State of Virginia Has no Honor and the Conduct of its Governor Disgraceful


May 23, 2014
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.
Just FUCKING awful.:(
After the war, General Lee sought reconciliation between the states. He signed an amnesty oath, was never arrested for the "treason" libs accuse him of, and was exonerated by RINO President Gerald R. Ford.

He restarted his tremendous career as an educator after Appomattox. Before the War of Northern Aggression he was commandant at West Point, after he led Washington College ( now Washington and Lee) as part of his effort to rebuild the union.

Robert E. Lee was a tremendous fellow, no doubt about it, esp. for a lib. He didn't wear sheets or don blackface like Gov. Northam.
Many thanks to the OP for the article.

The photograph showed a beautiful scene of Richmond and General Lee astride his beloved horse. Sorry to read that all the other statues have already been removed.

The article mentions that protesters have written graffiti on the statue and even defaced it with red paint. It speaks volumes about the base character of those individuals.

General Lee was a gentleman, a title that few men of today merit.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.

Robert E Lee was a traitor. Period. End of story. We shouldn't build statues and monuments to traitors.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.

Robert E Lee was a traitor. Period. End of story. We shouldn't build statues and monuments to traitors.
He was a man of honor and integrity that was willing to put his ass on the line for what he believed in. You wouldn't know about any of those things.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.
Just FUCKING awful.:(
I agree. Wish we could reincarnate the Army of Northern Virginia. Lee would march on Richmond and whip that governor like a heel hound.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.

Robert E Lee was a traitor. Period. End of story. We shouldn't build statues and monuments to traitors.
He was a Virginian fighting for his home.
You’re either ignorant or Chinese.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.
Just FUCKING awful.:(
I agree. Wish we could reincarnate the Army of Northern Virginia. Lee would march on Richmond and whip that governor like a heel hound.

South Park already did that.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.

Robert E Lee was a traitor. Period. End of story. We shouldn't build statues and monuments to traitors.
He was a Virginian fighting for his home.
You’re either ignorant or Chinese.

He was a traitor. Who decided to fight for the confederacy because like his state of Virginia, they were going to maintain slavery. Stop with the revisionist history.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.

Robert E Lee was a traitor. Period. End of story. We shouldn't build statues and monuments to traitors.
He was a Virginian fighting for his home.
You’re either ignorant or Chinese.

He was a traitor. Who decided to fight for the confederacy because like his state of Virginia, they were going to maintain slavery. Stop with the revisionist history.
He fought for his state because they seceded from a union that was imposing unreasonable tariffs. Like a replay of the American revolution.
You’re an indoctrinated Marxist dupe.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.
Honoring traitors to the United States has always been the province of conservatism.

From the Tories during the American Revolution to today's RWNJs who still want to fight the War Between the States, and honoring the turncoats who fought for the Confederacy to protect the right of the wealthy to own human beings. States' rights, bullsh!t.


Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.
Honoring traitors to the United States has always been the province of conservatism.

From the Tories during the American Revolution to today's RWNJs who still want to fight the War Between the States, and honoring the turncoats who fought for the Confederacy to protect the right of the wealthy to own human beings. States' rights, bullsh!t.


States rights. You’re foolish.
I guess you think George Washington was a traitor to the UK.
Robert E. Lee was a man of distinction and honor who defended his state and his home with honor and distinction. The cause of states rights was a valid one then and is now. The Marxist effort at altering history for a political agenda is Orwellian and dangerous. To be pressured by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa show's that the governor is a spineless man not even worthy of someday having his very soul in the same sphere of Robert E. Lee. The men on both sides of the Civil War believed in their cause and bravely stood shoulder to shoulder and died as brothers on the field of battle. Anyone who wants to remove the statues is a coward.

Some local gets some good photos of it in it's current defaced state. Put up at Wiki Commons and Internet Archive. Hi res photos, no crap.
Yet another reason why I'm moving my family out of Virginia. This used to be a great state. Now it is run by a racist governor who supports killing children after being born, erasing our history, and lockdowns. Good luck blue states, gonna be a bumpy ride.

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