State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

Are you God?

No 67 Borders that were never accepted by the Arabs in the first place which include Israel's Holy Sites and no " Right of Return"

Who are you to make these decisions?

Israel has the right to decide her fate which obviously include the Right to their Holy Sites, not accepting borders which were NEVER accepted under" international Law" and to have a Jewish Majority which would obviously do away with the Palestinian demand of " Right of Return"
Ever hear the phrase; " NEVER AGAIN?" At least you concede that the Arabs will initiate the War like they have done in every other war. " Taking control" of the " bi National State" that will never exist. Read SLOWLY . Within " Israel Proper" there will always be a Jewish Majority

What the Palestinians are doing is simply struggling to survive, enduring Occupation, and resisting Occupation as that is the human way of living our lives.

Injustice always has its days and an end, so it will be in Palestine.

Living is success, continuing to exist every single day living under Occupation is victory for Palestinians.

Occupations always fail in the ME, the Occupation in Palestine is no different than any of the others.

And this is not about Jews and your eternal victim identity, get over yourself, the rest of us are fed up with it.



This is about the Jewish people having a Homeland the way you feel the Palestinians are entitled to have one.

The Palestinians had two chances for their " homeland" and blew it. Their goal was to destroy the Jewish State instead. Even now, they can have it. However, Israel is NOT going to go back to the 67 Borders that THE ARABS THEMSELVES REJECTED YOU HATE MONGER !

MHunterB MHunterB is offline

Ain't it just ever so cute the way the filthy sherrithing stalks about USMB presuming to issue orders to other posters?

It bespeaks a very desperate need to CONTROL others....... The l'il sherithing fantasizes that she's on a mission from GOD.

I expect she's distressed that she hasn't been able to gain such control over her RL existence - so she tries to bully people into submission online...... The creature seems to imagine that she IS a god, LOL!

Couple points after reading more of this thread, including the first few pages.

First, if Israel were the almighty bastion of success you Zio-shills claim, they wouldn't need Big Brother to cover their asses. Fact.

Second, I haven't been around here long, and I can take the attack tactics of the gang of idiots sucking Zionist cock, but still am rather amazed at the shrill vitriol thrown at the person who started this thread. However I understand it, because there can be no talk of the Israel/Palestine issue unless you are willing to eat Jewish feces and ask for seconds. This is standard operating procedure and absolute proof that the zionist have all of you by the little acorns in your nutsacks.

You gang up like the Jewish bullies of Israel, spitting on and mocking any non-jew, or any unwilling to treat them like The Chosen of SHOAH. So impressive, especially those pissants who cannot discuss the subject, but can only throw tantrums.

I hope other subjects on this board offer a more substantive adversarial engagement, because the Zoinists are quite pathetic.
Couple points after reading more of this thread, including the first few pages.

You're too fucking stupid to offer any thoughts on anything, moron.

First, if Israel were the almighty bastion of success you Zio-shills claim, they wouldn't need Big Brother to cover their asses. Fact.

500 million arabs muslim turds, plus 80 million persian muslim dogs, loaded with trillions in petro dollars, aligned against 4 million jews, armed to the teeth by their sugar daddies russia and china - and a **** like you is complaining that those 4 million jews get some help from the US? You sound like the sort of moron who if you can't fight the other guy with both of his hands tied behind his back, claims "its not a fair fight." Yes, you're fucking stupid, and like sherri ****, likely mentally ill as most jew-hating scumbags are.

Second, I haven't been around here long,

Hopefully, you won't be, dogshit.

and I can take the attack tactics of the gang of idiots sucking Zionist cock, but still am rather amazed at the shrill vitriol thrown at the person who started this thread.

Sherri whore says israel will be destroyed, and you don't expect jews and israel supporters to get hostile? How about a chinese comes up to you and says the US will vanish in a few years? How would you react, idiot asshole? You're a weak-minded failure, a trolling turd like sherri the whore - who no doubt spreads her legs for every arab muslim she meets on the street, or anywhere else. The world will be a much better place when ***** like you leave it, and hopefully very soon.
You're too fucking stupid to offer any thoughts on anything, moron.

That's really all you have when the rubber meets the road. Among the gang of useful idiots in this discussion, you rank high. Pat yourself on the back if you can get your hand out of BB's underpants.

Move on child and let the adults have the room.
That's really all you have when the rubber meets the road. Among the gang of useful idiots in this discussion, you rank high. Pat yourself on the back if you can get your hand out of BB's underpants. Move on child and let the adults have the room.

Of course, the mentally ill scumbag ignores my points in the last post, why would a turd like this address the fact that 4 million jews are standing up to 500 million arab muslims when they lack the brains to do so? This **** is probably on welfare/food stamps, which makes its complaining about subsidies to Israel that much more hilarious.
Couple points after reading more of this thread, including the first few pages.

First, if Israel were the almighty bastion of success you Zio-shills claim, they wouldn't need Big Brother to cover their asses. Fact.

Second, I haven't been around here long, and I can take the attack tactics of the gang of idiots sucking Zionist cock, but still am rather amazed at the shrill vitriol thrown at the person who started this thread. However I understand it, because there can be no talk of the Israel/Palestine issue unless you are willing to eat Jewish feces and ask for seconds. This is standard operating procedure and absolute proof that the zionist have all of you by the little acorns in your nutsacks.

You gang up like the Jewish bullies of Israel, spitting on and mocking any non-jew, or any unwilling to treat them like The Chosen of SHOAH. So impressive, especially those pissants who cannot discuss the subject, but can only throw tantrums.

I hope other subjects on this board offer a more substantive adversarial engagement, because the Zoinists are quite pathetic.

And I bet you think you're being unbiased. :lmao: What you obviously don't understand is you read just like the White Supremacists, the Nation, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Phyneas Priesthood, all hate organizations. So you're either one of them reading out of their play books or you're simply a willing dupe. No one that I know of disavows the fact there are radical Zionists just like no one claims there are not radical Muslims and radical Christians. Unlike you and the OP we know it's not the majority and we don't buy into the propaganda used by Israels enemies to undermine Israel and open the way for their destruction.
Given what you just posted the only child here throwing tantrums is you. Oh and check out Sherri's Facebook........ she's not what she claims to be here.
Now go wipe your nose, have your momma change your diaper and take a nap.
Oh and I'm not a Jew. Got that one wrong, didn't ya.
Matter of fact I live in an occupied land where my people were slaughtered, driven from their homes, starved and downtrodden, it's called America.
Matter of fact I live in an occupied land where my people were slaughtered, driven from their homes, starved and downtrodden, it's called America.

Dear Indian,

War is hell and the Europeans were the more evolved race, using superior weaponry and fighting tactics. Having said that, once they overthrew the indigenous tribes and signed treaties and made promises, and then reneged, or slaughtered innocents (Wounded Knee), they became unscrupulous and men of ill repute, scumbags, if you prefer.

You won't get me to stand up those who did that, but you lost and the Europeans won. Israel, on the other hand was stolen and given to the Zionists by the might of others. Not applicable.

The rest of your post is just so much trash. Grow up, and stop comparing the plight of the American Indian to the brutes in yarmulkes.


White Devil
Matter of fact I live in an occupied land where my people were slaughtered, driven from their homes, starved and downtrodden, it's called America.

Dear Indian,

War is hell and the Europeans were the more evolved race, using superior weaponry and fighting tactics. Having said that, once they overthrew the indigenous tribes and signed treaties and made promises, and then reneged, or slaughtered innocents (Wounded Knee), they became unscrupulous and men of ill repute, scumbags, if you prefer.

You won't get me to stand up those who did that, but you lost and the Europeans won. Israel, on the other hand was stolen and given to the Zionists by the might of others. Not applicable.

The rest of your post is just so much trash. Grow up, and stop comparing the plight of the American Indian to the brutes in yarmulkes.


White Devil
Dayam do you know how to rationalize. :lmao:
Oh and read your own tripe Sparkett, could you possibly be any more petulant? :lol: Again, don't you have a book burning to attend?
Oh and you are anything but a critical thinker, it shows Adolph, it's painfully obvious so stop pretending you're an adult, none of us are buying it.

And you're right, the Jews are not treating the Arabs anywhere near as badly as you white devils treated my ancestors, so it's not a fair comparison.........
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Matter of fact I live in an occupied land where my people were slaughtered, driven from their homes, starved and downtrodden, it's called America.

Dear Indian,

War is hell and the Europeans were the more evolved race, using superior weaponry and fighting tactics. Having said that, once they overthrew the indigenous tribes and signed treaties and made promises, and then reneged, or slaughtered innocents (Wounded Knee), they became unscrupulous and men of ill repute, scumbags, if you prefer.

You won't get me to stand up those who did that, but you lost and the Europeans won. Israel, on the other hand was stolen and given to the Zionists by the might of others. Not applicable.

The rest of your post is just so much trash. Grow up, and stop comparing the plight of the American Indian to the brutes in yarmulkes.


White Devil
Dayam do you know how to rationalize. :lmao:
Oh and read your own tripe Sparkett, could you possibly be any more petulant? :lol: Again, don't you have a book burning to attend?
Oh and you are anything but a critical thinker, it shows Adolph, it's painfully obvious so stop pretending you're an adult, none of us are buying it.

Try reading what people write, rather than filter it through your little boy hurts feelings, because you make no sense, and once again have nothing but ad hominem nonsense.

BTW, I did find Sherri's FB page. Please tell me just what it is there that should could cause such outrage, because all I saw was a bunch of family photos and one link to a reasonable thought on Jesus and Palestine.

You people here are extremely nasty; a sign of living an unhappy unfulfilled life. Change your life and maybe you'll have less concern about insulting others.
Dear Indian,

War is hell and the Europeans were the more evolved race, using superior weaponry and fighting tactics. Having said that, once they overthrew the indigenous tribes and signed treaties and made promises, and then reneged, or slaughtered innocents (Wounded Knee), they became unscrupulous and men of ill repute, scumbags, if you prefer.

You won't get me to stand up those who did that, but you lost and the Europeans won. Israel, on the other hand was stolen and given to the Zionists by the might of others. Not applicable.

The rest of your post is just so much trash. Grow up, and stop comparing the plight of the American Indian to the brutes in yarmulkes.


White Devil
Dayam do you know how to rationalize. :lmao:
Oh and read your own tripe Sparkett, could you possibly be any more petulant? :lol: Again, don't you have a book burning to attend?
Oh and you are anything but a critical thinker, it shows Adolph, it's painfully obvious so stop pretending you're an adult, none of us are buying it.

Try reading what people write, rather than filter it through your little boy hurts feelings, because you make no sense, and once again have nothing but ad hominem nonsense.

BTW, I did find Sherri's FB page. Please tell me just what it is there that should could cause such outrage, because all I saw was a bunch of family photos and one link to a reasonable thought on Jesus and Palestine.

You people here are extremely nasty; a sign of living an unhappy unfulfilled life. Change your life and maybe you'll have less concern about insulting others.
Dig deeper.
And boy do you have projection down to a science. The difference between us is you're some clueless moron off the street who will buy into any thing that fit's you current paradigm, right now that's Islamic and white supremacist propaganda. Part of my job was knowing all the terrorist organizations, their inner workings and world wide connections/affiliates. Guess who knows more about this than you do......... But keep posting Sparkett, it's a laugh a minute. :cool:
You gang up like the Jewish bullies of Israel, spitting on and mocking any non-jew, or any unwilling to treat them like The Chosen of SHOAH. So impressive, especially those pissants who cannot discuss the subject, but can only throw tantrums.

Anti Semetism, never leave home without it. LOL
500 million arabs muslim turds, plus 80 million persian muslim dogs, loaded with trillions in petro dollars, aligned against 4 million jews, armed to the teeth by their sugar daddies russia and china - and a **** like you is complaining that those 4 million jews get some help from the US? You sound like the sort of moron who if you can't fight the other guy with both of his hands tied behind his back, claims "its not a fair fight." Yes, you're fucking stupid, and like sherri ****, likely mentally ill as most jew-hating scumbags are.






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