Statement from IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley's legal team on U.S. Attorney David Weiss's letter today to the Senate Judiciary Committee


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Statement from IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley's legal team on U.S. Attorney David Weiss's letter today to the Senate Judiciary Committee: "U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s story continues to change. As a practical matter, it makes no difference whether Weiss requested special counsel or special attorney authority. Under no circumstances should ‘the process’ have included the political appointees of the subject’s father, because Congress and the public had been assured it would not—but it did."


Special Prosecutors should be appointed to investigate Public Officials.

NOT private citizens.

Look, man, I know you are disappointed that Santa Weiss gave you guys a lump of coal...

To clarify an apparent misperception and to avoid future confusion, I wish to make one point clear: in this case, I have not requested Special Counsel designation pursuant to 28 CFR § 600 et seq. Rather, I had discussions with Departmental officials regarding potential appointment under 28 U.S.C. § 515, which would have allowed me to file charges in a district outside my own without the partnership of the local U.S. Attorney. I was assured that I would be granted this authority if it proved necessary. And this assurance came months before the October 7, 2022, meeting referenced throughout the whistleblowers’ allegations. In this case, I’ve followed the process outlined in my June 30 letter and have never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction.
Uh, Jack Smith.
Damn Right!

In other words, you don't believe in true oversight. You want the government left responsible for investigating itself.

I'm going to try to have an intellectual discussion with you.

Where are "Special Prosecutors" or "Independent Counsels" mentioned in the constitution? They aren't.

The problem with these guys is that they are appointed as political hitmen, with no accountability that any normal prosecutor would have. Most normal prosecutors have limited budgets and resources, and have to make decisions on what to prosecute. Is this minor infraction worth prosecuting? Nope, not usually. Unless you are a Special Prosecutor trying to rationalize his existence.

So let's review some of the worst of Special Prosecutors and Independent Counsels.

Lawrence Walsh- investigated Iran-Contra. Won convictions of North and Poindexter that were immediately thrown out because Congress had already granted them immunity. Then he went after Cap Weinberger, the only person involved in the whole fiasco who said it was a bad idea to trade weapons for hostages. (Which wasn't actually a crime, BTW). What was Cap's crime? He testified to Congress he didn't have a diary, and later handed over his meeting notes to the National Archive, and in Walsh's deluded minds, meeting notes were a diary. A judge threw it out, and Walsh reindicted days before the 1992 election out of pure spite.

Ken Starr - Appointed to investigate Whitewater. Expanded his investigation to Vince Foster's Suicide, the Rose Law Firm billing records, the retention of FBI files on Republicans, and the firing of the Travel Office Staff. None of these things were criminal, either, and Starr admitted as much after pissing away $70 million dollars. But wait, wait, he found out that Clinton claimed he didn't have sex with an intern, and after threatening the intern and her entire family with prison, got her to admit he did! Oh, the same Ken Starr would later run Baylor Universtiy, and ignore rampant cases of athletes raping coeds.

David Barrett - spent 11 years investigating Henry Cisneros payments of money to a mistress.

Peter Fitzgerald - investigated who leaked Valerie Plames name to the press. After concluding it was a bunch of anti-war types involved in a circle jerk, he prosecuted Scooter Libby not for the leak, but for remembering a conversation with Tim Russert differently than Russert remembered it.

Robert Mueller - Couldn't get anywhere near Trump, so he prosecuted a bunch of bit players for unrelated matters.

John Durham - No convictions, one plea deal to a misdemeanor.

Now- One more time.

HUNTER BIDEN IS NOT A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL! To use this kind of remedy on a private citizen flies in the face of the rule of law.
No problem for me, but you had a problem understanding.
Understand what? I didn't even read all the crap you wrote. I don't read stuff that begins with a putdown.

As a private citizen, not a government employee...
So you say. At least not an OFFICIAL one. So why are foreign governments funneling millions to the Bidens then?

none of which were illegal.
Again, so YOU say.
"U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s story continues to change. As a practical matter, it makes no difference whether Weiss requested special counsel or special attorney authority. Under no circumstances should ‘the process’ have included the political appointees of the subject’s father, because Congress and the public had been assured it would not—but it did."
Sounds like they’re backtracking.

This opinion ignores that daft that the law would require Weiss be given special counsel status by a political appointee. They are now complaining that the DoJ intended to follow the law.
Special Prosecutors should be appointed to investigate Public Officials.

NOT private citizens.

Look, man, I know you are disappointed that Santa Weiss gave you guys a lump of coal...

To clarify an apparent misperception and to avoid future confusion, I wish to make one point clear: in this case, I have not requested Special Counsel designation pursuant to 28 CFR § 600 et seq. Rather, I had discussions with Departmental officials regarding potential appointment under 28 U.S.C. § 515, which would have allowed me to file charges in a district outside my own without the partnership of the local U.S. Attorney. I was assured that I would be granted this authority if it proved necessary. And this assurance came months before the October 7, 2022, meeting referenced throughout the whistleblowers’ allegations. In this case, I’ve followed the process outlined in my June 30 letter and have never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction.
Prosecutors dont make requests for special council; SP's are simply appointed by the AG when he feels its needed. There is literally no procedure for prosecutors to make this request because, that isnt their call.
Special Agent Shapley is a true American hero. He is putting his career and possibly his life in harm's way to take on the DemoFascists that now run our IRS and Judicial System. The problems in our government run too deep, we need many more whistleblowers to step up from the FBI, IRS, CIA, HHS, etc. to call out the corruption.
Whistleblowers are an endangered species.

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