Stealing the election from Donald Trump

As for me, I don't have any illusions about the elections to be fair. All that voting may appear just a big show for American taxpayers and at their own expense.

Trump said: "On January,20 all Americans will wake up in a different world!" But so will the Globalists. Do you think they want to wake up in a different world or do you think they will do whatever it takes to keep their world power?

Something tells me: in just a few days all Americans will witness how the Globalists "respect the will of the people".
Voting "irregularities" in just a few states could swing this election.
and the media is in on it.

All the actors nominated for Oscars prepare speeches in advance.
That is just professional media.
Everyone ought to prepare if you are going to come across as professional.
You don't just wait and then improvise.

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