Stephen Colbert - Public Crybaby

BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
Hillary didn't win the AMERICAN popular vote. She won that COMBINED with the votes of millions of illegal aliens, which California has been stacking the state with, for years, for just that reason.
Pay or no pay, he's crying like a newborn, and so are you. I'm not crying.

Again, look up. Check your own thread title. It's all like :crybaby:

You see Stephen Colbert writing up a monologue about you?

None so blind as those who can't see themselves swimming in their own irony soup.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
And if pigs had wings they could fly.
The electoral college system worked perfectly… elections have consequences. Live with It bed wetter
I've been living with the shitty decisions of right wingers for some time now and I still haven't started wetting the bed.
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.
Poor SNOWFLAKE has no sense of humor!!!
BFD, California isn't the whole country and doesn't represent the country as a whole, that's why we have the electoral college, but you keep bitterly clinging to that PV if it gives you some consolation.
Hillary didn't win the AMERICAN popular vote. She won that COMBINED with the votes of millions of illegal aliens, which California has been stacking the state with, for years, for just that reason.
The fact remains take California out of the equation, both Trump and Hildabeasts votes. Trump won the popular vote in the rest of the nation. We cannot have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country and have any sort of individuality and freedom. The electoral college system worked perfectly....
most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

I don't get the function of the word "over" in this sentence. What you need there, to channel Gertrude Stein, is .... a comma.

Doesn't make sense anyway. "Most Americans" didn't vote for anybody. Only 55% of the electorate voted at all. And out of that most of them voted for Clinton.
FALSE! Most AMERICANS voted for Trump. See post # 13 & 21. :biggrin:
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
And if pigs had wings they could fly.
The electoral college system worked perfectly… elections have consequences. Live with It bed wetter
I've been living with the shitty decisions of right wingers for some time now and I still haven't started wetting the bed.
Run along the back to your safe space…
Hillary didn't win the AMERICAN popular vote.

Oh yes I'm afraid she did. By over two percentage points. You can jump in the River De Nial all you like but it changes nothing on the shore. Them's the numbers, like 'em or lump 'em. Speaking of :crybaby:

She won that COMBINED with the votes of millions of illegal aliens, which California has been stacking the state with, for years, for just that reason.

Haha. And your link?

Didn't think so.
Hillary didn't win the AMERICAN popular vote.

Oh yes I'm afraid she did. By over two percentage points. You can jump in the River De Nial all you like but it changes nothing on the shore. Them's the numbers, like 'em or lump 'em. Speaking of :crybaby:

She won that COMBINED with the votes of millions of illegal aliens, which California has been stacking the state with, for years, for just that reason.

Haha. And your link?

Didn't think so.
Like I said take both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away in California, Trump won the popular vote for the rest of the country handily...
The electoral college works perfectly
Ever eat fruit? Vegetables? Use the internet or modern tech? Or do you live in a cave and subsist on juniper berries?
We don't need California for those things. Anything done there can be done here (and without the Billions spent on irrigation) I lived in California (Silicon Valley) for 12 years. I worked in hi-tech. Nothing special to California. That state is more of a drain than a help.
most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

I don't get the function of the word "over" in this sentence. What you need there, to channel Gertrude Stein, is .... a comma.

Doesn't make sense anyway. "Most Americans" didn't vote for anybody. Only 55% of the electorate voted at all. And out of that most of them voted for Clinton.
FALSE! Most AMERICANS voted for Trump. See post # 13 & 21. :biggrin:

There is, literally, no math in which 25% of something can be described as "most".

That's what 46% of 55% is. Check my math.

Once again, as noted from the start, "most" Americans didn't agree on anybody. Clinton got 26.5% of Americans, which is as close to "most" as there was. Period.

"Most" Americans have never voted for any one candidate. Even LBJ in 1964 with his landslide pulled under 38% of all American voters.
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Ever eat fruit? Vegetables? Use the internet or modern tech? Or do you live in a cave and subsist on juniper berries?
We don't need California for those things. Anything done there can be done here (and without the Billions spent on irrigation) I lived in California (Silicon Valley) for 12 years. I worked in hi-tech. Nothing special to California. That state is more of a drain than a help.
Yep, crazy cali is insane at best...
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.
Colbert is doing some of the best comedy ever on TV. Extremely creative but the orange clown gives him material for the next 20 years.
The electoral college insured that illegals couldn't determine the outcome of this election. Liberal snowflakes can cry all they want about the PV but our president is still Donald Trump. Suck it up, crybabies.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
And if pigs had wings they could fly.
The electoral college system worked perfectly… elections have consequences. Live with It bed wetter
I've been living with the shitty decisions of right wingers for some time now and I still haven't started wetting the bed.
Run along the back to your safe space…
You're the one who surrounds yourself with guns. I'd say you're the scaredy cat.
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.
Colbert is doing some of the best comedy ever on TV. Extremely creative but the orange clown gives him material for the next 20 years.
I wish Jon Stewart were still around. He's even better.
If you take both trumps and Hildabeasts California votes away - trump handily won the popular vote nationwide. Shit for brains
We can't have crazy Cali determining the direction of this country...
And if pigs had wings they could fly.
The electoral college system worked perfectly… elections have consequences. Live with It bed wetter
I've been living with the shitty decisions of right wingers for some time now and I still haven't started wetting the bed.
Run along the back to your safe space…
You're the one who surrounds yourself with guns. I'd say you're the scaredy cat.
No, there is no violent crime up where I live. I just view firearms as works of art... and a great way to make a living.
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.
Colbert is doing some of the best comedy ever on TV. Extremely creative but the orange clown gives him material for the next 20 years.
I wish Jon Stewart were still around. He's even better.
Jon Stewart sucked too much Obama dick…
Oh yes I'm afraid she did. By over two percentage points. You can jump in the River De Nial all you like but it changes nothing on the shore. Them's the numbers, like 'em or lump 'em. Speaking of :crybaby:

Haha. And your link? Didn't think so.

"The" numbers ? HA HA HA. Only "the" numbers which includes millions of illegal alien votes, which you are brainwashed into believing don't exist (or just go along with the lie that they don't).

The REAL numbers >> ie. In the AMERICAN votes (the only legitimate ones), Trump won both votes - popular and electoral, both in landslides. Keep yammering your liberal talking points though if it makes you feel better. Poor soul.

As for "link". Link to what ? One of your liberal university, media, or think tank "reports".. HA HA HA. Liberals think we all are taken in by that methodology. No link needed, detached one. Simple logic explains very sufficiently.

1. During the campaign, Trump said he would deport millions of illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. It's a way of life, for them.

3. There is virtually nothing to stop illegals from voting. Nothing.

That's all you need to know.
When most people feel disgruntled about something. they usually keep quiet about it, and just go about trying to improve it in whatever way they think they can. Not Stephen Colbert. Sad Stephen wears his sorrow on his face 5 nights a week on CBS TV, for all of America to see.

Undoubtedly, there are many others who are unable to accept the results of the 2016 election, and Donald Trump as POTUS, and they tune in to Colbert's nightly cryfest, masquerading as levity. Wouldn't you think these poor souls would do a little constructive criticism, and examine why they are in the minority of American citizens, and why most Americans voted for Trump over the worst candidate for POTUS that has ever been nominated ?

Well, until they do, I guess they'll all just sob together, while pretending it's a laughing matter. OK. Whatever.
Colbert is doing some of the best comedy ever on TV. Extremely creative but the orange clown gives him material for the next 20 years.
I wish Jon Stewart were still around. He's even better.
Jon Stewart sucked too much Obama dick…
The only thing funny about Jon Stewart is that they called him a comedian.

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