder just what the fuck we are doing in the shithole ME at all.

Checked both your links..... :lmao: I mean, really???? :lmao:
I bet you think Israel was behind 9-11..... :lmao:
Did you get your 14 and/or your warrior rune tattoos yet?
" palestine" was not a Country in 1948. The Arabs in fact rejected the Two State Solution. Why wasn't " palestine" created before 1967? Israel has put it's people in a bad situation? How, by being created? Now, that is Pro Palestinian logic. Still doesn't answer my question that no Pro Palestinian even dare to ; Why should Israel agree to terms that would wipe them off the map? Hint..... They aren't. Let the Palestinians keep demanding Borders that even the Arabs wouldn't recognize till recently, demand all of E. Jerusalem which ironically would deprive Jews of their Holy sites, and " Right of Return" which would eventually annex them to the " palestinian state". It's not going to happen

The " christian" calls the above " Zionist Propoganda?" :lol: " jesus" taught her well :eusa_angel:

Before the British left Palestine, the land was British Mandate Palestine. The British held the land in essentially a trust relationship for the indigenous people. The Balfour Declaration, which was arguably not even lawful under intl law, as discussed in UN documents, purported to give Zionist colonists a Jewish homeland there. But, by its very own terms, the BD also provided the Jewish homeland could not violate the indigenous peoples rights in the land, the indigenous people have a right of self determination in the land. Two people given the same rights in the same land. Two solutions, they divide the land in two parts or they share the land in one state with equal rights for all. These are the only two choices that result in a situation where international law is being complied with.

The one state solution is where they are headed.

Whether you like it or not or whether I like it or not, is irrelevant.

If you and I make a Legal binding agreement and I break it, LEGALLY you do not have to keep your end of the bargain. They can have their " Palestinian State" except they are not going to have the 67 Borders they rejected according to " International Law" which it a joke anyway. The one state solution? lol That is what " Right of Return" is all about. Another reason why it won't happen. The way Abbas rants that Israelis will not be allowed inside the " palestinian state", Palestinians will never be allowed inside the " borders" that the Arabs have always rejected. Deal with it

Palestinians made no agreement to break.

Their right of self determination in the land remains alive and it is recognized by intl legal authorities.

East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are lands Israel began an Occupation of in 1967.

ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in the lands within the OPT.

Absent agreement with the Palestinians, she shall never acquire sovereignty rights in the lands a part of the OPT.

EVERY settler is an illegal settler inhabiting the land in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention. They are all war criminals illegally squatting on lands they have no rights to be on.
Ugh, another piece of stormfront turd landing here, joining dogshit like sherri ****. Yeah, the jews run the US, the world, they created the universe, and right now they are lining up to ass fuck you as well. I couldn't be happier that the israelis are sucking mentally weak trash like you dry of the few pennies you have, I look forward to seeing you soon on the street corner holding a sign "needs food." It will be a very familiar place for you.

Awesome retort. You have nothing but personal attacks like every other asshole stupid enough to bother trying to debate since I made my first comment. Move on, numbnuts.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

I keep posting these links, not for you or your fellow Netenyahu cock suckers, but for people (like myself many years ago), who have begun to wonder just what the fuck we are doing in the shithole ME at all.
You beaucoup dinky dau. You numba 10 G.I. Why you no love me , I love you too much,numba 10.

TOO dumb to read the articles and comment on them?
Sherri continues to talk in the Echo Chamber.

Israel's right to exist.

No right of return.

Jerusalem as Jewish.

Defensible borders.

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