Steve Bannon subpoenas Nancy Pelosi and every member of the House J6 committee in his contempt of Congress case

Bannon is a reasonable person.And also a strong,brave American.
Nothing like his counterpart Democrat.Or those in the Media
who have sold out for Power,position and money.Where the New World
Order Oligarchs { Billionaire freaks } who love Power,control and
being in charge and think humans are expendable and open targets
to be bought like Hogs on a farm.
Which seems to explain our MSM. No other explanation cuts it.
The New Reset is top priority.Tied in with Global Warming
and doing away with Democracies.
As if ...
" Happy is the Nation without a history. "
Cesare Bonesana { Italian economist } 1735-1794
Where those like Canadian PM { Justin Trudeau } who grew-up
instructed by daddy about the importance of Maoism.
To learn from Dictators and find common ground,
Trudeau is a great chess piece for the New World Order control
freak Oligarchs.His latest tact is to declare a ban on Guns.
One of the obvious first steps that Dictators must require.
The Old reset was not impactful enough.Not harmful enough for
resetting and displacing Freedoms & Liberties.
Got it.Meaning there is now a Rush.
Why? Easy. The Nuclear Bomb drills where we had to go out to the halls and put our head between our legs. I hated that. I'm pretty sure it scared me for life.
Ended up reading just about every book on nukes, how it/they work, survivability options, etc.....
All those charades were of no use at all.

Huge metaphor though, head between your legs and kiss your ass good bye.
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Tell us the “findings” “ of this committe, Dumbass.

Dragonlady link us up to their findings, or admit you are a fucking moron.

Dragonlady where are the "findings" of this committee?

You claimed I didn't accept them, so please show us these findings I don't accept. Where are they?
Pelosi is not a witness. You can't use the court system to punish the people you don't like. Defendants cannot issue a subpoena. Only the court can do that so the Defendant would have to prove to the court that the witness is material to their case.
But of course that never applied to Potus Trump. ?
Not merely onced.Butts ... Twiced.
NOT based on any Impeachable offense.Just because the
asswipes in charge of the House thunk it cute.
Pelosi is not a witness. You can't use the court system to punish the people you don't like. Defendants cannot issue a subpoena. Only the court can do that so the Defendant would have to prove to the court that the witness is material to their case.
Looks like his lawyers did.

Bannon subpoenas Pelosi and House January 6 committee members to fight contempt charges​

(CNN)Steve Bannon, set to go to trial next month for defying a congressional subpoena, has subpoenaed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and members of the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection as he builds his defense.
Bannon, a conservative firebrand who previously served as former President Donald Trump's chief strategist and senior counselor, was charged with two counts of contempt of Congress in November 2021 after refusing to testify and produce documents. He has pleaded not guilty.

Last week, Bannon's legal team subpoenaed 16 lawmakers and congressional staffers to testify at the July trial and produce documents, according to one of Bannon's attorneys and copies of the subpoenas provided to CNN. The subpoenas were aimed at all nine members of the select committee, three committee staffers and General Counsel for the House of Representatives Douglas Letter. Bannon also subpoenaed House Democratic leadership, including Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Rep. Jim Clyburn.
A spokesman for the House committee declined to comment. Spokespeople for Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyburn did not immediately respond to requests to comment.
Ended up reading just about every book on nukes, how it/they work, survivability options, etc.....
All those charades were of no use at all.

Huge metaphor though, head between your legs and kiss your ass good by.
The most important and in my day reguired reading was :
- Hiroshima - { 1946 } a short read but extremely important.
Then the Movie - Fat Man and Little Boy - { 1989 }.
I underwent as did most all kids in grade school { circa the early 60's }
or Air Raid Drills.Sometimes referred to as Duck & Cover.
The most important and in my day reguired reading was :
- Hiroshima - { 1946 } a short read but extremely important.
Then the Movie - Fat Man and Little Boy - { 1989 }.
I underwent as did most all kids in grade school { circa the early 60's }
or Air Raid Drills.Sometimes referred to as Duck & Cover.
Oh man, I have all kinds of books on weapons systems, how to make nukes, delivery systems, etc......all from standing in the hall at school or under my desk.
Perjured? When was Garland under oath?
If my memory serves me he made his white supremacist comment both publically (standing at a podium) and sitting (while questioned by congress). And has anyone ever heard him call the more radical angry fringes of the pro choice "terrorists" or "white supremicist"?
Have they heard him call them obstructionists even? Has he called them an "assault to democracy" or used the word "insurrectionists"?
If not, then there is the proof of using his position for revenge on the party that stoped him from becoming part of the SCOTUS. That going after your opposition party is no better than Saddam, Chavez, Meduro, Putin, or
Kim Jong-un.
There are many Repub voters that would not stop weapons of mass destruction detonating in blue areas by real terrorists and insurrectionists. That is telling of where America is today.
That’s sad. And they consider themselves patriots… what a joke
There are many Repub voters that would not stop weapons of mass destruction detonating in blue areas by real terrorists and insurrectionists. That is telling of where America is today.
Dude,,,,,help us out here with a link....
That’s sad. And they consider themselves patriots… what a joke
Looks like the jokes on you, pal.
He has every right to do what he is doing. Knowing him, probably has some good representation.
Do you think any past ignored/unenforced subpoena's or previous precedent could be introduced in his defense?
Yeah absolutely. Any and all rules should be enforced the same no matter who is at fault
You are wrong. The polls say differently and so do Americans. Do you know any Americans?
I know 81,000,000>74,000,000 as well.
nice to see you agree the election was stolen finally. Feel better now?

evil fks them all, demofkers.
I have said many times I voted 7 times in Georgia, 4 times in Arizona, 5 times in Wisconsin and 2 times in Michigan.
And I live in Ohio.

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