Stephen Miller should double as WH press secretary


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
His demeanor and delivery is perfect for dealing with the LefTarded media...he hurts their feelings and makes them look like the twisted unAmerican fools they are with body language and facial expressions alone.
I disagree. If at all possible, Trump needs someone who can exude some warmth and charm.
I think a trio of him trump and bannon should talk to the media haha
Liberals heads would explode haha
I disagree. If at all possible, Trump needs someone who can exude some warmth and charm.

Still trying to stay friends with the enemy huh?

I'm trying to win over voters. You're obviously not in sales.

You honestly believe you can lure the disgusting pieces of shits from the Party Of Filth? What’s your plan? Champion ass banging homos? Men in dresses? Open borders and wetbacks?
Come on man...embrace the divide.
Miller's a lying weasel and a white nationalist bigot.

Who better to represent Trump eh?
Miller's a lying weasel and a white nationalist bigot.

Who better to represent Trump eh?

LefTard Logic :
“Those who expect foreigners to be invited by real Americans are bigots. The world should have direct access to the checkbooks of Americans, they should not need permission.”
His demeanor and delivery is perfect for dealing with the LefTarded media...he hurts their feelings and makes them look like the twisted unAmerican fools they are with body language and facial expressions alone.
Alex Jones for Press Secretary!
I think the position should be left vacant. Issue written oress releases if/when necessary. Tell the media this is the end result of their actions in the Briefing Room.
Trump said he wants a female as press secretary. Not sure of the reasoning here, but if that's the case, I nominate Candace Owens.
Trump said he wants a female as press secretary. Not sure of the reasoning here, but if that's the case, I nominate Candace Owens.

Yeah, I love Candace Owens but I hate the whole “pick the right token minority” for the job bullshit. Sean Spicer was too male to be firm and candid, Sanders was too white to talk immigration. Fuck it, hire the most hardcore anti-Left person you can find....make sure he or she has a nutsack that must be pushed around in a wheelbarrow.
His demeanor and delivery is perfect for dealing with the LefTarded media...he hurts their feelings and makes them look like the twisted unAmerican fools they are with body language and facial expressions alone.
Millers takedown of Acosta was epic.
Trump said he wants a female as press secretary. Not sure of the reasoning here, but if that's the case, I nominate Candace Owens.

I can think of four or five people that can fill that position, and among them is Candace Owens!

She is amazing! :thup:
I disagree. If at all possible, Trump needs someone who can exude some warmth and charm.

You're the last person to be recommending anyone for a public relations position. You should shut your pie hole and just vote Republican.

Still trying to stay friends with the enemy huh?

I'm trying to win over voters. You're obviously not in sales.

You honestly believe you can lure the disgusting pieces of shits from the Party Of Filth? What’s your plan? Champion ass banging homos? Men in dresses? Open borders and wetbacks?
Come on man...embrace the divide.

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