State Theocracy, Christian style - US next on the agenda?

You can see how easily theocracy would be accepted by some. I imagine this is what people in Iran see and read daily as well. People who think their religion should control all people's lives. The same with the Taliban, the same with Isis. Some are more violent than others but all share the idea that their religion should be forced law on the entire population.

I'm getting the impression you have no clue what a theocracy is

If you push your face into a fresh cow pie you'll leave an impression. Go with that one.
You can see how easily theocracy would be accepted by some. I imagine this is what people in Iran see and read daily as well. People who think their religion should control all people's lives. The same with the Taliban, the same with Isis. Some are more violent than others but all share the idea that their religion should be forced law on the entire population.

Allow me to explain something to you: This nation was founded upon personal liberty with the assumption that most people would have Christian morals.

Once the Christian morals aren't there, then there's a need for more laws, government and institutions.

Now, this nation is at a crossroads with all that there.

Get back to how it was founded or embrace moral relativism, leftism, and the accompanying statism that follows.

What's your prediction what will happen, Nostradamus jr.?
If the United States became a theocracy, then who else (what other religious founder) would be the Baseline?
If the United States becomes a Theocracy, then it stops being the United States. The "baseline" would eventually resemble Saudi Arabia's or Iran's, as happened in all of history's theocracies.
Oh, I'm not disputing any of that... I'm just saying that if we must have one, better the A-Team Prophet than the B-Team Loser.
You can see how easily theocracy would be accepted by some. I imagine this is what people in Iran see and read daily as well. People who think their religion should control all people's lives. The same with the Taliban, the same with Isis. Some are more violent than others but all share the idea that their religion should be forced law on the entire population.

Allow me to explain something to you: This nation was founded upon personal liberty with the assumption that most people would have Christian morals.

Once the Christian morals aren't there, then there's a need for more laws, government and institutions.

Now, this nation is at a crossroads with all that there.

Get back to how it was founded or embrace moral relativism, leftism, and the accompanying statism that follows.

What's your prediction what will happen, Nostradamus jr.?

Up to 25% of the population is atheist, how many are in prison? How many Muslims in the US aren't law abiding citizens? Or Hindus? Jews? If you do a survey the majority of criminals would identify as Christian so it appears religion doesn't make anyone any more moral. It is a myth. Humans have had civil societies for 10,000 + years, long before any of the monotheistic religions.

Morality doesn't come from religion, it comes from fear of consequences for breaking the laws of the society. That religion restrains a cohort in a population from doing certain things has been used and manipulated by the worst of rulers for millenia.
You can see how easily theocracy would be accepted by some. I imagine this is what people in Iran see and read daily as well. People who think their religion should control all people's lives. The same with the Taliban, the same with Isis. Some are more violent than others but all share the idea that their religion should be forced law on the entire population.

Allow me to explain something to you: This nation was founded upon personal liberty with the assumption that most people would have Christian morals.

Once the Christian morals aren't there, then there's a need for more laws, government and institutions.

Now, this nation is at a crossroads with all that there.

Get back to how it was founded or embrace moral relativism, leftism, and the accompanying statism that follows.

What's your prediction what will happen, Nostradamus jr.?

Up to 25% of the population is atheist, how many are in prison? How many Muslims in the US aren't law abiding citizens? Or Hindus? Jews? If you do a survey the majority of criminals would identify as Christian so it appears religion doesn't make anyone any more moral. It is a myth. Humans have had civil societies for 10,000 + years, long before any of the monotheistic religions.

Morality doesn't come from religion, it comes from fear of consequences for breaking the laws of the society. That religion restrains a cohort in a population from doing certain things has been used and manipulated by the worst of rulers for millenia.

Morality comes from eternal law
You can see how easily theocracy would be accepted by some. I imagine this is what people in Iran see and read daily as well. People who think their religion should control all people's lives. The same with the Taliban, the same with Isis. Some are more violent than others but all share the idea that their religion should be forced law on the entire population.

I'm getting the impression you have no clue what a theocracy is

If you push your face into a fresh cow pie you'll leave an impression. Go with that one.

So you're conceding?
If adoption agencies discriminate against these people, they should not be receiving state funds.
If you could do away with all religion tomorrow, with what moral code would you replace it?

Or would you bother?
If you need any religion to inform you of morality you are to be deeply pitied.

What informs you of morality, and what is the origin of it?
It's called empathy.

Leftards have no empathy, buttecea.....they will stoop to any dirty tactic or ploy to push through their true commie agenda because the end justifies the means. They are not empathetic or sympathatic that some seem to have it so bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it too good. Their elite puppet masters couldn't have prayed to their luciferian god for a more compliant tool than the pseudo-liberal/idealistic commie. Your ilk are being used to tear down the social fabric of this country by the very elites that you claim to be against. You know nothing about this corrupt, debt based fiat currency system or how the financial system really works. You don't know that the "dollar" is actually a unit of many grains of gold, so many grains of silver. The gold confiscation of the people by socialist FDR........what you don't know could fill several huge libraries.

You certainly have no clue about your corporate fiction that was created with your birth certificate (written on bond paper) that pledged and was made surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and you are considered "chattel".....look up that definition.

Yeah, it's safe to say that you are a blithering, angry idiot with no moral values at all.......

Any more questions???

The word morality, is not defined by a lack of organized religion or the following of organized religion. in America we are free to practice any religion we choose, or not practice any religion. and that is called FREEDOM.
If you could do away with all religion tomorrow, with what moral code would you replace it?

Or would you bother?
If you need any religion to inform you of morality you are to be deeply pitied.

What informs you of morality, and what is the origin of it?
It's called empathy.

Leftards have no empathy, buttecea.....they will stoop to any dirty tactic or ploy to push through their true commie agenda because the end justifies the means. They are not empathetic or sympathatic that some seem to have it so bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it too good. Their elite puppet masters couldn't have prayed to their luciferian god for a more compliant tool than the pseudo-liberal/idealistic commie. Your ilk are being used to tear down the social fabric of this country by the very elites that you claim to be against. You know nothing about this corrupt, debt based fiat currency system or how the financial system really works. You don't know that the "dollar" is actually a unit of many grains of gold, so many grains of silver. The gold confiscation of the people by socialist FDR........what you don't know could fill several huge libraries.

You certainly have no clue about your corporate fiction that was created with your birth certificate (written on bond paper) that pledged and was made surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and you are considered "chattel".....look up that definition.

Yeah, it's safe to say that you are a blithering, angry idiot with no moral values at all.......

Any more questions???


Do you use single layer aluminum foil or do you double it up to make your hats?

Swing away Merrill.
If you could do away with all religion tomorrow, with what moral code would you replace it?

Or would you bother?
If you need any religion to inform you of morality you are to be deeply pitied.

What informs you of morality, and what is the origin of it?
It's called empathy.

Leftards have no empathy, buttecea.....they will stoop to any dirty tactic or ploy to push through their true commie agenda because the end justifies the means. They are not empathetic or sympathatic that some seem to have it so bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it too good. Their elite puppet masters couldn't have prayed to their luciferian god for a more compliant tool than the pseudo-liberal/idealistic commie. Your ilk are being used to tear down the social fabric of this country by the very elites that you claim to be against. You know nothing about this corrupt, debt based fiat currency system or how the financial system really works. You don't know that the "dollar" is actually a unit of many grains of gold, so many grains of silver. The gold confiscation of the people by socialist FDR........what you don't know could fill several huge libraries.

You certainly have no clue about your corporate fiction that was created with your birth certificate (written on bond paper) that pledged and was made surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and you are considered "chattel".....look up that definition.

Yeah, it's safe to say that you are a blithering, angry idiot with no moral values at all.......

Any more questions???


Do you use single layer aluminum foil or do you double it up to make your hats?

Swing away Merrill.

Issac, you are the male version of can't debate, you have no salient points to make and all you do is impotently swing and fling your male cyber purse at those that know more than you. It would really suck to be you. I count my blessings that I am not "like you"......
If you need any religion to inform you of morality you are to be deeply pitied.

What informs you of morality, and what is the origin of it?
It's called empathy.

Leftards have no empathy, buttecea.....they will stoop to any dirty tactic or ploy to push through their true commie agenda because the end justifies the means. They are not empathetic or sympathatic that some seem to have it so bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it too good. Their elite puppet masters couldn't have prayed to their luciferian god for a more compliant tool than the pseudo-liberal/idealistic commie. Your ilk are being used to tear down the social fabric of this country by the very elites that you claim to be against. You know nothing about this corrupt, debt based fiat currency system or how the financial system really works. You don't know that the "dollar" is actually a unit of many grains of gold, so many grains of silver. The gold confiscation of the people by socialist FDR........what you don't know could fill several huge libraries.

You certainly have no clue about your corporate fiction that was created with your birth certificate (written on bond paper) that pledged and was made surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and you are considered "chattel".....look up that definition.

Yeah, it's safe to say that you are a blithering, angry idiot with no moral values at all.......

Any more questions???


Do you use single layer aluminum foil or do you double it up to make your hats?

Swing away Merrill.

Issac, you are the male version of can't debate, you have no salient points to make and all you do is impotently swing and fling your male cyber purse at those that know more than you. It would really suck to be you. I count my blessings that I am not "like you"......

So you can count? Sweet, must make the days at 7/11 looking out the window go by quick for you.
What informs you of morality, and what is the origin of it?
It's called empathy.

Leftards have no empathy, buttecea.....they will stoop to any dirty tactic or ploy to push through their true commie agenda because the end justifies the means. They are not empathetic or sympathatic that some seem to have it so bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it too good. Their elite puppet masters couldn't have prayed to their luciferian god for a more compliant tool than the pseudo-liberal/idealistic commie. Your ilk are being used to tear down the social fabric of this country by the very elites that you claim to be against. You know nothing about this corrupt, debt based fiat currency system or how the financial system really works. You don't know that the "dollar" is actually a unit of many grains of gold, so many grains of silver. The gold confiscation of the people by socialist FDR........what you don't know could fill several huge libraries.

You certainly have no clue about your corporate fiction that was created with your birth certificate (written on bond paper) that pledged and was made surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and you are considered "chattel".....look up that definition.

Yeah, it's safe to say that you are a blithering, angry idiot with no moral values at all.......

Any more questions???


Do you use single layer aluminum foil or do you double it up to make your hats?

Swing away Merrill.

Issac, you are the male version of can't debate, you have no salient points to make and all you do is impotently swing and fling your male cyber purse at those that know more than you. It would really suck to be you. I count my blessings that I am not "like you"......

So you can count? Sweet, must make the days at 7/11 looking out the window go by quick for you.

Wow, what an elitist pseudo liberal you are! Nope, I don't work at 7/ of January of this year, I became a partner in a company that rebuilds old mailing equipment and upgrades their electronics with the latest, greatest technology control by PLCs. Since I have over 30 years in manufacturing experience on my resume including work in R&D? I was a great fit....but I digress........your comment is further proof that you look down on people that have to work menial labor jobs that don't vote "leftard". I bet you would be fawning all over menial laborers that wave the rainbow colored "demcrat flag" but if not? They are just scum and less than equal.......speaks volumes to me about the lack of character that you have and no empathy........
And here they said they just didn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple.

With All Eyes On Trump, Texas May Soon Pass Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Laws


"One sweeping bill that has received a fair amount of national media attention, HB 3859, would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to turn away applicants on religious grounds, denying parents who are LGBT, or even those who are Jewish, Muslim or atheist. It passed the Texas House and is now moving through the Senate, causing a great deal of concern because similar bills have been passed in other states, including in South Dakota this year.

Getting less attention, however, are the insidious attempts to write discrimination into must-pass bills that have already been debated. An amendment added at the last minute to a nursing care bill, HB 2950, for example, would bar the Texas Board of Nursing from punishing discriminatory actions if they are committed in the service of a nurse’s “religious beliefs.” According to the Texas Freedom Network (TFN), a watchdog and activist group, a nurse could “cite his religious beliefs as a reason to refuse to care for a gay patient on the grounds that he believes homosexuality is a sin” or is against his faith. “A nurse who believes that men are the head of the household,” the group also notes, “could breach client confidentiality to disclose a woman’s medical condition to her husband against her wishes.”

This is what theocracy looks like, one religious group that takes over control of the government and institutes their own religion as the law of the land. Christian sharia law out in the open now.
Oh look leftists ONLY approving of CHOICE when a woman wants to murder a child....when its for ANYTHING else well forget that crap.
Child? Anyone but Republicans care about children. Republicans cut food stamps for poor children. Cut education. Want to cut their healthcare.

And the ONLY reason Republicans care about the fetus is power over women. Even their Goddess, Sarah Palin cut help for unwed mothers even when her own daughter is a baby factory first from this guy, then from that one.

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Republicans are slime. They are an evil cloud on this country. Their God is Satan.
It's called empathy.

Leftards have no empathy, buttecea.....they will stoop to any dirty tactic or ploy to push through their true commie agenda because the end justifies the means. They are not empathetic or sympathatic that some seem to have it so bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it too good. Their elite puppet masters couldn't have prayed to their luciferian god for a more compliant tool than the pseudo-liberal/idealistic commie. Your ilk are being used to tear down the social fabric of this country by the very elites that you claim to be against. You know nothing about this corrupt, debt based fiat currency system or how the financial system really works. You don't know that the "dollar" is actually a unit of many grains of gold, so many grains of silver. The gold confiscation of the people by socialist FDR........what you don't know could fill several huge libraries.

You certainly have no clue about your corporate fiction that was created with your birth certificate (written on bond paper) that pledged and was made surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and you are considered "chattel".....look up that definition.

Yeah, it's safe to say that you are a blithering, angry idiot with no moral values at all.......

Any more questions???


Do you use single layer aluminum foil or do you double it up to make your hats?

Swing away Merrill.

Issac, you are the male version of can't debate, you have no salient points to make and all you do is impotently swing and fling your male cyber purse at those that know more than you. It would really suck to be you. I count my blessings that I am not "like you"......

So you can count? Sweet, must make the days at 7/11 looking out the window go by quick for you.

Wow, what an elitist pseudo liberal you are! Nope, I don't work at 7/ of January of this year, I became a partner in a company that rebuilds old mailing equipment and upgrades their electronics with the latest, greatest technology control by PLCs. Since I have over 30 years in manufacturing experience on my resume including work in R&D? I was a great fit....but I digress........your comment is further proof that you look down on people that have to work menial labor jobs that don't vote "leftard". I bet you would be fawning all over menial laborers that wave the rainbow colored "demcrat flag" but if not? They are just scum and less than equal.......speaks volumes to me about the lack of character that you have and no empathy........

LOL I was just pulling your chain but you see an encyclopedia of misery in everything it appears.

Be happy, bye now and buy bonds.
Leftards have no empathy, buttecea.....they will stoop to any dirty tactic or ploy to push through their true commie agenda because the end justifies the means. They are not empathetic or sympathatic that some seem to have it so bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it too good. Their elite puppet masters couldn't have prayed to their luciferian god for a more compliant tool than the pseudo-liberal/idealistic commie. Your ilk are being used to tear down the social fabric of this country by the very elites that you claim to be against. You know nothing about this corrupt, debt based fiat currency system or how the financial system really works. You don't know that the "dollar" is actually a unit of many grains of gold, so many grains of silver. The gold confiscation of the people by socialist FDR........what you don't know could fill several huge libraries.

You certainly have no clue about your corporate fiction that was created with your birth certificate (written on bond paper) that pledged and was made surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and you are considered "chattel".....look up that definition.

Yeah, it's safe to say that you are a blithering, angry idiot with no moral values at all.......

Any more questions???


Do you use single layer aluminum foil or do you double it up to make your hats?

Swing away Merrill.

Issac, you are the male version of can't debate, you have no salient points to make and all you do is impotently swing and fling your male cyber purse at those that know more than you. It would really suck to be you. I count my blessings that I am not "like you"......

So you can count? Sweet, must make the days at 7/11 looking out the window go by quick for you.

Wow, what an elitist pseudo liberal you are! Nope, I don't work at 7/ of January of this year, I became a partner in a company that rebuilds old mailing equipment and upgrades their electronics with the latest, greatest technology control by PLCs. Since I have over 30 years in manufacturing experience on my resume including work in R&D? I was a great fit....but I digress........your comment is further proof that you look down on people that have to work menial labor jobs that don't vote "leftard". I bet you would be fawning all over menial laborers that wave the rainbow colored "demcrat flag" but if not? They are just scum and less than equal.......speaks volumes to me about the lack of character that you have and no empathy........

LOL I was just pulling your chain but you see an encyclopedia of misery in everything it appears.

Be happy, bye now and buy bonds.

Nope, you revealed what you really are....not that I ever had any doubt what you stand for (or a lack thereof).

Great job! I am gonna keep your post handy when you start whining about how you believe that only those like you care about those slaving away at low paying jobs but yet have no problem with using it as an insult.

The left playing the Christian card is no different than when they play the racist card or the poor card or the senior citizen card or the war on women card. Its nonsense. The United States is immune to Christianity or any other religion taking over our government or courts, we value individual liberty far too much to allow that to happen.

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