Stein's self promotion iritates Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Annoyed Dems dismiss recount as ‘waste of time’

Democrats are unenthusiastic about the recount effort being mounted by Jill Stein of the Green Party, seeing it as a futile effort that serves only to distract opponents of President-elect Donald Trump's policy and personnel decisions.

Some Democrats even come close to echoing Trump's charge that re-tallying votes from the presidential race is just a "scam" being advanced by Stein, who has raised more than $6 million to fund potential recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states critical to the Republican nominee's win.

"I think it probably was the Stein people looking for a way to stay relevant, raise some money and take the stink off of them. Instead of everybody screaming, 'You made Trump happen,' she is counting the votes to change that whole narrative."

How's the snipe hunt going Jill?
Yup. She will be seven million dollars richer if WI denies her request for a recount.

Jilly baby is doing quite well for herself.
Evidence indicates that angry incoherent democrats are enthusiastic about Stein's recount demands. What else do they have when the party is falling apart?
but she's tickling the G-spot on others. The blathering lib morning radio Stephanie Miller talk show is all aflutter with these baseless recounts.

I've heard something in their voices I hadn't heard for weeks: hope.

and when this results in nothing they'll crash and burn again, and they'll have it coming, just like all the loons supporting this nonsense in the hopes that it will overturn the results in 3 states and put Hillary in the White House because they refuse to believe their candidate was so shitty, or they have gone so tone deaf, that she, and they, lost to Trump.

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