State Dept. says Clinton perjury probable is 5 month e-mail gap not closed

From your own link;

Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign didn’t respond to a request for comment, but the State Department, in a statement, said it has gone back and found emails from Mrs. Clinton’s last days in office, so the department no longer believes there is a gap.

“We are not aware of any gaps in the Clinton email set, with the exception of the first few months of her tenure when Sec. Clinton used a different email account that she advised she no longer has access to,” the department said. “There is no ‘gap’ in Secretary Clinton’s sent messages from the December 2012 through the end of January 2013. Upon review, the department has many messages sent by Secretary Clinton during that period, including messages that appear to have been produced directly from her ‘sent’ mailbox. Future document releases will include emails from this time period.”​

Judicial Watch is just feeding you red meat again.

Furthermore there is no "perjury" if the emails were never on her server to begin with because her statement under oath only pertained to the emails on that server.

The utter desperation of the extremist rightwingers to bring down Hillary is becoming ever more obvious.

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