Stephen Miller

31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

He's the long lost grandson of Joseph Goebbels.

Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders.

Don't believe me... listen to this little worm's own words:
  • “Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Don't forget all these little Hitlers were hand picked by Adoph himself.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

The only reason you leftists even pay attention to him is because he made an impression and you feel you have to destroy him.

The only reason you rightist agree with him is you too are out of touch with reality.

That's it? THAT is all you got for justification??

Man, you guys sure know how to shoot an unloaded gun.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

Not much hair for a 31 year old.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

He says the emperor has new clothes with so much enthusiasm.

I would love to debate that little prick.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

He appears to be a psychopath.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

He says the emperor has new clothes with so much enthusiasm.

I would love to debate that little prick.

You can't even put together a coherent sentence, and you want to debate somebody?

Miller is awesome because he doesn't put up with the left's bullshit. It drives them insane.
Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders.

Don't believe me... listen to this little worm's own words:
  • “Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Don't forget all these little Hitlers were hand picked by Adoph himself.
Obama is gone....
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

The only reason you leftists even pay attention to him is because he made an impression and you feel you have to destroy him.

The only reason you rightist agree with him is you too are out of touch with reality.

I think the fact that Nancy Pelosi and other's are running your opposition shows you are out of touch with reality and getting more and more out of touch.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

I didn't watch all the way though, but he seemed good.

Your godwin is noted. YOu lose the thread.

He did seem good, almost as if he is a Nazi.

So, Godwin loser, what was "nazi" like about his behavior, other than not crawling on his belly when challenged by the press?
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

I didn't watch all the way though, but he seemed good.

Your godwin is noted. YOu lose the thread.

he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO... the kind of ass you would want to reach over and smack after talking with him for a few minutes...arrogant little piss ants....

NOt crawling on your belly is not the same as arrogant.
Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders.

Don't believe me... listen to this little worm's own words:
  • “Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Don't forget all these little Hitlers were hand picked by Adoph himself.

The words "very substantial" does not equal "bigger than any branch of government.

Try to listen to what HE says, not the voices in your head.

Do you disagree with the claim that the President has "very substantial" power?

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