State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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Cost them a lot of money though, didn't it? The rest of the right wing idiots will get in line to bake cakes.
Lol no they won't.

Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
Cost them a lot of money though, didn't it? The rest of the right wing idiots will get in line to bake cakes.
Lol no they won't.

Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Brought on what? The anger of another crazy right winger? I love that. Are you jumping up and down and drooling yet?

You propose terrorizing your fellow citizens with threats of government force if they don't comply with YOUR moral structure. I'm calling a spade a spade, nothing more.

People like you deserve nothing but scorn and contempt.

Sorry if you think abiding by the law is terrorism, but I can't help your crazy beliefs. Nobody but me has to comply with my moral structure, but everybody has to follow the law. Why do you hate laws?

You are imposing your morals by proxy, and using government to enforce it. That you don't have the balls to admit it is telling.
Lol no they won't.

Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
Lol no they won't.

Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.
They can put up any sign they want === it doesn't make it legal.

However in cases of restaurants that have a no shirt no shoes no service ... the health department has regulations that make THAT sign OK and it is ok to refuse to serve someone who isn't dressed appropriately.

Many places have signs that say they are not responsible for what happens to your belongings etc. etc. but they have NO legal force and would be laughed out of court if they tried to present such a sign in court if they were sued.
Lol no they won't.

Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
Lol no they won't.

Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

He's a RWNJ. That's what they do. I wish hannity or rush would give them some new talking points though.

Brought on what? The anger of another crazy right winger? I love that. Are you jumping up and down and drooling yet?

You propose terrorizing your fellow citizens with threats of government force if they don't comply with YOUR moral structure. I'm calling a spade a spade, nothing more.

People like you deserve nothing but scorn and contempt.

Sorry if you think abiding by the law is terrorism, but I can't help your crazy beliefs. Nobody but me has to comply with my moral structure, but everybody has to follow the law. Why do you hate laws?

You are imposing your morals by proxy, and using government to enforce it. That you don't have the balls to admit it is telling.

The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.
The purpose of this fine is not to repay the women but to punish the company and make an example of them for the next asshole that thinks his religion allows him to discriminate.


The two lesbians stated that they do not want any money from the Kleins:

Talking about the personal reasons, Aaron cited a July interview in Willamette Week, where the complainants suggested that the case wasn’t about money.

“We didn’t have a choice in how this was prosecuted,” Rachel Bowman-Cryer said. “We didn’t have a choice in the fine. If we had been given the option, we probably would have said: ‘Just apologize. Just say you’re sorry and go away.’”

Her wife, Laurel, added, “[W]e’re not asking for anything. We’ve never asked for a penny from anybody.”

“When you have these girls come out and say we never wanted the money,” Aaron said, “it wasn’t about the money and we don’t need the money … and I say this isn’t right, I shouldn’t have to pay this money, and the only person saying the money should exchange hands seems to be Brad Avakian.”
They aren't going to voluntarily pay and the state will have a very difficult time collecting.

Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?
Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.

They are the oppressors, stripping liberty from others. When they were oppresses, I sided with them, now that they oppress others, I oppose them.
i don't. if those dumbasses want to live in poverty the rest of their lives to prove a point they are welcome to do so. if they think never having a job or owning property again is worth it then they are welcome to their meaningless existence.

The existence I care about is not of THIS world but if the NEXT world.
If the next world is so great ... why haven't you left for there already?
The purpose of this fine is not to repay the women but to punish the company and make an example of them for the next asshole that thinks his religion allows him to discriminate.


Exactly, the people will learn who is favored and who are disfavored. Bow to your betters or suffer severe and extreme retribution from the rulers.

What do you think Willie, should Christians be required to wear an armband with a yellow cross on it, so the rulers can quickly identify them?
With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?

I don't think it's working too well for him, but it's all he knows.
The purpose of this fine is not to repay the women but to punish the company and make an example of them for the next asshole that thinks his religion allows him to discriminate.


Exactly, the people will learn who is favored and who are disfavored. Bow to your betters or suffer severe and extreme retribution from the rulers.

What do you think Willie, should Christians be required to wear an armband with a yellow cross on it, so the rulers can quickly identify them?
No but all churches should be burned to the ground, and people who want to force other people to live by their religion should be stripped of American citizenship and deported to Iran where they can live under a religious government.

Your religion ( if any ) should be as private as your genitals and exposing either in public should be grounds for arrest.
The purpose of this fine is not to repay the women but to punish the company and make an example of them for the next asshole that thinks his religion allows him to discriminate.


Exactly, the people will learn who is favored and who are disfavored. Bow to your betters or suffer severe and extreme retribution from the rulers.

What do you think Willie, should Christians be required to wear an armband with a yellow cross on it, so the rulers can quickly identify them?
No but all churches should be burned to the ground, and people who want to force other people to live by their religion should be stripped of American citizenship and deported to Iran where they can live under a religious government.

Your religion ( if any ) should be as private as your genitals and exposing either in public should be grounds for arrest.

Wow.. so you're just completely batshit fucking insane....

If the next world is so great ... why haven't you left for there already?

I don't know that it's so great.

Why don't you go first, check it out and report back to us? Maybe you can meet your heroes, Uncle Joe Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao... It will be grand, don't delay...
Still telling people what they believe, aren't you?
Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
Already have. Do you think that anybody else refusing to bake a damn cake, after what already happened, wouldn't be all over the news? You don't think they would be sued? Haven't heard about it happening since. Have you?

With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

He's a RWNJ. That's what they do. I wish hannity or rush would give them some new talking points though.

I haven't listened to either in about a decade, so another failpoint for you.
You must be enjoying your supposed "gotcha" moment.

Bulldog brought it on himself. Now go White Knight for some other asshole.

Brought on what? The anger of another crazy right winger? I love that. Are you jumping up and down and drooling yet?

You propose terrorizing your fellow citizens with threats of government force if they don't comply with YOUR moral structure. I'm calling a spade a spade, nothing more.

People like you deserve nothing but scorn and contempt.

Sorry if you think abiding by the law is terrorism, but I can't help your crazy beliefs. Nobody but me has to comply with my moral structure, but everybody has to follow the law. Why do you hate laws?

You are imposing your morals by proxy, and using government to enforce it. That you don't have the balls to admit it is telling.

The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.

A proud fascist.
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