State Theocracy, Christian style - US next on the agenda?

The left playing the Christian card is no different than when they play the racist card or the poor card or the senior citizen card or the war on women card. Its nonsense. The United States is immune to Christianity or any other religion taking over our government or courts, we value individual liberty far too much to allow that to happen.
They can't get there as they believe people must be forced to accept only the portions that they want people to be forced to accept. The idea that core belief of Christianity is that Jesus gives the liberty to make choices and nothing is taken by force but is given freely and willingly given by the individuals that accept those teachings can't break through their into their minds.
And here they said they just didn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple.

With All Eyes On Trump, Texas May Soon Pass Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Laws


"One sweeping bill that has received a fair amount of national media attention, HB 3859, would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to turn away applicants on religious grounds, denying parents who are LGBT, or even those who are Jewish, Muslim or atheist. It passed the Texas House and is now moving through the Senate, causing a great deal of concern because similar bills have been passed in other states, including in South Dakota this year.

Getting less attention, however, are the insidious attempts to write discrimination into must-pass bills that have already been debated. An amendment added at the last minute to a nursing care bill, HB 2950, for example, would bar the Texas Board of Nursing from punishing discriminatory actions if they are committed in the service of a nurse’s “religious beliefs.” According to the Texas Freedom Network (TFN), a watchdog and activist group, a nurse could “cite his religious beliefs as a reason to refuse to care for a gay patient on the grounds that he believes homosexuality is a sin” or is against his faith. “A nurse who believes that men are the head of the household,” the group also notes, “could breach client confidentiality to disclose a woman’s medical condition to her husband against her wishes.”

This is what theocracy looks like, one religious group that takes over control of the government and institutes their own religion as the law of the land. Christian sharia law out in the open now.
Oh look leftists ONLY approving of CHOICE when a woman wants to murder a child....when its for ANYTHING else well forget that crap.


The left believes and votes for constitutionally guaranteed equality.

RWNJs like you vote for sharia law.

Get lost.


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Do you use single layer aluminum foil or do you double it up to make your hats?

Swing away Merrill.

Issac, you are the male version of can't debate, you have no salient points to make and all you do is impotently swing and fling your male cyber purse at those that know more than you. It would really suck to be you. I count my blessings that I am not "like you"......

So you can count? Sweet, must make the days at 7/11 looking out the window go by quick for you.

Wow, what an elitist pseudo liberal you are! Nope, I don't work at 7/ of January of this year, I became a partner in a company that rebuilds old mailing equipment and upgrades their electronics with the latest, greatest technology control by PLCs. Since I have over 30 years in manufacturing experience on my resume including work in R&D? I was a great fit....but I digress........your comment is further proof that you look down on people that have to work menial labor jobs that don't vote "leftard". I bet you would be fawning all over menial laborers that wave the rainbow colored "demcrat flag" but if not? They are just scum and less than equal.......speaks volumes to me about the lack of character that you have and no empathy........

LOL I was just pulling your chain but you see an encyclopedia of misery in everything it appears.

Be happy, bye now and buy bonds.

Nope, you revealed what you really are....not that I ever had any doubt what you stand for (or a lack thereof).

Great job! I am gonna keep your post handy when you start whining about how you believe that only those like you care about those slaving away at low paying jobs but yet have no problem with using it as an insult.


I'm sure you have lots of things 'saved up'. Do you have a tin foil hat collection or do you make a new one each time?

The OP is about Taxus and their attempt to make themselves a state theocracy. They'll have to be bitch-slapped by the courts again.
If you could do away with all religion tomorrow, with what moral code would you replace it?

Or would you bother?
If you need any religion to inform you of morality you are to be deeply pitied.


It's "christians" like Billy_Kinetta who need to be told what is moral and ethical.

In fact, most prisoners are christain. Most domestic terrorists are christian.

Not even their belief in in hell is enough to keep them honest, ethical and moral.


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And here they said they just didn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple.

With All Eyes On Trump, Texas May Soon Pass Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Laws


"One sweeping bill that has received a fair amount of national media attention, HB 3859, would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to turn away applicants on religious grounds, denying parents who are LGBT, or even those who are Jewish, Muslim or atheist. It passed the Texas House and is now moving through the Senate, causing a great deal of concern because similar bills have been passed in other states, including in South Dakota this year.

Getting less attention, however, are the insidious attempts to write discrimination into must-pass bills that have already been debated. An amendment added at the last minute to a nursing care bill, HB 2950, for example, would bar the Texas Board of Nursing from punishing discriminatory actions if they are committed in the service of a nurse’s “religious beliefs.” According to the Texas Freedom Network (TFN), a watchdog and activist group, a nurse could “cite his religious beliefs as a reason to refuse to care for a gay patient on the grounds that he believes homosexuality is a sin” or is against his faith. “A nurse who believes that men are the head of the household,” the group also notes, “could breach client confidentiality to disclose a woman’s medical condition to her husband against her wishes.”

This is what theocracy looks like, one religious group that takes over control of the government and institutes their own religion as the law of the land. Christian sharia law out in the open now.
Oh look leftists ONLY approving of CHOICE when a woman wants to murder a child....when its for ANYTHING else well forget that crap.


The left believes and votes for constitutionally guaranteed equality.

RWNJs like you vote for sharia law.

Get lost.


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Hey, it's not conservatives that have sucked up to the islamic extremists/factions and put them in places of Influence. CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood had people whispering in Barrypuppet's ear and had prominent positions within his admin.

Your lame attempt to rewrite history is gonna get called on every time. What is so confusing to me is when did the leftard clown posse and the nation of islam become such "bed buddies" when the beliefs of islam and the pseudo liberal agenda are polar opposites of each other????
Last edited:
Issac, you are the male version of can't debate, you have no salient points to make and all you do is impotently swing and fling your male cyber purse at those that know more than you. It would really suck to be you. I count my blessings that I am not "like you"......

So you can count? Sweet, must make the days at 7/11 looking out the window go by quick for you.

Wow, what an elitist pseudo liberal you are! Nope, I don't work at 7/ of January of this year, I became a partner in a company that rebuilds old mailing equipment and upgrades their electronics with the latest, greatest technology control by PLCs. Since I have over 30 years in manufacturing experience on my resume including work in R&D? I was a great fit....but I digress........your comment is further proof that you look down on people that have to work menial labor jobs that don't vote "leftard". I bet you would be fawning all over menial laborers that wave the rainbow colored "demcrat flag" but if not? They are just scum and less than equal.......speaks volumes to me about the lack of character that you have and no empathy........

LOL I was just pulling your chain but you see an encyclopedia of misery in everything it appears.

Be happy, bye now and buy bonds.

Nope, you revealed what you really are....not that I ever had any doubt what you stand for (or a lack thereof).

Great job! I am gonna keep your post handy when you start whining about how you believe that only those like you care about those slaving away at low paying jobs but yet have no problem with using it as an insult.


I'm sure you have lots of things 'saved up'. Do you have a tin foil hat collection or do you make a new one each time?

The OP is about Taxus and their attempt to make themselves a state theocracy. They'll have to be bitch-slapped by the courts again.

So do you think that two male queers should be able to adopt a little boy or that two lesbians should be allowed to adopt a little girl??? Do you?????
So you can count? Sweet, must make the days at 7/11 looking out the window go by quick for you.

Wow, what an elitist pseudo liberal you are! Nope, I don't work at 7/ of January of this year, I became a partner in a company that rebuilds old mailing equipment and upgrades their electronics with the latest, greatest technology control by PLCs. Since I have over 30 years in manufacturing experience on my resume including work in R&D? I was a great fit....but I digress........your comment is further proof that you look down on people that have to work menial labor jobs that don't vote "leftard". I bet you would be fawning all over menial laborers that wave the rainbow colored "demcrat flag" but if not? They are just scum and less than equal.......speaks volumes to me about the lack of character that you have and no empathy........

LOL I was just pulling your chain but you see an encyclopedia of misery in everything it appears.

Be happy, bye now and buy bonds.

Nope, you revealed what you really are....not that I ever had any doubt what you stand for (or a lack thereof).

Great job! I am gonna keep your post handy when you start whining about how you believe that only those like you care about those slaving away at low paying jobs but yet have no problem with using it as an insult.


I'm sure you have lots of things 'saved up'. Do you have a tin foil hat collection or do you make a new one each time?

The OP is about Taxus and their attempt to make themselves a state theocracy. They'll have to be bitch-slapped by the courts again.

So do you think that two male queers should be able to adopt a little boy or that two lesbians should be allowed to adopt a little girl??? Do you?????
Of course they do and that unwed mother that doesn't want to give her child up to be adopted in that manner should be forced to accept it.
The law looks designed to protect religious organizations and individuals from being deliberately targeted by activists.

A law which allows caregivers to discriminate against gays is just fine, as long as they also don't care for liars, adulterers, thieves, blasphemer sir other sinners. It is critical that they not attend to anyone who has ever violated any of the 10 Commandments, before refusing service to gays, since homosexuality isn't one of the 10 big sins, the ones that God Himself wrote down.

Otherwise, their claim that it violates their religion to treat sinners has no basis in fact or logic.

Also, I find it odd that in a Texas it is legal for a doctor to lie to a female patient, if telling her the truth would give her a reason to get an abortion.

Also, this new law would allow caregivers to give a wife's medical information to her husband without her consent.

Tell me again that women in the US have equal rights to men.
If not for the constitution and the hard work from secularists, much of the U.S. would be no different than the Islamic jihadists of the middle east.
If we must have a theocracy, then, I'll take Jesus of Nazareth as the Baseline, over Muhammed, any day of the week.

But... not to worry... there's a Heaven for atheists, too... it's just that there's nobody home.
We will not have a theocracy. And nobody believes that Jesus would be your baseline, Trump supporter.
The Right doesn't believe in anything Jesus preached, they're "christian" in name only.
If a caregiver does not want to provide services to any identifiable person they should not be forced to. Religion has nothing to do with it. I don't like your looks should be good enough.
And here they said they just didn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple.

With All Eyes On Trump, Texas May Soon Pass Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Laws


"One sweeping bill that has received a fair amount of national media attention, HB 3859, would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to turn away applicants on religious grounds, denying parents who are LGBT, or even those who are Jewish, Muslim or atheist. It passed the Texas House and is now moving through the Senate, causing a great deal of concern because similar bills have been passed in other states, including in South Dakota this year.

Getting less attention, however, are the insidious attempts to write discrimination into must-pass bills that have already been debated. An amendment added at the last minute to a nursing care bill, HB 2950, for example, would bar the Texas Board of Nursing from punishing discriminatory actions if they are committed in the service of a nurse’s “religious beliefs.” According to the Texas Freedom Network (TFN), a watchdog and activist group, a nurse could “cite his religious beliefs as a reason to refuse to care for a gay patient on the grounds that he believes homosexuality is a sin” or is against his faith. “A nurse who believes that men are the head of the household,” the group also notes, “could breach client confidentiality to disclose a woman’s medical condition to her husband against her wishes.”

This is what theocracy looks like, one religious group that takes over control of the government and institutes their own religion as the law of the land. Christian sharia law out in the open now.
Oh look leftists ONLY approving of CHOICE when a woman wants to murder a child....when its for ANYTHING else well forget that crap.
Child? Anyone but Republicans care about children. Republicans cut food stamps for poor children. Cut education. Want to cut their healthcare.

And the ONLY reason Republicans care about the fetus is power over women. Even their Goddess, Sarah Palin cut help for unwed mothers even when her own daughter is a baby factory first from this guy, then from that one.

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Republicans are slime. They are an evil cloud on this country. Their God is Satan.
My eyes must be deceiving me where did I say republican or democrat? I said LEFTISTS. SOME democrats are pro life so can't say democrats etc. I am not a republican period. Oh and no pro life people care about abortion because its MURDER it stops a beating heart because as usual LEFTISTS like to celebrate and approve of IRRESPONSIBLE behavior. I am a populist and a nationalist. One way I am different from 99% of republicans is I approve of non whites getting abortions they are just being crime fighters by doing that :) Less non whites the better.
And here they said they just didn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple.

With All Eyes On Trump, Texas May Soon Pass Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Laws


"One sweeping bill that has received a fair amount of national media attention, HB 3859, would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to turn away applicants on religious grounds, denying parents who are LGBT, or even those who are Jewish, Muslim or atheist. It passed the Texas House and is now moving through the Senate, causing a great deal of concern because similar bills have been passed in other states, including in South Dakota this year.

Getting less attention, however, are the insidious attempts to write discrimination into must-pass bills that have already been debated. An amendment added at the last minute to a nursing care bill, HB 2950, for example, would bar the Texas Board of Nursing from punishing discriminatory actions if they are committed in the service of a nurse’s “religious beliefs.” According to the Texas Freedom Network (TFN), a watchdog and activist group, a nurse could “cite his religious beliefs as a reason to refuse to care for a gay patient on the grounds that he believes homosexuality is a sin” or is against his faith. “A nurse who believes that men are the head of the household,” the group also notes, “could breach client confidentiality to disclose a woman’s medical condition to her husband against her wishes.”

This is what theocracy looks like, one religious group that takes over control of the government and institutes their own religion as the law of the land. Christian sharia law out in the open now.
Oh look leftists ONLY approving of CHOICE when a woman wants to murder a child....when its for ANYTHING else well forget that crap.


The left believes and votes for constitutionally guaranteed equality.

RWNJs like you vote for sharia law.

Get lost.


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No you don't. You approve of FORCING your ways on the entire population and then scream and call names and throw fits when they toss you out on your ass.

Leftism,Ideas so good they have to be forced at the point of a gun!

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