Steve Bannon Calls For Corker’s Resignation

During an interview broadcast by a popular conservative propaganda outlet, Steve Bannon said, " ‘If Bob Corker has any honor, any decency, he should resign immediately.' " Anyone connected with the Big Orange Idiot in any way has absolutely no business questioning anyone else’s honor or decency.

The months of Big Orange’s obnoxious campaign and his disgraceful presidency proves no one involved with this administration possesses any honor, decency, integrity, ethics, empathy, or any other characteristic of a quality human being.

Looking back over the weeks of feud between the Republican Corker and the Big Orange Idiot, every statement made by Corker concerning the Big Orange Idiot has been true.

Understanding these facts, Corker’s reply to Bannon’s demand he resign should be a firm, “Shove it up your a**.” And that is only if Corker feels the need to show Bannon the respect he deserves. If not, Corker should use stronger language. It is, after all, the direction of sophistication and dignity the Big Orange Idiot is taking the office of the presidency, straight into the gutter.

Conservatives must rate certain posts “funny”. This occurs when they are forced from their alternative reality. But even in the real world their denial of facts remains strong. So, their use of the “funny” rating is their silent admission they know every word and image in the post is true. Corker hits the nails squarely on the heads with his criticisms of the Big Orange Idiot and his administration.


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Bannon just loves the Big Orange Idiot, and his childish, petty, and vindictive antics. Both are perfect examples of U.S. conservatism.

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His well-known corruption and stupidity earned him this distinction.

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Yes, the mutual admiration is only natural.

What does George soros think?
...and here I thought leftists hated all Rs....yet their latest hero is Corker. Next week McCain. Week after that the crazy bitch from Maine...or the dumb ass from S. Carolina....or the Kentucky two stepper....or the sweet talker from Kenosha.

Round and round they go....where they stop nobody knows. They might be spinning out of control.
Corker is saying what is obvious to everybody that isn't playing ostrich.
Feel free to defend the nasty little puke. He's all yours, pal. He created an empire and enriched himself based on giving voice and a forum to white supremacist pukes, and their disgusting ideology and conspiracy theories. racist is as racist does.... enjoy being his little footsoldier. i promise he doesn't give a shit about you.
And so, do you think that there is a conspiracy of Black political leaders trying to defame the Democratic party?

huh? what? what in the world are you even talking about? sorry, I guess I just don't operate on your level of contrived, bullshit rhetoric. People like you want to ignore the obvious, and construct these pedantic, baseless ideas....
During an interview broadcast by a popular conservative propaganda outlet, Steve Bannon said, " ‘If Bob Corker has any honor, any decency, he should resign immediately.' " Anyone connected with the Big Orange Idiot in any way has absolutely no business questioning anyone else’s honor or decency.

The months of Big Orange’s obnoxious campaign and his disgraceful presidency proves no one involved with this administration possesses any honor, decency, integrity, ethics, empathy, or any other characteristic of a quality human being.

Looking back over the weeks of feud between the Republican Corker and the Big Orange Idiot, every statement made by Corker concerning the Big Orange Idiot has been true.

Understanding these facts, Corker’s reply to Bannon’s demand he resign should be a firm, “Shove it up your a**.” And that is only if Corker feels the need to show Bannon the respect he deserves. If not, Corker should use stronger language. It is, after all, the direction of sophistication and dignity the Big Orange Idiot is taking the office of the presidency, straight into the gutter.

Conservatives must rate certain posts “funny”. This occurs when they are forced from their alternative reality. But even in the real world their denial of facts remains strong. So, their use of the “funny” rating is their silent admission they know every word and image in the post is true. Corker hits the nails squarely on the heads with his criticisms of the Big Orange Idiot and his administration.


View attachment 153513

Bannon just loves the Big Orange Idiot, and his childish, petty, and vindictive antics. Both are perfect examples of U.S. conservatism.

View attachment 153514

His well-known corruption and stupidity earned him this distinction.

View attachment 153515

Yes, the mutual admiration is only natural.

What does George soros think?
...and here I thought leftists hated all Rs....yet their latest hero is Corker. Next week McCain. Week after that the crazy bitch from Maine...or the dumb ass from S. Carolina....or the Kentucky two stepper....or the sweet talker from Kenosha.

Round and round they go....where they stop nobody knows. They might be spinning out of control.

Seriously my favorite con right now is Rex Tillerson. I wouldn't mind that being the POTUS. I'd prefer a liberal but at least Rex is serious and not a partisan hack. That's all Trump is. He's playing politics. It's not a game.
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
Apparently you're getting your wish TN, since Corker announced he won't seek re-election in 2018.

If it makes you feel better, think of it as a resignation with a 58 week notice. ;)
I was all smiles when he announced that!

That's cool but of course being the Washingtonian miscreant that he is, he couldn't help himself and turned right around and made the idiotic "on the path to World War III" statement to the press, apparently the snakes that inhabit D.C. just can't help themselves when it comes to acting capriciously even while they're announcing that they are retiring from the vipers nest.

He is right. Trump calling the North Korean leader names is childish and does nothing to help the situation.

No he's not right, he's violating the public trust with his histrionics.

Trumps childish insults directed at Kim Jong Un do not excuse or justify Corkers completely irresponsible statements.

What's irresponsible about them?
LOL, why doesn't it surprise me that a Senator blathering about warnings of World War III doesn't strike you as irresponsible? If Trump had a "D" behind his name you *might* have noticed that the risk of inciting panic among the citizenry and consternation among the nation states of the world is both irresponsible and wholly unnecessary.

Par for the course I suppose since expecting partisan lemmings to be objective and rational is like expecting a block of granite to understand quantum physics.
What does George soros think?
...and here I thought leftists hated all Rs....yet their latest hero is Corker. Next week McCain. Week after that the crazy bitch from Maine...or the dumb ass from S. Carolina....or the Kentucky two stepper....or the sweet talker from Kenosha.

Round and round they go....where they stop nobody knows. They might be spinning out of control.

Seriously my favorite con right now is Rex Tillerson. I wouldn't mind that being the POTUS. I'd prefer a liberal but at least Rex is serious and not a partisan hack. That's all Trump is. He's playing politics. It's not a game.
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
...and here I thought leftists hated all Rs....yet their latest hero is Corker. Next week McCain. Week after that the crazy bitch from Maine...or the dumb ass from S. Carolina....or the Kentucky two stepper....or the sweet talker from Kenosha.

Round and round they go....where they stop nobody knows. They might be spinning out of control.

Seriously my favorite con right now is Rex Tillerson. I wouldn't mind that being the POTUS. I'd prefer a liberal but at least Rex is serious and not a partisan hack. That's all Trump is. He's playing politics. It's not a game.
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
"If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately."

Your entire argument seems to be composed of stuff you are just making up.
Seriously my favorite con right now is Rex Tillerson. I wouldn't mind that being the POTUS. I'd prefer a liberal but at least Rex is serious and not a partisan hack. That's all Trump is. He's playing politics. It's not a game.
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
"If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately."

Your entire argument seems to be composed of stuff you are just making up.
Well, you need to approach this with common-sense.
What do you think would happen to you if you called your boss a moron, and this statement was splashed all over the news?
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
"If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately."

Your entire argument seems to be composed of stuff you are just making up.
Well, you need to approach this with common-sense.
What do you think would happen to you if you called your boss a moron, and this statement was splashed all over the news?
I think that would obviously depend on my position and my importance to the organization.

And "common sense" does not mean, "the first feeling that pops into my gut".

Tillerson didn't deny it. I suggest you forward your complaints to him. Maybe he will change his mind and deny it?
"Corker is a smart, quiet, reserved man, with great respect from his party and even the other side, though they differ with him...."

In other words, Corker is a big spending porker of a "Republican," and a 911 Traitor, so he really fits in...

Did Corker do anything good for America?

Well, he did invest in defense, gold, and oil in the first half of 2001....

Foreign policy heavyweight Corker to step down from US Senate

"Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Senate’s top Democrat, called Corker a “model senator,” adding, “We all regret him leaving.”"

All of the Zionist Dems who spearheaded the charge to invade Iraq over obvious lies LOVE JDAAC Corker...
...and here I thought leftists hated all Rs....yet their latest hero is Corker. Next week McCain. Week after that the crazy bitch from Maine...or the dumb ass from S. Carolina....or the Kentucky two stepper....or the sweet talker from Kenosha.

Round and round they go....where they stop nobody knows. They might be spinning out of control.

Seriously my favorite con right now is Rex Tillerson. I wouldn't mind that being the POTUS. I'd prefer a liberal but at least Rex is serious and not a partisan hack. That's all Trump is. He's playing politics. It's not a game.
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.

"Corker is a smart, quiet, reserved man, with great respect from his party and even the other side, though they differ with him...."

In other words, Corker is a big spending porker of a "Republican," and a 911 Traitor, so he really fits in...

Did Corker do anything good for America?

Well, he did invest in defense, gold, and oil in the first half of 2001....

Foreign policy heavyweight Corker to step down from US Senate

"Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Senate’s top Democrat, called Corker a “model senator,” adding, “We all regret him leaving.”"

All of the Zionist Dems who spearheaded the charge to invade Iraq over obvious lies LOVE JDAAC Corker...
Congress was lied to as much as anyone. this is established, historical fact, you paranoid weirdo.
Seriously my favorite con right now is Rex Tillerson. I wouldn't mind that being the POTUS. I'd prefer a liberal but at least Rex is serious and not a partisan hack. That's all Trump is. He's playing politics. It's not a game.
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
"If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately."

Your entire argument seems to be composed of stuff you are just making up.

Trump can't fire everyone all in one day. If his entire administration revolts what's he going to do fire them all?
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
"If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately."

Your entire argument seems to be composed of stuff you are just making up.

Trump can't fire everyone all in one day. If his entire administration revolts what's he going to do fire them all?
Clearly, someone convinced him that firing Tillerson makes Turmp look worse than Tillerson calling him a moron. or, at the very least, has him turning it over in his head enough to delay the firing until at least today.
So did Tillerson lie when he claimed he never called Trump a moron?

You like liars obviously.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
"If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately."

Your entire argument seems to be composed of stuff you are just making up.
Well, you need to approach this with common-sense.
What do you think would happen to you if you called your boss a moron, and this statement was splashed all over the news?
My boss would take it because I make my company a lot of money. What's Trump going to do with Russia with Tillerson?

Rex is the one great person on Trumps team. And Rex is right. Trump is a fucking moron. A clown. Now we see why experience is important. This is why you don't let just anyone be the POTUS.
Congress was lied to as much as anyone. this is established, historical fact,

"established historical fact" = your birdbrain PARROTED

Senator Feinstein claimed CIA Director George Tenet "duped" her about Iraq WMD.

Then, in 2005, Feinstein was there at the ADL for the ADL's ceremony giving Tenet its "highest award."

But you'd still be parroting that Feinstein was "duped" by the man she then CELEBRATED with her fellow ZIONISTS.,...
Congress was lied to as much as anyone. this is established, historical fact,

"established historical fact" = your birdbrain PARROTED

Senator Feinstein claimed CIA Director George Tenet "duped" her about Iraq WMD.

Then, in 2005, Feinstein was there at the ADL for the ADL's ceremony giving Tenet its "highest award."

But you'd still be parroting that Feinstein was "duped" by the man she then CELEBRATED with her fellow ZIONISTS.,...
huh? How does any of that argue against the idea that Congress was lied to? there is something wrong with your brain. I will not be reading anymore of your posts, freak.
Tillerson never claimed that. You just kind of made something up there, didn't ya, big guy?
Tillerson calling Trump a " fucking moron " has been confirmed by various news outlets.
Tillerson never took it back either..
Between Corker, Tillerson etc telling it like it is there's a new news report confirmed by many in the White House that Trump is totally on the edge and about to blow!
It's not like you deplorables weren't warned what kind of fucking moron DT was before the election.
I don't give a flying-fuck if it's been confirmed by every leftist paper on the planet.
If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately.
The mainstreamers are trying to sell us a story that the president is unstable and has been doing it since before he took office, regardless of the fact that he's shown us that he has more political sense than most of Congress.
People that have met Trump in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico say he's nothing like the boogeyman the media portrays him as being.
So essentially, the media is fabricating this story.
It's no surprise that Trump doesn't get along with swamp creatures that are screwing us. If I was him I'd be chewing their asses out too.
"If Tillerson had really said it, he'd be fired immediately."

Your entire argument seems to be composed of stuff you are just making up.

Trump can't fire everyone all in one day. If his entire administration revolts what's he going to do fire them all?
Clearly, someone convinced him that firing Tillerson makes Turmp look worse than Tillerson calling him a moron. or, at the very least, has him turning it over in his head enough to delay the firing until at least today.

Anytime Trump puts his foot in his mouth his handlers say he was just joking.

In response to recent reports that Tillerson called him a "moron" earlier this year, Trump claimed in an interview with Forbes that he would outperform his secretary of state on an IQ test.

"He made a joke, nothing more than that," Sanders said. "He has full confidence in the secretary of state. They had a great visit earlier today and they're working hand-in-hand to move the president's agenda forward."
Shouldn't that request come from the people in his state and not from the rantings of a rightwing rag editor?
Congress was lied to as much as anyone. this is established, historical fact,

"established historical fact" = your birdbrain PARROTED

Senator Feinstein claimed CIA Director George Tenet "duped" her about Iraq WMD.

Then, in 2005, Feinstein was there at the ADL for the ADL's ceremony giving Tenet its "highest award."

But you'd still be parroting that Feinstein was "duped" by the man she then CELEBRATED with her fellow ZIONISTS.,...
She has to appease her jewish constituents but not be too obvious because she's a politician in the USA not Israel.

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