Steve Banon Declares War on GOP

The Republican Party isn't one party. It's a coalition of groups with wildly differing interests, each with its own agenda, and few areas of agreement, other than being opposed to Democrats.

Wall Street wants globalization. Blue collar Republicans want to end globalization. The Religious Right wants their version of Christian principles, and libertarians want none of it. Hawks want an aggressive foreign policy. Nationalists want isolationism.

Unless Republican can agree on what they want, they won't get anything done and Trump is incapable of either uniting them or leading them.

A man who has always run a family owned company and has never had to answer to anyone but himself or do anything but issue orders, is a poor choice for President. He has no skills and he's too old to change his ways.

So far the country is being run on Obsma's policies and budget but when the budget runs out and Republicans are on their own policies, good luck with that.
As flawed as Donald Trump is he is much better than the alternative, plus he's a bull in a China shop... The more damage he does to the federal government the better for the country....
rusty you gotta be kidding The f-er and his family are a disaster waiting to happen
They are a disaster happening. LOL

Rustic is not entirely wrong. While we have ALWAYS had career politicbureaucracyians, and that did not work out too badly (see eg John Quincy Adams or William Taft), and while we've always had some sort of spoils system or entrenched bureaucracy, the lion's share of the federal budget is not entitlements and a defense department that is insatiable. I disagree with Rustic that those changes are the end of the Republic, and there are other Republics functioning quite well despite entrenched public entitlements, and it's difficult to ignore that we do have real enemies out there.

The problem is not so much the federal govt but an unwillingness, or inability, to compromise on some fairly easy issues, like raising a $1 in taxes while cutting entitlement growth by $3. You do that, the budget balances. And, it seems to me the refusal to compromise is more on the gop than dems ... or it was until Sanders, and Trump is just incompetent and an example of why we should never elect a potus who has not at least served as a governor or two term congresscritter.

And there are plenty of guys like that. Bob Corker is a two term senator and anything but a "career pol."
I don't know how one half of one party expects to gain enough power to push things its way.
Well the Marxists did it in the Democratic Party and do not have even half the rank and file.

This is elites vrs rank and file in BOTH parties. Special interests groups almost 100% of the time work for the elites.

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