State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
With the recent legality of gay marriage, there are more gay wedding cakes than ever before. How many do you know of that have been refused? They fell in line, and they will stay there.

Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?

i work on it by voting for people who may just make the changes needed. However since I live in NYC, oppressing people is a priority for our current progressive leaders.

And my ranting is effective, I'm getting YOU to waste time replying to it, time you could better spend oppressing your fellow citizens.

Wow, you can't even Meme right. nice text over-write there.

Bullshit. They were specifically targeted by the complainants due to their Christian religion. The ONLY reason the couple went to that shop was to impose the gay agenda on them.

Are you stupid?

Again that is false, they went to the shop because Sweetcakes by Melissa had provided the wedding cake for one of the brides mother that was married a couple of years prior.

This is also an uncontested fact brought out in the court documents.

Facts hurt liberals feelings

When you actually post some, let us know.

The facts are that a law was broken and the perpetrator was punished. If you don't like the law, get it changed but I recommend you start with Title II of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination in Public Accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. That's the "tyranny" you're sniveling about at a Federal level, not a state law like the one you're attacking in Oregon.

Not much of a state's rights person I take it?
Wasn't a law and even if it was nothing was broken. Simple as that. Now continue crying because you can't force them to pay for your butt fuckery.

Of course there was. Apparently you don't like actual facts. Not surprised.
Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
Fascist twat.

You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?

i work on it by voting for people who may just make the changes needed. However since I live in NYC, oppressing people is a priority for our current progressive leaders.

And my ranting is effective, I'm getting YOU to waste time replying to it, time you could better spend oppressing your fellow citizens. just vote? You don't write your congresscritter? You don't donate time and money to organizations dedicated to getting such laws changed? (Are there any?)

You might want to study how the Civil Rights movement built their legal case over the Women's Rights Movement didn't happen over the Gay Rights Movement was a work in progress since the beginning of the 20th century. It takes takes dedication. Minorities and women didn't get equal recognition under the law....they didn't get unjust laws repealed by just whining to anyone who will listen, internet or not.
Brought on what? The anger of another crazy right winger? I love that. Are you jumping up and down and drooling yet?

You propose terrorizing your fellow citizens with threats of government force if they don't comply with YOUR moral structure. I'm calling a spade a spade, nothing more.

People like you deserve nothing but scorn and contempt.

Sorry if you think abiding by the law is terrorism, but I can't help your crazy beliefs. Nobody but me has to comply with my moral structure, but everybody has to follow the law. Why do you hate laws?

You are imposing your morals by proxy, and using government to enforce it. That you don't have the balls to admit it is telling.

The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.

A proud fascist.

You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.
Plus interest, late penalties. Never give the finger to the state over what you owe. Good way to get screwed with your pants on.

If Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel can get busted for tax evasion and not have to pay interest on back taxes or fines, the 'Sharpton/Rangel Rule' should apply to them.
You are funny when you get mad.
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
You are funny when you get mad.
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?

i work on it by voting for people who may just make the changes needed. However since I live in NYC, oppressing people is a priority for our current progressive leaders.

And my ranting is effective, I'm getting YOU to waste time replying to it, time you could better spend oppressing your fellow citizens. just vote? You don't write your congresscritter? You don't donate time and money to organizations dedicated to getting such laws changed? (Are there any?)

You might want to study how the Civil Rights movement built their legal case over the Women's Rights Movement didn't happen over the Gay Rights Movement was a work in progress since the beginning of the 20th century. It takes takes dedication. Minorities and women didn't get equal recognition under the law....they didn't get unjust laws repealed by just whining to anyone who will listen, internet or not.

Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.
You propose terrorizing your fellow citizens with threats of government force if they don't comply with YOUR moral structure. I'm calling a spade a spade, nothing more.

People like you deserve nothing but scorn and contempt.

Sorry if you think abiding by the law is terrorism, but I can't help your crazy beliefs. Nobody but me has to comply with my moral structure, but everybody has to follow the law. Why do you hate laws?

You are imposing your morals by proxy, and using government to enforce it. That you don't have the balls to admit it is telling.

The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.

A proud fascist.

You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.

You want government to oppress people you disagree with. Pretty fascist to me.
If the next world is so great ... why haven't you left for there already?

This life is not intended to be great or fun. This life is intended to prove we can live Properly even when it's not fun or convenuent to do so.

Bailing on the final exam doesn't get you the score needed to move on to the next grade/level. Not in school or in life.
Any business owner should NOT be forced to violate his religious beliefs AS LONG AS THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES.

One GLBT group absolutely SLAMMED the couple for intentionally seeking to harm this business and FORCE them to comply with their wishes when there were other bakeries that WERE willing to cater the same-sex wedding.

The bakery was adhering to its beliefs while the couple sought 'revenge' and to impose THEIR beliefs and will on the bakery. The couple had NO RESPECT for others or their beliefs,,,they wanted what they wanted, despite having alternatives.
Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.

When you get enough people to write/call...melt the phone get their attention.

I once called out Lindsey Graham on his acceptance of the illegal immigration. He wrote me a letter back saying the people pof SC were not smart enough to understand the issue and that it was best to leave it to politicians like him - SERIOUSLY. I made his response know, got all kinds of attention - it went viral, and the next week he was on TV declaring he had looked at this issue and decided it was NOT in the best interest of his constituents to support the issue, that he would be fighting to stop it. He also said his response had been 'mis-understood' and that he was just trying to convey that it was a difficult issue. LOL!
Isn't it ironic that he took something I said and tried to cry about me
I see a pattern.....not only does Marty want a different set of rules for christians when it comes to following the law....he wants a different set of rules for himself. He cries foul when he perceives a personal attack on himself (whether it is or not) yet does not hesitate to personally attack others. There's a name for that..............

Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?

i work on it by voting for people who may just make the changes needed. However since I live in NYC, oppressing people is a priority for our current progressive leaders.

And my ranting is effective, I'm getting YOU to waste time replying to it, time you could better spend oppressing your fellow citizens. just vote? You don't write your congresscritter? You don't donate time and money to organizations dedicated to getting such laws changed? (Are there any?)

You might want to study how the Civil Rights movement built their legal case over the Women's Rights Movement didn't happen over the Gay Rights Movement was a work in progress since the beginning of the 20th century. It takes takes dedication. Minorities and women didn't get equal recognition under the law....they didn't get unjust laws repealed by just whining to anyone who will listen, internet or not.

Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.'ve made your choice.....whining on the internet it is!
Sorry if you think abiding by the law is terrorism, but I can't help your crazy beliefs. Nobody but me has to comply with my moral structure, but everybody has to follow the law. Why do you hate laws?

You are imposing your morals by proxy, and using government to enforce it. That you don't have the balls to admit it is telling.

The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.

A proud fascist.

You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.

You want government to oppress people you disagree with. Pretty fascist to me.
And don't want to make any effort beyond whining over what you perceive to be fascism.
Lol. looking for consistency on an internet message board.

And the rules are the rules, it's your side now using the law to impose your morals on others. You are the new Moral Majority, and those guys were assholes.
Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?

i work on it by voting for people who may just make the changes needed. However since I live in NYC, oppressing people is a priority for our current progressive leaders.

And my ranting is effective, I'm getting YOU to waste time replying to it, time you could better spend oppressing your fellow citizens. just vote? You don't write your congresscritter? You don't donate time and money to organizations dedicated to getting such laws changed? (Are there any?)

You might want to study how the Civil Rights movement built their legal case over the Women's Rights Movement didn't happen over the Gay Rights Movement was a work in progress since the beginning of the 20th century. It takes takes dedication. Minorities and women didn't get equal recognition under the law....they didn't get unjust laws repealed by just whining to anyone who will listen, internet or not.

Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.'ve made your choice.....whining on the internet it is!

and voting for people who agree with me, and who would appoint judges that agree with me.
You are imposing your morals by proxy, and using government to enforce it. That you don't have the balls to admit it is telling.

The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.

A proud fascist.

You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.

You want government to oppress people you disagree with. Pretty fascist to me.
And don't want to make any effort beyond whining over what you perceive to be fascism.

Some people fight one way, I fight this way.
Any business owner should NOT be forced to violate his religious beliefs AS LONG AS THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES.

One GLBT group absolutely SLAMMED the couple for intentionally seeking to harm this business and FORCE them to comply with their wishes when there were other bakeries that WERE willing to cater the same-sex wedding.

The bakery was adhering to its beliefs while the couple sought 'revenge' and to impose THEIR beliefs and will on the bakery. The couple had NO RESPECT for others or their beliefs,,,they wanted what they wanted, despite having alternatives.
Nope...the couple and their parents had been regular customers of that bakery....and up to this point there had been no problem It was the bakery who triggered this after their services for a wedding cake had already begun to be arranged. And that being said, the bakery broke the law. If they feel that their RELIGION allows them to make judgements over who can or cannot be CIVILLY married....they shouldn't have their BUSINESS make wedding cakes.
Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.

When you get enough people to write/call...melt the phone get their attention.

I once called out Lindsey Graham on his acceptance of the illegal immigration. He wrote me a letter back saying the people pof SC were not smart enough to understand the issue and that it was best to leave it to politicians like him - SERIOUSLY. I made his response know, got all kinds of attention - it went viral, and the next week he was on TV declaring he had looked at this issue and decided it was NOT in the best interest of his constituents to support the issue, that he would be fighting to stop it. He also said his response had been 'mis-understood' and that he was just trying to convey that it was a difficult issue. LOL!
Aye! There's the rub, isn't it? Do you think you can get enough people to get PA laws repealed?
Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.

When you get enough people to write/call...melt the phone get their attention.

I once called out Lindsey Graham on his acceptance of the illegal immigration. He wrote me a letter back saying the people pof SC were not smart enough to understand the issue and that it was best to leave it to politicians like him - SERIOUSLY. I made his response know, got all kinds of attention - it went viral, and the next week he was on TV declaring he had looked at this issue and decided it was NOT in the best interest of his constituents to support the issue, that he would be fighting to stop it. He also said his response had been 'mis-understood' and that he was just trying to convey that it was a difficult issue. LOL!
Aye! There's the rub, isn't it? Do you think you can get enough people to get PA laws repealed?

They don't have to be repealed, they just have to be adjudicated to target their original intended commercial enterprises.

A Hotel is a PA, a contracted baker is not.
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