Steve Banon Declares War on GOP

We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
I call it deStarkify the Republican Party, replace the McCain, Graham and RINOS with Conservatives
For far too long, the "leadership" of the party has been allowed to set the agenda. It is for us; the constituency to determine what our party stands both for, and against. Our elected officials have grown too comfortable in their elected positions. To the point where amongst themselves they consider it "our" party. Without realization that the party belongs to the constituency; and they are merely instruments, whose sole purpose to excersize the will of said constituency.
I love this guy, and his message is spot on.

the contraction of the job market relative to the population size is changing American politics just like the Great Depression did, and Banon is merely Wave 1

Breitbart's Bannon declares war on the GOP

May GOD Bless Steve Bannon.

He is the best and he has his heart in the right place!:thup:

We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.

You guys don't know what the fuck you want. I've never seen a group of such confused right wing extremists as those of you who post here, read Breitbart, and get your "news" from your highly filtered, biased facebook feeds. Psychologists should study the Trumpsters who post here.


If you listened to what he had to say about the Democrats, you would maybe learn a thing or two, and wouldn't be so damn corrupt and bought off.

Bannon: Democrats need a civil war within their party

Bannon wants all out destruction and chaos. He's only interested in tearing things down, he has no interest in building things up. He's a total far right extremist nutjob who has serious mental issues.

That seems like an unsubstantiated statement. Perhaps you should back that up with some proof?
I love this guy, and his message is spot on.

the contraction of the job market relative to the population size is changing American politics just like the Great Depression did, and Banon is merely Wave 1

Breitbart's Bannon declares war on the GOP

You've been seriously roped a doped by Trump and Bannon. For someone who claimed to be a Nationalist, Trump sure has a lot of foreign interests.

Are you talking about the "Russian connection" again?
That is so 2016... :cuckoo::boohoo:

There are curently 2 Grand Jury's that have been assembled. Mueller has been beefing up on criminal prosecutors, money laundering experts and last week added the criminal division of the IRS--and Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
Top Criminal Expert Tapped by Robert Muller to Join Russia Investigation
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction - CNNPolitics
Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation
Robert Mueller staffing up Russia probe - CNNPolitics

And it really all started in 2015

first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret meeting at the Trump tower in June 2016.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump aids were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador, but with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

And it certainly didn't help that Trump got on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation--(right on National T.V.)--:badgrin:

This investigation is moving along a lot faster than Watergate, which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon resigned. IOW this isn't old it's just begun, and it' s not going away.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

And this is just a mini-sample of the information you haven't been paying any attention too--:badgrin:

For those interested, for more information on the Russian investigation go to this link (ignore the error message.)

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What "Russia claims"? LOL Obama assured us there was no hacking
I love this guy, and his message is spot on.

the contraction of the job market relative to the population size is changing American politics just like the Great Depression did, and Banon is merely Wave 1

Breitbart's Bannon declares war on the GOP

You've been seriously roped a doped by Trump and Bannon. For someone who claimed to be a Nationalist, Trump sure has a lot of foreign interests.

Are you talking about the "Russian connection" again?
That is so 2016... :cuckoo::boohoo:

There are curently 2 Grand Jury's that have been assembled. Mueller has been beefing up on criminal prosecutors, money laundering experts and last week added the criminal division of the IRS--and Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
Top Criminal Expert Tapped by Robert Muller to Join Russia Investigation
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction - CNNPolitics
Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation
Robert Mueller staffing up Russia probe - CNNPolitics

And it really all started in 2015

first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret meeting at the Trump tower in June 2016.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump aids were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador, but with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

And it certainly didn't help that Trump got on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation--(right on National T.V.)--:badgrin:

This investigation is moving along a lot faster than Watergate, which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon resigned. IOW this isn't old it's just begun, and it' s not going away.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

And this is just a mini-sample of the information you haven't been paying any attention too--:badgrin:

For those interested, for more information on the Russian investigation go to this link (ignore the error message.)

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The idea that Americans need to return to the isolationist policies of 100+ years ago is ludicrous. It's also not possible to do so. As long as American corporations are doing business all over the world, it's not possible to withdraw from the global economy and restrict those corporations to "America first".

In 1917, the US population was a little over 107 million people. There's more than three times that number today. And the same policies which gave rise to American business, also lead to the stock market crash and the Great Depression.

What made America the richest country in the world wasn't isolatipnism, it was globalism. It was supplying the Allies in WWII, and keeping them supplied while they rebuilt Europe after the war. It was trade unions that built the middle class. All of the things that Republicans hate, made America great.

You can never return to the past. Everything is different today. Things are very different from when I grew up in the 1950's. To suggest going backwards is simplifying the obvious. What worked then will not work today. The technology, communications and business methods of the early 20th century are archaic by today's standards. How we interact and view other countries and cultures has evolved. Too much has changed, including the people and what they expect.

This interview wasn't what I expected at all. Bannon is longing for a past that never was and willing to destroy America's future to achieve it.

You're positively ancient yet delude yourself into thinking you understand the modern age. Every system you claim as a benefit to America is extremely outdated and considering the state of things today, they've caused more harm than good. WWII, trade about living in the past. As for globalism, who other than giant multinational corporations does that system benefit? Sorry but it's about time you old fogies relinquish control to people who aren't completely out of touch with reality.
No doubt, The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism.

Nationalism is not wrong or bad

Globalism is

Globalism is the end of all that we know as culture and society and tradition.... and it's poison.

Globalism will not succeed, thanks GOD.

Globalism has already succeeded. The world is a much smaller place than it was 50 years ago, everything travels faster.

Notice that Donald Trump didn't even put the properties he owns around the world into a blind trust, much less divest himself of his international holdings. That's globalization.

His Mar-a-lago golf club. applied for H1N1 visas to bring in foreign workers to fill jobs that should have gone to Americans. Jobs as maids or cooks. What he's saying is there is no one in Florida qualified to clean his hotel rooms or cook food at his hotel. His clothing is manufactured in China, his ties are made in Mexico. That's globalization.

If your own President isn't putting America First, what makes you think other American businesses will divest themselves of their international holdings and stop globalization.

That is what Bannon is saying he wants to do. That Americans need to get out of other countries and take care of Americans first. But as long as "American Interests" include American owned companies and property in foreign countries, the American economy is a globalized economy. As long as companies like Walmart, McDonalds, Marshalls, General Motors, and on and on, own stores, factories, and businesses in foreign countries, the US is involved in globalization.
Only a fool would divest and or put holdings into a blind trust, it's just like throwing everything away for no reason.
What he does with his businesses is his offices certainly no one else's business… but What do you expect from a control freak like yourself.

Well I guess that makes 44 other US Presidents "fools" because each and every one of them did it, including W. Cheney and Rumsfeld refused to do it, but W did. There's also governmental ethics and conflict of interest rules and regulations which Trump has flouted since day one.

But what would a Russian troll farmer know about ethics, eh Ivan?
The idea that Americans need to return to the isolationist policies of 100+ years ago is ludicrous. It's also not possible to do so. As long as American corporations are doing business all over the world, it's not possible to withdraw from the global economy and restrict those corporations to "America first".

In 1917, the US population was a little over 107 million people. There's more than three times that number today. And the same policies which gave rise to American business, also lead to the stock market crash and the Great Depression.

What made America the richest country in the world wasn't isolatipnism, it was globalism. It was supplying the Allies in WWII, and keeping them supplied while they rebuilt Europe after the war. It was trade unions that built the middle class. All of the things that Republicans hate, made America great.

You can never return to the past. Everything is different today. Things are very different from when I grew up in the 1950's. To suggest going backwards is simplifying the obvious. What worked then will not work today. The technology, communications and business methods of the early 20th century are archaic by today's standards. How we interact and view other countries and cultures has evolved. Too much has changed, including the people and what they expect.

This interview wasn't what I expected at all. Bannon is longing for a past that never was and willing to destroy America's future to achieve it.
Globalism is what destroyed this country, that's the reason why we are broke.
We can't afford to pay for other peoples shit…
You do realize that the federal government and the country or not one in the same?
The collective/socialism/progressivism/globalism are the sworn enemies of any sort of freedom and individuality. Why don't you just keep socialist Europe to yourselves? And pay for your own defense for once… LOL

Oh stop pretending you have a clue about "globalism"'

If you did, you would not have voted for pino trump.

As always, I urge you trumpanzees to click on the jobs link in my sig but your won't.

And Bannon is pure fascist nazi.
Actually I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd.
Bannon is not a progressive/socialist that's what Nazis are… Fact

You didn't vote for Trump because you're a Russian troll farm employee who has 30,000 posts in less than 2 years. I caught you lying in other threads and called you out.

You claim to live in North Dakota but we figured out that was a lie.

Every post you make suggests new and better ways to undermine the US.
I thought he said he lives in Montana.....when he was bragging about surviving blizzards worse than hurricanes.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
Start by getting rid of every single career politician, anything else is moot...

I'm sure Putin would like that Ivan, but it's not going to happen. Career politicians aren't the problem. Governments need people running them who know how the system works.

No successful company fired their most experienced executives and brings in all new people every couple of years. It takes too long to train them and get them to the point where they function efficiently.

Money in politics is the problem.

No, because the system is filled with corruption and needs to be purged.
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We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
Start by getting rid of every single career politician, anything else is moot...

I'm sure Putin would like that Ivan, but it's not going to happen. Career politicians aren't the problem. Governments need people running them who know how the system works.

No successful company fired their most experienced executives and brings in all new people every couple of years. It takes too long to train them and get them to the point where they function efficiently.

Money in politics is the problem.

No, because the system is filled with corruption and needs to be purged.

The source of the corruption is money. Get rid of the money from lobbyists and PAC's and the corruption ends.

It takes millions of dollars to run for office. And millions more to get re-elected. As long as this is true, politicians will be corrupted.

If political campaigns has strict spending limits, if PAC's were outlawed and candidates were funded by taxpayers instead of special interests, the corruption would be all but eliminated.

By allowing the current system to continue, the corruption will never end. You'll just have new players ever few years. Corruption is the symptom, not the cause.

If you have a brain tumour, you cut it out. You don't take pills to stop the pain and say you dealt with it. That's what you're proposing.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
Start by getting rid of every single career politician, anything else is moot...

I'm sure Putin would like that Ivan, but it's not going to happen. Career politicians aren't the problem. Governments need people running them who know how the system works.

No successful company fired their most experienced executives and brings in all new people every couple of years. It takes too long to train them and get them to the point where they function efficiently.

Money in politics is the problem.

No, because the system is filled with corruption and needs to be purged.

The source of the corruption is money. Get rid of the money from lobbyists and PAC's and the corruption ends.

It takes millions of dollars to run for office. And millions more to get re-elected. As long as this is true, politicians will be corrupted.

If political campaigns has strict spending limits, if PAC's were outlawed and candidates were funded by taxpayers instead of special interests, the corruption would be all but eliminated.

By allowing the current system to continue, the corruption will never end. You'll just have new players ever few years. Corruption is the symptom, not the cause.

If you have a brain tumour, you cut it out. You don't take pills to stop the pain and say you dealt with it. That's what you're proposing.

That's not what I'm proposing. I actually agree with eliminating PACs, lobbyists, and serving only one term.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
Go for it. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to primary some gopers.

It strikes me as curious that Trump would think he can pass any legislation with this agenda, though
I call it deStarkify the Republican Party, replace the McCain, Graham and RINOS with Conservatives

I dont think it wise to replace all principled moderates with ideological conservatives.

The opportunistic RINOs that simply go with the direction given them by the Corporate Crony Network, sure, but not more principled moderates as the GOP needs them for the purpose of internal sanity checks.
Bannon wants all out destruction and chaos. He's only interested in tearing things down, he has no interest in building things up. He's a total far right extremist nutjob who has serious mental issues.
That seems like an unsubstantiated statement. Perhaps you should back that up with some proof?
Are you serious, asking a libtard for proof of anything?
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
Start by getting rid of every single career politician, anything else is moot...

I'm sure Putin would like that Ivan, but it's not going to happen. Career politicians aren't the problem. Governments need people running them who know how the system works.

No successful company fired their most experienced executives and brings in all new people every couple of years. It takes too long to train them and get them to the point where they function efficiently.

Money in politics is the problem.

No, because the system is filled with corruption and needs to be purged.

The source of the corruption is money. Get rid of the money from lobbyists and PAC's and the corruption ends.

It takes millions of dollars to run for office. And millions more to get re-elected. As long as this is true, politicians will be corrupted.

If political campaigns has strict spending limits, if PAC's were outlawed and candidates were funded by taxpayers instead of special interests, the corruption would be all but eliminated.

By allowing the current system to continue, the corruption will never end. You'll just have new players ever few years. Corruption is the symptom, not the cause.

If you have a brain tumour, you cut it out. You don't take pills to stop the pain and say you dealt with it. That's what you're proposing.

That's not what I'm proposing. I actually agree with eliminating PACs, lobbyists, and serving only one term.

No successful operation gets rid of its most experienced employees every 2 years and stays in business for very long. The MOST successful, efficient operations are the ones who retain their skilled employees and utilize their skills properly. The longer you work at a job, the better you get at doing it. This is especially true in government.

You have a President with no government experience at all, and he's a total mess. Imagine if all of the Senate and Congress were just like Trump - incompetent, chaotic and dysfunctional, getting absolutely nothing done.
Hell why bother to tell people uou are putting them on ignore. Who would care?
The purpose of stating that they are on ignore is more for other readers benefit when they see you do not respond to whatever the trolling douche says afterwards.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
I call it deStarkify the Republican Party, replace the McCain, Graham and RINOS with Conservatives
For far too long, the "leadership" of the party has been allowed to set the agenda. It is for us; the constituency to determine what our party stands both for, and against. Our elected officials have grown too comfortable in their elected positions. To the point where amongst themselves they consider it "our" party. Without realization that the party belongs to the constituency; and they are merely instruments, whose sole purpose to excersize the will of said constituency.

Not true. If that were true then the founding fathers would have established a direct democracy rather than a constitutional republic. The House was established as the people's House. They were supposed to be more sensitive to the will of the people. However the Senate was established to slow things down. The founding fathers recognized the fact that the people were not always right because they may not have all the facts, they may be conned by a slick con-artist for example.

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