State Of The Union

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
The collapse of America is very much in progress as we speak. We're headed for complete and totally government control, and the only way to avoid it, is to rise up against tyranny. A passive citizenry has allowed government authority to infest, invade, and take over almost every aspect of our lives. We've been defeated without the enemy firing a single shot.

The State Of The Union:

(1) Loss of privacy
(2) Eminent domain
(3) Placing innocent citizens in our prisons and jails
(4) Threats and attempts to disarm the public
(5) A corrupt government
(6) Open borders allowing unrestricted passage into this country
(7) Militarized law enforcement
(8) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(9) Rigged elections
(10) Growing poverty
(11) Rundown infrastructure
(12) A lower standard of living
(13) Astronomical and rising government debt
(14) Senseless deadly costly wars
(15) Excessive dependency on foreign imports
(16) A corrupt judicial system of gross injustice
(17) 95 percent of wealth in the hands of the top 1 percent
(18) The largest prison population in the world
(19) An inadequate educational system
(20) Extreme racism and prejudice
(21) Excessive drug and alcohol addiction
(22) An increasing number of single parent families
(23) Dependency on government assistance programs
(24) Increased pessimism about the future
(25) An increased number of suicides
(26) Street violence and mass killings
(27) Decreasing opportunities to be self-supporting
(28) The importing of cheap labor and the off-shore out-sourcing of jobs
(29) The gap between the cost of living and wages
(30) Cities going bankrupt
(31) The waste and abuse of tax revenue
(32) Less home ownership

Is this the America citizens want? The above state of the union is what we've created over the past 55 plus years. It's been a slow but steady process, inch by inch, but it's gathering steam as we speak. What will America be like 20 years from now? What do future generations have to look forward to? What America will we leave for our grand children?
The collapse of America is very much in progress as we speak. We're headed for complete and totally government control, and the only way to avoid it, is to rise up against tyranny. A passive citizenry has allowed government authority to infest, invade, and take over almost every aspect of our lives. We've been defeated without the enemy firing a single shot.

It's been a slow but steady process, inch by inch, but it's gathering steam as we speak. What will America be like 20 years from now? What do future generations have to look forward to? What America will we leave for our grand children?

I hope cops get "pay-back" one day.

what kind of pay back do you have in mind, sonny..?
Every evil known to mankind, and, if there's anything worst than that, then include it.

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The collapse of America is very much in progress as we speak. We're headed for complete and totally government control, and the only way to avoid it, is to rise up against tyranny. A passive citizenry has allowed government authority to infest, invade, and take over almost every aspect of our lives. We've been defeated without the enemy firing a single shot.

It's been a slow but steady process, inch by inch, but it's gathering steam as we speak. What will America be like 20 years from now? What do future generations have to look forward to? What America will we leave for our grand children?

I hope cops get "pay-back" one day.

what kind of pay back do you have in mind, sonny..?
Every evil known to mankind, and, if there's anything worst than that, then include it.

Thanks for reposting it, I very much appreciate it. Yes, I hope karma catches up to them soon. I believe that it will. They've gotten totally out-of-hand. What they do is uncalled for and a social shame. Please feel free to repost anything that I say. I want folks to think and realize what we're living under in this once great nation. By all means, repost everything that I say, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
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What do you suggest?
What do I suggest? Thanks for asking. Great question.
I suggest that voters STOP electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government. I suggest that voters turn a deaf ear to campaign rhetoric and start exercising common sense. I suggest that voters STOP the silly pathetic, "Republicans are to blame, the Democrats are to blame" bullshit, and wake up and smell the coffee. Neither party gives a damn about this once great nation, nor her citizens. To professional politicians, we are votes and tax revenue ONLY, nothing more.

I suggest that voters STOP playing the game that they'll never win. As long as professional politicians can keep us divided and fighting among ourselves, they win, we lose. The worst fear of a professional politician is a united citizenry. We've all seen and experienced what professional politicians have done to this once great nation, so why continue to aid and abet them in their effort to further destroy this nation? Why play into their corrupt greedy hands? It doesn't make any sense, does it? Yet, each and every single election cycle, voters do the exact same thing, and expect a different result. Go figure.

I suggest that voters send a very strong message by writing-in a candidate of their choice instead of voting for the candidates that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots. If the voters don't do that, then voters have no one to blame except themselves when we hit the proverbial rock bottom in this country. I suggest that voters completely ignore professional politicians, shun them, and come election day, write-in a candidate that is NOT a professional politician. I suggest never ever voting to re-elect ANYONE to office. Limit everyone to one term of service via your vote.

Send a message that you've had enough, that you love this country way too much to aid and abet the damn crooks that have sent it to the depths of ruin. STOP playing politics, and start thinking about what America you want to leave to future generations. Think of your kids and grand kids. STOP playing the political party game, and start being an American for America. You don't need a damn label such as Republican or Democrat. The only label you need is AMERICAN, period.

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Thanks for reposting it, I very much appreciate it. Yes, I hope karma catches up to them soon. I believe that it will.

:rolleyes: i was hoping karma would catch up with you...
Well, never give up. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Keep praying and believing that the prayers will be answered. I'll keep you posted. Thanks. And, may good fortune and blessings follow you always.
who would have guessed n00bsock recently renowned by teh fraudtrolls - sunny effing clark - wants to rise up against tyranny and seek pay back against cops with "every evil known to mankind, and, if there's anything worst than that, then include it."

:rolleyes: loser
who would have guessed n00bsock recently renowned by teh fraudtrolls - sunny effing clarke - wants to rise up against tyranny and seek pay back against cops with "every evil known to mankind, and, if there's anything worst than that, then include it."

:rolleyes: loser
Oh, you're way too kind. I do appreciate the kind words. Loser? How so? I haven't lost anything. I'm doing very well, thank you. I'm living a very good life, been blessed many times over, and I'm very thankful. Where do you get "loser" from? Do you actually know me, or anything about me? How many times have we met, or had long in depth conversations? Yet, you call me a loser? Please. Those slams and slurs are childish and silly. If you're trying to impress someone, I think that you missed your mark. Grow up. Your age?
Well, never give up. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Keep praying and believing that the prayers will be answered. I'll keep you posted. Thanks. And, may good fortune and blessings follow you always.

fuck off, fraud... :rolleyes:
Cute ... very cute. Having a bad day? I'm sorry if you are. I'm sure things will get better for you. You say the nicest things. You sure have a way with words. I'm impressed. Your age?

rise up against tyranny...

i hope cops get "pay-back" one day...

Every evil known to mankind, and, if there's anything worst than that, then include it.

^ :cuckoo:
the us government is sonny's enemy:

A passive citizenry has allowed government authority to infest, invade, and take over almost every aspect of our lives. We've been defeated without the enemy firing a single shot.

aww poor sonny is "having a bad" LIFE getting past all the aspects of government invasion.

knock knock :tinfoil:

rise up against tyranny...

i hope cops get "pay-back" one day...

Every evil known to mankind, and, if there's anything worst than that, then include it.

^ :cuckoo:
YES, I did say all of that, and I meant every single word of it. I stand by everything that I have said. Thanks for reposting it, much appreciated. Please continue to repost anything and everything that I say. Maybe someday folks will wake up and smell the coffee. Again, you're doing great, keep up the good work. I have posted two or three pieces this morning, please feel free to repost them if you so desire. I'll try to give you more to repost as time goes on. Watch them and repost all of them if you wish to, I would greatly appreciate it. Have a great day.

YES, I did say all of that, and I meant every single word of it. I stand by everything that I have said. Thanks for reposting it, much appreciated. Please continue to repost anything and everything that I say. Maybe someday folks will wake up and smell the coffee. Again, you're doing great, keep up the good work. I have posted two or three pieces this morning, please feel free to repost them if you so desire. I'll try to give you more to repost as time goes on. Watch them and repost all of them if you wish to, I would greatly appreciate it. Have a great day.

the us government is sonny's enemy:

A passive citizenry has allowed government authority to infest, invade, and take over almost every aspect of our lives. We've been defeated without the enemy firing a single shot.

aww poor sonny is "having a bad" LIFE getting past all the aspects of government invasion.

knock knock :tinfoil:
Oh Nooooooooooooooooo ...... Sonny is having a great life. I am very fortunate and blessed. My life couldn't be better. I'm retired and really enjoying it. I have so much to be thankful for. I wish everyone could be as blessed and fortunate as I am, really. Thanks for your concern though. Have a great day.

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