State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

Ugh, another piece of stormfront turd landing here, joining dogshit like sherri ****. Yeah, the jews run the US, the world, they created the universe, and right now they are lining up to ass fuck you as well. I couldn't be happier that the israelis are sucking mentally weak trash like you dry of the few pennies you have, I look forward to seeing you soon on the street corner holding a sign "needs food." It will be a very familiar place for you.

Awesome retort. You have nothing but personal attacks like every other asshole stupid enough to bother trying to debate since I made my first comment. Move on, numbnuts.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

I keep posting these links, not for you or your fellow Netenyahu cock suckers, but for people (like myself many years ago), who have begun to wonder just what the fuck we are doing in the shithole ME at all.

Checked both your links..... :lmao: I mean, really???? :lmao:
I bet you think Israel was behind 9-11..... :lmao:
Did you get your 14 and/or your warrior rune tattoos yet?

Arab scum from Saudi Arabia were behind 9/11. You're nothing but a tool used by the usual suspects, and willingly, like a street whore sucking cock for daddy. The book I linked to is scholarly work, appropriately referenced and footneoted. You laugh because your diaper is full and it feels squishy.

Go away child.
Before the British left Palestine, the land was British Mandate Palestine. The British held the land in essentially a trust relationship for the indigenous people. The Balfour Declaration, which was arguably not even lawful under intl law, as discussed in UN documents, purported to give Zionist colonists a Jewish homeland there. But, by its very own terms, the BD also provided the Jewish homeland could not violate the indigenous peoples rights in the land, the indigenous people have a right of self determination in the land. Two people given the same rights in the same land. Two solutions, they divide the land in two parts or they share the land in one state with equal rights for all. These are the only two choices that result in a situation where international law is being complied with.

The one state solution is where they are headed.

Whether you like it or not or whether I like it or not, is irrelevant.

If you and I make a Legal binding agreement and I break it, LEGALLY you do not have to keep your end of the bargain. They can have their " Palestinian State" except they are not going to have the 67 Borders they rejected according to " International Law" which it a joke anyway. The one state solution? lol That is what " Right of Return" is all about. Another reason why it won't happen. The way Abbas rants that Israelis will not be allowed inside the " palestinian state", Palestinians will never be allowed inside the " borders" that the Arabs have always rejected. Deal with it

Palestinians made no agreement to break.

Their right of self determination in the land remains alive and it is recognized by intl legal authorities.

East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are lands Israel began an Occupation of in 1967.

ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in the lands within the OPT.

Absent agreement with the Palestinians, she shall never acquire sovereignty rights in the lands a part of the OPT.

EVERY settler is an illegal settler inhabiting the land in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention. They are all war criminals illegally squatting on lands they have no rights to be on.

They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.
If you and I make a Legal binding agreement and I break it, LEGALLY you do not have to keep your end of the bargain. They can have their " Palestinian State" except they are not going to have the 67 Borders they rejected according to " International Law" which it a joke anyway. The one state solution? lol That is what " Right of Return" is all about. Another reason why it won't happen. The way Abbas rants that Israelis will not be allowed inside the " palestinian state", Palestinians will never be allowed inside the " borders" that the Arabs have always rejected. Deal with it

Palestinians made no agreement to break.

Their right of self determination in the land remains alive and it is recognized by intl legal authorities.

East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are lands Israel began an Occupation of in 1967.

ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in the lands within the OPT.

Absent agreement with the Palestinians, she shall never acquire sovereignty rights in the lands a part of the OPT.

EVERY settler is an illegal settler inhabiting the land in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention. They are all war criminals illegally squatting on lands they have no rights to be on.

They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.

They rejected their " state" in 47.

If you and I make a Legal binding agreement and I break it, LEGALLY you do not have to keep your end of the bargain. They can have their " Palestinian State" except they are not going to have the 67 Borders they rejected according to " International Law" which it a joke anyway. The one state solution? lol That is what " Right of Return" is all about. Another reason why it won't happen. The way Abbas rants that Israelis will not be allowed inside the " palestinian state", Palestinians will never be allowed inside the " borders" that the Arabs have always rejected. Deal with it

Palestinians made no agreement to break.

Their right of self determination in the land remains alive and it is recognized by intl legal authorities.

East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are lands Israel began an Occupation of in 1967.

ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in the lands within the OPT.

Absent agreement with the Palestinians, she shall never acquire sovereignty rights in the lands a part of the OPT.

EVERY settler is an illegal settler inhabiting the land in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention. They are all war criminals illegally squatting on lands they have no rights to be on.

They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.

You keep ignoring the fact Palestinians are the indigenous people and they have a right of self determination in the land.

They are not going anywhere.

Their numbers in all of what was formerly British Mandate Palestine exceed that of Jews there.

ISRAEL is a sinking ship, I shall enjoy watching the show and watching her sink and her Jewish inhabitants flee that sinking ship.
Awesome retort. You have nothing but personal attacks like every other asshole stupid enough to bother trying to debate since I made my first comment. Move on, numbnuts.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

I keep posting these links, not for you or your fellow Netenyahu cock suckers, but for people (like myself many years ago), who have begun to wonder just what the fuck we are doing in the shithole ME at all.

Checked both your links..... :lmao: I mean, really???? :lmao:
I bet you think Israel was behind 9-11..... :lmao:
Did you get your 14 and/or your warrior rune tattoos yet?

Arab scum from Saudi Arabia were behind 9/11. You're nothing but a tool used by the usual suspects, and willingly, like a street whore sucking cock for daddy. The book I linked to is scholarly work, appropriately referenced and footneoted. You laugh because your diaper is full and it feels squishy.

Go away child.

Oops, regressed back down to pre-school again. No star for you. The references are apologist collections of revisionist "history" and two political theorist scholars who live in ivory academic towers with little grasp of reality.
Try again junior, oh and that diaper that needs changing is yours.
I am surprised you got 9-11 correct, pleasantly surprised. See can learn something if you try.
Palestinians made no agreement to break.

Their right of self determination in the land remains alive and it is recognized by intl legal authorities.

East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are lands Israel began an Occupation of in 1967.

ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in the lands within the OPT.

Absent agreement with the Palestinians, she shall never acquire sovereignty rights in the lands a part of the OPT.

EVERY settler is an illegal settler inhabiting the land in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention. They are all war criminals illegally squatting on lands they have no rights to be on.

They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.

They rejected their " state" in 47.


YES . They could have had their " state" in 48 and before 67 . Those are the facts. The Arabs are not going to have it all one way with Israel not getting any benefit out of " negotiations". The " palestinian state" is dead
The EU effective next year will fund no Israeli projects in the OPT because the settlements are unlawful. They will further give no grants to Israeli companies with operations in the OPT.

The relationship between the EU and Israel is spiralling downward, after Israel confiscated EU aid in a recent incident, and they manhandled a EU diplomat.

EU’s relations with Israel sink to new low after aid row

"Settlements are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which bars occupying powers from moving their citizens on to war-won land, such as the Palestinian territories that Israel captured in the 1967 regional war. More than 500,000 Israeli settlers now live in those areas.EU sends $600 million (Dh2.2 billion) to Palestinians in the territories each year. That sum, which does not include money also distributed individually by the bloc’s 28 member countries, in part goes to the West Bank’s Palestinian Authority.The funds are also allocated to development and humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and those in an area of the West Bank that falls under direct Israeli administration, known as Area C. The PA has no remit in Area C, Gaza or East Jerusalem.

The European Commission estimates that between 2001 and 2011, Israel destroyed roughly $66m of European-supported development and humanitarian projects in those territories. Much of that destruction occurred during the second Palestinian uprising, or intifada, of 2000 and Israel’s three-week war on the Gaza Strip that began in December 2008.Over the years, Israel has demolished thousands of buildings in what critics describe as a policy of driving Palestinians out of strategically important areas. In many of those cases, Israel flattened buildings for lacking permits – something that Palestinians and aid groups say are practically impossible to obtain.

The demolitions violate international law, Mr Epshtein and Israeli and international human-rights groups say. But he said diplomats felt constrained by fear of fallout with Israel in responding more vociferously to the demolitions, which have left entire communities homeless.

Several European diplomats expressed concern over Israel’s reaction to the incident last month involving the French cultural attaché in Jerusalem, Marion Fesneau-Castaing.The EU ambassador reportedly summoned the deputy general for European affairs at Israel’s foreign ministry for an explanation of the incident, during which Israeli troops confiscated about $15,000 of EU-funded tents and supplies.Witnesses said the soldiers threw stun grenades at the group of European diplomats that escorted the aid to Makhul, a village whose residents were made homeless after Israeli bulldozers levelled it earlier in the month."

EU’s relations with Israel sink to new low after aid row | The National
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They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.

They rejected their " state" in 47.


YES . They could have had their " state" in 48 and before 67 . Those are the facts. The Arabs are not going to have it all one way with Israel not getting any benefit out of " negotiations". The " palestinian state" is dead

Not true at all.

The Security Council never voted on Resolution 181, the Partition Resolution.

ISRAEL is dying, we are on our way to one state and the majority are Arab Palestinians.
Last edited:
Palestinians made no agreement to break.

Their right of self determination in the land remains alive and it is recognized by intl legal authorities.

East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are lands Israel began an Occupation of in 1967.

ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in the lands within the OPT.

Absent agreement with the Palestinians, she shall never acquire sovereignty rights in the lands a part of the OPT.

EVERY settler is an illegal settler inhabiting the land in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention. They are all war criminals illegally squatting on lands they have no rights to be on.

They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.

You keep ignoring the fact Palestinians are the indigenous people and they have a right of self determination in the land.

They are not going anywhere.

Their numbers in all of what was formerly British Mandate Palestine exceed that of Jews there.

ISRAEL is a sinking ship, I shall enjoy watching the show and watching her sink and her Jewish inhabitants flee that sinking ship.

Im not ignoring anything. Everyone knows that the Palestinians are the majority in the W. Bank, So what? I never said they didn't have a right to " self determination" of that land. They just aren't going to get it within the borders that they rejected. The Jews are the majority in Israel and will always be. Regarding your last paragraph about Israel being a sinking ship and the Jewish people leaving; That is exactly what would happen if " Right of Return" is allowed which is why it will never come to Fruition . Neither will the " palestinian state" :lol:

YES . They could have had their " state" in 48 and before 67 . Those are the facts. The Arabs are not going to have it all one way with Israel not getting any benefit out of " negotiations". The " palestinian state" is dead

Not true at all.

The Security Council never voted on Resolution 181, the Partition Resolution.

ISRAEL is dying, we are on our way to one state and the majority are Arab Palestinians.

Only in your " mind". " Israel Proper" will always be the Jewish Majority; Something that will not continue if " Right of Return" is allowed. You actually make a excellent argument for Israel not accepting it :lol:
They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.

You keep ignoring the fact Palestinians are the indigenous people and they have a right of self determination in the land.

They are not going anywhere.

Their numbers in all of what was formerly British Mandate Palestine exceed that of Jews there.

ISRAEL is a sinking ship, I shall enjoy watching the show and watching her sink and her Jewish inhabitants flee that sinking ship.

Im not ignoring anything. Everyone knows that the Palestinians are the majority in the W. Bank, So what? I never said they didn't have a right to " self determination" of that land. They just aren't going to get it within the borders that they rejected. The Jews are the majority in Israel and will always be. Regarding your last paragraph about Israel being a sinking ship and the Jewish people leaving; That is exactly what would happen if " Right of Return" is allowed which is why it will never come to Fruition . Neither will the " palestinian state" :lol:
Remember what Mel sez about a Palestinian state? "In my lifetime, in my childrens lifetime and....etc"
I still believe it.
They rejected their " state" in 47. The " boundries" you speak about were never recognized by the Arabs. The Israelis are never going to be deprived of their religious sites again. Whenever a Pro Palestinian is asked about " negotiations" there is no answer. What was NOT accepted before 1967 Israel does NOT have to accept now. That will NOT happen. Even the Arab Nations finally realize this and call on the PA to stop insisting on the initially rejected 67 lines with no rights to Israel's most religious sites. That will not happen.

You keep ignoring the fact Palestinians are the indigenous people and they have a right of self determination in the land.

They are not going anywhere.

Their numbers in all of what was formerly British Mandate Palestine exceed that of Jews there.

ISRAEL is a sinking ship, I shall enjoy watching the show and watching her sink and her Jewish inhabitants flee that sinking ship.

Im not ignoring anything. Everyone knows that the Palestinians are the majority in the W. Bank, So what? I never said they didn't have a right to " self determination" of that land. They just aren't going to get it within the borders that they rejected. The Jews are the majority in Israel and will always be. Regarding your last paragraph about Israel being a sinking ship and the Jewish people leaving; That is exactly what would happen if " Right of Return" is allowed which is why it will never come to Fruition . Neither will the " palestinian state" :lol:

Who are you to assert what will be?

You have no ties or claims to the land.

And you ignore the fact Israel has no legitimacy as a state absent an agreement with the Palestinians that gives them the legitimacy they lack under intl law.

Palestinians never relinquished their right of self determination in any of the land formerly known as British Mandate Palestine.

Go crawl back under your Bigotry rock, Israeli shill!
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You keep ignoring the fact Palestinians are the indigenous people and they have a right of self determination in the land.

They are not going anywhere.

Their numbers in all of what was formerly British Mandate Palestine exceed that of Jews there.

ISRAEL is a sinking ship, I shall enjoy watching the show and watching her sink and her Jewish inhabitants flee that sinking ship.

Im not ignoring anything. Everyone knows that the Palestinians are the majority in the W. Bank, So what? I never said they didn't have a right to " self determination" of that land. They just aren't going to get it within the borders that they rejected. The Jews are the majority in Israel and will always be. Regarding your last paragraph about Israel being a sinking ship and the Jewish people leaving; That is exactly what would happen if " Right of Return" is allowed which is why it will never come to Fruition . Neither will the " palestinian state" :lol:
Remember what Mel sez about a Palestinian state? "In my lifetime, in my childrens lifetime and....etc"
I still believe it.

Who is Mel?

The Zionist talking dog?
You keep ignoring the fact Palestinians are the indigenous people and they have a right of self determination in the land.

They are not going anywhere.

Their numbers in all of what was formerly British Mandate Palestine exceed that of Jews there.

ISRAEL is a sinking ship, I shall enjoy watching the show and watching her sink and her Jewish inhabitants flee that sinking ship.

Im not ignoring anything. Everyone knows that the Palestinians are the majority in the W. Bank, So what? I never said they didn't have a right to " self determination" of that land. They just aren't going to get it within the borders that they rejected. The Jews are the majority in Israel and will always be. Regarding your last paragraph about Israel being a sinking ship and the Jewish people leaving; That is exactly what would happen if " Right of Return" is allowed which is why it will never come to Fruition . Neither will the " palestinian state" :lol:

Who are you to assert what will be?

You have no ties or claims to the land.

And you ignore the fact Israel has no legitimacy as a state absent an agreement with the Palestinians that gives them the legitimacy they lack under intl law.

Palestinians never relinquished their right of self determination in any of the land formerly known as British Mandate Palestine.

Go crawl back under your Bigotry rock, Israeli shill!

Oooohhhh the irony!!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
YES . They could have had their " state" in 48 and before 67 . Those are the facts. The Arabs are not going to have it all one way with Israel not getting any benefit out of " negotiations". The " palestinian state" is dead

Not true at all.

The Security Council never voted on Resolution 181, the Partition Resolution.

ISRAEL is dying, we are on our way to one state and the majority are Arab Palestinians.

Only in your " mind". " Israel Proper" will always be the Jewish Majority; Something that will not continue if " Right of Return" is allowed. You actually make a excellent argument for Israel not accepting it :lol:

We all know where Apartheid leads nations, the writing is on the Wall.

Desires of Israeli shills will not change what will be.
Im not ignoring anything. Everyone knows that the Palestinians are the majority in the W. Bank, So what? I never said they didn't have a right to " self determination" of that land. They just aren't going to get it within the borders that they rejected. The Jews are the majority in Israel and will always be. Regarding your last paragraph about Israel being a sinking ship and the Jewish people leaving; That is exactly what would happen if " Right of Return" is allowed which is why it will never come to Fruition . Neither will the " palestinian state" :lol:

Who are you to assert what will be?

You have no ties or claims to the land.

And you ignore the fact Israel has no legitimacy as a state absent an agreement with the Palestinians that gives them the legitimacy they lack under intl law.

Palestinians never relinquished their right of self determination in any of the land formerly known as British Mandate Palestine.

Go crawl back under your Bigotry rock, Israeli shill!

Oooohhhh the irony!!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You go under that rock and hold her hand, you belong together!

Every person simply does not choose to be a Zionist apologist for Israels war crimes.

Some speak out against the Occupation and its human rights abuses.

And we are going nowhere, look at BDS , that is our movement and its alive and thriving with passion and life!
What I choose is to oppose my country giving 3 billion dollars in aid every year to another country who is using that aid to commit war crimes with.

All of us do not support war crimes.

Jesus certainly never called upon His followers to kill or support others in their killing acts.

Being a Christian is following Jesus teachings, the example He set.

But what Jesus also said is you will face opposition and be hated for following me, and so it is.

That must be why you don't condemn Christian persecution that the Muslims are responsible for. " Jesus" would be so proud :lol:
Ain't it just ever so cute the way the filthy sherrithing stalks about USMB presuming to issue orders to other posters?

It bespeaks a very desperate need to CONTROL others....... The l'il sherithing fantasizes that she's on a mission from GOD.

I expect she's distressed that she hasn't been able to gain such control over her RL existence - so she tries to bully people into submission online...... The creature seems to imagine that she IS a god, LOL!
Who are you to assert what will be?

You have no ties or claims to the land.

And you ignore the fact Israel has no legitimacy as a state absent an agreement with the Palestinians that gives them the legitimacy they lack under intl law.

Palestinians never relinquished their right of self determination in any of the land formerly known as British Mandate Palestine.

Go crawl back under your Bigotry rock, Israeli shill!

Oooohhhh the irony!!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You go under that rock and hold her hand, you belong together!

Every person simply does not choose to be a Zionist apologist for Israels war crimes.

Some speak out against the Occupation and its human rights abuses.

And we are going nowhere, look at BDS , that is our movement and its alive and thriving with passion and life!

Whether you like it or not there will never be a " Palestinian State" Who am I to decide what will be? Maybe you should follow your own advice you Pro Palestinian Shill ! Lying stating there are more Arabs then Israelis within the " borders" that were never recognized . They did relinquish that land. They rejected Statehood in 47 and could have had it before 67 . What stopped them, you lying Pro Palestinian Shill ? The " Palestinian state" that THEY are demanding is DEAD . Even the Arab League recognizes it. Tell " Jesus" all about it tomorrow :lol:
Whether you like it or not there will never be a " Palestinian State" Who am I to decide what will be? Maybe you should follow your own advice you Pro Palestinian Shill ! Lying stating there are more Arabs then Israelis within the " borders" that were never recognized . They did relinquish that land. They rejected Statehood in 47 and could have had it before 67 . What stopped them, you lying Pro Palestinian Shill ? The " Palestinian state" that THEY are demanding is DEAD . Even the Arab League recognizes it. Tell " Jesus" all about it tomorrow :lol:

If there will never be a State of Palestine, than there will be a bi-national state between the River and the Sea.

..which the Arabs will eventually control as they have a much higher birth rate and almost an equal population to Jews.

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