State of Virginia Honors Mosque tied to terrorists

every fucking mosque in this country needs to be blown to bits...., when it is full of muslimes :up:
every fucking mosque in this country needs to be blown to bits...., when it is full of muslimes :up:

Walid Shoebat....former muslim.....says that all mosques are centers for terrorism....they all engage in the Holy War one way or another...
every fucking mosque in this country needs to be blown to bits...., when it is full of muslimes :up:

Definitely because THIS country does not protect religious belief. Only Christian religious beliefs are recognized. Oh wait…

Forgot about that pesky first amendment, damn founders protecting religious freedom…
Brigit Gabriel says this about the Falls Church mosque...

In addition to the fact that an Imam at Dar al Hijrah mosque from 2001-2002 was Anwar al-Awlaki, not just an Al Qaeda terrorist, but the leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the mosque has a macabre history and other Imams that have preached there have expressed violent extremist views as recently as 2013:

■While an Imam at Dar al-Hijrah, Anwar al-Awlaki, was the primary spiritual mentor to two of the 9/11 hijackers: Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf Al-Hazmi. They both worshiped at Dar al-Hijrah in the months before taking part in the September 11th terrorist attacks.

■One of the founding members of Dar al-Hijrah, Ismail Salim Elbarasse, was sentenced to jail for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury in a terrorism financing case in 1998.

■In October 2004, Aldurahman M. Alamoudi, who attended the Dar al-Hijrah mosque, wassentenced to 23 years on terrorism charges.

■Ahmed Omar Abu Ali taught Islamic studies to children at Dar al-Hijrah. In September of 2005, he confessed to being a member of Al Qaeda and masterminding a plot to assassinate President George W. Bush. He is serving a life prison sentence.

■A board member of Dar al-Hijrah, Abdul Halim Al Ashqar, was convicted on contempt and obstruction charges in a terrorism case involving the HAMAS terrorist organization and sentenced to prison in November 2007.

■In November 2009, Major Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 US soldiers and wounded 39 others in a mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas. Hasan attended Dar al-Hijrah when Anwar al-Awlaki was the Imam there.

■In December 2009, five young men from northern Virginia, led by dentistry student Ramy Zamzam, were arrested in Pakistan while attempting to join jihadist terrorist organizations. Zamzam grew up attending the Dar al-Hijrah mosque. Zamzam and his four co-conspirators were sentenced in June 2010 to 10 years in prison.

■In February 2010, Dar al-Hijrah hosted a fundraiser for a convicted terrorist, Sabri Benkahla, whowas sentenced to 10 years for perjury and obstruction of justice in a terrorism case involving a Virginia jihad cell.

■In February 2012, Amine El Khalifi, an illegal alien who attended services at Dar al-Hijrah, was arrested in a plot to bomb the US Capitol. In September of that year, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Other Imams at Dar al-Hijrah have expressed extremist views as well:

URGENT ACTION ALERT! Why Did the VA Legislature Publicly Commend a 9/11 Terror Mosque? | The Counter Jihad Report
You are calling people who believe in science and FACTS ignorant yet you believe in some invisible being in the sky dictating how your life should be led etc....:lol:
You are calling people who believe in science and FACTS ignorant yet you believe in some invisible being in the sky dictating how your life should be led etc....:lol:

are you claiming that Christians don't believe in science or facts......?

if so you are the one who is i said.....nothing like proving it to us...:lol:
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You are calling people who believe in science and FACTS ignorant yet you believe in some invisible being in the sky dictating how your life should be led etc....:lol:

are you claiming that Christians don't believe in science or facts......?

if so you are the one who is i said.....:cuckoo:

How old is the universe? Have you gone to the "creationist museum" in Kentucky where they have saddles on dinosaurs? :lol::lol::lol:
You are calling people who believe in science and FACTS ignorant yet you believe in some invisible being in the sky dictating how your life should be led etc....:lol:

are you claiming that Christians don't believe in science or facts......?

if so you are the one who is i said.....:cuckoo:

How old is the universe? Have you gone to the "creationist museum" in Kentucky where they have saddles on dinosaurs? :lol::lol::lol:

big deal.....are you just trying to hijack this thread.....?

'hijacking' threads seems to be a trait of you libturds.....maybe you are trying to emulate the jihadists you protect with your political your ignorant backward way....
Didn't [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] just ask for examples of Progressives cuddling Muslims?

Isn't the Virginia State House controlled by Republicans?

Are we talking about Northern RHINO Republicans or Repubs everywhere else?

A rhino?

are you claiming that Christians don't believe in science or facts......?

if so you are the one who is i said.....:cuckoo:

How old is the universe? Have you gone to the "creationist museum" in Kentucky where they have saddles on dinosaurs? :lol::lol::lol:

big deal.....are you just trying to hijack this thread.....?

'hijacking' threads seems to be a trait of you libturds.....maybe you are trying to emulate the jihadists you protect with your political your ignorant backward way....

You give up? Damn..I was having fun.
Your source is a liar and a fraud who has been paid 100's of thousands of dollars (much of it tax money) to spread his bullshit. A post relying on a liar is worthless.

Video: Anderson Cooper Exposes 'Ex-Terrorist' Walid Shoebat as Fraud (CAIR) - YouTube

Video: CNN Exposes Walid Shoebat's Terror Training Scam - Part 2 (CAIR) - YouTube

Which would be consistent with the fact that the OP is a liar.

why are you wasting time attacking one messenger's history when there are several other messengers listed here.......instead discussing the truth of the message.....?

damn....if only Anderson Cooper had vetted Barack Obama like the practically unknown Walid Shoebat.....:eusa_whistle:

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