CDZ Status of Russian Military


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Any military expert worth his salt will tell you that an invasion Force needs to be 300% the size of the force it is attacking to be truly effective. Given the fact that Russia sent an army of 190,000 against an army of 620,000 in an invasion stance it is surprising that Russia has had any success at all. The huge number of vehicle losses has been over-played I think. It amounts to roughly 10% of the Russian Force. Remember Russia still has 14,000 tanks that they haven't used... And probably about 100,000 other military vehicles that have not been involved in the Ukrainian conflict that can still be brought to bear.
I'm very certain that Putin did not expect the Ukrainians to be this tough.(We should pause here and say the Ukrainians plus NATO) However it is worth noting that the Russian Force was vastly undersized for this job. You can't tell me that his generals were not aware of this going in. Now about 50 days in it has become a war of attrition. In that regard Ukraine is in dire trouble. Yes they will give the Giant a wicked wound on his shin.... But that won't stop the Giant's foot from crushing their head.

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Putin won't send them in because he is scared to having lost so many already.

Sure it is a war of attrition as to the areas surrounded within areas Russia already controls because Biden is a coward who thinks token gestures is bold leadership. It is just a matter of how little Russia is willing to settle for before forcing european hands. If they go into western, Europe will have no choice but to get involved.
Any military expert worth his salt will tell you that an invasion Force needs to be 300% the size of the force it is attacking to be truly effective. Given the fact that Russia sent an army of 190,000 against an army of 620,000 in an invasion stance it is surprising that Russia has had any success at all. The huge number of vehicle losses has been over-played I think. It amounts to roughly 10% of the Russian Force. Remember Russia still has 14,000 tanks that they haven't used... And probably about 100,000 other military vehicles that have not been involved in the Ukrainian conflict that can still be brought to bear.
I'm very certain that Putin did not expect the ukrainians to be this tough. However it is worth noting that the Russian Force was vastly undersized for this job. You can't tell me that his generals were not aware of this going in. Now about 50 days in it has become a war of attrition. In that regard Ukraine is in dire trouble. Yes they will give the Giant a wicked wound on his shin.... But that won't stop the Giant's foot from crushing their head.

When you conscript people to fight your dirty work for you, it usually doesnt go well.
When you conscript people to fight your dirty work for you, it usually doesnt go well.
Yeah actually I can understand why the United States stopped the conscription process. Also it seems that a good percentage of the Russian soldiers feel a strong kinship to the Ukrainian people. It is after all nearly an identical gene pool. On top of that I think it highlights what happens when an oligarchy bleeds money away from the nation that should be spent in better ways...Defense for instance.
Too many kleptocrats and Russian billionaires and not enough genuine businessmen.
Putin is said to be a trillionaire.
I'm off of mind to believe that.
If they go into western, Europe will have no choice but to get involved.
I was more concerned about that earlier in the war. After the absolute train wreck this invasion has caused, I doubt he will be in a mood to jump into an even worse situation.
Any military expert worth his salt will tell you that an invasion Force needs to be 300% the size of the force it is attacking to be truly effective. Given the fact that Russia sent an army of 190,000 against an army of 620,000 in an invasion stance it is surprising that Russia has had any success at all. The huge number of vehicle losses has been over-played I think. It amounts to roughly 10% of the Russian Force. Remember Russia still has 14,000 tanks that they haven't used... And probably about 100,000 other military vehicles that have not been involved in the Ukrainian conflict that can still be brought to bear.
I'm very certain that Putin did not expect the Ukrainians to be this tough.(We should pause here and say the Ukrainians plus NATO) However it is worth noting that the Russian Force was vastly undersized for this job. You can't tell me that his generals were not aware of this going in. Now about 50 days in it has become a war of attrition. In that regard Ukraine is in dire trouble. Yes they will give the Giant a wicked wound on his shin.... But that won't stop the Giant's foot from crushing their head.

There is no way Ukraine can prevail against Russia, what we witness is Putin carefully managing his assets, doing so with the oldest shit he can get it done with, and likely the lowest soldier caste possible, holding in reserve his best professional assets...That said, he still has not achieved control of the airspace, and while I agree about the tanks and armored carriers, the loss of that Cruiser Moskva, tallies up to well over a a billion dollars adjusted for replacement cost in 2022, probably north of $1.5 billion, an Aegis destroyer tallies up to $1.7 billion at just 3/4's the draft of the Moskva, or thereabouts!
Hmm, under President Trump Putin did not invade Ukraine, but with the brown turd Obamma, he did and once President Trump got out, Putin attacked Ukraine with the Shitter in Chief Joe. I wonder what Joe should be doing......
That's because Trump was not interested in playing nice with NATO. Trump understood that NATO has become a rogue agency interested in its own governance having its own needs and wants and looking for revenue from any place it can get it. Ukraine and the DNC teamed up on Trump it also happens to be NATO's favorite playground. So it stands to reason that as soon as Joe got in had correctly assessed the things were not going to get any better and that it was
time for action. A lot of reason to Believe that Biden worked with NATO Chiefs to push this conflict into reality thinking nothing about the Ukrainian civilians casualties.
Putin won't send them in because he is scared to having lost so many already.

Sure it is a war of attrition as to the areas surrounded within areas Russia already controls because Biden is a coward who thinks token gestures is bold leadership. It is just a matter of how little Russia is willing to settle for before forcing european hands. If they go into western, Europe will have no choice but to get involved.
NATO is there.... They're just lying about it. It was most likely a NATO sub that sunk the ship.
The massive tank and armored vehicle losses more or less point to the fact that squads of well-trained NATO technicians were present.
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NATO is there.... They're just lying about it. It was most likely a NATO sub that sunk the ship.
The massive tank and armored vehicle losses more or less point to the fact that squads of well-trained NATO technicians were present.

FGM-148's don't take a rocket scientist to understand how to operate. At about $80K per shot, they are rather useful to have against armor.

As for the sub, IDK. I doubt it was a US sub. I am not sure if there are any blue water subs in teh area. I think Germany has some with those supercav torpedoes.
I don't know who Putins military experts are, but I'll bet they are shaking in their boots, ready to be Epsteined.

Pre-war, I was so convinced of a Russian victory, that I was anti-war (American involvement) to the point of apathy towards Ukraine. Then I saw the Ukrainians put up a fight, and when Kiev was supposed to fall on the second day, but kept holding, kept holding, kept holding... I started to have a change of heart. I saw tremendous acts of bravery, and I saw Russian forces struggling to do the most basic of things. Eventually I started supporting the Ukrainians after seeing their ferocity and bravery and patriotism, and Russians fumbling everything.

The thing is, I was terrified of a war with Russia. I am right smack dab at the perfect age for drafting, but I wasn't scared of getting drafted, I was scared I'd be stupid enough to volunteer. I was afraid my little brother would go to war. I was afraid of a nuclear war. The Russians seemed like an army of supermen. But now I see them goofing up in Ukraine and I am no longer afraid. They wouldn't have a chance against NATO. I think China is pausing on its intentions of invading Taiwan after seeing the Russian disaster in Ukraine.

I wish the Ukrainians the best of luck and good health. Not only are they fighting for their homes, their language, their freedom... They are fighting so that your sons don't have to go and fight another war in Europe. So that your daughters don't have to fight. So that your brother doesn't have limbs blown off, or your nephew killed. Their fight is our fight, if you believe it or not.

Slava Ukraini!
Any military expert worth his salt will tell you that an invasion Force needs to be 300% the size of the force it is attacking to be truly effective. Given the fact that Russia sent an army of 190,000 against an army of 620,000 in an invasion stance it is surprising that Russia has had any success at all. The huge number of vehicle losses has been over-played I think. It amounts to roughly 10% of the Russian Force. Remember Russia still has 14,000 tanks that they haven't used... And probably about 100,000 other military vehicles that have not been involved in the Ukrainian conflict that can still be brought to bear.
I'm very certain that Putin did not expect the Ukrainians to be this tough.(We should pause here and say the Ukrainians plus NATO) However it is worth noting that the Russian Force was vastly undersized for this job. You can't tell me that his generals were not aware of this going in. Now about 50 days in it has become a war of attrition. In that regard Ukraine is in dire trouble. Yes they will give the Giant a wicked wound on his shin.... But that won't stop the Giant's foot from crushing their head.


I would not believe everything the mainstream media tells us about Russian troop losses. Remember, these are the same reporters who covered for a stolen election and COVID tyranny.
I don't know who Putins military experts are, but I'll bet they are shaking in their boots, ready to be Epsteined.

Pre-war, I was so convinced of a Russian victory, that I was anti-war (American involvement) to the point of apathy towards Ukraine. Then I saw the Ukrainians put up a fight, and when Kiev was supposed to fall on the second day, but kept holding, kept holding, kept holding... I started to have a change of heart. I saw tremendous acts of bravery, and I saw Russian forces struggling to do the most basic of things. Eventually I started supporting the Ukrainians after seeing their ferocity and bravery and patriotism, and Russians fumbling everything.

The thing is, I was terrified of a war with Russia. I am right smack dab at the perfect age for drafting, but I wasn't scared of getting drafted, I was scared I'd be stupid enough to volunteer. I was afraid my little brother would go to war. I was afraid of a nuclear war. The Russians seemed like an army of supermen. But now I see them goofing up in Ukraine and I am no longer afraid. They wouldn't have a chance against NATO. I think China is pausing on its intentions of invading Taiwan after seeing the Russian disaster in Ukraine.

I wish the Ukrainians the best of luck and good health. Not only are they fighting for their homes, their language, their freedom... They are fighting so that your sons don't have to go and fight another war in Europe. So that your daughters don't have to fight. So that your brother doesn't have limbs blown off, or your nephew killed. Their fight is our fight, if you believe it or not.

Slava Ukraini!
Ukrainians aren't just fighting the Russian army they're fighting the Ukrainian government too. From what I can see their own government has been just as monstrous to them as Putin has been. The Ukrainian civilians are the real victims here. At this point they have absolutely no voice.
I would not believe everything the mainstream media tells us about Russian troop losses. Remember, these are the same reporters who covered for a stolen election and COVID tyranny.
Ukraine is the world capital of media bullshit so I'm inclined to believe what you're saying.
Ukrainians aren't just fighting the Russian army they're fighting the Ukrainian government too. From what I can see their own government has been just as monstrous to them as Putin has been. The Ukrainian civilians are the real victims here. At this point they have absolutely no voice.

In the past yes, but I think Zelensky is better the Yushchenko regime.

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