Stephen Colbert - Public Crybaby

And she was too stupid to realize that the President is elected by the Electoral College and not the popular vote. You can keep crying out about the popular vote, but it is as important as how many people drank tea over coffee. In other words, meaningless. Get over it and move along.
I think they're terrified that their idiotic party may just be done for good. After this it will cease to exist. They can't come to grips with how out of touch they are. They've gone too far out on the lunatic fringe to ever make it back in again.
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.

he is a flippant snowflake emphasis on "flake" as the rest of em
And she was too stupid to realize that the President is elected by the Electoral College and not the popular vote. You can keep crying out about the popular vote, but it is as important as how many people drank tea over coffee. In other words, meaningless. Get over it and move along.
I think they're terrified that their idiotic party may just be done for good. After this it will cease to exist. They can't come to grips with how out of touch they are. They've gone too far out on the lunatic fringe to ever make it back in again.

What YOU can't come to grips with, Shirley, is that your canard "most Americans voted for Rump" has nothing in the world to do with the Electoral College. You're running away from it because you know as well as we do that if it walks like a canard.....
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
California is a state. Now I know you'd like to take our vote away, but our votes still count.
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.

HYPOCRISY on steroids ^^^

That said, Colbert is the counterpoint to twitter boy, and for that he should be commended. His seriocomic monologues are thoughtful and thought provoking, something which goes way beyond the comprehension of stick up their ass Trump supporters.

Parodies of trump illicit a similar though non violent reaction from Trump supporters as did the cartoons by Charlie Hebdo by terrorists. The mean spirited attacks on President Obama and the First Lady by the deplorable who now support Trump and demean seriocomic and reality based parodies of Trump, which are fair game, and much more fair than the attacks on President and Mrs. Obama.
Perhaps the two of you can get a quantity discount on a remedial reading course. The flawed quote was the canard that "most Americans voted for Rump". They didn't. "Most Americans" have never voted for anybody.

There is no defence for the OP's canard. None.
Keep telling yourself that. No law against it. :badgrin: :itsok:

Hey, feel free to try to prove me wrong. With actual real numbers, not fantasy ones.

Before LBJ's 1964 landslide the most lopsided landslide had been Harding, 1920. Less than 30% of Americans voted for Harding. Less than half voted at all.

I might add, when we say "percent of Americans voted for ____" I'm granting that it means "percent of voters" not "percent of total population. So we can shave the feathers off this canard all the way to the skin if you like.
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Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
California isn't the whole country, but it IS part of the country.....something RussianWrs want to forget.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
Cali doesn't do anything. And then buys from states that do.
"Cali doesn't do anything"......:rofl: :rofl: California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.

The popular vote means something important. It means trump and his minions do not have a mandate, nor the political capital to do what they want, and what they want is to rape America and Americans.

Q. Why?

A. Because that's what a power elite of plutocrats do, rape and pillage.
"Everybody Knows" fallacy dismissed. So yes I'm afraid some basis is indeed necessary.. Logic takes no "breaks".

Said link --------- still nonexistent.
You have received the basis. An UNDENIABLE one. You're just too deep in denial and brainwashed to accept it. That;s YOUR problem. No one else's.

PS - notice how the liberal clings to his silly link tactic. Sheeeesh!

EARTH TO POGO - just becasue you liberals are all hopped up on your > must link to a liberal source tactic, that doesn't mean that we are all so stupid as to go along with it. Please get smart. :rolleyes:

PS - I've also done a survey on illegal alien voting (for 40 years now). A link to ME is the best you can get. :biggrin:
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
California isn't the whole country, but it IS part of the country.....something RussianWrs want to forget.
Which country, Mexico? That'll change though, as our president deports the freeloaders who vote illegally in every election.
The popular vote means something important. It means trump and his minions do not have a mandate, nor the political capital to do what they want, and what they want is to rape America and Americans.

Q. Why?

A. Because that's what a power elite of plutocrats do, rape and pillage.
Trump won the AMERICAN popular vote. Illegal alien votes are irrelevant.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
California is a state. Now I know you'd like to take our vote away, but our votes still count.
Hildabeast did not win the popular vote in the rest of the country… fact
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
California isn't the whole country, but it IS part of the country.....something RussianWrs want to forget.
Which country, Mexico? That'll change though, as our president deports the freeloaders who vote illegally in every election.

Nice trick if you can "deport" something you can't even prove exists.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
FALSE. What you're saying is fabrication of liberal media. What extra (non-American, illegitimate) votes Hillary had were from the millions of illegal aliens, that Democrats have imported and protected in sanctuary cities for just that purpose.

We talked about this vote stacking and ballot stuffing 63 years ago in my 5th grade class, in 1954 when Eisenhower enacted Operation Wetback.

Hardly mater anymore now, The illegal voters are going back whee they came from. Sessions is on it. Hopefully he'll put the sanctuary city mayors in jail, where they belong.
So....believing that, you've added your voice to those calling for a MAJOR investigation on all those millions of illegal votes, right? Called your Congressman? Signed a petition? E-mailed the White House?
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
California is a state. Now I know you'd like to take our vote away, but our votes still count.
Hildabeast did not win the popular vote in the rest of the country… fact
So? California is part of the United States.....from this election, it comes out as the smartest part....along with New York.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
California is a state. Now I know you'd like to take our vote away, but our votes still count.
Hildabeast did not win the popular vote in the rest of the country… fact
So? California is part of the United States.....from this election, it comes out as the smartest part....along with New York.
Crazy Cali wants to succeed from the union… I say let them

In fact I say the union should break up, and divided up this way…
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
California isn't the whole country, but it IS part of the country.....something RussianWrs want to forget.
Which country, Mexico? That'll change though, as our president deports the freeloaders who vote illegally in every election.

Nice trick if you can "deport" something you can't even prove exists.
Nice trick if you can get somebody to believe what you just said. :lol:

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