State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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Here's how it works....if you feel a law is WORK to get it changed or repealed thru the legal process that is there for us all. If you don't want to WORK....or you sense that most Americans would not agree with you (therefore you would get no where legally), you whine about it ineffectively on message boards.

How's that working for you?

i work on it by voting for people who may just make the changes needed. However since I live in NYC, oppressing people is a priority for our current progressive leaders.

And my ranting is effective, I'm getting YOU to waste time replying to it, time you could better spend oppressing your fellow citizens. just vote? You don't write your congresscritter? You don't donate time and money to organizations dedicated to getting such laws changed? (Are there any?)

You might want to study how the Civil Rights movement built their legal case over the Women's Rights Movement didn't happen over the Gay Rights Movement was a work in progress since the beginning of the 20th century. It takes takes dedication. Minorities and women didn't get equal recognition under the law....they didn't get unjust laws repealed by just whining to anyone who will listen, internet or not.

Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.'ve made your choice.....whining on the internet it is!

and voting for people who agree with me, and who would appoint judges that agree with me.
Well, that's a start.
The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.

A proud fascist.

You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.

You want government to oppress people you disagree with. Pretty fascist to me.
And don't want to make any effort beyond whining over what you perceive to be fascism.

Some people fight one way, I fight this way.
Whining is fighting? Oh?
Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.

When you get enough people to write/call...melt the phone get their attention.

I once called out Lindsey Graham on his acceptance of the illegal immigration. He wrote me a letter back saying the people pof SC were not smart enough to understand the issue and that it was best to leave it to politicians like him - SERIOUSLY. I made his response know, got all kinds of attention - it went viral, and the next week he was on TV declaring he had looked at this issue and decided it was NOT in the best interest of his constituents to support the issue, that he would be fighting to stop it. He also said his response had been 'mis-understood' and that he was just trying to convey that it was a difficult issue. LOL!
Aye! There's the rub, isn't it? Do you think you can get enough people to get PA laws repealed?

They don't have to be repealed, they just have to be adjudicated to target their original intended commercial enterprises.

A Hotel is a PA, a contracted baker is not. want special circumstances where certain businesses don't have to follow the law. Hardly Constitutional, is it....what with that sticky wicket "equal protection under the law" being there in your way.
A proud fascist.

You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.

You want government to oppress people you disagree with. Pretty fascist to me.
And don't want to make any effort beyond whining over what you perceive to be fascism.

Some people fight one way, I fight this way.
Whining is fighting? Oh?

It's only whining to you and your progressive ilk. Typical of the breed that you equate countering your opinions as whining.
Any time I've written my councilman/congressman I get the standard "yap yap" response.

and I have better things to do, like work. I'll let the backlash induced by your sides overreach do all the heavy lifting.

When you get enough people to write/call...melt the phone get their attention.

I once called out Lindsey Graham on his acceptance of the illegal immigration. He wrote me a letter back saying the people pof SC were not smart enough to understand the issue and that it was best to leave it to politicians like him - SERIOUSLY. I made his response know, got all kinds of attention - it went viral, and the next week he was on TV declaring he had looked at this issue and decided it was NOT in the best interest of his constituents to support the issue, that he would be fighting to stop it. He also said his response had been 'mis-understood' and that he was just trying to convey that it was a difficult issue. LOL!
Aye! There's the rub, isn't it? Do you think you can get enough people to get PA laws repealed?

They don't have to be repealed, they just have to be adjudicated to target their original intended commercial enterprises.

A Hotel is a PA, a contracted baker is not. want special circumstances where certain businesses don't have to follow the law. Hardly Constitutional, is it....what with that sticky wicket "equal protection under the law" being there in your way.

There has to be a compelling government interest to impinge on someones rights, be it religious or the right of association.

letting someone deny lodging in a hotel due to most reasons would be an actual harm on a traveler. Letting a gas station discriminate would cause actual harm to commuters and travelers, letting a grocery store discriminate could cause actual harm. Letting a baker do it with regards to contracted services easily replaced does not cause harm, and the government has no compelling interest to force the person to provide the service.
The purpose of this fine is not to repay the women but to punish the company and make an example of them for the next asshole that thinks his religion allows him to discriminate.

That's why I believe they shoild do everything possible to get out of paying that money.
So you ' think ' YOUR religious beliefs trump the Constitution and any laws that exist?
So you ' think ' YOUR religious beliefs trump the Constitution and any laws that exist?

The Constitution actually not only protects freedom of religion but also the 'PRACTICE THEREOF'. If practicing one's religion means their faith prohibits them from engaging in such activity, especially when there are other alternatives - which means the couple would NOT have their rights infringed upon because there were others willing to do the job for them - then YES, the Constitution ARGUABLY protects (or should protect) that baker from being forced to violate his faith by the government.

Again, had a Christian couple walked into a Muslim Bakery demanding they make a cake that states 'Jesus is Lord, the Son of the 1 True God' and the Muslim Baker refused to do so it would be the Christians being hammered while Liberals ordered them to go somewhere else.

At the same time many Liberals tell Christians that their (liberal) beliefs trump the Christians' faith / beliefs. Case in point - abortion. Liberals demand the right to kill a baby at any point of the pregnancy - Pelosi even said the fact that the baby is a human being at 'that' time should not factor into their right to murder the baby. THAT is a massive breach of Christian faith, yet Liberals ignore that religious conviction and FORCE their will upon them by forcing Christians to pay for THIER abortions! That's a foul! If Liberals want all the abortions they want either PAY FOR IT YOURSELF or go create a GOFUNDME page so people who WANT to pay for your abortions can do so!
So you ' think ' YOUR religious beliefs trump the Constitution and any laws that exist?

The Constitution actually not only protects freedom of religion but also the 'PRACTICE THEREOF'. If practicing one's religion means their faith prohibits them from engaging in such activity, especially when there are other alternatives - which means the couple would NOT have their rights infringed upon because there were others willing to do the job for them - then YES, the Constitution ARGUABLY protects (or should protect) that baker from being forced to violate his faith by the government.

Again, had a Christian couple walked into a Muslim Bakery demanding they make a cake that states 'Jesus is Lord, the Son of the 1 True God' and the Muslim Baker refused to do so it would be the Christians being hammered while Liberals ordered them to go somewhere else.

At the same time many Liberals tell Christians that their (liberal) beliefs trump the Christians' faith / beliefs. Case in point - abortion. Liberals demand the right to kill a baby at any point of the pregnancy - Pelosi even said the fact that the baby is a human being at 'that' time should not factor into their right to murder the baby. THAT is a massive breach of Christian faith, yet Liberals ignore that religious conviction and FORCE their will upon them by forcing Christians to pay for THIER abortions! That's a foul! If Liberals want all the abortions they want either PAY FOR IT YOURSELF or go create a GOFUNDME page so people who WANT to pay for your abortions can do so!
How is running a cake business for profit practicing religion? What religion is that?

Can I have a religion where I don't have to following speeding laws? Our Lady of the Lead Foot?
How is running a cake business for profit practicing religion? What religion is that?

Can I have a religion where I don't have to following speeding laws? Our Lady of the Lead Foot?

So you think someone can not remain faithful to and exercise their freedom of religion while running a business?! LOL! You attempt to produce a ridiculous example to somehow support your post
I have a personal protector? :lol: Is that like a pocket protector?

More like a douche bag. You hit report and your bro comes running to aid you. I don't like ignoring people, but your games are beyond the pale.
I "hit report"? What the heck is there to report? As far as I know....this thread's posts, including yours, are not even close to being reportable. So.....why are you crying?
How is running a cake business for profit practicing religion? What religion is that?

Can I have a religion where I don't have to following speeding laws? Our Lady of the Lead Foot?

So you think someone can not remain faithful to and exercise their freedom of religion while running a business?! LOL! You attempt to produce a ridiculous example to somehow support your post
So. you think someone cannot remain faithful to and exercise their freedom of religion to go really really fast while driving? LOL! All I have to do, like those cake bakers, is "claim" that it is part of my religious freedom to speed. Why should I have to follow any speeding laws then, according to you?
Can I have a religion where I don't have to following speeding laws? Our Lady of the Lead Foot?

So you think someone can not remain faithful to and exercise their freedom of religion while running a business?! LOL! You attempt to produce a ridiculous example to somehow support your post[/QUOTE]
So. you think someone cannot remain faithful to and exercise their freedom of religion to go really really fast while driving? LOL! All I have to do, like those cake bakers, is "claim" that it is part of my religious freedom to speed. Why should I have to follow any speeding laws then, according to you?
You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.

You want government to oppress people you disagree with. Pretty fascist to me.
And don't want to make any effort beyond whining over what you perceive to be fascism.

Some people fight one way, I fight this way.
Whining is fighting? Oh?

It's only whining to you and your progressive ilk. Typical of the breed that you equate countering your opinions as whining.

Except our "whining" was accompanied by action...and we won.

Make your case in an actual case challenging Title II of the CRA.
The US government agrees with me. That makes me proud.

A proud fascist.

You really should look that word up. People will laugh at you if you keep trying to make it mean what you think it means.

You want government to oppress people you disagree with. Pretty fascist to me.
And don't want to make any effort beyond whining over what you perceive to be fascism.

Some people fight one way, I fight this way.

If that's how you fight,you should quit hitting yourself.
No, she just doesn't want to participate in a gay wedding, she's not trying to stop the wedding, or stop people from attending, or protesting it, or anything else, she just doesn't want to participate, and for that she gets ruined.

and I would think a few days in jail would be preferable to a $135k fine.

Please show me $135k worth of damages done to the couple in question.

That's easy enough. Because the Christian Right made a big deal about this, the gay couple in question got a shit load of death threats from all these people who just love them some Jesus.

If she didn't want to participate in a gay wedding, she shouldn't have invited the couple to come to her bakery a couple years earlier.
You said photographers don't "participate" in the wedding ceremony.

Attending is bearing witness, i.e. participating.

NYC ignores the 2nd amendment, the right to an abortion and gay marriage were created out of thin air, and PA laws as being used here ignore the 1st amendment.

NYC was stopping a well-regulated militia?

There's really no first amendment issue here. The first amendment doesn't allow you to break the law.
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