States with ‘abstinence-only’ sex ed programs rank highest in teen pregnancies

Really? How many single unwed mothers are there in poverty today as compared to the 40's and 50's? Especially minorities?

Are you going to suggest that poverty among blacks and Hispanics is worse today than it was in the 1950s? Are you SERIOUSLY going to go there? Really?

For that matter, are you going to suggest that poverty is worse today for women than it was in the 1950s?

You can easily be proven wrong on all of this. Now, if you cherry-pick specific statistics about poor single parents, you can create the illusion that things have gotten worse, but no one has ever claimed that gender equality, alone among all historical cultural changes, produced no downside. It's just that on the whole, the upside greatly exceeds anything bad about it.

So prove it... :lol:
Only the very young believe that life is not complicated.

It's 'complicated' because of the lack or absence of any moral boundaries. Only the very young and/or naive don't understand that.
No. It's complicated because people are complicated. There are no easy answers. And you don't get to substitute your perceptions for anybody else's.
And my point is that we've degraded as a society over the last 50 years or so, hence all of our problems. What's the difference between society today and society in the 40's - 50's and earlier?

So, it's better to have hardly any 'respectable' girls, like it is today? Yeah, we've (women)really come a long way and improved our position, right? It had nothing to do with control, it had to do with people having values and respecting those values, a society that agreed on where the moral lines were drawn. All that is gone, women are sex objects today, it's everywhere you look, and you think that the female condition has improved??? You're funny... :lol: Sexual 'liberation' didn't do anything for women, it sure has been good for men tho. Look at all these women with babies and no father, not a male in sight except for the latest 'boyfriend' that's primarily hanging around for one or two reasons. Yeah, women are so much more repsected today, you go with that... :lol:

You have GOT to be kidding me. Or you travel in truly trashy social circles. There are literally millions of unmarried, sexually active women who have accomplished a great deal with their lives.

You might want to go take a look at welfare and single mother statistics, or just watch your nightly news. You apparently live in a vacuum. I didn't say they didn't accomplish anything either, I just said that men have benefited from the acceptance of trash and filth as an every day common thing in our society, and many women have not benefited, again go look at the statistics.

Actually, single mothers tend to run in families. If you look at the family situation of many teen moms, you will observe that they are modeling behavior that they've seen in their own home...poor decision-making, a deficit of personal ethics, irresponsible behavior.

It's a family issue. So, in my opinion, your argument is fundamentally flawed. Learning about the risks and consequences of sex in school doesn't lead to more pregnancies. Parents who don't transmit the values of self-respect and making responsible choices do.

And, values don't have to match yours precisely to prevent pregnancy and the transmission of STDs. A parent can talk to their kid openly about sex, without pushing the abstinence agenda, and still help prevent an unplanned pregnancy and the child catching an STD.
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Really? How many single unwed mothers are there in poverty today as compared to the 40's and 50's? Especially minorities?

Are you going to suggest that poverty among blacks and Hispanics is worse today than it was in the 1950s? Are you SERIOUSLY going to go there? Really?

For that matter, are you going to suggest that poverty is worse today for women than it was in the 1950s?

You can easily be proven wrong on all of this. Now, if you cherry-pick specific statistics about poor single parents, you can create the illusion that things have gotten worse, but no one has ever claimed that gender equality, alone among all historical cultural changes, produced no downside. It's just that on the whole, the upside greatly exceeds anything bad about it.

So prove it... :lol:

Is that really necessary? I mean, you're the only one here who holds it in any doubt. I could point out the fact that my ex-girlfriend, a National Merit Scholar, received no money from the award because it was all reserved for boys; that's not done anymore and that's better. I could point out that when my mother started a business in Texas in the early 1970s, my father had to co-sign all the legal documents because married women weren't allowed to own businesses in their own name in Texas then; that's no longer the case and it's better. I could point out the satisfaction and sense of freedom that come with being able to support oneself financially, and how much better that is than being dependent on someone else and so under someone else's authority. And I could point out that for all women who are NOT single mothers, the situation is much, much better today, and those women are greatly in the majority.

All of this is pretty obvious, though. Do you really need it proven? The facts of the matter shouldn't even be in dispute, and if you think these are not improvements, well, that's your judgment to make, but I don't think you'll find many people who agree with it.
Better in some ways, worse in others, I'd say in terms of everyone if you include minorities and women, things are better now than they've ever been.

Really? How many single unwed mothers are there in poverty today as compared to the 40's and 50's? Especially minorities? Have you ever taken a good look at the black community from those years as compared to today? There was pride and respect, people were married and children were brought up with both a father and a mother. In my opinion, dem policies of welfare have brought about the inner city and the destruction of the black family. They put them right where they wanted them, in poverty and dependant upon the government and a solid voting block.

Economically i agree with you, as a society we're worse off. Owning a home was easier for every generation before this one. I wouldn't say there was ever a good economic time for minorites, black people from the 20's to 40's were grankids or great grandkids to slaves, can't see them as having gotten any inheritances or economic help or training from their families. But in terms of economics and ppl being broke now, I agree with you things are worse.

But now women can work, can go to school, and do as much as men. Total equality in the workforce and education system has been achieved. Now a woman in an abusive or miserable relationship or marriage can get out of it without society viewing her as damaged goods.

Women in the early 40's and earlier were dependent on men for the most part, I'm glad women have moved as far away from that as possible.

No women need not be dependent on men, but you know many still are. There are young girls and women who feel that can't exist without a boyfriend and any boyfriend will do as long as he has a penis and pulse. My mother in law was one of them. These women will do anything to keep a man, even have his baby for God's sake. it's nuts.
No women need not be dependent on men, but you know many still are. There are young girls and women who feel that can't exist without a boyfriend and any boyfriend will do as long as he has a penis and pulse. My mother in law was one of them. These women will do anything to keep a man, even have his baby for God's sake. it's nuts.

The best method to prevent the transmission of this attitude is role-modeling by mothers. My daughter does not hold the outdated belief that she has to have a boyfriend.
Same, and I got that from my mother who stayed with my father til her death two years before their 48th anniversary, even if he was a liar and a cheat through some portion of it. She still managed to model independence, which is my personal choice, and I advocate it strongly. None of us 'need' to be in a relationship. Some of us don't even 'want' to be in one. There are positives and negatives, and everybody needs to decide for themselves which outweighs the other.

Also, not everybody who wants to be with you necessarily deserves to be so honored. ;)
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Really? How many single unwed mothers are there in poverty today as compared to the 40's and 50's? Especially minorities? Have you ever taken a good look at the black community from those years as compared to today? There was pride and respect, people were married and children were brought up with both a father and a mother. In my opinion, dem policies of welfare have brought about the inner city and the destruction of the black family. They put them right where they wanted them, in poverty and dependant upon the government and a solid voting block.

Economically i agree with you, as a society we're worse off. Owning a home was easier for every generation before this one. I wouldn't say there was ever a good economic time for minorites, black people from the 20's to 40's were grankids or great grandkids to slaves, can't see them as having gotten any inheritances or economic help or training from their families. But in terms of economics and ppl being broke now, I agree with you things are worse.

But now women can work, can go to school, and do as much as men. Total equality in the workforce and education system has been achieved. Now a woman in an abusive or miserable relationship or marriage can get out of it without society viewing her as damaged goods.

Women in the early 40's and earlier were dependent on men for the most part, I'm glad women have moved as far away from that as possible.

No women need not be dependent on men, but you know many still are. There are young girls and women who feel that can't exist without a boyfriend and any boyfriend will do as long as he has a penis and pulse. My mother in law was one of them. These women will do anything to keep a man, even have his baby for God's sake. it's nuts.

Lots of men do that too. Turn into the stalkerish, begging type of guy when his gf breaks up with him. I agree with you that you'll find women like that, I've known plenty who literally aren't single for a day. Break up with a guy and have a new man the next day, that being said things are still better now for women than ever before.
Economically i agree with you, as a society we're worse off. Owning a home was easier for every generation before this one. I wouldn't say there was ever a good economic time for minorites, black people from the 20's to 40's were grankids or great grandkids to slaves, can't see them as having gotten any inheritances or economic help or training from their families. But in terms of economics and ppl being broke now, I agree with you things are worse.

But now women can work, can go to school, and do as much as men. Total equality in the workforce and education system has been achieved. Now a woman in an abusive or miserable relationship or marriage can get out of it without society viewing her as damaged goods.

Women in the early 40's and earlier were dependent on men for the most part, I'm glad women have moved as far away from that as possible.

No women need not be dependent on men, but you know many still are. There are young girls and women who feel that can't exist without a boyfriend and any boyfriend will do as long as he has a penis and pulse. My mother in law was one of them. These women will do anything to keep a man, even have his baby for God's sake. it's nuts.

Lots of men do that too. Turn into the stalkerish, begging type of guy when his gf breaks up with him. I agree with you that you'll find women like that, I've known plenty who literally aren't single for a day. Break up with a guy and have a new man the next day, that being said things are still better now for women than ever before.

Yes absolutely I agree with you they are better off. I just want to scream that to these gals! But they probably wouldn't listen. yes, guys are like that too. Guys can be desparate, too.
No women need not be dependent on men, but you know many still are. There are young girls and women who feel that can't exist without a boyfriend and any boyfriend will do as long as he has a penis and pulse. My mother in law was one of them. These women will do anything to keep a man, even have his baby for God's sake. it's nuts.

The best method to prevent the transmission of this attitude is role-modeling by mothers. My daughter does not hold the outdated belief that she has to have a boyfriend.

Exactly! My daughter did not either. Heck she never even DATED until she was 21! No kidding. She literally married the only man she ever kissed. But so what. It'll be 9 years this November for them.
Most of the time a teen pregnancy is because of bad choices in many other areas also such as dropping out of school, drugs, alcohol and not handling $$$ wisely.

When I was young I spent half of all of my $$$ on alcohol, gambling and wild women.

I wasted the other half and blew it.
Most of the time a teen pregnancy is because of bad choices in many other areas also such as dropping out of school, drugs, alcohol and not handling $$$ wisely.

When I was young I spent half of all of my $$$ on alcohol, gambling and wild women.

I wasted the other half and blew it.

I agree.

With how drugs and illegal stuff being easier for our youth to get, this problem is going to be bad.

lol, I'm 18 (going on 19) and if anything, my money usually goes towards food, gym membership, gas, and videogames. :p
Most of the time a teen pregnancy is because of bad choices in many other areas also such as dropping out of school, drugs, alcohol and not handling $$$ wisely.

When I was young I spent half of all of my $$$ on alcohol, gambling and wild women.

I wasted the other half and blew it.

I agree.

With how drugs and illegal stuff being easier for our youth to get, this problem is going to be bad.

lol, I'm 18 (going on 19) and if anything, my money usually goes towards food, gym membership, gas, and videogames. :p

Just a baby, and that means there's hope for you yet. ;)
Most of the time a teen pregnancy is because of bad choices in many other areas also such as dropping out of school, drugs, alcohol and not handling $$$ wisely.

When I was young I spent half of all of my $$$ on alcohol, gambling and wild women.

I wasted the other half and blew it.

I agree.

With how drugs and illegal stuff being easier for our youth to get, this problem is going to be bad.

lol, I'm 18 (going on 19) and if anything, my money usually goes towards food, gym membership, gas, and videogames. :p

2 pieces of advice, don't get a girl knocked up, and when choosing a major in college pick one that has big boy jobs at the end of it. Not just some random subject cuz you like it.
Just to inject a note of reality into this discussion, let's recognize here that teen pregnancy is declining, not increasing. That's true in all ethnic groups and across the board.

U.S. teen pregnancy rates at an all-time low across all ethnicities - HealthPop - CBS News

Birthrate for U.S. teens is lowest in history

This is true even as teen sex shows no sign of declining much, and we are in absolutely no danger of going back to the 1950s-era gender roles, going by surveyed attitudes of young people.
Just to inject a note of reality into this discussion, let's recognize here that teen pregnancy is declining, not increasing. That's true in all ethnic groups and across the board.

U.S. teen pregnancy rates at an all-time low across all ethnicities - HealthPop - CBS News

Birthrate for U.S. teens is lowest in history

This is true even as teen sex shows no sign of declining much, and we are in absolutely no danger of going back to the 1950s-era gender roles, going by surveyed attitudes of young people.

Nobody could afford to go back to those roles if they wanted to lol. Most people need 2+ income streams.
Dude, you're the perfect example of the small-minded self-styled "independent," who blames religion for everything and labels everyone who disagrees with you a "conservative" who hates knowledge, blah blah blah.


I mean, yeah, we get it. Schools should teach kids that there's pills and condoms. Gee, who'd have thunk it? But that's not your problem, your problem is that people even take religion into consideration and, in general, aren't exactly like you.
Why on earth would you resurrect this thread?

BTW it seems that actually practicity chastity is what decreases teen pregnancy. Not promoting abstinence programs. Doesn't matter what type of programs you promote if people dont listen. Doesn't change the fact that a chaste person does not get pregnant.

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