Steeler player will not kneel for our flag during national anthem


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States.

After doling out financial advice to other athletes, Tuitt said forcefully via social media, “Also I’m not kneeling for the flag and screw anybody who have a problem with that.”

“My grandmother was a immigrant from the Caribbean and age worked her a** off to bring 20 people over the right way,” he added. “She had no money and educated herself to be a nurse. She living good now.”

Still, some, such as Tuitt, are bucking the new normal.

On Thursday, 27-year-old Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants was the only baseball player who refused to kneel during a moment honoring Black Lives Matter in Dodger Stadium.

Coonrod said his Christian faith does not align with kneeling before anyone other than God, according to TMZ Sports.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Coonrod also cited the radical left-wing ideology of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism. And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family,” he said. “I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall fellas. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in the face of the bullying from the Left to conform to what we say or else.
On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States.

After doling out financial advice to other athletes, Tuitt said forcefully via social media, “Also I’m not kneeling for the flag and screw anybody who have a problem with that.”

“My grandmother was a immigrant from the Caribbean and age worked her a** off to bring 20 people over the right way,” he added. “She had no money and educated herself to be a nurse. She living good now.”

Still, some, such as Tuitt, are bucking the new normal.

On Thursday, 27-year-old Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants was the only baseball player who refused to kneel during a moment honoring Black Lives Matter in Dodger Stadium.

Coonrod said his Christian faith does not align with kneeling before anyone other than God, according to TMZ Sports.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Coonrod also cited the radical left-wing ideology of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism. And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family,” he said. “I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall fellas. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in the face of the bullying from the Left to conform to what we say or else.

I read that yesterday. He had over 35k likes to the comment on twitter (probably more now). I like how he told those who have a problem to go fly a kite.

One can have their beliefs and promote their issues, but, you won't get sympathy from me if you kneel for a nations anthem. This guy is basically saying, "all you whiners have nothing to complain about."

:salute: :thup:
Apparently no form of protest is acceptable. And here I thought Americans had a right to protest.

When will the first amendment be as import as the second?

you are very confused-----I have a RIGHT to protest the actions of the idiot pigs who invented the moronic
ritual of "take a knee" as a moronic protest to
GAWS KNOWS WHAT. So far they are getting away with their filth because of the Bill of Rights
Apparently no form of protest is acceptable. And here I thought Americans had a right to protest.

When will the first amendment be as import as the second?
Not all forms of protest are the same. Are you too stupid to understand this?
Falling in line due to social and peer pressure is tacitly endorsing the violent Marxist group BLM and
that's precisely what weak minded leftists want to see, coerced kneeling or not.

Fall in line with the rest of the hamster minded left. You fit right in.
On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States.

After doling out financial advice to other athletes, Tuitt said forcefully via social media, “Also I’m not kneeling for the flag and screw anybody who have a problem with that.”

“My grandmother was a immigrant from the Caribbean and age worked her a** off to bring 20 people over the right way,” he added. “She had no money and educated herself to be a nurse. She living good now.”

Still, some, such as Tuitt, are bucking the new normal.

On Thursday, 27-year-old Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants was the only baseball player who refused to kneel during a moment honoring Black Lives Matter in Dodger Stadium.

Coonrod said his Christian faith does not align with kneeling before anyone other than God, according to TMZ Sports.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Coonrod also cited the radical left-wing ideology of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism. And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family,” he said. “I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall fellas. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in the face of the bullying from the Left to conform to what we say or else.
There are many more who agree with these guys. They just aren't ready to take on the death threats and ostracism that will reign down from the Marxist BLM mob that now controls what is "morally just". This is insanity and is no part of America.
Apparently no form of protest is acceptable. And here I thought Americans had a right to protest.

When will the first amendment be as import as the second?

you are very confused-----I have a RIGHT to protest the actions of the idiot pigs who invented the moronic
ritual of "take a knee" as a moronic protest to
GAWS KNOWS WHAT. So far they are getting away with their filth because of the Bill of Rights
You don't know why they're protesting? Really?

Or are you in favor of what they're protesting and you're too cowardly to admit it?
Apparently no form of protest is acceptable. And here I thought Americans had a right to protest.

When will the first amendment be as import as the second?
Not all forms of protest are the same. Are you too stupid to understand this?
Falling in line due to social and peer pressure is tacitly endorsing the violent Marxist group BLM and
that's precisely what weak minded leftists want to see, coerced kneeling or not.

Fall in line with the rest of the hamster minded left. You fit right in.
Are you denying there is police brutality? Following whatever you are using as logic, the protests are binary. Either coercion or ignorance.
  • Thanks
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On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States.

After doling out financial advice to other athletes, Tuitt said forcefully via social media, “Also I’m not kneeling for the flag and screw anybody who have a problem with that.”

“My grandmother was a immigrant from the Caribbean and age worked her a** off to bring 20 people over the right way,” he added. “She had no money and educated herself to be a nurse. She living good now.”

Still, some, such as Tuitt, are bucking the new normal.

On Thursday, 27-year-old Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants was the only baseball player who refused to kneel during a moment honoring Black Lives Matter in Dodger Stadium.

Coonrod said his Christian faith does not align with kneeling before anyone other than God, according to TMZ Sports.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Coonrod also cited the radical left-wing ideology of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism. And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family,” he said. “I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall fellas. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in the face of the bullying from the Left to conform to what we say or else.
There are many more who agree with these guys. They just aren't ready to take on the death threats and ostracism that will reign down from the Marxist BLM mob that now controls what is "morally just". This is insanity and is no part of America.

The irony of this is, I am willing to bet his jersey starts selling like hot cakes now. It's Steel Town, he will have at least a 300% increase on normal sales of his jersey.

Him making this comment is good for their team, if they play is smart.
Are you denying there is police brutality? Following whatever you are using as logic, the protests are binary. Either coercion or ignorance.
Can you not even compose a coherent post? That you can't even present your thoughts in a coherent fashion
show me you operate in a reactive emotional way and you are simply being swept up along with the other
unthinking drones.
There are all sorts of ways to protest societal injustices, if you want to. There is only one way to fall in line
with the wealthy violent Marxists in the BLM.
Last edited:
On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States.

After doling out financial advice to other athletes, Tuitt said forcefully via social media, “Also I’m not kneeling for the flag and screw anybody who have a problem with that.”

“My grandmother was a immigrant from the Caribbean and age worked her a** off to bring 20 people over the right way,” he added. “She had no money and educated herself to be a nurse. She living good now.”

Still, some, such as Tuitt, are bucking the new normal.

On Thursday, 27-year-old Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants was the only baseball player who refused to kneel during a moment honoring Black Lives Matter in Dodger Stadium.

Coonrod said his Christian faith does not align with kneeling before anyone other than God, according to TMZ Sports.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Coonrod also cited the radical left-wing ideology of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism. And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family,” he said. “I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall fellas. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in the face of the bullying from the Left to conform to what we say or else.


You rightists are such hypocrites.

He has every right to stand (or kneel) for what he believes. Try applying it across the board.
Are you denying there is police brutality? Following whatever you are using as logic, the protests are binary. Either coercion or ignorance.
Can you not even compose a coherent post? That you can't even present your thoughts in a coherent fashion
show me you operate in a reactive emotional way and you are simply being swept up along with the other
unthinking drones.
There are all sorts of ways to protest societal injustices, if you want to. There is only one way to fall in line
with the wealthy violent Marxists in the BLM.
I reject your premise that BLM iswealthy, violent and Marxist. These are constructs made up by you or the racists you admire to demean and dismiss the fact of police brutality.
fk the kneelers. they don't want any part of the people that pay their salaries. such a group of assholes.
On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States.

After doling out financial advice to other athletes, Tuitt said forcefully via social media, “Also I’m not kneeling for the flag and screw anybody who have a problem with that.”

“My grandmother was a immigrant from the Caribbean and age worked her a** off to bring 20 people over the right way,” he added. “She had no money and educated herself to be a nurse. She living good now.”

Still, some, such as Tuitt, are bucking the new normal.

On Thursday, 27-year-old Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants was the only baseball player who refused to kneel during a moment honoring Black Lives Matter in Dodger Stadium.

Coonrod said his Christian faith does not align with kneeling before anyone other than God, according to TMZ Sports.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Coonrod also cited the radical left-wing ideology of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism. And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family,” he said. “I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall fellas. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in the face of the bullying from the Left to conform to what we say or else.
There are many more who agree with these guys. They just aren't ready to take on the death threats and ostracism that will reign down from the Marxist BLM mob that now controls what is "morally just". This is insanity and is no part of America.
wait until the money stops.
I reject your premise that BLM iswealthy, violent and Marxist. These are constructs made up by you or the racists you admire to demean and dismiss the fact of police brutality.
Which part do you reject? The part in which BLM's leadership hierarchy is all Marxist trained and instructed?

The part that the organization is very wealthy and well funded?
Even if you don't count the millions from global vampire, George Sorros, George Soros gave Black Lives Matter and Antifa over $100 Million dollars | News Break BLM is still very wealthy and well off.

The part that shows the violence at the heart of BLM? Where you asleep when half of Minneapolis burned

Police brutality exists just as spousal abuse exists. That doesn't mean every wife gets beaten up.
You have cartoonish simplefied views. Inform yourself.
That doesn't mean every black is victimized by the police, who are themselves blacks in many cases.
On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States.

After doling out financial advice to other athletes, Tuitt said forcefully via social media, “Also I’m not kneeling for the flag and screw anybody who have a problem with that.”

“My grandmother was a immigrant from the Caribbean and age worked her a** off to bring 20 people over the right way,” he added. “She had no money and educated herself to be a nurse. She living good now.”

Still, some, such as Tuitt, are bucking the new normal.

On Thursday, 27-year-old Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants was the only baseball player who refused to kneel during a moment honoring Black Lives Matter in Dodger Stadium.

Coonrod said his Christian faith does not align with kneeling before anyone other than God, according to TMZ Sports.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Coonrod also cited the radical left-wing ideology of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism. And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family,” he said. “I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall fellas. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in the face of the bullying from the Left to conform to what we say or else.


You rightists are such hypocrites.

He has every right to stand (or kneel) for what he believes. Try applying it across the board.

OK. It took guts for Kaepernick to do what he did too, knowing there would be a backlash. Both sides were and are guilty of trying to squelch opposing viewpoints.

Nosmo King:

Apparently no form of protest is acceptable. For some people on both sides, this is unfortunately true. It an't easy to watch or hear somebody trashing your beliefs and values, whatever they may be. There are some forms of protest though that ARE unacceptable, such as the wanton destruction, burning, and looting of public and private property. And of course the physical violence against someone else, even a cop or federal agent. That is unacceptable.

And here I thought Americans had a right to protest. Sure they do, Kaepernick had a right to protest as he did, and he suffered the consequences for his actions. Same as others have for their actions, to the point where they got fired or were forced to resign from their jobs.

When will the first amendment be as import as the second? I think both are equally important, take away one and you will likely lose the other.
I reject your premise that BLM iswealthy, violent and Marxist. These are constructs made up by you or the racists you admire to demean and dismiss the fact of police brutality.
Which part do you reject? The part in which BLM's leadership hierarchy is all Marxist trained and instructed?

The part that the organization is very wealthy and well funded?
Even if you don't count the millions from global vampire, George Sorros, George Soros gave Black Lives Matter and Antifa over $100 Million dollars | News Break BLM is still very wealthy and well off.

The part that shows the violence at the heart of BLM? Where you asleep when half of Minneapolis burned

Police brutality exists just as spousal abuse exists. That doesn't mean every wife gets beaten up.
You have cartoonish simplefied views. Inform yourself.
That doesn't mean every black is victimized by the police, who are themselves blacks in many cases.
I still reject your premise as it is based on conspiracy theories set forth on websites of questionable credibility.

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