State's case against FLDS weakening

Wrong you stupid shit. CPS could have followed the law and done the legal and correct thing. Then not only would they not look stupid now they would not have cost the State 30 MILLION dollars for acting illegally. They could have actually followed the law they are sworn to uphold.

Further since they had gained access and found potential problems they would have LEGALLY been able to return in the future with out any fake calls to ensure the children were still not in danger.

oh, the legal and correct thing like NOT assuming that the entire fucking polygamy CULT wasn't in on fucking children after finding FIVE cases and NO birth records?

oh yea.. silly me.

OF COURSE we leave kids in crackhouses too unless a dfs officer actually hands their crackwhore mother a pipe and a lighter!

That anonymous caller wasn't the first person to speak out against this cult. OTHER former god fodder has been trying to bring this place to the states attention for years. I guess THEY just see the molestation of 5 fucking kids, and who REALLY KNOWS how many more, a little differently than you do.
oh, the legal and correct thing like NOT assuming that the entire fucking polygamy CULT wasn't in on fucking children after finding FIVE cases and NO birth records?

oh yea.. silly me.

OF COURSE we leave kids in crackhouses too unless a dfs officer actually hands their crackwhore mother a pipe and a lighter!

That anonymous caller wasn't the first person to speak out against this cult. OTHER former god fodder has been trying to bring this place to the states attention for years. I guess THEY just see the molestation of 5 fucking kids, and who REALLY KNOWS how many more, a little differently than you do.

Your Ignorance is simply appalling, I am glad you have nothing to do with enforcement of laws or our Government. Trying to play the propaganda that already failed for CPS is hilarious. I suggest you go check out the Texas Supreme Court and tell them they are wrong.
Ahh and there we have it, your usual religious rant. You do not get to tell me or anyone else what they can and can not believe. No matter how hard you might want to try. Further I belong to a Church not a cult. Well actually the word Cult applies to every religion in the broadest sense. That is why it has become a worthless word.

My Church does NOT condone the actions or policies or beliefs of the FLDS. But do pretend otherwise you religious hating asshole.

As for Missouri, the citizens of that State illegal attacked and murdered members of the Mormon Church and seized their leaders and their property. Property LEGALLY purchased and owned by the people of the Church. I can understand why YOU would think that is acceptable behavior. But lets put the shoe on the other foot shall we?

Using your logic, in a country run by religion and where the majority of the people support and believe it, the citizens would be legally justified in attacking YOU and seizing YOUR property, putting you in jail and then forming a lynch mob to hang you, failing that they could just assassinate you by gun fire.

Dude.. I can BELIEVE that the sun is a giant diamond inthe sky.. but, when I'm using a child's PUSSY as my space ship to get there the state can, and WILL intervene. I don't give a fuck that you think some charlaitan asshole with an overactive imagination saw an angel named moroni. I really couldn't give the slightest fuck about what batshit crazy beliefs you hold. But, in this country, fucking children is STILL illegal.

You might wanna rationalize the mormon chapter of NAMBLA with a nice coat of jesus paint but your faith does not usurp child predator laws. sorry to shut you up mid-sentence like that.

And, given the mormon church's murder of it's OWN you probably don't want to point too many fingers at Missouri, do you. But, BELIEVE ME, I am thankful that this state did not allow itself to become what we see in Utah. We don't rationalize 5 cases of old men fucking young girls in the name of religion like that.

Hey, stop trying to rationalize CHILD FUCKING and maybe, JUST MAYBE, other faiths would not react the way they do. SHOCKER, the catholics eat crow following THEIR little buttfucking fiasco.. HOLY SHIT! WHAT FIRST AMENDMENT TRAVESTY!
Your Ignorance is simply appalling, I am glad you have nothing to do with enforcement of laws or our Government. Trying to play the propaganda that already failed for CPS is hilarious. I suggest you go check out the Texas Supreme Court and tell them they are wrong.

And, im glad you have nothing to do with DFS guides or 5% of the female child population might have to ride the cack for the sake of your faith.

cause, YOU KNOW how much 5 cases of pedophelia is just propaganda!

I suggest you get your granddaughter some pasties and the book of mormon and tell me how easy it is to rationalize child molestors who use the mormon faith like lubrication.
Dude.. I can BELIEVE that the sun is a giant diamond inthe sky.. but, when I'm using a child's PUSSY as my space ship to get there the state can, and WILL intervene. I don't give a fuck that you think some charlaitan asshole with an overactive imagination saw an angel named moroni. I really couldn't give the slightest fuck about what batshit crazy beliefs you hold. But, in this country, fucking children is STILL illegal.

You might wanna rationalize the mormon chapter of NAMBLA with a nice coat of jesus paint but your faith does not usurp child predator laws. sorry to shut you up mid-sentence like that.

And, given the mormon church's murder of it's OWN you probably don't want to point too many fingers at Missouri, do you. But, BELIEVE ME, I am thankful that this state did not allow itself to become what we see in Utah. We don't rationalize 5 cases of old men fucking young girls in the name of religion like that.

Hey, stop trying to rationalize CHILD FUCKING and maybe, JUST MAYBE, other faiths would not react the way they do. SHOCKER, the catholics eat crow following THEIR little buttfucking fiasco.. HOLY SHIT! WHAT FIRST AMENDMENT TRAVESTY!

Again you can spew your ignorance all you want. And when people do to you illegal things because they don't like you and the "public" might be swayed by bullshit stories, remember you were ALL for it.

Once again retard, only 5 girls are even suspected of being in any danger, it did not now nor then justify the actions of the CPS. As proven by two SUPERIOR Courts over the dumb shit Judge that let them do it.

Go ahead retard, address the legal issue. If you are correct then WHY did the Supreme Court of Texas rule differently? Maybe it is full of old men that fuck little girls to, right? You can scream that all you want you dumb mother fucker, it doesn't make it true now any more than it was before.

Rights are Rights. The LAW must be enforced and is not subject to personal opinion or passion. Nor the whim of the public. Well until retards like you start getting illegal alws passed because you are to fucking stupid to know where that leads.
Again you can spew your ignorance all you want. And when people do to you illegal things because they don't like you and the "public" might be swayed by bullshit stories, remember you were ALL for it.

Once again retard, only 5 girls are even suspected of being in any danger, it did not now nor then justify the actions of the CPS. As proven by two SUPERIOR Courts over the dumb shit Judge that let them do it.

Go ahead retard, address the legal issue. If you are correct then WHY did the Supreme Court of Texas rule differently? Maybe it is full of old men that fuck little girls to, right? You can scream that all you want you dumb mother fucker, it doesn't make it true now any more than it was before.

Rights are Rights. The LAW must be enforced and is not subject to personal opinion or passion. Nor the whim of the public. Well until retards like you start getting illegal alws passed because you are to fucking stupid to know where that leads.

Hey, if Im ever out using a childs PUSSY like a plane ticket to heaven I fucking HOPE the state intervenes.

RGS "only 5 girls"

go ahead and repeat that a few times in your head. ONLY 5, eh? AGAIN, Considering the records that indicate the fdls willingness to cooperate on par with the vatican's quickness to attempt to burry THEIR little foray into child molestation, its no wonder that all the kids were taken. I don't care that you can accept 5 molested kids. I don't care if the VATICAN can accept however many THEY think is an acceptable number of buttfuckings. I mean, FIVE FUCKING CASES sure does scream INNOCENT in a FUNDEMENTAL MORMON CULT, doesn't it?

Like I said, if this is the length you'll go to defend the mormon chapter of NAMLA then it's no wonder your cult was kicked to the fucking desert.
Hey, if Im ever out using a childs PUSSY like a plane ticket to heaven I fucking HOPE the state intervenes.

RGS "only 5 girls"

go ahead and repeat that a few times in your head. ONLY 5, eh? AGAIN, Considering the records that indicate the fdls willingness to cooperate on par with the vatican's quickness to attempt to burry THEIR little foray into child molestation, its no wonder that all the kids were taken. I don't care that you can accept 5 molested kids. I don't care if the VATICAN can accept however many THEY think is an acceptable number of buttfuckings. I mean, FIVE FUCKING CASES sure does scream INNOCENT in a FUNDEMENTAL MORMON CULT, doesn't it?

Like I said, if this is the length you'll go to defend the mormon chapter of NAMLA then it's no wonder your cult was kicked to the fucking desert.

Ignorant pap the first time you said and still ignorant pap now, Devoid of facts and reality, but par for the course of one of the DUMBEST people on this board.
Ignorant pap the first time you said and still ignorant pap now, Devoid of facts and reality, but par for the course of one of the DUMBEST people on this board.

talk shit, pussy. It's not like you have a following of admirers basking in the soft glow of your logic and insight. Shit, it's probably NOT obvious that you only take this issue up because you personally ACCEPT the practice of child fucking when it comes to heavenly gateways. Indeed, tell me all about who is pretty fucking dumb while shrugging your shoulders and looking the other way while 5 kids lose their innocence for the sake of your common faith. For real, you really are one sick fuck.
talk shit, pussy. It's not like you have a following of admirers basking in the soft glow of your logic and insight. Shit, it's probably NOT obvious that you only take this issue up because you personally ACCEPT the practice of child fucking when it comes to heavenly gateways. Indeed, tell me all about who is pretty fucking dumb while shrugging your shoulders and looking the other way while 5 kids lose their innocence for the sake of your common faith. For real, you really are one sick fuck.

More absolute lies from the king of liars. Still can't grasp simple facts can you retard?
what.. simple facts like "ONLY 5 MOLESTED CHILDREN"?

yes, do continue to pepper me with your insight to religous freedom.
RGS, what do you think the state should have done about these five children?

What ever they legally could do. I suspect they could justify taking them into custody. We will find out when the other 400 plus children are returned and the CPS works on the actual potentially illegal activity. If they ever do.

The Higher Courts were clear. Only those 5 potentially met the requirement of State law to be removed from the home. CPS over reached and I believe purposefully, I think they believed public opinion would let them walk away from this illegal activity and they lost, yet guess what? They still are not obeying the order of the Supreme Court of Texas. The lower Judge and CPS should be slapped down and hard.
what.. simple facts like "ONLY 5 MOLESTED CHILDREN"?

yes, do continue to pepper me with your insight to religous freedom.

Your ignorant pap is STILL just ignorant, do me a favor dumb shit, if you can not address the issue or facts, keep your anti religious and lying comments to your self.
RGS, what do you think the state should have done about these five children?

oh NOTHING, im sure. I mean, we are talking about religous freedom here. Clearly THAT trumps child predator laws applied to a cult that purposefully tries to obfuscated their records for the very sake of using children, again, like a catholic uses wine and crackers.
Your ignorant pap is STILL just ignorant, do me a favor dumb shit, if you can not address the issue or facts, keep your anti religious and lying comments to your self.

fuck you. Im not in the mood to do your child molestation rationalizing ass any favours. Do your gRANDKIDS a fucking favor and switch religions before they turn 10 and are considered USDA price selections for the heaven market.
fuck you. Im not in the mood to do your child molestation rationalizing ass any favours. Do your gRANDKIDS a fucking favor and switch religions before they turn 10 and are considered USDA price selections for the heaven market.

You are an asshole and a retard. You have done nothing in this thread today except spew hatred and lies. You can not and will not address the issues or the facts. Why? Because you can not. So in true liberal fashion you have tried over the last page or two to turn this into a personal assault on myself.

It is simple you FUCKING retard, address the issues and the facts or get your ignorant ass out of the thread, last I checked Trolling is not appreciated on this board.
yea dude.. child fucking polygamy in the FDLS church, not to mention the origin of your own faith, is just a bunch of LIES. Just like it's a lie to point out the trinity in catholicism!

The FACTS are that the fdls cult purposfully smear their birthing records to obsfucate the practice of FUCKING CHILDREN. While we even have "ONLY 5 CASES" no less. THAT is the fucking fact. Your willingness to rationalize pre-pubescent verginity for the sake of your key to heaven means jack and shit.

Also, feel free to cry martyr about the name calling.. I know, you are innocent. Im obviously a roman lion. You ARE a victim, dude. Worse than 5 molested 13 year olds even.

And, again, you can suck my dick. Calling my posts trolling just because I return the shit talking favor and rub your nose in your "ONLY 5 KIDS" comment doesn't make a post any more trolling than crying that Im picking on you makes you a martyr. So, go pm a fucking mod and deal with it. There will still be 5 raped kids whose pussies paid the price of your faith, dude. It's not my fault that you are a sick fuck who can accept that for the sake of your moroni common denominator.
Once again, missing the point. THe state does NOT have the right to wade in and remove hundreds of kids from their famlies based upon rumor that a couple of the kids may have at some time been subjected to sexual abuse.

It doesn't work that way for anybody else, and it shouldn't work that way here.

And it's not. Hence the return of the children, despite the idiot judge dragging her feet (still) and trying to put up all sorts of obstacles to slow the process.
Once again, missing the point. THe state does NOT have the right to wade in and remove hundreds of kids from their famlies based upon rumor that a couple of the kids may have at some time been subjected to sexual abuse.

It doesn't work that way for anybody else, and it shouldn't work that way here.

And it's not. Hence the return of the children, despite the idiot judge dragging her feet (still) and trying to put up all sorts of obstacles to slow the process.

When 5 cases ARE found and records have been manipulated like a fucking money laundering scheme I'd say they do. Yes, it works that way for anyone else who wants to use their faith as an excuses to fuck kids.

I mean, it's ONLY 5 little girls who have been fucked, baba. Way to stick up for innocent girls when it comes to dogma.

oh NOTHING, im sure. I mean, we are talking about religous freedom here. Clearly THAT trumps child predator laws applied to a cult that purposefully tries to obfuscated their records for the very sake of using children, again, like a catholic uses wine and crackers.

Which would be fine and dandy if there was any evidence that the other kids were in imminent danger.

There wasn't. It was just a raid meant to terrify, subdue and break up a group of people that the neighbors are suspicious of because they're different.

One in four children (actually, if you count boys, it might be higher in this country) are sexually abused. I'd say 5 kids out of 400 is quite a bit lower than the national average. If that's the case, I guess maybe we should have state possies out raiding whole neighborhoods based on the fact that they have 1 out of 4 kids being subjected to child sexual abuse.

Hell, none of us would have our kids based on that sort of system. A girl my daughter was in preschool with was molested by her dad. Bye, honey....according to Shogun that's proof that you're at risk and should be removed from my custody, along with all the other kids in the preschool.....

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