Steve Banon Declares War on GOP

One GOP Congresscritter agrees with Banon; well I guess we know who gets redistricted in 2020 in Floriduh.

DeSantis: 'A Lot of Merit' to Bannon's Claim About GOP Establishment | LifeZette

He is so wrong on many counts. Trump was not elected on issues. He was elected because he was not Clinton. Trump has no mandate as he ran on no issues. Reagan ran on cutting taxes and strengthening the military. He had a mandate and even with that mandate, it took time and patience to pass his agenda. No one is overturning the results of any election. It is Trump supporters who are doing that by claiming a mandate that does not exist.

Trump is also contributing to the swamp. He has just restocked it. He has a head of the EPA who took contributions from affected industries and then went to court on behalf of those industries. Numerous lobbyists have been appointed to oversee the areas they lobbied for private companies. Trump's businesses do business with foreign governments.

Trump is doing the same thing. He holds a pep rally when the House passes a healthcare bill and then 2 weeks later calls it mean. He surrendered to Pelosi and Schumer because he wanted good publicity.

This guy is a typical Trump supporter. When RINOs do something, he criticizes them. When Trump does it, silence.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
I call it deStarkify the Republican Party, replace the McCain, Graham and RINOS with Conservatives
For far too long, the "leadership" of the party has been allowed to set the agenda. It is for us; the constituency to determine what our party stands both for, and against. Our elected officials have grown too comfortable in their elected positions. To the point where amongst themselves they consider it "our" party. Without realization that the party belongs to the constituency; and they are merely instruments, whose sole purpose to excersize the will of said constituency.

Not true. If that were true then the founding fathers would have established a direct democracy rather than a constitutional republic. The House was established as the people's House. They were supposed to be more sensitive to the will of the people. However the Senate was established to slow things down. The founding fathers recognized the fact that the people were not always right because they may not have all the facts, they may be conned by a slick con-artist for example.

Well, thankfully, the People rejected slick con artist Hillary
The Republican Party isn't one party. It's a coalition of groups with wildly differing interests, each with its own agenda, and few areas of agreement, other than being opposed to Democrats.

Wall Street wants globalization. Blue collar Republicans want to end globalization. The Religious Right wants their version of Christian principles, and libertarians want none of it. Hawks want an aggressive foreign policy. Nationalists want isolationism.

Unless Republican can agree on what they want, they won't get anything done and Trump is incapable of either uniting them or leading them.

A man who has always run a family owned company and has never had to answer to anyone but himself or do anything but issue orders, is a poor choice for President. He has no skills and he's too old to change his ways.

So far the country is being run on Obsma's policies and budget but when the budget runs out and Republicans are on their own policies, good luck with that.
One GOP Congresscritter agrees with Banon; well I guess we know who gets redistricted in 2020 in Floriduh.

DeSantis: 'A Lot of Merit' to Bannon's Claim About GOP Establishment | LifeZette

He is so wrong on many counts. Trump was not elected on issues. He was elected because he was not Clinton. Trump has no mandate as he ran on no issues. Reagan ran on cutting taxes and strengthening the military. He had a mandate and even with that mandate, it took time and patience to pass his agenda. No one is overturning the results of any election. It is Trump supporters who are doing that by claiming a mandate that does not exist.

Trump is also contributing to the swamp. He has just restocked it. He has a head of the EPA who took contributions from affected industries and then went to court on behalf of those industries. Numerous lobbyists have been appointed to oversee the areas they lobbied for private companies. Trump's businesses do business with foreign governments.

Trump is doing the same thing. He holds a pep rally when the House passes a healthcare bill and then 2 weeks later calls it mean. He surrendered to Pelosi and Schumer because he wanted good publicity.

This guy is a typical Trump supporter. When RINOs do something, he criticizes them. When Trump does it, silence.
does that really matter today? The folks who voted for him are the people Bannon stated. right?
I grow more convinced that the present political system is broken beyond repair and we need two generations under anarchy. Sometimes broken isn't repairable without total demolition.
Start by getting rid of every single career politician, anything else is moot...

I'm sure Putin would like that Ivan, but it's not going to happen. Career politicians aren't the problem. Governments need people running them who know how the system works.

No successful company fired their most experienced executives and brings in all new people every couple of years. It takes too long to train them and get them to the point where they function efficiently.

Money in politics is the problem.

No, because the system is filled with corruption and needs to be purged.

The source of the corruption is money. Get rid of the money from lobbyists and PAC's and the corruption ends.

It takes millions of dollars to run for office. And millions more to get re-elected. As long as this is true, politicians will be corrupted.

If political campaigns has strict spending limits, if PAC's were outlawed and candidates were funded by taxpayers instead of special interests, the corruption would be all but eliminated.

By allowing the current system to continue, the corruption will never end. You'll just have new players ever few years. Corruption is the symptom, not the cause.

If you have a brain tumour, you cut it out. You don't take pills to stop the pain and say you dealt with it. That's what you're proposing.

That's not what I'm proposing. I actually agree with eliminating PACs, lobbyists, and serving only one term.

No successful operation gets rid of its most experienced employees every 2 years and stays in business for very long. The MOST successful, efficient operations are the ones who retain their skilled employees and utilize their skills properly. The longer you work at a job, the better you get at doing it. This is especially true in government.

You have a President with no government experience at all, and he's a total mess. Imagine if all of the Senate and Congress were just like Trump - incompetent, chaotic and dysfunctional, getting absolutely nothing done.

It worked fine when congress and the senate were leaving after one or two terms. We don't want experienced people who are in there greasing their bank accounts with so many connections. Total mess? O gave us obamacare and its imploding. I'd rather a president get rid of laws than waste our time giving us worthless laws that fleece everyone. I don't have to imagine how incompetent they are. Look how many wars and debt they have brought us over the last 16 years.
The idea that Americans need to return to the isolationist policies of 100+ years ago is ludicrous. It's also not possible to do so. As long as American corporations are doing business all over the world, it's not possible to withdraw from the global economy and restrict those corporations to "America first".

In 1917, the US population was a little over 107 million people. There's more than three times that number today. And the same policies which gave rise to American business, also lead to the stock market crash and the Great Depression.

What made America the richest country in the world wasn't isolatipnism, it was globalism. It was supplying the Allies in WWII, and keeping them supplied while they rebuilt Europe after the war. It was trade unions that built the middle class. All of the things that Republicans hate, made America great.

You can never return to the past. Everything is different today. Things are very different from when I grew up in the 1950's. To suggest going backwards is simplifying the obvious. What worked then will not work today. The technology, communications and business methods of the early 20th century are archaic by today's standards. How we interact and view other countries and cultures has evolved. Too much has changed, including the people and what they expect.

This interview wasn't what I expected at all. Bannon is longing for a past that never was and willing to destroy America's future to achieve it.
The empire must rule for the benefit of the Oligarchy and to the detriment of the American people.

I think that the time Bannon wants to return to was a more of an oligarchy than what we see today. Trump isn't doing one single thing to change the status quo.

Why would a man obsessed with wealth and power change the system under which he achieved wealth and power? He appointed other oligarchs to his cabinet and they've done nothing to change the status quo.

Trump's proposed tax cuts will primarily benefit the wealthy. They'll do nothing for the poor, and very little for the middle class.
No. That makes no sense as it relates to Bannon. He wanted to change the status quo of control by Oligarchs.

You may right about Trump, but Hillary is tens times worse.
I love this guy, and his message is spot on.

the contraction of the job market relative to the population size is changing American politics just like the Great Depression did, and Banon is merely Wave 1

Breitbart's Bannon declares war on the GOP

May GOD Bless Steve Bannon.

He is the best and he has his heart in the right place!:thup:

We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.

You guys don't know what the fuck you want. I've never seen a group of such confused right wing extremists as those of you who post here, read Breitbart, and get your "news" from your highly filtered, biased facebook feeds. Psychologists should study the Trumpsters who post here.


If you listened to what he had to say about the Democrats, you would maybe learn a thing or two, and wouldn't be so damn corrupt and bought off.

Bannon: Democrats need a civil war within their party

Bannon wants all out destruction and chaos. He's only interested in tearing things down, he has no interest in building things up. He's a total far right extremist nutjob who has serious mental issues.

That seems like an unsubstantiated statement. Perhaps you should back that up with some proof?

Straight from the horses mouth:

“I’m a Leninist,” Steve Bannon told a writer for The Daily Beast, in late 2013. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

Steve Bannon Will Lead Trump’s White House

And as we learned from this 60 minutes interview, he wants to destroy the GOP as well. He also wants to destroy the democrat party, or thinks it should be destroyed from within. All he wants is destruction. He's a weird guy with emotional problems.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
Start by getting rid of every single career politician, anything else is moot...

I'm sure Putin would like that Ivan, but it's not going to happen. Career politicians aren't the problem. Governments need people running them who know how the system works.

No successful company fired their most experienced executives and brings in all new people every couple of years. It takes too long to train them and get them to the point where they function efficiently.

Money in politics is the problem.

Yes we saw that with Clinton and the pay for play, all the insider trading done with the far left politics and their big donors as they made millions off failing companies and as they ruined lives!
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
As I listened to Trump's speech today while he slathered praise all over the troops he and his sons opted not to join, he spoke of the GI's dedication to bravery and promised America stands behind each and every one, and as he said that my mind added "except transgenders and gays".

As for the 'thousands of cheering Muslims', even Bannon knows that is pandering BS.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
As I listened to Trump's speech today while he slathered praise all over the troops he and his sons opted not to join, he spoke of the GI's dedication to bravery and promised America stands behind each and every one, and as he said that my mind added "except transgenders and gays".

As for the 'thousands of cheering Muslims', even Bannon knows that is pandering BS.

No you do not care for anything that is part of the far left religion, thus proving the far left hates reality!

Just like they did not see Russia as a threat until they believed Russia messed with their religion..
I'm sure Putin would like that Ivan, but it's not going to happen. Career politicians aren't the problem. Governments need people running them who know how the system works.

No successful company fired their most experienced executives and brings in all new people every couple of years. It takes too long to train them and get them to the point where they function efficiently.

Money in politics is the problem.

No, because the system is filled with corruption and needs to be purged.

The source of the corruption is money. Get rid of the money from lobbyists and PAC's and the corruption ends.

It takes millions of dollars to run for office. And millions more to get re-elected. As long as this is true, politicians will be corrupted.

If political campaigns has strict spending limits, if PAC's were outlawed and candidates were funded by taxpayers instead of special interests, the corruption would be all but eliminated.

By allowing the current system to continue, the corruption will never end. You'll just have new players ever few years. Corruption is the symptom, not the cause.

If you have a brain tumour, you cut it out. You don't take pills to stop the pain and say you dealt with it. That's what you're proposing.

That's not what I'm proposing. I actually agree with eliminating PACs, lobbyists, and serving only one term.

No successful operation gets rid of its most experienced employees every 2 years and stays in business for very long. The MOST successful, efficient operations are the ones who retain their skilled employees and utilize their skills properly. The longer you work at a job, the better you get at doing it. This is especially true in government.

You have a President with no government experience at all, and he's a total mess. Imagine if all of the Senate and Congress were just like Trump - incompetent, chaotic and dysfunctional, getting absolutely nothing done.

It worked fine when congress and the senate were leaving after one or two terms. We don't want experienced people who are in there greasing their bank accounts with so many connections. Total mess? O gave us obamacare and its imploding. I'd rather a president get rid of laws than waste our time giving us worthless laws that fleece everyone. I don't have to imagine how incompetent they are. Look how many wars and debt they have brought us over the last 16 years.

The Congress and Senate have never left after one or two terms. not in my lifetime. That's a total fallacy.

Obama didn't start new wars and Trump is still trying to clean up the mess Bush made of his wars and the power vacuums he created.

The Middle East has been a quagmire since Roman times and still nations go there and get caught in the quicksand. It's insanity.

I'm a firm believer in leaving them to their own devices and letting them destroy one another for fun and profit, but the US owns all those oil refineries and gotta protect those US interests.

Canada has pretty much kept out of other people's messes and our entire nation is better off for it. We spend our tax dollars on ourselves and not blowing up other countries. Total waste of money. As an added bonus, terrorist attacks haven't been a problem.

American Conservatives are the worst. They're not content with fucking up their own country, they have to spread their joy and their weapons around the world.
We voters need to purge the Republican party. Remove all the disobedient servants. Rebuild it in our image, and with the intent of pushing through the agenda that we voted for when we made Donald Trump President.
As I listened to Trump's speech today while he slathered praise all over the troops he and his sons opted not to join, he spoke of the GI's dedication to bravery and promised America stands behind each and every one, and as he said that my mind added "except transgenders and gays".

As for the 'thousands of cheering Muslims', even Bannon knows that is pandering BS.

No you do not care for anything that is part of the far left religion, thus proving the far left hates reality!

Just like they did not see Russia as a threat until they believed Russia messed with their religion..
Sorry Kosh My post speaks for itself
The Republican Party isn't one party. It's a coalition of groups with wildly differing interests, each with its own agenda, and few areas of agreement, other than being opposed to Democrats.

Wall Street wants globalization. Blue collar Republicans want to end globalization. The Religious Right wants their version of Christian principles, and libertarians want none of it. Hawks want an aggressive foreign policy. Nationalists want isolationism.

Unless Republican can agree on what they want, they won't get anything done and Trump is incapable of either uniting them or leading them.

A man who has always run a family owned company and has never had to answer to anyone but himself or do anything but issue orders, is a poor choice for President. He has no skills and he's too old to change his ways.

So far the country is being run on Obsma's policies and budget but when the budget runs out and Republicans are on their own policies, good luck with that.
As flawed as Donald Trump is he is much better than the alternative, plus he's a bull in a China shop... The more damage he does to the federal government the better for the country....
No, because the system is filled with corruption and needs to be purged.

The source of the corruption is money. Get rid of the money from lobbyists and PAC's and the corruption ends.

It takes millions of dollars to run for office. And millions more to get re-elected. As long as this is true, politicians will be corrupted.

If political campaigns has strict spending limits, if PAC's were outlawed and candidates were funded by taxpayers instead of special interests, the corruption would be all but eliminated.

By allowing the current system to continue, the corruption will never end. You'll just have new players ever few years. Corruption is the symptom, not the cause.

If you have a brain tumour, you cut it out. You don't take pills to stop the pain and say you dealt with it. That's what you're proposing.

That's not what I'm proposing. I actually agree with eliminating PACs, lobbyists, and serving only one term.

No successful operation gets rid of its most experienced employees every 2 years and stays in business for very long. The MOST successful, efficient operations are the ones who retain their skilled employees and utilize their skills properly. The longer you work at a job, the better you get at doing it. This is especially true in government.

You have a President with no government experience at all, and he's a total mess. Imagine if all of the Senate and Congress were just like Trump - incompetent, chaotic and dysfunctional, getting absolutely nothing done.

It worked fine when congress and the senate were leaving after one or two terms. We don't want experienced people who are in there greasing their bank accounts with so many connections. Total mess? O gave us obamacare and its imploding. I'd rather a president get rid of laws than waste our time giving us worthless laws that fleece everyone. I don't have to imagine how incompetent they are. Look how many wars and debt they have brought us over the last 16 years.

The Congress and Senate have never left after one or two terms. not in my lifetime. That's a total fallacy.

Obama didn't start new wars and Trump is still trying to clean up the mess Bush made of his wars and the power vacuums he created.

The Middle East has been a quagmire since Roman times and still nations go there and get caught in the quicksand. It's insanity.

I'm a firm believer in leaving them to their own devices and letting them destroy one another for fun and profit, but the US owns all those oil refineries and gotta protect those US interests.

Canada has pretty much kept out of other people's messes and our entire nation is better off for it. We spend our tax dollars on ourselves and not blowing up other countries. Total waste of money. As an added bonus, terrorist attacks haven't been a problem.

American Conservatives are the worst. They're not content with fucking up their own country, they have to spread their joy and their weapons around the world.
You are forgetting this is supposed to be a republic, not a shit eating democracy. Everyone should look out for themselves…
The best start this country can make for changing things is to make all federal electioned offices single term limits and those politicians have to work real jobs... back in their districts.
The Republican Party isn't one party. It's a coalition of groups with wildly differing interests, each with its own agenda, and few areas of agreement, other than being opposed to Democrats.

Wall Street wants globalization. Blue collar Republicans want to end globalization. The Religious Right wants their version of Christian principles, and libertarians want none of it. Hawks want an aggressive foreign policy. Nationalists want isolationism.

Unless Republican can agree on what they want, they won't get anything done and Trump is incapable of either uniting them or leading them.

A man who has always run a family owned company and has never had to answer to anyone but himself or do anything but issue orders, is a poor choice for President. He has no skills and he's too old to change his ways.

So far the country is being run on Obsma's policies and budget but when the budget runs out and Republicans are on their own policies, good luck with that.
As flawed as Donald Trump is he is much better than the alternative, plus he's a bull in a China shop... The more damage he does to the federal government the better for the country....

Whose country? Yours? Yes I agree that fucking up the US is a huge help to Russia but Americans won't let him continue to destroy things for long.

Trump has to produce and soon. His base is dwindling. He promised a lot and delivered nothing. No wall, job creation is slowing. No healthcare reform. No tax cuts. No "lock her up". China is still a preferred trading partner. The deficit is about to balloon, and America's allies are bailing on them.

As a Russian, I'm sure you think this is all fine and dandy but Americans will toss Republicans out of the Senate and the House unless Trump starts delivering.
The Republican Party isn't one party. It's a coalition of groups with wildly differing interests, each with its own agenda, and few areas of agreement, other than being opposed to Democrats.

Wall Street wants globalization. Blue collar Republicans want to end globalization. The Religious Right wants their version of Christian principles, and libertarians want none of it. Hawks want an aggressive foreign policy. Nationalists want isolationism.

Unless Republican can agree on what they want, they won't get anything done and Trump is incapable of either uniting them or leading them.

A man who has always run a family owned company and has never had to answer to anyone but himself or do anything but issue orders, is a poor choice for President. He has no skills and he's too old to change his ways.

So far the country is being run on Obsma's policies and budget but when the budget runs out and Republicans are on their own policies, good luck with that.
As flawed as Donald Trump is he is much better than the alternative, plus he's a bull in a China shop... The more damage he does to the federal government the better for the country....

Whose country? Yours? Yes I agree that fucking up the US is a huge help to Russia but Americans won't let him continue to destroy things for long.

Trump has to produce and soon. His base is dwindling. He promised a lot and delivered nothing. No wall, job creation is slowing. No healthcare reform. No tax cuts. No "lock her up". China is still a preferred trading partner. The deficit is about to balloon, and America's allies are bailing on them.

As a Russian, I'm sure you think this is all fine and dandy but Americans will toss Republicans out of the Senate and the House unless Trump starts delivering.
Yes, I continue to bleach my servers…;)

Only a fool thinks that the federal government and the country are one in the same… The federal government is like a parasite it feeds off the discontent of the progressive voter and And the money of the conservative, pitting the two against each other causing waves of discontent and content…
Getting rid of the career politicians would eventually destroy the deep state… Then the country can have their country back again.
The Republican Party isn't one party. It's a coalition of groups with wildly differing interests, each with its own agenda, and few areas of agreement, other than being opposed to Democrats.

Wall Street wants globalization. Blue collar Republicans want to end globalization. The Religious Right wants their version of Christian principles, and libertarians want none of it. Hawks want an aggressive foreign policy. Nationalists want isolationism.

Unless Republican can agree on what they want, they won't get anything done and Trump is incapable of either uniting them or leading them.

A man who has always run a family owned company and has never had to answer to anyone but himself or do anything but issue orders, is a poor choice for President. He has no skills and he's too old to change his ways.

So far the country is being run on Obsma's policies and budget but when the budget runs out and Republicans are on their own policies, good luck with that.
As flawed as Donald Trump is he is much better than the alternative, plus he's a bull in a China shop... The more damage he does to the federal government the better for the country....
rusty you gotta be kidding The f-er and his family are a disaster waiting to happen

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