State lowers IQ's and causes rioting.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Every citizen in America needs to be tested immediately. Not for covid-19; they need to take an IQ test. For decades cognitive scientists have been aware of a dangerous drop in IQ scores among western countries. The Flynn Effect had generally been credited with rising IQ scores due to better nutrition and emerging technologies but after 1975 It has been observed that IQ scores are dropping, some by as much as 14 points, enough to equal a decline of a full standard deviation.

Social science is struggling to explain the drop in raw IQ scores and environmental factors are coming to the forefront as the culprit, but drugs, alcohol and automobile exhaust cannot sufficiently account for the neural degradation evident in a population that destroys cities while leadership condones the practice to appease rioters and looters. There has to be some other factor and that factor could be modern education.

Education in the US began mutating to indoctrination almost as soon as Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society got underway. It was quickly discovered by the state that a captive audience of school children was the perfect propaganda platform for brainwashing. But jazz handing first graders are the least of the dangers we face today due to the transition of American education from mind expansion to thought control.

In order to maintain a functioning democracy, it is necessary for citizens to have at least a basic awareness of what a democracy is and how important fundamental family units are as a defense against the state. The first act of the state after the implementation of the Great society was to attack family units promulgating a pandemic of single parent households to strengthen the state and weaken individual independence.

As state bureaucracies multiplied by cellular division the intelligence of the population declined to levels where human atavism now mobs urban centers. The state has created a zoo of hateful and toxic cerebrally damaged animals that wait for flashpoints like George Floyd and erupt into hooliganism in allegiance to the state.

America’s white population is now in the crosshairs of the state as identity politics sweeps the nation like a plague worse than any virus. White leadership and policing in American cities now positions itself like Nazi collaborators in the 1930’s. As American intelligence drops the state rises.

Hopefully, Trump can weather the storm.

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Another white victim mentality diatribe. There is no brainwashing like being done in a religion goes on in the colleges or the high schools. The fact that families have to have both parents working is a sure sign that corporate America and our govt. colluded to increase the amount of living expenses and the massive increase in taxes. Thus creating the "great society" for the wealthy allied with the govt. to create more wealth for less people.
When kids must raise themselves because of the greed of the wealthy and to include high taxation what else do you think is going to happen?
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I think Moon is onto something. Also add to that poor working people will advocate for cutting SS, Medicare, and other programs they will depend upon when they grow older. Many of those folk believe in lower wages and less benefits on top of it. How did this happen?
Every citizen in America needs to be tested immediately. Not for covid-19; they need to take an IQ test. For decades cognitive scientists have been aware of a dangerous drop in IQ scores among western countries. The Flynn Effect had generally been credited with rising IQ scores due to better nutrition and emerging technologies but after 1975 It has been observed that IQ scores are dropping, some by as much as 14 points, enough to equal a decline of a full standard deviation.

Social science is struggling to explain the drop in raw IQ scores and environmental factors are coming to the forefront as the culprit, but drugs, alcohol and automobile exhaust cannot sufficiently account for the neural degradation evident in a population that destroys cities while leadership condones the practice to appease rioters and looters. There has to be some other factor and that factor could be modern education.

Education in the US began mutating to indoctrination almost as soon as Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society got underway. It was quickly discovered by the state that a captive audience of school children was the perfect propaganda platform for brainwashing. But jazz handing first graders are the least of the dangers we face today due to the transition of American education from mind expansion to thought control.

In order to maintain a functioning democracy, it is necessary for citizens to have at least a basic awareness of what a democracy is and how important fundamental family units are as a defense against the state. The first act of the state after the implementation of the Great society was to attack family units promulgating a pandemic of single parent households to strengthen the state and weaken individual independence.

As state bureaucracies multiplied by cellular division the intelligence of the population declined to levels where human atavism now mobs urban centers. The state has created a zoo of hateful and toxic cerebrally damaged animals that wait for flashpoints like George Floyd and erupt into hooliganism in allegiance to the state.

America’s white population is now in the crosshairs of the state as identity politics sweeps the nation like a plague worse than any virus. White leadership and policing in American cities now positions itself like Nazi collaborators in the 1930’s. As American intelligence drops the state rises.

Hopefully, Trump can weather the storm.

This is a very disturbing report and I take it seriously

as should all of us old enough to appreciate what it means
I think Moon is onto something. Also add to that poor working people will advocate for cutting SS, Medicare, and other programs they will depend upon when they grow older. Many of those folk believe in lower wages and less benefits on top of it. How did this happen?
The only thing Moon said that interests me is the part about children raising themselves

the Baby Boomers were terribly spoiled and abused most of the freedoms they had

and they passed their drug-induced stupidity along to their children who grew up even more clueless than their parents
I think Moon is onto something. Also add to that poor working people will advocate for cutting SS, Medicare, and other programs they will depend upon when they grow older. Many of those folk believe in lower wages and less benefits on top of it. How did this happen?
The only thing Moon said that interests me is the part about children raising themselves

the Baby Boomers were terribly spoiled and abused most of the freedoms they had

and they passed their drug-induced stupidity along to their children who grew up even more clueless than their parents
My kids do not abuse drugs, try another lie.
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A society where the state thinks for you criminalizes the act of thinking for yourself. This is as old as civilization itself and it is a revolving door that is always revolving.
I think Moon is onto something. Also add to that poor working people will advocate for cutting SS, Medicare, and other programs they will depend upon when they grow older. Many of those folk believe in lower wages and less benefits on top of it. How did this happen?

Moon is on something. It is a mind altering substance of some kind.
My kids do not abuse drugs, try another lie.
I never said they did use drugs

but since the Boomers came of age each generstion of children has been the product of a mind-altered generation that does abuse drugs
Another white victim mentality diatribe. There is no brainwashing like being done in a religion goes on in the colleges or the high schools. The fact that families have to have both parents working is a sure sign that corporate America and our govt. colluded to increase the amount of living expenses and the massive increase in taxes. Thus creating the "great society" for the wealthy allied with the govt. to create more wealth for less people.
When kids must raise themselves because of the greed of the wealthy and to include high taxation what else do you think is going to happen?
yep, the China syndrome, started by Richard Nixon and now is ~50 years long.
Zero examination of the underlying issue, zero intellectual curiosity about whether claims of minorities are true, zero attempt to truly understand the opinions of others, they don't want to know.
Another white victim mentality diatribe. There is no brainwashing like being done in a religion goes on in the colleges or the high schools. The fact that families have to have both parents working is a sure sign that corporate America and our govt. colluded to increase the amount of living expenses and the massive increase in taxes. Thus creating the "great society" for the wealthy allied with the govt. to create more wealth for less people.
When kids must raise themselves because of the greed of the wealthy and to include high taxation what else do you think is going to happen?
We be buying foreign made high tech products with superior operation. The greed of the rich may be true. But some of our own unions have a hand in this. And in fact, there needs to be a readjustment of some as of now. An prolonged economic downturn with permanent reduced taxes will actually help as we live within our means and experience the new realities.
I think Moon is onto something. Also add to that poor working people will advocate for cutting SS, Medicare, and other programs they will depend upon when they grow older. Many of those folk believe in lower wages and less benefits on top of it. How did this happen?
The only thing Moon said that interests me is the part about children raising themselves

the Baby Boomers were terribly spoiled and abused most of the freedoms they had

and they passed their drug-induced stupidity along to their children who grew up even more clueless than their parents
No, somehow municipalities have increased the tax rate so much that the cost of housing is now double what it used to be. Taxes have steadily risen and wages have not. That's a huge factor. Also the price of diesel is now more than gas? Why?
Zero examination of the underlying issue, zero intellectual curiosity about whether claims of minorities are true, zero attempt to truly understand the opinions of others, they don't want to know.
You have to ask? Black Americans are upset about a few things still happening in this country. Do you know what they are?
My kids do not abuse drugs, try another lie.
I never said they did use drugs

but since the Boomers came of age each generstion of children has been the product of a mind-altered generation that does abuse drugs

They used to use drugs for everything. Where do you think Coca Cola came from.
Notice its not in bottled drinks today
The point is that drug use has been very widespread for a very long time. In some ways, more so than today.

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