States that have investigated Planned Parenthood

Pennsylvania government which had the responsibility for monitoring the health code for burger joints and pizza parlors did a pretty good job of keeping Pa. people free of death by pizza or burgers but the Pa. health monitoring government agencies never monitored abortion clinics until they had to confront the death of an adult. It's an unfortunate fact of life that liberal states will fudge records and warn targets of impending record checks if it is politically feasible.The Pa horror house run by Dr. Kermit Gosnel was never checked for health violations because the commonwealth was afraid of the power of the abortion industry. Gosnel was killing full term babies by strangling them on the table and slitting their throats. Educated humans wouldn't do that to a litter of cats.
Are you joking? Media Matters?

Dude. Try something else. you don't like Media's another:

TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Rick Scott's office scrubbed a press release written by his own regulators that found there was no "mishandling of fetal remains" at clinics run by Planned Parenthood and, at the same time, said it would refer doctors who worked at those clinics to the state Board of Medicine for possible disciplinary action.

Amid an outcry over a series of videos filmed at Planned Parenthood clinics outside Florida, Scott ordered health care regulators to inspect 16 Florida clinics run by the organization. The regulators reported that three clinics performed unlicensed abortions and that one did not follow its own guidelines for disposing of fetal remains.

But emails between Scott's office, the Agency for Health Care Administration and Planned Parenthood show top officials working for Scott reworded an agency press release to delete information AHCA officials had proposed including.

Scott's office scrubbed release that cleared Planned Parenthood
Are you joking? Media Matters?

Dude. Try something else. you don't like Media's another:

TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Rick Scott's office scrubbed a press release written by his own regulators that found there was no "mishandling of fetal remains" at clinics run by Planned Parenthood and, at the same time, said it would refer doctors who worked at those clinics to the state Board of Medicine for possible disciplinary action.

Amid an outcry over a series of videos filmed at Planned Parenthood clinics outside Florida, Scott ordered health care regulators to inspect 16 Florida clinics run by the organization. The regulators reported that three clinics performed unlicensed abortions and that one did not follow its own guidelines for disposing of fetal remains.

But emails between Scott's office, the Agency for Health Care Administration and Planned Parenthood show top officials working for Scott reworded an agency press release to delete information AHCA officials had proposed including.

Scott's office scrubbed release that cleared Planned Parenthood

Now, was that so hard, nat?
But, I want to point out this little tidbit:

"The emails also show Planned Parenthood attorneys tried to reach a compromise with the AHCA over how abortions should be reported to the state. Planned Parenthood sought an agreement on the reporting documents to avoid litigation. Unable to reach a compromise, Planned Parenthood sued the state in Circuit Court seeking in injunction to prevent the state from taking regulatory action against the clinics. AHCA has not fined the clinics and the lawsuit is pending."

Are they hiding something here?
For those who asked about the mother of the still born child.....

But the photos used in the video are actually not of fetuses aborted at Planned Parenthood clinics, Think Progress reports, and in one case, the photo is not an aborted fetus at all, but a picture of a stillborn infant, used without the mother’s consent. Lexi Oliver Fretz originally posted the photo on her blog, in a post talking about mourning her stillborn son.

In a post on Facebook, Fretz writes:


Nope, I'm making a tacit admission that Chris Koster is a political opportunist masquerading as an Attorney General.

I'm overtly admitting that the impartiality of the Attorney General of the state of Missouri is questionable at best. He is first and foremost a politician who will be running in an open primary against other Missouri Democrats in a few months, and the absolutely last thing he wants to do is piss them off.

Fine.........Would you then go so far as to also "tacitly admit" that the entire probing by the republican led congress into "unlawful activities" of Planned Parenthood, is ALSO politically-motivated as these charming republicans will be facing re-election next year?

The investigation is warranted by the content of the videos.

Had there been no videos, there would be no investigation.

My turn.

If there had been admissions in secretly recorded videos regarding...oh, lets say corners being cut in fracking operations released by Greenpeace or the Sierra Club, wouldn't liberals demand an investigation?

And would an investigation by a Republican AG carry any weight whatsoever? Especially a Republican AG who was going to run for governor?

Hell, after watching the Planned Parenthood videos EVERYONE should have demanded an investigation!
Speaking of Fracking, have you seen the number if scandals and investigations? So many people are impacted, you would think Republicans would be all over it. Oh wait, those people are born so they don't count.

fracking scandal - Google Search

Well, since you addressed what I actually said instead of trying to put words in my mouth, I'll be honest with you in saying that I'm getting somewhat concerned about fracking, especially in light of the earthquake swarms in Oklahoma. Now, I'm not sure if they are related...but IMHO, some prudent investigations are likely in order.
Well, since you addressed what I actually said instead of trying to put words in my mouth, I'll be honest with you in saying that I'm getting somewhat concerned about fracking, especially in light of the earthquake swarms in Oklahoma. Now, I'm not sure if they are related...but IMHO, some prudent investigations are likely in order.

I presume, then, that you were AGAINST the Keystone XL Pipeline......
Well, just speaking for Missouri...AG Chris Koster is a Democrat who wants to be look elsewhere for an impartial investigation.

Well......then you're making a tacit admission that the entire issue is just a partisan witch hunt..... I thank you for your candor.

Actually, I think he said a democratic AG is going to fail in his duty to perform an investigation.

Thanks for pointing you you are the partisan.
Well, since you addressed what I actually said instead of trying to put words in my mouth, I'll be honest with you in saying that I'm getting somewhat concerned about fracking, especially in light of the earthquake swarms in Oklahoma. Now, I'm not sure if they are related...but IMHO, some prudent investigations are likely in order.

I presume, then, that you were AGAINST the Keystone XL Pipeline......

Why would I have opposed the pipeline before the micro-quakes started?

The Nebraska to Oklahoma and Oklahoma to Texas portions of the pipeline were completed years ago, like 2010 or 2011...the real increase has only been in the last two years...and they are micro-quakes, presumably from hydraulic fracturing operations.
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Actually, I think he said a democratic AG is going to fail in his duty to perform an investigation.

Thanks for pointing you you are the partisan

I'll need my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher what the heck you're blabbering about......
Let see, your buddy is stating that a Dem AG in NOT ruling in his preferred outcome, is a partisan....I'm saying that the Republican-led congressional investigation is also partisan and they also have found nothing.

Can't help your stupidity much more than the above..
You chose not to until you were pressured. That's lazy, nat.

Fine...I'm the "lazy one" for not doing the research that you're afraid of doing for yourself since you won't like the findings.

But I'm a nice person...always available to help educate. LOL.
Actually, I think he said a democratic AG is going to fail in his duty to perform an investigation.

Thanks for pointing you you are the partisan

I'll need my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher what the heck you're blabbering about......
Let see, your buddy is stating that a Dem AG in NOT ruling in his preferred outcome, is a partisan....I'm saying that the Republican-led congressional investigation is also partisan and they also have found nothing.

Can't help your stupidity much more than the above..

I know you mean English-to-Moron....

Fixed it for you.
Well, just speaking for Missouri...AG Chris Koster is a Democrat who wants to be look elsewhere for an impartial investigation.

Well......then you're making a tacit admission that the entire issue is just a partisan witch hunt..... I thank you for your candor.

Nope, I'm making a tacit admission that Chris Koster is a political opportunist masquerading as an Attorney General.

I'm overtly admitting that the impartiality of the Attorney General of the state of Missouri is questionable at best. He is first and foremost a politician who will be running in an open primary against other Missouri Democrats in a few months, and the absolutely last thing he wants to do is piss them off.
You need to admit that this fails as a red herring fallacy.

You need to admit that Planned Parenthood violated no law.

You need to admit that 'defunding' Planned Parenthood is unjustified and unwarranted.

And you need to admit this is about the social right's hostility toward privacy rights, having nothing to do with Planned Parenthood.

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