States want a special tax just for Hybrid and Electric cars.

Good point. This addresses not only the loss of gasoline taxes, but it could be seen as a method of recouping the millions of government dollars pumped into such "green tech" programs.
Next is a tax on the Sun and Wind due to loss of Electricity Taxes.

Americans = Suckers!
I'm wondering, who will be the first country to plant a flag on the sun?
A couple of years ago someone was floating the idea of a mileage tax.

That when you got gas, your car would report how many miles you drove since your last time at the station and that would be added to your bill.
A couple of years ago someone was floating the idea of a mileage tax.

That when you got gas, your car would report how many miles you drove since your last time at the station and that would be added to your bill.

The government always makes more profit from the sale of a gallon of gasoline than anyone else in the marketing stream.

Fuel Fix » States consider fees for hybrids to recoup lost gasoline taxes

I love it. The lefties should be lining up and begging to pay this tax.

This is not a 'liberal' tax plan.

What is your better plan? If 40% of the money states need to maintain their roads comes from the gas tax,

and fuel efficiency causes a significant decrease in revenues, what's your plan? Just let our transportation infrastructure deteriorate further? Raise the gas tax?

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