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Statistic for Muslim lovers and Kahn

Is there such a thing as an honest liberal? Starkey deleted and ran, what a pukebucket
the rat isn't coming back I guess, remind him he agreed to bet if you see him

out for the night
I really don't care to develop it, but I see now you are concerned with context, and the original context was the number of Muslims who have been killed in combat fighting for USA versus those who have killed their fellow soldiers.
Of course you don't care to develop the sub-context into the larger context that soldiers of various religions kill one another. That is the point that you all are ducking. But I won't let you. :)

I gave you numbers fucktard, they refute you, sorry your attempt to divert to 'larger context' is as dishonest as it is lame, I am ducking nothing from you asshole

Dude, dial it back. Why are you so angry and abusive?
I really don't care to develop it, but I see now you are concerned with context, and the original context was the number of Muslims who have been killed in combat fighting for USA versus those who have killed their fellow soldiers.
Of course you don't care to develop the sub-context into the larger context that soldiers of various religions kill one another. That is the point that you all are ducking. But I won't let you. :)

Ok, you do the research and make your point.
I really don't care to develop it, but I see now you are concerned with context, and the original context was the number of Muslims who have been killed in combat fighting for USA versus those who have killed their fellow soldiers.
Of course you don't care to develop the sub-context into the larger context that soldiers of various religions kill one another. That is the point that you all are ducking. But I won't let you. :)

I gave you numbers fucktard, they refute you, sorry your attempt to divert to 'larger context' is as dishonest as it is lame, I am ducking nothing from you asshole

Dude, dial it back. Why are you so angry and abusive?
Why are you such a pussy?
That's right - keep up making excuses for bigots who attack patriotic Americans and families who've lost their children in the service of our country.

We're raising the child of one of those that lost his life in the service of this nation. Back your choo choo up before I unload on you....and it won't be pretty. The man tarnished his son's valor and service and it was despicable

Then you should show more respect for the family that lost their son.

I show respect for the son, not someone that uses that son as political fodder
Attacking then cowering behind a dead son may be typical in their culture, kind of a human shield thing.

It's a pretty low culture and the when it's compounded with the DNC and the Beast, the bottom of a scum pond is the limit.
He certainly wasn't cowering behind his son. In fact, his attack on Trump was ever bit as aggressive as any attack Trump has launched on Muslims to date. Someone needed to call Trump out as the insensitive racist braggart he is and this guy did a pretty good job judging from the reaction of both his running mate and Republican party officials, claiming Trump's opinion was not that of the party.

The democrats have found Trump's weakness, his sensitive ego, that he must defend regardless of the cost.
"I can dish it out but you can't respond because I have a dead son." is cowering. What may be acceptable at the DNC and in this man's culture doesn't fly well with those who don't buy into safe spaces.

Go back to your "Hillary is one of the most honest politicians" thread.
So the point is it is mandatory to hate Muslims as a group and disregard them as individuals. The point is Donald Trump, moral Pygmy that he is, must be infallible in his message of division and hated. The point is if you do not like the message, it is altogether fitting and proper to attack the messenger. The point is thinking, reasoning, empathy and Americanism are not required qualities among those who believe the huckster buffoon Donald Trump.

The point is to divide us along religious and ethical grounds. Where have we seen this brand of loathsome politics before? Europe in the first half of the twentieth century? This brand of politics plays well among the fearful, the angry, the frustrated and the shallow minded.
I think this pretty much nails it. This episode has given reasonable conservative America a glimpse into the character of Herr Trump. They can easily connect that with a vision of his tiny finger on the button.
Trump loses.
The GOP should send out a message to American muslims reassuring them. The message Trump is sending is that it isnt enough for you to die for us. Thats about as low as you can get.
About 14 muslims have died since 2001 fighting within the US military, that is their 'sacrifice' compared against 6800 americans dead in Iraq alone since 2001

Faces of American Muslims who died for their country revealed

but it gets better, two muslim in the US service have killed 15 of their fellow American servicemen in that time and wounded about 14

2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States v. Hasan K. Akbar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes that is correct- Muslims in the US Army have killed more of their fellow US servicemen than the number of Muslims that have died fighting since 2001

let that one soak in left wing a-hole muslim apologists, gawd I hate muslims

The idea of warfare- as General Patton observed - is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.

The thing is, why did the Army retain guys who were likely to flip out to start with. There were a shitload of warning signs with Major Hasan, but no one wanted to say anything about him. Not because he was a Muslim, but because he was an officer and because the army didn't want to let anyone go.
I am going to shove it in their face every time they bring up Kahn. I know those ratfuckers will lie and attack me, but let's see how well they deny reality on this one for kicks

Guy you keep telling yourself this is a winning issue for you...


Top Jeb Bush adviser leaves GOP, will vote for Clinton if Florida close - CNNPolitics.com

Jeb Bush's top adviser, Sally Bradshaw, has left the Republican Party to become an independent, and says if the presidential race in Florida is close, she'll vote for Hillary Clinton.

Bradshaw, who's been close to the former Florida governor for decades and was senior adviser to his 2016 campaign, officially switched her registration to unaffiliated. She told CNN's Jamie Gangel in an email interview that the GOP is "at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist -- a misogynist -- a bigot."
Great find OP........looks like they haven't sacrificed dick.:bye1:

This whole Khan story is a joke.........it'll be ancient history in a week or so. Only the k00ks will be talking about it. Remember Cindy Sheehan? By election day, most all Americans considered her a total boob.:coffee:This shit that the Dums pull every election never works.:spinner:Baldy is a paid shill...........and everyone and their brother knows the progressives don't give a shit about the constitution.

Now THIS is going to be quite hysterical s0ns >>> Emails PROVE Clinton Armed ISIS, Wikileaks Founder Claims

Wait'll this comes up in the debates!!!:funnyface::funnyface:
And how many Christians have killed their fellow service members while on active duty?

Your stat is meaningless until you can compare it to the question above.

lol....only the hate America 15% give a thought to that s0n........are you fucking kidding me? Dang......so many people think that progressives cant think on the margin and here is proof positive of it. They think Americans are sitting home worried abut Christian terrorism!!!

I really don't care to develop it, but I see now you are concerned with context, and the original context was the number of Muslims who have been killed in combat fighting for USA versus those who have killed their fellow soldiers.
Of course you don't care to develop the sub-context into the larger context that soldiers of various religions kill one another. That is the point that you all are ducking. But I won't let you. :)

Ok, you do the research and make your point.

he won't and he can't, he is dishonest, of low intellect, and lazy, but most of all he is wrong
Guy you keep telling yourself this is a winning issue for you...


Top Jeb Bush adviser leaves GOP, will vote for Clinton if Florida close - CNNPolitics.com

Jeb Bush's top adviser, Sally Bradshaw, has left the Republican Party to become an independent, and says if the presidential race in Florida is close, she'll vote for Hillary Clinton.

Bradshaw, who's been close to the former Florida governor for decades and was senior adviser to his 2016 campaign, officially switched her registration to unaffiliated. She told CNN's Jamie Gangel in an email interview that the GOP is "at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist -- a misogynist -- a bigot."

I'm an independent, I only look at the world for what matters to me. Muslims are a losing issue for everyone not just me
The idea of warfare- as General Patton observed - is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.

The thing is, why did the Army retain guys who were likely to flip out to start with. There were a shitload of warning signs with Major Hasan, but no one wanted to say anything about him. Not because he was a Muslim, but because he was an officer and because the army didn't want to let anyone go.

since Obama came in, PC in the military is through the roof as well. Obama won't even put the words muslim and terrorist together
About 14 muslims have died since 2001 fighting within the US military, that is their 'sacrifice' compared against 6800 americans dead in Iraq alone since 2001

Faces of American Muslims who died for their country revealed

but it gets better, two muslim in the US service have killed 15 of their fellow American servicemen in that time and wounded about 14

2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States v. Hasan K. Akbar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes that is correct- Muslims in the US Army have killed more of their fellow US servicemen than the number of Muslims that have died fighting since 2001

let that one soak in left wing a-hole muslim apologists, gawd I hate muslims

About 14 muslims have died since 2001 fighting within the US military, that is their 'sacrifice' compared against 6800 americans dead in Iraq alone since 2001

Faces of American Muslims who died for their country revealed

but it gets better, two muslim in the US service have killed 15 of their fellow American servicemen in that time and wounded about 14

2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States v. Hasan K. Akbar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes that is correct- Muslims in the US Army have killed more of their fellow US servicemen than the number of Muslims that have died fighting since 2001

let that one soak in left wing a-hole muslim apologists, gawd I hate muslims
The number is even higher when you factor in Muslim vets who murder cops, many of them US veterans themselves.
Trying to throw in black men, who in their minds feel justified in killing cops for the hell they get in this country, isn't fair.
And how many Christians have killed their fellow service members while on active duty?

Your stat is meaningless until you can compare it to the question above.
How many? Seriously, do you actually have a number or was that rhetorical?
Do your research. It is incomplete. Hint, it is over 300.
You fucking loser.
It's Trump and supporters who are the losers, and it is only going to get worse for you folks.
Don't these idiots know by now...Trump isn't a candidate you want to throw your support behind, they should have elected Ted.
Remember when John McCain was running for President? The left took great pleasure in maligning him and his service.
I challenge you to show one article, just one where John McCain was maligned by the left....stop the lies, willow, you've been warned...the next lie you tell I'm gonna report you to God!!
I have to say that this thread,from the OP, is the ugliest thing I have ever read on this site. Its absolutely stomach churning. You people act like infants in the schoolyard and you dont give a shit for decency and respect. You probably cant even spell respect as I see you cant spell Khan.

How many Muslims need to die in service before Mr Khan can defend his dead son ?

You make me sick you fucking cretins.
Thank you...why is it so important to stand up for Trump when clearly the man was wrong on this issue. Trump should have taken his lumps like HIllary did when the RNC did nothing its entire format but blast this lady repeatively over and over and over...every speaker, every comment was nothing but attacks....its time this clown grow some fuckin balls or leave politics.
morning recap...

I am not a Christian nor republican, Just the an average white guy really sick of liberals, progressives, democrats, and their constellation of lying thralls such as liberal blacks, muslims, feminists, gays, etc. What unites that odd collection of losers with opposing ideologies? Me, they all hate me, for simply being a successful law abiding white guy who refused to buy into their ideological garbage. So now I am responding, that's all.

the scorecard:
1) Democrats and muslims claim that muslims have sacrificed a lot for America in the war on terror, they trotted out Khan to emphasize.

2) I looked at the data, the data clearly shows that muslims have not sacrificed at all like the rest of America, after all why would they, a lot of them refused to think muslims did 9/11 in the first place, and criticize america at every turn.

3) not only does the data show muslims have not sacrificed much in the military, muslims in the US military have actually intentionally killed more fellow soldiers in the name of Islam than muslims that have died on the battlefield. 15 to 14

4) the corresponding number of Christians that have served in Iraq/Afghanistan, and have intentionally killed fellow US service men in the name Christianity is 0, despite about 100 times as many Christians serving.

5) the number of non-muslim intentional fraticides in Iraq appears to be about 4, there are so few of them that the data is hard to get. I posted a link that show that. In those 4 events I can only confirm 6 kills, possibly 8. Intentional fraticides are a non-issue overall.

6) The lying son of bitch starkey seeks to make unintentional, or other historical fraticides some sort of issue here, it is not. We are discussing US muslim sacrifices for the war on terror, unintentional fratricide is irrelevant

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